fry (4)

EMP Destroyed Implant

 I may have fried my implant. Using an EMP I made with information here: ; .  It's been a couple days. There are D.E.W's in my place so I am still being targeted. The discomfort is lessened though and I have no targeting outside my neighbourhood. My process was to put on my plastic based toque/beanie and place the coil over top. I then put aluminum foil over that to concentrate the EMP. I believe it fried the implant. The Lord told me to tell you this. I'm not always able to post on here. Try it out. I am in danger already, so be prepared should you do this. You may be in danger for destroying your implant. It's only been two days so still not sure if it worked or the perps are playing games. Worth a try at least.

Be strong. Be love.

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EMP Device

Found an instructional to make an emp device. Doesn't seem like it would be too powerful but it's worth a try. The link:
Always check your local laws before testing an EMP device. In some parts of the world these are illegal. Be sure you're not breaking the law. The instructions are pretty straight forward. Using a disposable camera, wire and a steel rod is pretty much all you need.

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Possibly Fry Implants

There is a coronal mass ejection expected on the fifth. I plan on being outside when it hits. A CME could possibly fry my microchip implants if it is strong enough. I reccomend you do the same. This might work or may not. Something worth trying. .This is where you can check for updates on solar activity.

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I took apart my guitar amp this morning and fried the implants with the large magnet. This could work with a speaker from a large cabinet, such as from a stereo or subwoofer. This seems to have helped. Give it a try. Also some shieldibg, polyester fabric seems to be able to block most frequencies. Overlapping layers is best. I use a polyester mosqueto net for my head and face.

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