happiness (1)

All of the weaknesses and addictions of men and women can be harnessed for political and financial control by the deep state who wish to enslave us.
For the past several generations weaknesses such as addictions, sexual promiscuity, eating refined sugar, getting into debt, drinking alcohol at every social gathering, gambling, over eating, stupidness, believing in superstitions and hoaxes, trying to control the behaviour of others, and many other weaknesses are being subtly encouraged by social engineers. Further to that, songs being played on main stream radio promote the anti-hero as well as promiscuous sexual behaviour, drinking alcohol and gambling. Young children are being subliminally influenced by what is being promoted on radio and television. They are being introduced into to eating vast quantities of refined sugar through promotion of trick or treating, birthday cakes, easter eggs and many other negative behaviours which have been deliberately socially engineered into societal behaviour. Eating refined sugar is the doorway to alcoholism. What can we do to put a stop to the encouragement of negative behaviours. Please do not suggest taking advice from organised religions because all organised religions encourage the subjugation of women, they endorse slavery and they curtail the ability of their followers to think clearly and freely. There is no need for the existence of organised religions. Moral law is sufficient in itself.
If you have weaknesses or chronic illnesses you can easily be controlled by others. All chronic illnesses can easily be cured by following a low to no carbohydrate diet combined with intermittent fasting and by intermittent fasting I mean eating all of your food within an eight hour window while fasting on warm water for the other sixteen hours each and every day.
We all own an equal part of this planet and all of its resources while we are alive on earth. We all have an equal say in how our planet is run. Refuse to take orders from those who have a strong need to control their own equals. Those who spend their time attempting to control the behaviour of others other than themselves eventually lose control of their own lives. They fail in gaining self-mastery over their own weaknesses because they are too busy attempting to control their own equals who they have no business controlling.
If you are currently controlled by addictions, debt, chronic illness and controlling individuals it is possible to free yourself one thing at a time. Make a list of the weak areas in your life. Make a corresponding list of easy solutions. You will arrive at a state of freedom eventually. Pleasure is the opposite to happiness. Pleasures are addictive. True happiness is becoming free of all addictions.

Children are not being given this advice.  They are being encouraged to pursue pleasure rather than happiness.  I was not given this advice by the main stream media or by the department of education when I was growing up in Ireland.   I learned it through experience.  I am now sixty one.   My name is Gretta Fahey from Claremorris, Ireland.

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