natural law (5)

Under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law on earth I own approximately one seven billionth part of planet earth by virtue of the fact that I was born into this planet and for no other reason. There are approximately seven billion men, women and children on planet earth and we own this planet equally between us. Therefore, as an equal owner of planet earth while I am alive on it under natural law, I own approximately four acres of land on planet earth and some of the seas and also some diamonds, coal, oil and all of the other resources this planet has to offer. Satanists who have either directly or indirectly created maratime and admiralty laws wish to own all the land and resources of this planet under U.N. Agenda 2030 under those laws. However, maratime and admiralty laws are not fixed and not immutable so therefore they are unlawful, which means that those Satanists who wish to own all land and resources on earth under U.N. Agenda 2030 will fail to achieve those wishes because we refuse to recognise their unlawful laws. As a part owner of planet earth, I have a right to live off its bounty so I will not be made to feel guilty because I am claiming social welfare allowance.
When hunter gatherers lived on planet earth, everyone on earth was a hunter gatherer. There were no other types of work other than being a hunter gatherer. Everyone was a hunter gatherer and everyone was equal. No hunter gatherer would ever turn to another hunter gatherer and ask them to justify why they should be allowed to live on their own planet. There were no rulers and no followers. Everyone was simply a hunter gatherer. If no one ever had to justify their existence on planet earth back in the time of hunter gatherers, why should I have to justify my existence here on planet earth now. I was given my life by my creator and not by one of the Satanists or Dark Luciferians. If my creator gave me my life then it is my life until I leave of natural causes.

Even though I don't do any official work which is recognised by the control system which is being superimposed on planet earth I do also of unofficial work of my own free will which is very very valuable to the people of the world. It is alot more valuable than the work that most other people do. I am a victim of no-touch torture which is being remotely generated by means of directed energy weapons for approximately twenty years and I write about it nearly every day. I also make videos detailing the many and various types of no-touch torture which I am being subject to. This allows others to know what capabilities no-touch torturers now have at their disposal. This also allows others to mentally prepare themselves in case they themselves ever become a victim of no-touch torture at any time in the future. I do not get paid for any of this work and I distrubute it on many platforms throughout the internet and I also send letters to the government of Ireland and the Irish main stream media about my experiences of no-touch torture on an almost weekly basis.
Those who are no-touch torturing me and their fellow criminals have embedded my brain and body with what may be nano electrodes which they use to harvest data from my brain and body to the value of two billion Euros which is then collected by other criminals who analyse it and who use it to help them create and refine the enslavement policies which they are putting in place for the rest of the men, women and children of the world. If the data which they steal from my brain and body alone is worth two billion Euros why then would they accuse me of not contributing to society which they have done.
Approximately eighty percent of the work being carried out on planet earth today is dangerous, damaging, destructive, pointless and evil. Good men build buildings and evil men then bomb them so that whole cities have to be rebuilt each new generation. Good women care for children and then those children are deliberately used in fodder for wars. Good parents attempt to teach their children to think logically and rationally and then religious leaders come along and forbid them from thinking logically so that they can be inculcated into false belief systems and locked inside mental prisons for the rest of their lives. Good men such as Maxwell Chikumbutso of Zimbabwe build free energy devices and then satanists and dark luciferians have them banned from the market place and often have the inventors murdered. Good men grow industrial hem which is the world's number one resource, capable of providing the raw material for sixty thousand different products such as animal fodder, paper, oil, furniture, fabric and many other products. Then Satanists and Luciferians come along and have it banned from the market place because they wish to deliberately engineer scarcity for the long term purposes of slowly enslaving us. No one needs to work five days per week because 80 percent of all work being carried out on earth is negative destricutive work we could easily organise ourselves so that everyone works one day per week each if we eliminate all of the negativedestructive work from the world.
My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address and current location is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My email address is


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Every adult human being has approximately thirty trillion cells in their body. Each of those approximately thirty trillion cells contain a pair of sex chromosomes which determine whether that individual is male or female. Females have two x sex chromosomes in each of the approximately thirty trillion cells throughout their bodies. Males have an x and a y sex chromosome in each of the approximately thirty trillion cells throughout their bodies.
If a male should wear a dress or ribbons in his hair he has a moral right to do so and all logical thinking human beings support his right to do so. If man made laws demand that we call him a female those man made laws are immoral and should be ignored by all logical thinking human beings.
Law makers can not make something moral or immoral simply by decreeing it so. If a law maker enacted a law stating that two plus two equals three it would never make it true. If a law maker enacted a law stating that a boy is now a girl it would never make it true.
Natural laws are laws that man did not create, which govern the manifestations that occur as the direct result of the behaviour of a human being. Natural law is the most hidden knowledge in the world and it is being kept hidden from us by dark occultists. Natural law is a knowable, testable and proveable science. We are all infolded in and surrounded by a field of intelligent energy. Our behaviours interact with this field of intelligent energy and then this field of intelligent energy will give back to us new experiences based on our past behaviour. No one on earth is exempt from Natural law.
We must learn to act in harmony with Natural Law. This is accomplished through self mastery and not through mastery over others. Human beings throughout the whole world must study the natural law principles and we must integrate them into our lives in order to bring harmony to earth. Natural law states that morals are not relative. Natural law states that morals are absolute. We must conduct our lives on the basis of objective right and wrong.
Dark occultists have introduced nano technology into our brains and bodies, some of which adhere to the neurons in our brains. They use 5G and other artificial energy fields to affect the nano technology inside our brains which in turn affects the neurons in our brains and the neuro transmitters which our brains secrete. This in turn affects our emotions, thoughts and beliefs leading many to believe what they are encouraged to believe rather than what is objectively true. Many are wrongly encouraged to believe that there is no objective truth. Many are wrongly encouraged to believe that governments have rights which they do not have. Many children are being subliminally influenced to believe that they are boys when they are girls and that they are girls when they are boys. Many government employees and others are being subliminally encouraged to totally trust in untrustworthy sources of news.
If a right does not exist by one individual over another during a one to one encounter than that right also does not exist by a government over a human being. Governments also can not grant rights to others which they do not have themselves.
In order to obtain harmony on earth we must disassemble the infrastructure which allows others to externally control our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
For further information on Natural Law please listen to the work of Mark Passio whose website is called Please listen to his podcasts number 73 to 81 which are about the topic of Natural Law.

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Every adult human being has approximately thirty trillion cells in their body. Each of those approximately thirty trillion cells contain a pair of sex chromosomes which determine whether that individual is male or female. Females have two x sex chromosomes in each of the approximately thirty trillion cells throughout their bodies. Males have an x and a y sex chromosome in each of the approximately thirty trillion cells throughout their bodies.
If a male should wear a dress or ribbons in his hair he has a moral right to do so and all logical thinking human beings support his right to do so. If man made laws demand that we call him a female those man made laws are immoral and should be ignored by all logical thinking human beings.
Law makers can not make something moral or immoral simply by decreeing it so. If a law maker enacted a law stating that two plus two equals three it would never make it true. If a law maker enacted a law stating that a boy is now a girl it would never make it true.
Natural laws are laws that man did not create, which govern the manifestations that occur as the direct result of the behaviour of a human being. Natural law is the most hidden knowledge in the world and it is being kept hidden from us by dark occultists. Natural law is a knowable, testable and proveable science. We are all infolded in and surrounded by a field of intelligent energy. Our behaviours interact with this field of intelligent energy and then this field of intelligent energy will give back to us new experiences based on our past behaviour. No one on earth is exempt from Natural law.
We must learn to act in harmony with Natural Law. This is accomplished to self mastery and not through mastery over others. Human beings throughout the whole world must study the natural law principles and we must integrate them into our lives in order to bring harmony to earth. Natural law states that morals are not relative. Natural law states that morals are absolute. We must conduct our lives on the basis of objective right and wrong.
Dark occultists have introduced nano technology into our brains and bodies, some of which adhere to the neurons in our brains. They use 5G and other artificial energy fields to affect the nano technology inside our brains which in turn affects the neurons in our brains and the neuro transmitters which our brains secrete. This in turn affects our emotions, thoughts and beliefs leading many to believe what they are encouraged to believe rather than what is objectively true. Many are wrongly encouraged to believe that there is no objective truth. Many are wrongly encouraged to believe that governments have rights which they do not have. Many children are being subliminally influenced to believe that they are boys when they are girls and that they are girls when they are boys. Many government employees and others are being subliminally encouraged to totally trust in untrustworthy sources of news.
If a right does not exist by one individual over another during a one to one encounter than that right also does not exist by a government over a human being. Governments also can not grant rights to others which they do not have themselves.
In order to obtain harmony on earth we must disassemble the infrastructure which allows others to externally control our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
For further information on Natural Law please listen to the work of Mark Passio whose website is called Please listen to his podcasts number 73 to 81 which are about the topic of Natural Law.

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Teacher Enoch Burke is in prison for refusing to call a boy a girl. Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males have an XY pair of sex chromosomes in every single cell in our bodies. If a boy decided to wear a dress and ribbons in his hair he is both morally and legally entitled to do so but he is not entitled under natural law to call himself a girl ever because in every single cell of his body there is an xy chromosome.
If a law maker enacts a law stating that two plus two equals three it would never make it true. Abdication of personal responsibility by obediently following false laws will eventually generate harsh experiences for all subservient order followers. Natural law states that morals are not relative. Natural law states that morals are absolute. Moral relativism is one of the four evil tenets of Satanism. Natural law is the only fixed and immutable law on this earth so therefore it is the only law on earth.   Natural law is a knowable, testable and proveable science.
You must stand up for the truth which is that men are men and women are women. A teacher from Castlebar, County Mayo in the Republic of Ireland called Enoch Burke is a hero for aligning with his own conscience and for refusing to adopt a poisoned world view mindset which is based on Satanic principles. Our rights are inherent. They are granted by creation itself. They are a birthright which we have that can never be separated from us. They are unalienable. They can not be made foreign to us. Our rights can not be taken from us regardless of what anything scribbled down in a law book may happen to say or regardless of any claims which might be made by people who think that they are God in this world, and can take whatever power that their ability to wage violence affords them.

Please read the news article included herebelow which is taken from and which is called "Teacher Enoch Burke spent his first night in custody isolated from general prison population"

Enoch Burke is brought into the Four Courts by gardaí, accompanied by his father, Sean Burke (left). Photo: Collins Courts
Robin Schiller, Shane Phelan and Aodhan O’Faolain

September 06 2022 06:30 PM

Teacher Enoch Burke, jailed for contempt of court stemming from a school transgender row, spent his first night in custody isolated from the general prison population.

Burke was committed to Mountjoy prison in Dublin yesterday by order of a High Court judge.

The initial stages of his incarceration will be spent in the jail's C-Base where all newly committed prisoners are placed on their arrival to undergo a standard risk assessment.

As part of measures introduced by the prison service to prevent the spread of Covid-19, all new committals are also swabbed following their arrival and isolated until testing negative.

It means that Mr Burke will not mix with the general prison population until a negative test for Covid-19 is returned, as is standard practice, if he remains in custody.

Mr Justice Michael Quinn has the schoolteacher will remain incarcerated until he purges his contempt of court and agrees to comply with the injunction secured by the school.


Burke has been committed to Mountjoy Prison for contempt of court after telling a judge he would not abide by a court order restraining him from attending for work while suspended, claiming that to do so would violate his religious beliefs.

The schoolteacher opposed an application from Wilson’s Hospital School for his imprisonment, saying: “I love my school. I am here today because I would not call a boy a girl.”

He told Mr Justice Michael Quinn: “It is not something I will do. It is in violation of my conscience.”

The evangelical Christian was suspended on full pay on August 24 pending the outcome of a disciplinary process after clashing with the school’s principal and board of management over a request that teachers address a transgender student by a new name and use the pronoun “they” instead of “he”.

However, he continued to turn up for work, prompting the Church of Ireland diocesan boarding school to seek and secure an interlocutory injunction from Ms Justice Siobhan Stack last Wednesday restraining him from coming to its premises in Multyfarmham, Co Westmeath until September 7.

Despite this order, he continued to come to the school each morning. This led to a further application from the board of management, and Ms Justice Miriam O’Regan ordered on Friday that Mr Burke be arrested and brought before the court.

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Hierarchies are always out of alignment with natural law. Natural law is the only fixed and immutable law on earth. It demands that we all take one hundred percent responsibility for our own lives and it also demands that we have one hundred percent freedom to make all of our own decisions freely according to our own conscience.
Hierarchies are out of alignment with natural law. They require us to unquestioningly and subserviently follow the dictates of a leader and never to use our own conscience. Hierarchies are always evil. There is no good hierarchy. Therefore all organised religions are evil because they do not allow us to follow the dictates of our own conscience. You must abide by moral law which is natural law but you must never join any organised religion whatsoever. If you do unquestioningly follow the dictates of an organised religion or a government unquestioningly and obediently then you are breaking moral law which is also known as natural law and you will be severely punished in the fullness of time.
Under natural law everyone is equal and they are treated equally and with equal respect. Society is organised around a system of rules without rulers, which is a linear based self-regulating system. No one needs rulers but we need rules which are based on moral law which is also known as natural. Under such a system where there are no rulers we would not need to own possessions and instead we could easily share them because we would be at ease in the knowledge that on one could ban us from having access to those material possessions ever because of the fact that on one ruled over us and no one would ever be allowed to rule over us. We only have a desire to own material possessions rather than simply share them because we are fully aware that within a hierarchy if we dont own our material possessions then some megalomaniac ruler or rulers would ban us from accessing material possessions if we were not obedient to him or to them.
Hierarchies are kept in place by means of fear and covert violence. Hierarchies require than everyone inside a hierarchy must be very afraid of those higher up than them in their heirarchy at all times. If they are not afraid of those further up the hierarchy then they will challenge them. Hierarchies require that those at the top of the heirarchy have more possessions and privaledges than those at the bottom. In order to keep a heirarchy in place, those at the bottom of the heirarchy must be empoverished, uninformed, disempowered and frightened and those at the top of a heirarchy must be powerful, priviledged, wealthy and informed. Social controllers always use uniforms, titles, credentials, possessions and opulent surroundings to create hierarchies. They use the main stream media to push the false notion that some human beings are superior to others. They sometimes demand that those at the bottom of hierarchies grovel, bow and curtesy and kiss the rings of those at the top.
When I was growing up in Rural Ireland in the 1960's I often wondered why I and my fellow school children were kept in a state of intense fear at all times while at school. I often wondered why our teachers were supplied with canes and instructed to hit us with those canes frequently. I often wondered why those teachers were encouraged to shout and scream at us and to criticize us in front of our class mates whenever they wished. I am not blaming them. I am blaming those social controllers who organised the social heirarchy within the cathloic church in Ireland and who knew that in order to maintain any hierarchy, those at the bottom must be rigid with fear at all times so that they would never question the actions of those higher up the heirarchy than them and that they would also never question what they were taught. I now understand heirarchies and exactly how evil they are and how they are maintained from generation to generation.
Psychopaths always rise to the top of hierarchies because they are prepared to murder anyone who stands in their way of getting to a place of money, power and privaledge.
The reason that school children are no longer being beaten with canes by their teachers is because school children are now under a covert form of control which is known as remote neural manipulation. Their bodies and brains have become saturated with graphene oxide nano technology and with hydrogel. These ingredients turn each child into a transmitter and receiver of information. Their brains and bodies are being harvested for data while they are close to smart street lighting and microwave transmitters and other antenna during the school day. Subliminal messages are also being transmitted to them which convinces them that they are inferior to those at the top of hierarchies and should never challenge them ever. However, there are various substances they can take in order to eliminate the nano technology out of their brains and bodies, such as zeolite, activated charcoal, borax and many other substances. We should take down all smart street lighting and other infrastructure which is enabling others to technologically enslave us and we should shoot down all airplaces which illegally spray our skies with poisonous chemtrails.
We all hate living in a world which is organised by hierarchies. A hierarchical based mind set is a poisoned mind set where those inside such a hierarchy are required to follow orders without first assessing if the order given is morally right or wrong. All hierarchies require abdigation of personal responsibility. We will regain our harmony in this world such as soon as we abandon all hierarchies such as organised religions, governments, monarchies and secret societies. Abandon whatever hierarchy you are under now.
For further information on natural law please listen to podcasts number 73 to 81 at a website called which is owned and controlled by Mark Passio from Philadelphia, U.S.A.
For accurate information about the contents of vaccines please listen to Dr Poornima Wagh at the following online video link

My name is Gretta Fahey and my facebook page link is


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