neuro surveillance (1)

I am being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation against my will and without my permission by cowards who are unknown to me and who always have been unknown to me. This situation has continued since the spring of 2003. Because of this aforementioned system of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation I experience unwanted voices coming from inside my own head, unwanted visions transmitted into my head, unwanted sensations on the surface of my skin and also inside my body. I also experience pain, electric shock, sleep deprivation, forced movement of some but not all of my muscles and joints and forced immobilization of some but not all of my muscles and joints among many other unwanted experiences. The sensations which I feel on the surface of my skin are being achieved by a scientific and technological capability known as Haptic techniques. The haptic techniques which are being used on me often are pulses of energy on my bottom, both front, back and middle. These pulses of energy are applies to the front, back and middle of the private area of my body every day very often. The unknown cowards to harass and psychologically torture me by making me feel pulses of energy around the private area of my body do so while I am sitting on the toilet and while I am out on a public road, walking or cycling a bicycle and while I am in bed at night trying to sleep and also while I am going about my home or shopping in a store. Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation is hell on earth. I have no mental privacy whatsoever because when one is being Remote Neural Monitored their thoughts are being read and some of them are then replied to in real time. I believe that this system of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation is due to be imposed on almost everyone in the world soon by those who own and control the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, the World Economic Forum , and the central bank of central banks which is believed to be located in Switzerland. Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation is easily achieved by unknown neuro operatives because the technology inside virtual reality headsets and other similar technology has now become injectable, ingestable and breathable and by those and other means it has become embedded in the brains and bodies of most of the human race and can now be wirelessly stimulated from unknown remote locations inside each of our brains individually due to beamforming capabilities which have been built into smart technology in our towns and cities. Beamforming is the capability of braodcasting individual signals to each receiver such as the technology inside each human brain rather than broadcasting one large signal in all directions. Beamforming allows each human brain to be linked separately by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic radiation to a supercomputer netowrk so that data is individually collected from the brain and body of each individual separately and then analysed separately and when that analysis is completed then individualized data is separately prepared for that individual alone and then broadcast back into their brain and body separately of all the other individuals at his or her location.
NEURAL SURVEILLANCE OR NEURAL MONITORING is the monitoring of individual brain activity so as to have knowledge of that individuals moods, thoughts and behaviours.
NEURAL MODULATION OR NEURO MODULATION is manipulation of portions of brain tissue by the act of transmitting electrical pulses into technology which is already in the brains of those who have received what is known as the covid-19 vaccines due to the fact that that all covid-19 vaccines contain technology which can only be seen by the aid of an electron microscope or another microscope of similar strength. Those transmitted electrical pulses then create electrical currents inside the human brain which in turn alter the normal functioning of the brain so as to in turn alter the emotions, beliefs, behaviour and even thoughts of the individual or individuals who are being targeted by said neural modulation.
NEURAL STIMULATION OR NEURO STIMULATION is done in order to effect the neuro transmitters being secreted by the brain so that a state of persistent anxiety or persistent fear or other effects can be engineered in order to affect the academic performance sporting performance or work performance or health performance of an individual or group and this can all be carried out by wireless means from an unknown remote location by operatives who remain unknown to the victims.
Some smart street lighting and other public technological installations which have already been installed in a number of towns and cities throughout the world have been found upon examination by well known British electrical engineer known as Mark Steele and by others to be an illegal, unregulated, uninsurable and unapproved weapon system which is currently being used to interfere with the brains and bodies who live close to it.
Those individuals who are responsible for all Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation on earth are believed by me to be the Rothschild banking family, the Rockefeller banking family, and the thirteen bloodline families of the world and they are believed to be controlled by the following three individuals as follows:- Pope Francis and also the head of the Jesuits, who is sometimes known as the Black Pope and whose name is Arthuro Sosa and also an individual called Pepe Orsini who is also known as the Grey Pope. My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.

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