Information and communication society is on its way directly into our brains and the ethical debate is non-existent in Sweden and must be urgently addressed in media.We are a company(MINDTECH) that works for this and have come into contact with people who are victims of these experiments. These victims have shared stories and is living in the same geographical catchment area, therefore, Solna near KI, KTH and Kista. The stories are so horrible when as laboratory animals and to test the new technology in the most macabre and perverted ways.
(1) Make others think that you are losing or have lost your mind. They do this by projecting you with voices whose origins you do not know, causing you to lash out at the voices and react in other seemingly strange ways. People who witness you apparently talking to yourself and making gestures assume that you have gone crazy. You lose any semblance of credibility. To the public and the medical community, you are either schizophrenic or paranoid.
(2) Isolate you from society. By spreading rumors, sending anonymous messages to people who know you, causing irritability in you that makes you querulous and unpleasant to others, people begin to avoid you.
(3) Cause you actually to lose your mind. By projecting the voices and other sounds, applying electronic torture, letting you know that they are watching you every second of the day and night, etc. they hope to drive you slowly into either thinking that you might be imagining those actions or actually drive you crazy out of frustration at being able to do nothing and failure to convince others of the existence of the microchip.
(4) Reduce you to zombie status. By constantly hurling laser rays into your brain, destroying brain cells, they hope to turn you gradually into a mindless individual who from outward appearances suffers from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.
(5) Make life physically and mentally miserable for you. The electronic torture and mind control techniques cause you physical pain, mental anguish, and deprive you of sleep, rendering you ineffective in your work and daily life.
(6) Often harassers seek to cause bodily harm and even death by causing vehicular and other accidents due to sleep deprivation. Through the use of the computer program that operates off the microchip, they can also cause heart attacks, gastric problems, and other ailments that might hospitalize you or kill you.
Content of the dialogue is the most sophisticated mental brainwashing that can be achieved. Try items beaten with brain-computer interface in order to drive them to madness.
Home of research on the development of biomimetic models of hippocampus to serve as neural prostheses for lost cognitive and memory function.The researchers detected no guarantee that is to lean against the intervention of community mental health services.
It has once been of scientific research has focused on the new technologoist is developed into a commercial orgy of humantorture and humiliation, injury to a third party carried out by researchers and their speaking computers with artificial intelligence.
How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway on software developed for mapping the brain.
By Magnus Olsson SWEDEN