pilots (1)

The corona virus hoaxed pandemic was created to distract and to misdirect the general public from what is really occurring which is that we have become embedded with dust sized technology which has allowed unknown others to wirelessly tether us to a computerized control, enslavement, torture and genocide system. We can now be wirelessly mind controlled, body controlled, tortured, enslaved and genocided while we go about our lives falsely believing that there is a virus pandemic in the world. There is a simple solution. Canvas your local political representative to have all wirelessly enabling infrastructure in your country taken down, rendered unoperable and banned immediately. Canvas your local politician to have all chemtrail spraying of the air stopped and to have all airline pilots who continue to spray us with said chemtrails without us ever have given them permission to do so arrested and imprisoned whenever they land at airports throughout each country. Canvas your local politician to have all drones and other airborne vehicles banned from use for the forseeable future. The existence of satellites is now largely believed to be a hoax but drones and airborne vehicles are being used against all of the men, women and children of the world on a constant basis.

Wireless weapons are also being used against the police and military for the purposes of mind controlling them to the point where some of them eventually refuse to question the immoral orders of their army generals and military commanders. As soon as the infrastructure which enables wireless weapons to be unusable then they police and militaries of the world will no longer aquiese to their immoral hierarchical based chain of command whose orders originate from dark occultists. Those dark occultists see their fellow men and women as useless eaters who are using up all of the resources of this world which they wish to keep for themselves so they have openly informed us that they wish to lower the population of the world by ninety percent. Therefore if you wish to remain alive and free then you must canvas your politician today to have the wirelessly enabling infrastructure disassembled and banned from the face of the earth.

Sadly, most politicians are under wireless mind control themselves.   They have slowly and incrementally become absorbed into the universal mind set which is being created by computer programmers whose work is heavily compartmentalized to the extent that they do not understand where their work is ultimately leading.   We should mandate that public representatives as well as the police and military stay way from all  television or smart phone use and  live away from  any type of transmitter is they wish to continue to represent us. Many of them are already bio-digitally programmed to believe everything that comes to them from the universal mind programming which is being transmitted to smart phone users and others.  If you live in a state of happy apathy then your mind has already been absorbed by the worldwide mind control system. Please act now. You have a moral duty to do so for the sake of your own freedom and that of future generations of human beings. Please ignore all idiots who push the false notion that something of a supernatural nature is involved in our enslavement. The slave masters wish you to misdirect your anger towards non-existent enemies such as sentient artificial intelligence, extra-terresterial beings, supernatural beings and many other hoaxes so that you will not look at your real enemy who is your own fellow man. You are his equal and yet he wishes to make you his slave. Act now to raise awareness of this and to have it stopped.

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