ptosis  (1)


1.     星期一(17)遊行示威參與者大部份是在網上以賣粉絲, 做網上打手的一群. 星期五圍警察總部的是各大專院校學生會發起.


2.     腦控空間有姓文的賤人, 將腦控空間受害者祈禱的錄像, 剪輯成受害者跪地求饒的片段; 另一方面, 將自己同受害長者併芯片, 腦控受害長者毒打自已的兒孫. 以此滿足其自卑, 變態虐待狂心理. 賤格!


3.     本週五當我參加珠寶展時, 變態賤人將多人同我併芯片, 令我舉步維艱. 據稱其中有部份是以盜竊為生的賊人.


4.     由週六下午三時開始, 變態控芯片賤人持續遙控電子武器令我同受害者頭痛至星期日下午5, 一切相信同促銷藥品有關.

在此呼籲全港市民罢有藥品廣告的報紙, 辦報者為了營運資金, 勒索藥廠登廣告, 令藥品成本增加, 最後轉嫁於市民身上. 另一方面製造各式各樣微波痛症, 令市民購買高價而非自身所需的藥物. 以上一切, 都源自辦報者無德無能, 又意在控制傳媒所造成. 對此報傳媒, 以強烈讉責!

5.     變態控芯片賤人常全開我腦音, 將多人同我併芯片, 輪流潛聲不停駡人, 搬弄是非, 挑撥離間, 我沒有屏蔽器, 沒法抗衡來自各方的思維干擾. 遇到此種沒法阻止的情況, 我會多方了解和判斷, 以此知道空間一些不為人知的事情. 所以敬請在空間的聆聽者明白雖然由我發腦音發聲, 但非本人意願, 如果有任何錯誤的言語, 請立即糾正. 我相信腦控賤人此舉同腦控機記錄有關, 鬼祟地潛他人聲散佈謠言, 令在場者的腦音全記錄在案, 以此陷害受害者


6.     自從庙街殺街後, 賣藝者同娛樂圈的老牌歌星, 藝員, 警察高層合作, 在空間聯同一些有婦科病的肥胖女人, 以併芯片害人為生. 將自己的快樂強加於受害者和痛患者痛苦之上,  請大家多加防範.


Mind Control Space News this week (June 17 to 23, 2019)

 1. On Monday (17th), most of the participants in the demonstrations were the people who used online to sell fans and be a group of online thugs.

 On Friday (21st), part of participants in the acts of besieging police headquarters were the students of the colleges and universities, and part of unemployed youth.

2. In the brain-controlled space, there is a perp who with surname “Man”, used a video that shows a victim in praying clipped into fragments which becoming the victim who was pleading him for mercy, totally change the meaning, and keep to show the fragment in mind control space to misled people who with eye stalking;

On the other hand, “Man” within the chip with elder, and beaten the elder’s grandson hardly.  All above show “Man” was an inferiority and abnormal sadism whom I never ever seen before. Remind all be careful in mind control space.

3. When I participated in the Jewelry Show on this Friday, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a lots of perps, made me felt so heave in walking, as said, some of them are make a living from theft, and used eyes stalking looking for target in mind control space.

4. Starting from 3 pm on Saturday, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic weapons caused me and victims headache until 5 pm on Sunday, I believed such long-term tortured related to force the sales of drugs.

Call to all of Hong Kong citizen, stop buy the newspapers which got drug advertisements. As based understanding, the newspaper funding for operation, force the pharmaceutical companies paid for advertising fee, such increased the cost of medicines, and finally passed the cost to the patients whom tortured by the electronic harassment.  All of the above were causing from the publisher who run the newspaper business with no morality and incompetence, but got an intention to manipulate the media. We all being mind control victims shame on them with condemn.

 5. The metamorphosis chip controller always turn-on my brain sound 7/24, within my chip with someone who intercepting the thought not my own, but my brain sound, sometimes with my involuntary speech, in turn with difference perps get into mischief.  I don't have a shield, can't counter interference from all parties in the same time, while in such situation that I can't stop, I will learn to study, judge in many ways, so as to know some things that unknown in the space. So if you are the listeners in the space, please stop and correct them immediately for the wrong sentence. I believe someone got the brain sound recorder, and used the monks to spread the rumors, so that the voices of the participants are fully documented, the perps used to set up the targeted victims with cheap trick.

6. Since the temple street show closed, the street performer cooperated with the last generation singers, artists as well as police officer earn for living in brain control space. Used metamorphosis chip controller within the victims chip with obese women, as well as some women who got gynecological diseases, such as only one side breast, breast ptosis,
leukorrhagia, Uterine ptosis, no uterus etc. making victims got the same feeling with sufferer, but for perps fun. Hateful!


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