requested (1)

We have reached a point in human history when we can no longer tell the difference between a human being and a robot which has been entirely manufactured from synthetic material because the capability exists and is in common use where by both the physical workings of robots and the software of robots can be wirelessly and invisibly interfaced to a human being who is remotely located from the robot and who can operate the robot as easily as he or she can govern their own brain and body.
If the robot is being viewed through a digital media screen and if their faces have face make up applied to them and if they have eye glasses over their eyes absolutely nobody could then tell the difference between the real human being and a robot. Therefore high profile men and women can now be murdered and then replaced by a robot for the benefit of public performances in order to fool the general public into following their dictates.
What should the general public do in order to stop those in positions of responsibility in the world from fooling the aforementioned general public by this and many other technological means? Please leave a comment.
This trickery may have already been attempted by using a robot made in the image of Prince Charles who is also known as the Prince of Wales because there exists youtube vidoes purporting to be him which look unlike him.
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