telepresence (2)

I am a non-consensual neuro weapons test subject for nearly fifteen years. Unknown neuro weapons operatives can now vigorously move and shake my head totally against my will. The can also turn my right arm around by about 180 degrees. They can force words and whole sentences out of my mouth totally against my will. These unknown criminal neuro weapons operatives have informed me that they will soon achieve total control over my whole body. They informed me that when that... day comes they will totally control how much food I eat and when I eat it. They informed me that they would stop me eating by rendering me unable to move my arms from my sides without their permission. It may be too late for me but there is an easy solution to stop this situation from occurring again to any other member of the human race. Simply dismantle all telephone towers and related paraphrenalia thereby rendering digital signals unable to be delivered to the nano particulates inside our bodies which we have inhaled from chemtrail spraying of the skies. Satellites and space based weapons do not exist. They are a psychological operation created to make the human race feel helpless when attacked by neuro weapons.

I really dont know if these criminal neuro weapons operatives could render me unable to move my arms or unable to open my mouth but I strongly suspect they could because they have achieved such extreme capabilities to manipulate my body already that I am beginning to believe they can lock some of my muscles down in a type of neural curtailment control. They have already informed me that neural curtailment is how they plan to enslave myself and others if governments fail to dismantle the telephone towers and related paraphrenalia.

Nobody wishes to discuss the extreme capabilities of black budget neuro weapons and directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology. Furthermore, criminals who wish to further the enslavement agenda of the human race would wish to have me incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital for daring to write about this topic. However we must focus on this topic of neuro weapon enslavement until it is solved. Anybody who accuses the psychiatric services of being criminally negligant for failing to incarcerate me in a psychiatric hospital has a hidden agenda of enslavement towards their fellow human beings. They themselves should be heavily investigated.

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