Due to the constant hacking & identity theft efforts of the stinking drug peddling & mind control gang 415 in San Francisco (headed by the notorious “MOTHER” (aka – Dee Dee Patel out of that infamous drug den, the Sunnyside Hotel at 135 6th st. SFCA 94103) I have been out of a computer for over a year, & can only get online at public computer centers. About 2 ½ years ago I moved into the Rose Hotel (125 6th Street) after being approved for a section 8 application through the Housing Authority. Unbeknownst to me until the day after I had moved in, the Rose is next door to the Sunnyside (separated by a small alley-like street called Minna which is drug traffickers central in the neighborhood). Of course, all of this was masterminded by the dreaded “MOTHER” using her contacts in the housing authority – part of a near infinite network of gangster, drug money based connections throughout SF & California.
I decided that to stay & confront these stinking perpetrators head-on was the best way to get to the full truth of the matter. It wasn’t long before they began raiding my apartment when I wasn’t home with a pass key. As I am a poet & a visual artist, they began stealing my original journals & reading the works back to me in my head as a form of torture. The bitch is said to have burned them. They’ve stolen the majority of my personal & business papers, plus all kinds of tech equipment. As I had made my room into my live/work space, they began stealing my artwork. I was forced to rent a storage space to protect my computer hard drives & older creative journals – a more-or-less lifetime of creative work & development. Most recently they went into my storage space, opened the expensive lock & stole the hard drive to my ex-laptop & the external hard drive, giving them all of my digital artwork, writings, digital photography, videos, music collection, personal information – everything. I have a few things saved on flash drives, which I keep safe by keeping them physically on my person at all times. I am still living at the Rose Hotel, & intend to stay there & fight this out with these shit sluts.