腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-10-13至2019-10-20)
1. 腦控空間賤人每天都在遙控電子武器摧殘市民的健康,相信是在幚目前區議會選舉籌集資金。當一個政黨自己沒有生財能力,需要在腦控人操控下,利用市民的微波痛症買藥錢作為選舉資金時,試問香港市民仍為投他們一票嗎?好了,當選後,區議會日後的營運資金仍靠吸市民血生存,試問這樣的一個政黨,如何為民請命,似是要取市民命吧!
2. 腦控空間有一傳說,周潤發已被槍毙,事情是真是假,政府未作出公佈。問題是周潤發有一個複製人,被槍毙的是真的周潤發或是複製人,收到的答案是所有被槍毙的犯人都必須經DNA核對,但以我的認知,複製人的DNA同真人應該是一樣。
3. 本週變態控芯片賤人關閉我腦控機上三個掣,一個思維掣,令我思維,記憶困難; 味覺掣,令我食而無味; 大小便掣,令我大小便困難; 相信受害者不只我一個。
4. 腦控空間有一小撮人,他們不能食任何食物,每食必嘔,只靠輪血為生,他們不能去醫院,原因不明。當在腦控空間見到相同血型的人,身處他們附近,會以綁架的方式,強搶他們去抽血供吸血鬼所用。大家都奇怪到底他們是什麼人,是否某種科技實驗的副產品?望有識之士賜教。
另我同受害者都有相同一個疑惑,在科技上,併芯片是否可做到血液轉移? 我曾經發覺自己肚臍有些微出血的情形,原以為是我肚臍貼磁鐵磨破所致,但用酒精消毒時,並未發現有任何破損傷口,為何會流血?
5. 在溫哥華,每天在圖書館做資料搜集,才知道原來我們在香港,很多重要的新聞各大媒體都不報導,可憐的香港人不僅思想被控制,連我們的新聞知情權也被剥奪。特別是同腦控,腦控訴訟,新聞作假等都全部不被報導,每天打開香港報紙,藥物廣告比新聞頁數還要多。 當選擇讀電子報紙,到重要新聞時,網頁永遠都沒辦法打開。我在加拿大短短一個多月,讀了許多在香港沒辦法讀到的新聞。只要同腦控有關,又沒有版權限制,我會轉貼到我facebook同大家分享。
6. 根據南華早報報導,目前香港有很多私人企業設立個人資料中心,其中最高準確率只有65%,如果將控制權放在卑鄙小人手中,被冤死害死的人更是不勝其數。
以我個人為例,上期提到我個人檔案同賤人掉換,令我聲譽,求職受到制肘,好在特首明察秋毫,令我沉冤得雪,還我一個 A 級的個人誠信檔案。
Mind Control Space News this week (Oct. 13 to 20, 2019)
1. The metamorphosis chip controller remote-controlled electronic weapons harm the health of the citizens every day. It is definably to fund raising for district council elections. When a political party does not have the ability to making money themselves, they not only choice is use the money that earn from pain killer that citizens’ microwave pain causing by electronic harassment, also under perps mind control. Do you thing under this situation, the Hong Kong citizen still giving them a vote?
Well, after the election, the working capital of the District Council will still use the blood of the citizens to survive. How can such a political party to help the citizens against mind control perps? It seems to take the lives of the citizens more than anything !
2. There is a legend in the brain control space. Chow Yun-fat has been shot. The matter is true or false? The government has not made an announcement. The problem is that Chow Yun-fat has a clone. The one had been shot is the real Chow Yun Fat or the clone? The answer is that all the prisoners who before shot must be confirmed by DNA, but in my knowledge, the DNA of the original and clone should be the same. Right? How to distinguish the real one and the clone?
3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller turn-off three key in my mind control machine, one for thinking, it caused me reading slower and difficulty in the thought and remember; second one, off my taste key, caused tasteless when I eat any foods; The third was off my urine, that caused me so difficulty in urinating. I am not only one victim, but most.
4. There is a small group of perp in the brain control space. They can't eat any food and vomited. They only rely on blood for a living. They can't go to the hospital. The reason is unknown. When the perp saw someone who got the same blood type, they will be kidnapped to take blood for the vampire. Everyone wonders what the hell they are? is it a by-product of some kind of technology experiment? If you know, please tell me with thanks.
In addition, I have the same doubts as the victims. In terms of technology, Mapping the chip can be able to transfer blood? I once noticed that there was some slight bleeding in my navel. I thought it may caused by the magnet that I stick in navel. However, when I disinfected with alcohol, I did not find any broken sign. Why did it bleed?
Later, I realized that someone was unconsciously being taking blood in sleeping from the navel. Because I had a magnet, so mapping me with the victim to stop the blood draw. The blood draw was stopped, but my navel remained a few blood, which blood is someone else's or my own, I don't know? But it is horrible!
The above real story proves the possibility that the mapping can draw blood from the navel between two or more persons. To avoid getting blood from your deep sleep, protect your navel, I use a magnet, but if you have a virus in your body, the magnet will speed up the spread of the virus. If you have good idea, please let me know.
5. In Vancouver, I collect information every day in the library, that made me understood when I was in Hong Kong, I was being block by the media, a lots of important news will not be post in the major media and newspaper, poor Hong Kong people not only control by the mind control machine, also the right to know is also denied. For example, the mind control news, the brain control litigation, news fraud, etc. above never reported before. Every day, when you read the newspapers in Hong Kong, the drug advertisements are more than news pages. When you choosing to read an electronic newspaper, when it comes to important news, the web page always cannot open. I have been in Canada for more than a month and read a lot of news which I never read in Hong Kong. As long as it is related to brain control and there are no copyright restrictions, I will post it to my Facebook to share with you.
However, after the mind control perps noted, when I read the news, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who did not understand English, causing me cannot read in English. And the other hand, the perp turn my mind key off, I have repeat and repeat to reading for understanding.
When I saw most of perps and their children, they did not learn anything only do stalking in mind control space, when you mapping them, you will felt your brain disorder at once, so we shall keep reading to upgrade my brain, although you feel difficultly and terrible when you under mind control, please don't give up, read it a few times, and naturally increase your memory.
6. According to the news, there are many private corporation in Hong Kong that have set up personal data bank. The highest accuracy rate is only 65%. If the control putting in the wrong person, that will causing a lots of unjust cases.
In my own case, in the last issue, I mentioned that my citizen social credit files have been exchanged with perp who harm victims to live in mind control space, which has made my reputation and job hunting constrained. Fortunately, the Hong Kong Chief Executive has been done in investigation and verified, give me have a A-Grad citizen social credit file.
There is a very important point here, The control and edited person who whether got integrity. In today Hong Kong, many company got private databases with mind control machine, it can be arbitrarily modifying by someone else, change the appearance of others, and used against whatever their real enemy or fake enemy just for pay, such only in their mind which may set up by the mind control machine.
So warn to the victims, if you everything in rough, please check your citizen social credit file if possible, to find out what’s wrong.