stalking (119)


1.         有很多受害者在分開所有芯片後, 做身體檢查, 發覺血壓偏低, 有部份甚至是無緣故地極低. 因平時大家都被不知其數的腦控賤人併芯片, 所以並未感覺到異樣, 當還原自已身體時普遍都很瘦, 血色素也偏低. 有受害者堅稱被併芯片會引致血液無故流失.

而腦控空間有某離職的星島專欄作家, 每月收取吸血鬼一萬港元, 帮尋找阿笨 即不知情的被腦控受害者供其併芯片吸血 即血液轉移, 並講出所需的血型. 令人更加相信併芯片技術上能做到血液轉移.

近期讀到一些報導, 2016年的腦控技術, 已可利用電極通過血管運行, 令兩個不同的人有腦部感應, 發展到今時今日, 利用一種高寛帶的神經接口, 接駁醫療器, 令被腦控受害者的血液在睡眠中不知不覺地被轉移是絕對有可能的. 的進遠遠超的認和想, 此也解釋了為何很多受害者聲稱越睡越疲累的原因.  

我很明白, 很難令人相信此一事, 只可待醫學科進一步披


2.         有被腦控的受害者問如何行法律程序提出訴訟:

             a.         鑑定被腦控 - 找耳科醫生做檢查, 聽覺錄音可鑑定出是否被腦控, 出報告;


            b.         電子武器造成的身體痛症鑑定- 熱能圖;


            c.         找到訴訟目標, 即找到害你的變態腦控賤人;


            d.         找專打腦控訴訟的律師;


            e.   法庭排期提出訴訟.


3.         據講扮我的人是曾志偉兒媳婦, 通常在晚間我睡覺的時間出現, 有時日間遙控電子武器令我昏睡時出現.



4.         26 日由香飛溫哥華, 在航機上, 我坐經艙的中間位, 坐於我傍邊的女士投訴我身上的大褸過界, 再而投訴我手踭經踫到她, 令她感到很困, 我對此感到很抱, 並當場向她道. 同時我作出自我檢, 但令我百思不得其解的是我完全沒有感到自同她有任何碰和接, 而追根究底於變態控芯片賤人將超肥者同我併芯片, 令原本已狹窄的坐位空間變得更緊. 但是否因此而碰到她而我不自知? 其中有很多疑問?


有人講出原來有變態男賤人乘搭飛機時以手踭碰傍坐的女, 被投訴性騷, 以此上演一場戲, 利用我帮他澄. 但他不知我認得坐於我傍邊的女是腦控空間中人, 此一切原是有心人的刻安排, 實在是用心良苦.




Mind Control Space News this week (December 21 to 27, 2019)



1. Many victims did body check after removal all mapping, and found that the blood pressure was lower than normal, some were even extremely lowest for no reason. Because all victims were being mapping with countless perps who may got high blood pressure, so they cannot get the real feeling. When all mapping blocked, their body was very weak and the hemoglobin was in low level, and some victims insist that mapping can cause blood flew out without consent.

And there is a resigned Sing Tao columnist in Brain Control Space, who received "Vampire" 10,000 Hong Kong dollars each month to help find same blood type victim who was being brain control without self-awake, using for mapping to got blood transfer. Such made me believed that mind control mapping technology can achieve blood transfer.

Recently, I have read some reports of brain control technology issued at 2016, it was use Synchron’s tiny, flexible “stentrode” travels through the bloodstream to the brain, two people can have brain-to-brain communications, and a high-banded neural interface was used to connect medical devices. Up to day end of 2019, It is absolutely possible for using being brain-controlled victims’ blood transferred during sleep without victims’ consent. The advances of technology were far exceeding our cognition and imagination, which also explains why many victims claim sleep more, but got tired more. 


I understood the true is difficult to believe, we can only wait for further disclosed by medical technology


2. A brain-control victim asked how to initiate legal proceedings:

a. Identification that you are being mind controlled, getting result from Ophthalmologist, which audio recordings can identify.
b. Identification of physical pain caused by electronic weapons-
thermal map
c. Find the target who harmed you, and whom you will suing;
d. Find a lawyer who specializes in brain control lawsuits;
e. file a action for the court schedules.

3. As said, the person who acting as Monita was Eric Tsang’s daughter-in-law, who usually appears at night when I fall asleep, and sometimes appears when the remote electronic weapon makes me sleep during the daytime. 


4. I flew from Hong Kong to Vancouver on the 26th. On the plane, I was sitting in the middle of the economy class. The lady sitting next to me complained that my toggle Coat was out of bounds, and then complained that my elbow often touched her.  She was very distressed, I was sorry for it, and apologized to her at once.


At the same time, I made a self-criticism, and what puzzled me was that I did not felt any collision or touch with her at all, finally I blamed the metamorphosis chip control mapping me with someone who in over size, which made the already narrow sitting space more tight. But why I cannot felt any touch with her? There are many questions?

After that, someone told me a true story that there was a freak male who used elbow to touch a lady whom sitting next to him on an airplane before, and being complained of sexual harassment, he performed a drama above, try to used me to prove he was innocent.  But the freak male did not know that I recognized the lady sitting next to me who working in brain control space in my first view, all above was deliberate arrangement by a freak male, it is really attentively.


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腦控空間本周新聞 (2019-11-04至2019-11-10)

1.         本周腦控空間有人提出, 懷疑腦控機被人作了手腳, CT 片沒法顯示受害者痛症. 正常情況下, 當受害者被電子武器摧殘而引起的痛症, 腦控機CT片會將痛症位置顯示為紅色, 但有多部機同時不能顯示,  但當腦控賤人遙控電子武器令我身體發熱時, CT片能顯示為紅色, 奇怪!


2.         溫哥華時間119日下午時份, 腦控空間有人見到有位姓麥的剛剛被處死, 據稱是同背後指使遙控電子武器有關. 相信中國政府已在竭力打擊電子武器摧殘罪案.


3.         自從被腦控以來, 我的樣貌每天不同, 本周我的聲音也隨住不同人併芯片而改變. 令我不勝其煩.


4.         本週腦控畜牲仍然同我併芯片飲食, 當我在家煮食時, 他們關閉我味覺掣, 嗅覺掣, 令我食而無味. 但當我出外用餐時, 才開我的味覺掣, 嗅覺掣.


5.         本週變態逐臭賤人經常將放屁者, 口臭者, 身體發出異味者同我併芯片, 精神虐待受害者.



Mind Control Space News this week (Nov. 4 to 10, 2019)



1. This week, someone suspected that the mind control machine was being rigged. The CT film could not show the mcrowave symptoms. Under normal circumstances, when the victim got pains by electronic harassment, The CT film will display the pain position as red dot, there is not only one, but few more machines can't display too.  but when remote control electronic weapon makes me hot, the CT film displayed my whole body in red. It is unusual, may the perps want to omit some evidents that show in mind control machine.



2. On the afternoon of November 9th, Vancouver time, someone in the brain control space saw that a surnamed Mak being executed. It is said that related to the remote control of electronic weapons. I believe the Chinese government was strived to combat the crime of electronic harassment.



3. Since I being mind control, my appearance is different every day. This week my voice also changes every time, depends on who mapping me. It makes me feel anxious.


4. This week, the animal perps still mapping me for eating. When I cook at home, they turn off my taste, smell, and make me tasteless. But when I gone out for dine, I have my taste back.


5. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who in farts, bad breath, body odors, used for physical and psychological abuse.

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1. 據說, 腦控空間有腦殘人自知自己腦殘, 將自己同最強大腦併芯片, 以他人之大腦作為自己所用, 當兩腦分開時, 最強大腦絲毫無損, 腦殘人經檢查後杏仁核呈萎縮狀況. 此正所謂害人終害己, 大快人心!


2.     本週到廣州了解人造首飾市場, 但到達當地的第二天, 頭部受到電子武器強烈攻擊超過15小時, 身為中國人的我, 感覺有如歡天喜地的回到娘家, 却遭到欺凌般委屈和無奈. 在自已國家的領土上都得不到應有的保護, 令我倍添凄涼.  

        香港政府呼籲一帶一路, 企業家應該為大灣區出一分力, 但如果腦控的問題不解決, 大家用於對付腦控已筋疲力盡, 何來精力建設大灣區. 政府的一帶一路政策似乎忽略了帶一條沒有腦控的路. 哀哉


3.     本週變態腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我強烈頭痛, 剛平息的電子武器摧殘, 又有死灰復燃的跡象, 相信娛樂圈同傳媒又再搞風搞雨.




Mind Control Space News this week (August 5 to 11, 2019)



1. These are some perp awaked that they got brain dead, and then mapping their brain with someone who got super brain, use the super brain’s life as their own for a long-time, when the two brains are separated, after medical examination, the super brain still in super turbot, but dead brain’s amygdala shows in shrinking situation. This is the so-called retribution, the harm end up reflect to dead brain.

2. I went to Guangzhou to visit the artificial jewelry market this week, but on the second day of my arrival, my head was attacked by electronic weapons over 15 hours. In that moment, I felt so up sad, as a Chinese, I returning to Chinese big family with joy, but being bullied. It was so hurt and helpless. Why I have not being protected in my own country? Why my love country also in such unstable situation.

According to Hong Kong government has call on the Belt and Road Initiative. The entrepreneurs should have a contribution to the Greater Bay Area. But if the problem of brain control not solved, everyone is exhausted by against brain control. How can I have the energy to develop the big Bay area? The government’s policy of the Belt and Road seems to be Ignore the road which without mind control, where can I find the advertising said that “
more protected and more sustainable sense of fulfilment, well-being and security”, such environment only a dream, not the truth.

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic weapons made me have a strong headache. The electronic harassment just stop few weeks, and seems there are signs of
back flame. I believed that the entertainment industry and the media will continue to making troubles as well as bigger.


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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-10-13至2019-10-20)

1.         腦控空間賤人每天都在遙控電子武器摧殘市民的健康,相信是在幚目前區議會選舉籌集資金。當一個政黨自己沒有生財能力,需要在腦控人操控下,利用市民的微波痛症買藥錢作為選舉資金時,試問香港市民仍為投他們一票嗎?好了,當選後,區議會日後的營運資金仍靠吸市民血生存,試問這樣的一個政黨,如何為民請命,似是要取市民命吧!


2.         腦控空間有一傳說,周潤發已被槍毙,事情是真是假,政府未作出公佈。問題是周潤發有一個複製人,被槍毙的是真的周潤發或是複製人,收到的答案是所有被槍毙的犯人都必須經DNA核對,但以我的認知,複製人的DNA同真人應該是一樣。


3.         本週變態控芯片賤人關閉我腦控機上三個掣,一個思維掣,令我思維,記憶困難; 味覺掣,令我食而無味; 大小便掣,令我大小便困難; 相信受害者不只我一個。


4.         腦控空間有一小撮人,他們不能食任何食物,每食必嘔,只靠輪血為生,他們不能去醫院,原因不明。當在腦控空間見到相同血型的人,身處他們附近,會以綁架的方式,強搶他們去抽血供吸血鬼所用。大家都奇怪到底他們是什麼人,是否某種科技實驗的副產品?望有識之士賜教。 

            另我同受害者都有相同一個疑惑,在科技上,併芯片是否可做到血液轉移? 我曾經發覺自己肚臍有些微出血的情形,原以為是我肚臍貼磁鐵磨破所致,但用酒精消毒時,並未發現有任何破損傷口,為何會流血? 




 5.         在溫哥華,每天在圖書館做資料搜集,才知道原來我們在香港,很多重要的新聞各大媒體都不報導,可憐的香港人不僅思想被控制,連我們的新聞知情權也被剥奪。特別是同腦控,腦控訴訟,新聞作假等都全部不被報導,每天打開香港報紙,藥物廣告比新聞頁數還要多。 當選擇讀電子報紙,到重要新聞時,網頁永遠都沒辦法打開。我在加拿大短短一個多月,讀了許多在香港沒辦法讀到的新聞。只要同腦控有關,又沒有版權限制,我會轉貼到我facebook同大家分享。






6.         根據南華早報報導,目前香港有很多私人企業設立個人資料中心,其中最高準確率只有65%,如果將控制權放在卑鄙小人手中,被冤死害死的人更是不勝其數。


            以我個人為例,上期提到我個人檔案同賤人掉換,令我聲譽,求職受到制肘,好在特首明察秋毫,令我沉冤得雪,還我一個 A 級的個人誠信檔案。








Mind Control Space News this week (Oct. 13 to 20, 2019)




1.  The metamorphosis chip controller remote-controlled electronic weapons harm the health of the citizens every day. It is definably to fund raising for district council elections. When a political party does not have the ability to making money themselves, they not only choice is use the money that earn from pain killer that citizens’ microwave pain causing by electronic harassment, also under perps mind control. Do you thing under this situation, the Hong Kong citizen still giving them a vote?


Well, after the election, the working capital of the District Council will still use the blood of the citizens to survive. How can such a political party to help the citizens against mind control perps?  It seems to take the lives of the citizens more than anything !

2. There is a legend in the brain control space. Chow Yun-fat has been shot. The matter is true or false? The government has not made an announcement. The problem is that Chow Yun-fat has a clone. The one had been shot is the real Chow Yun Fat or the clone? The answer is that all the prisoners who before shot must be confirmed by DNA, but in my knowledge, the DNA of the original and clone should be the same. Right? How to distinguish the real one and the clone?

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller turn-off three key in my mind control machine, one for thinking, it caused me reading slower and difficulty in the thought and remember; second one, off my taste key, caused tasteless when I eat any foods; The third was off my urine, that caused me so difficulty in urinating. I am not only one victim, but most.


4. There is a small group of perp in the brain control space. They can't eat any food and vomited. They only rely on blood for a living. They can't go to the hospital. The reason is unknown. When the perp saw someone who got the same blood type, they will be kidnapped to take blood for the vampire. Everyone wonders what the hell they are? is it a by-product of some kind of technology experiment? If you know, please tell me with thanks.

In addition, I have the same doubts as the victims. In terms of technology, Mapping the chip can be able to transfer blood? I once noticed that there was some slight bleeding in my navel. I thought it may caused by the magnet that I stick in navel. However, when I disinfected with alcohol, I did not find any broken sign. Why did it bleed?
          Later, I realized that someone was unconsciously being taking blood in sleeping from the navel. Because I had a magnet, so mapping me with the victim to stop the blood draw. The blood draw was stopped, but my navel remained a few blood, which blood is someone else's or my own, I don't know? But it is horrible!


The above real story proves the possibility that the mapping can draw blood from the navel between two or more persons. To avoid getting blood from your deep sleep, protect your navel, I use a magnet, but if you have a virus in your body, the magnet will speed up the spread of the virus. If you have good idea, please let me know.


5. In Vancouver, I collect information every day in the library, that made me understood when I was in Hong Kong, I was being block by the media, a lots of important news will not be post in the major media and newspaper, poor Hong Kong people not only control by the mind control machine, also the right to know is also denied. For example, the mind control news, the brain control litigation, news fraud, etc.  above never reported before. Every day, when you read the newspapers in Hong Kong, the drug advertisements are more than news pages. When you choosing to read an electronic newspaper, when it comes to important news, the web page always cannot open. I have been in Canada for more than a month and read a lot of news which I never read in Hong Kong. As long as it is related to brain control and there are no copyright restrictions, I will post it to my Facebook to share with you.

However, after the mind control perps noted, when I read the news, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who did not understand English, causing me cannot read in English. And the other hand, the perp turn my mind key off,  I have repeat and repeat to reading for understanding.

When I saw most of perps and their children, they did not learn anything only do stalking in mind control space, when you mapping them, you will felt your brain disorder at once, so we shall keep reading to upgrade my brain, although you feel difficultly and terrible when you under mind control, please don't give up, read it a few times, and naturally increase your memory.


6. According to the news, there are many private corporation in Hong Kong that have set up personal data bank. The highest accuracy rate is only 65%. If the control putting in the wrong person, that will causing a lots of unjust cases.

In my own case, in the last issue, I mentioned that my
citizen social credit files have been exchanged with perp who harm victims to live in mind control space, which has made my reputation and job hunting constrained. Fortunately, the Hong Kong Chief Executive has been done in investigation and verified, give me have a A-Grad citizen social credit

There is a very important point here, The control and edited person who whether got integrity. In today Hong Kong, many company got private databases with mind control machine, it can be arbitrarily modifying by someone else, change the appearance of others, and used against whatever their real enemy or fake enemy just for pay, such only in their mind which may set up by the mind control machine.

So warn to the victims, if you everything in rough, please check your citizen social credit file if possible, to find out what’s wrong.

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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-05-27至2019-06-02)

1.     變態控芯片賤人將多人同我併芯片, 眼部跟蹤我家中一切. 在法律上, 將他人眼跟蹤進入私人地方等同未經同意擅闖私人地方, 屬嚴重刑事罪行. 敬請留意!


2.     有人在空間以假的李兆基先生和劉鑾雄先生聲音作為招徠, 吸引投資者買賣股票, 實質上是以腦控方式欺騙投資者金錢. 望大家投資時, 小心謹慎, 以免受騙.


3.     當有人在空間被電子武器摧殘至死時, 腦控賤人刻意出來同受害者玩, 潛受害者聲, 大聲喧嘩作樂, 令死者家屬反感. 因大部份受害者都沒有眼部跟蹤, 並且被局部屏障, 不知發生何事, 只是在情緒影響下苦中作樂. 望死者家屬見諒!



4.     被腦控賣樓案例, 有長者在被腦控併芯片的情況下自己將物業出賣, 將金錢匯到不相熟者戶口後, 當上門收樓才醒覺物業已出售. 因整個交易程序都是業主自己處理, 所有人口供證實業主是處於清醒(被清醒人併芯片)的情況下, 又沒法提供被腦控的事實, 所以要追回物業很困難. 望長者小心, 將屋契交由銀行或子女保管較為安全.



5.     腦控空間經常聞到一股腐尸味, 據說是控芯片人將已死的人同遙控電子武器殺人犯併芯片, 令死者的尸臭味跟隨殺人犯作為懲罰. 我好奇的是, 人死後, 腦電波自然消失, 為何仍能傳播尸臭味? 據講, 當併死尸芯片時, 死尸復活, 潛聲時, 能講話, 但仍是死尸的模樣, 當芯片分開, 又恢復死亡, 有如我們電影所見的僵屍. 有人利用此種科技, 併死者芯片立遺囑和改遺囑, 實際上非死者的意願, 而是併芯片者的詭計.


6.     我的樣貌一天多變, 有時照鏡吓自己一跳. 近期將我同中國異見份子併芯片, 真不知變態控芯片賤人意欲何為?


7.     我住的大廈大部份住客都是律師和外籍教師, 但近期有娛樂圈三級女星同賊人入住, 並將同單位不同樓層的良家婦女同三級女星合併後在腦控空間以眼部跟蹤方式播放, 陷害良家婦女, 其中大部份是法律界單身女仕. 望本大廈業主小心挑選租客, 以免影響大廈的保安和聲譽.


8. 被告知, 有變態控芯片賤人在腦控機上做手腳, 令我腦部很多雜音, 長期局部智障, 令我執筆忘字, 書寫時感覺特別吃力. 另一方面, 腦控空間有人提出, 經常聽到我講話, 但他們同我講話時我聽不見, 很奇怪.



Mind control Space news this week (May 27 to June 02, 2019)


1. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a group of strangers, eyes tracking into my apartment, knowing my apartment everything, even personal belonging. Legally, group stalking same as trespass into private area without consent, it is a serious criminal offence. Keep your eyes out!

2. Some perps using false voices of Mr. Lee Shau-Kee and Mr. Joe Lau in the mind control space, taking the trick to attract investors to trade the stocks with intention. They used mind control technology to control the investors to buy and sell stocks to manipulate the stock market as their own.  
Mind your step to the trap!

3. When someone dead by electronic attacked in mind control space, the movie stars will come out to
present a false picture of peace and prosperity, play with the victims with loud and happy , making the family member of the deceased disgusted and misleading all people taking pleasure in others pain. It is so sorry, since all victims without eyes tracking, and partially block by the chip controller, they don’t know what happened in that moment, just playing under the influence of emotions as enjoy the hardships.


 4. Base on the case story, there is elderly people who sell his property being within the chip with perp in control. After all transaction completed, and the money remitted to someone unknown, whole property selling without owner’s own mind. The owner was wake up by the new owner when hand over the property. Show by prima facie, the whole procedures are handled by the owner himself. All the witnesses are confirmed that the owner with clear mind situation (actually within chip with clear mind perp), and the owner cannot provide the proofs that he is being mind controlled. Therefore, it is very difficult to get the property back. Warn to the elderly, your deeds safer to be kept by banks or your own children.
5. In the brain-controlled space, we often got a smells from dead body. It is said that the chip-controller within the dead body chip will the killer, the corpse smell is followed by the murderer as a punishment until the chip separated. I am curious, as I known, when certify the human body dead based on the brain stop working, when the brain stop working, how can the microwave connect to? Why the body still can spread the smell?  


According to the report, when live person within chip with the dead body, the dead body can have a movement with live person as live person wear a dead body clothing as cover, of Couse you listening the voice own by the live person, but the appearance own by dead body, like the zombies that we saw in the movies. Such make someone use this technology to have a fake sentence to making a will not the dead person’ will, But the chipmaker's tricks.


6. My appearance is changing day by day, sometimes I am scared by the mirror. In the near few days, I was being within chip with the dissidents of China. I don’t know what the wrong with metamorphosis chip controller, what are they intention for?

7. I residence in the apartment building, and the most of the residents are lawyers and foreign teachers, but recently there is a dirty movie actress together with thief are as tenancy, used difference floor but same flat to merged as movie and broadcasted to someone for eye tracking, the most of them are single women in the legal professional. Warn to the owner of my apartment building, carefully selects the tenants as responsibilities to protect the security and reputation of the building.

8. I was told by someone, the metamorphosis chip control making a serious tricky in brain control machine, which make my brain got a lot of noise, partially mental disorder, I can felt particularly difficult in writing, always forgot the words when I write. 


On the other hand, someone in mind control space said that often heard my brain sound, but I couldn’t hear them when they spoke to me. It was so strange?


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I have become wirelessly fused to a computerized centralized control system by bi-directional wireless links from by brain and body to said computerized human control system. The control system collects electrical data from my brain and body on a continual basis which it automatically translates into my verbal thoughts, words and actions. The control system sends me voices, visions, pain and other bodily sensations. On several occasions the control system used wireless signals to place me in a virtual reality hold for a short space of time where I was obliged to watch moving images against my will. They can also place me in a frequency hold which they did for a whole year back in approximately 2009 where the frequency which generates terror in a human being was locked on to my unique brain or else DNA signature during the entirety of that year.

The computerized control system which I am being controlled by is also being used to influence the thought processes of government officials such as politicians and the police to the extent that in most instances they are not inclined to even believe this invisible wireless human control system exists. We can provide a large number of patent numbers which prove it exists. The United States patent office has been proven to be corrupt to the extent that any and all patents which are being registered there are being automatically being stolen by a cabal of criminals who wish to take over and enslave the human race. We can also provide proof of the existence of the fact that many of us are wirelessly tethered to this system by our brains and bodies by the use of spectrum analysers and other equipment which would prove without any doubt that there are irregularities in our human energy fields.

Bryan Tew is a well known targeted individual who has experienced similar wireless harassment and psychological torture experiences to what I have experienced because of being non-consensually linked to said system. He has stated online that according to his research the neuro operatives who operate the computerized human control and enslavement system do not actually need any physical equipment to run it and instead they can be placed into a virtual reality setting by wireless means where they can then use virtual reality screens to run said system. If this is in fact the case I believe that they would have to have a variety of electrical implants implanted throughout their heads and bodies which would allow such a virtual reality workspace to be manifested by wireless means around them. The reason that we must discuss this further is because if the police show up at the home of anybody who is thought to be electronically harassing and furthering the wireless enslavement of any of their fellow human beings, they would not be able to find the equipment they would expect to find in order to arrest the suspects. They instead would need to bring a high quality spectrum analyser to the home of all suspects in order to detect anomalies in the energy field of the suspect.

Many targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation complain of also being stalked on an occasional basis. I myself am a bicycle user and I cycle my bicycle to my nearby towns of Claremorris or Ballinrobe several times per month. On many occasions when I am travelling to or from Ballinrobe by the Cloongowla Road I encounter a man walking alone while wheeling a bicycle and wearing a chain either around his waste or hanging from his trouser. The bicycle walking man who I encounter is a different man each time. The Cloongowla Road is level and continues on for a distance of six kilometres. It is isolated. It has a total of nineteen houses throughout the whole six kilometres. Most of those houses are near each other and are near the town. There is no need to walk a bicycle if the road is level. The chain which is worn by whatever man I happen to meet that day is suitable for tying up the hands and feet of human being. Has any other targeted individual encountered men who wear chains either around their waist or hanging from their trousers. I have written and posted online about these encounters on the Cloongowla Road outside Ballinrobe, County Mayo, Ireland once or twice before but it has not deterred these men. This is a situation which I have encountered at least seven times already. It could have been happening longer than that but it took me a while to wake up to the pattern of their odd and intimidating behaviour. They don’t look or dress like Irish men do. I will continue to post information on this phenomenon.

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                                       FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA
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Advice every TI to buy a bodycam

I was checking some TI videos and I found a very interesting one, as it's the usual "shoplifting" street theater or "robber" street theater many TIs experience. The security guards or store employees gets "warned" by the sub-human perps and the harassment gets shifted into a legitimate authority, while the real criminals roam around or actually leave the store.Considering many stores promote the idea of reporting unusual behavior, this is useful tool for harassment. I'm actually impressed by this video and the idea of recording every perp hired by these sub-humans to roam around the store, contact security guards or report unusual behavior to the store employees. My only opinion is that this TI is very smart to gather harassment evidence.General advice should be, buy a bodycam ASAP.
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The basic knowledge of how Remote Neural Monitoring works which is provided within this post is from the online resource work of Bryan Tew who I do not know and who is a former United States department of defence contractor.

Remote Controlled Human Beings are currently being created all over the world by wireless means. These human beings are fully aware that they are slowly and incrementally being turned into bio-robots and they can not do anything to stop the bio-robotization process. They are frightened beyond words. After they become fully bio-robotized they may be used to kill other human beings. Please read here below how this human bio-robotization work is being achieved by slow and incremental means.

Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to super-computers via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies, which they have both inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the victim of gradual bio-robotization in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.

We all have nano technology inside our bodies and brains which we have inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Particulates of this nano technology inside the body of the human being who has been selected for bio-robotization are wirelessly linked by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a large network of computers combined with a super computer. This process has come to be known as Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation. The nano technology speaks to and decodes the neuro transmitters of the human brain in a process called transcranial brain stimulation enabling the mind of the targeted individual to be read and replied to in real time . A team of data analysts download and catalogue all of the data from the brain and body of the targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.

Another completely separate team of hidden operatives who are known as gang stalkers do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit these victims of gradual bio-robotization. In some situations these gang stalkers create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.

A third team of individuals who are in essence neuro operatives are sometimes known as the hive mind team. They can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. The victim becomes a walking digital receiver. The hive mind team attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.

Over many years of laborious work, the neuro operatives who work by wireless means and from a remote location connect every sub group of muscles inside the body of the targeted individual who is destined for human bio-robotization from nano particulates which have been inhaled into the subjects body to a network of computers and a super computer. Each of these sub group of muscles is individually linked to the super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy until the day comes when all of the sub groups of muscles throughout the body of the victim is eventually linked to the super-computer. The super-computer co-ordinates all sub groups of muscles within the body of the victim to work in tandem with each other. The victim can then be wirelessly remote controlled by sadistic criminals to place one of their hands on a hot stove totally against their will or even to kill another human being against their will. The continuous two way streams of low frequency electromagnetic energy which link the victim to the super-computer is so strong that it can enable the victim to fight off ten strong men if necessary. The victim does not even need to be alive to achieve this. The victims body is totally remote controlled by a neuro operative or neuro operatives who may even be working by wireless means from thousands of miles away. The slow and incremental process of human bio-robotization is being co-ordinated as an act of war against the human race. It is part of an ongoing war of attrition that is being waged against us for dozens of years.

This process of human bio-robotization has already been achieved. I believe the following linked youtube video which is called MADNESS IN THE FAST LANE, SWEDISH SISTERS FULL VERSION is an example of two human beings who have been bio-robotized. There is no other explanation for their extreme strength and unusual capabilities even after one of them was seriously injured by a truck.

When the neuro operatives plan to take over the body of a human being they inform the human being in advance of the take over. When the psychopaths who currently run this planet have some plan for the human race they always inform the human race in advance through predictive programming in movies. Movies have been full of information about this human bio-robotization process for many decades.

Human beings who believe that they are being slowly and incrementally bio-robotized can easily be saved from whole body takeover simply by receiving a strong pulse of magnetic energy to their bodies which will destroy the nano technology inside them and set them free from their fate. However, they need electronically mind controlled government officials such as the police and psychiatrists to believe them, because magnetic pulse technology is beyond the reach of most targeted individuals. Police stations are being located directly under telephone towers in order to facilitate the electronic mind control process. We aught to ban microwave transmitters from all countries throughout the world immediately.


The dark occultists wish their fellow human beings to believe that they have more technological expertise than they currently have. This a basic military takeover tactic.

To that end they have falsely informed the human race through the grapevine that self-replicating nano technology when combined with a fungus type material will grow and self replicate inside targeted individuals , thereby allowing a selection of targeted individuals to be slowly and incrementally be consumed by an internal brain and body computer network. This internal computer network would then be used to wirelessly remote control us to either self-sabotage or to commit acts of extreme evil. However, sources close to myself have informed me that paid neuro staff are currently being used to laboriously link each sub group of human muscles of a large selection of targeted individuals to a network of computers by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy until such a time as the selected targeted individual has no further control over their own muscles unless they agree to be a neuro slave, and then go on to enslave others in a similar process. In that way, the number of neuro slaves throughout the world increases exponentially. The worldwide human community must immediately provide devices to the general public which can then be used to propel strong forces of magnetic energy at targeted individuals of neuro research in order to damage the nano technology inside their brains and bodies so that they can then be free from the cruel potential bio-robotization fate that now awaits them.



1. The would-be wireless enslavers blame a non-existent sentient artificial intelligence machine which they have supposedly lost control of for the current attempt at wirelessly enslaving the human race via nano technology which they have unknowingly inhaled and ingested.

2. They sometimes attempt to blame non-existent extra-terresterials for the wireless enslavement attempt. They have created elaborate psychological operations over the last number of decades in an attempt to create a belief in extra-terresterials, especially among the younger generation. These psychological operations used military intelligence, neuro weapons, staged film sets, hollywood makeup artestry and lies via their privately owned and controlled main stream media to pull this situation off. They have largely failed because we have online truth resources that they have failed to centralize and therefore were largely unable to control.

3. They have on occasion attempted to blame the supernatural for human possession by what is advanced military technology inside the human brain and body, which is being guided by wireless means from remote locations by organised assistants who were duped into signing blood contracts which they are unable to escape from.

4. They may also attempt to convince believers in a flat earth that tribes may have come in from outside the perimeter of the flat earth, which is believed to be the antarctic ice wall, in order to enslave us by technological means by wirelessly tethering us to computer networks via nano technology which is imbedded inside our brains and bodies. However, if the earth is indeed flat and if the perimeter walls are composed of the antarctic ice wall, the sun does not shine beyone a certain point. The further outside the antartic ice wall one would travel the colder and darker it would become to the extent that on life could possibly exist past a certain point. Nature would provide a natural barrier if we do live on a flat earth. However, nobody is allowed to visit the antarctic. Antarctic package tours that have been advertised appear to be bogus. When boats have sailed too close to the antarctic they have been blown out of the water.

The would-be enslavers of the human race attempt to render us passive in our attempts to disempower them by giving us messages which are especially designed to render us passive. They employ agents to generate false beliefs in online social media pages that it is now too late for humanity to save themselves from enslavement as everything is already in place to set the enslavement scenario in motion. They manipulate us from a young age to leave everything to so-called authority figures. They sometimes manipulate us to belive in saviours in many guises from supernatural saviours to extra-terresterial saviours, among others. They engrain in the minds of the masses that anybody who complains of hearing internal voices or who complain of electronic harassment or organised gang stalking is mentally ill. There are now private armies of privately paid gang stalkers in almost every country throughout the world who gang stalk and electronically harass anybody who does not fit in with the world wide control plan which is being drip fed to us from rigid heirarchical based chain of command which is due to become more rigid unless we disempower it.

The word anarchist is short for anti-heirarchicalist.  Anarchy is a linear based self-regulating system of rules without rulers. It is the system of organization which I favour. I hope to see it happen some day.

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Opinion on stalking and bullying epidemic

This is evident for everybody: the stalking and bullying at education institutions is increasing all around the world, and even if the was some sort of "concern" , it only exposes the society enormous failure to approach both.
Just from reviewing the bullying issue we can determine why stalking is so successful, as the usual suggestions are matter of "coping" instead of addressing the "initiators" behavior. For example, I read about a person being bullied at school and the school never helping him, but after a school shooting spree his  classmates reported him because they thought he could do the same, and he got suspended. No bullying/harassment ever stopped, and the only concern was that he could snap and attack his classmates, not the bullying nor it's psychological effect.
In my opinion this situation is similar to organized stalking, usually there isn't an identifiable individual or group of individuals over long term, but the target gets pushed into an unmanageable situation due to physical and psychological stress. In the end the perpetrator who is holding on the abuse against the victim, blames the target to possibly act or attack them (who knows, maybe even the unusual encounters with the police are less of a convicted criminal and more a "we abused and abuse this person and he/she might snap one of these days", but I believe it might be both). Whenever we talk about murderous TIs (those who seem to hurt others because "they are perps") we are bringing this stigma all over us considering that there isn't clear evidence to prove the TI testimony, well the product of these claims will be more articles about "delusional people claiming directed energy weapons and organized stalking who are also dangerous and kill people". As I stated before, turning the victim into a perpetrator, and when the tables seem to turn the perpetrator "new victim" WILL have the evidence of the TI retaliation, unlike us, as testimonies and anecdotes have a null value in court (unless we have actual evidence, which is ideal). This scum attempts to create both perpetrators and victims to destroy individuals, and we shouldn't play their game.
We shouldn't forget that we are surviving to stop these fucking criminals, and we should start being more observers than victims, as strange as that sounds, to determine the best social strategy to solve an issue without letting the perps destroy our "public person". This is useless against electronic harassment which only leaves our health to shielding, but believe it or not, social interaction might either provide us the credibility we need, or condemn us as usual. We are isolated everyday, usually by our own will, so the possibilities to resist smearing or gossips is almost null for us.
And to be clear, I'm not suggesting we should cope with the abuse, but cope the best we can with our social environment to protect ourselves, and I'm saying this after leaving emergency room due to unidentified hearth problems after an electronic harassment increase.
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False belief of global conspiracy against single TI

I think it's common to read posts about people claiming that they are TIs and that the stalking isn't just organized, it's "everybody" and "everywhere". I think this is a simple failure of logical principles, that TI don't usually fall for it, but sometimes happens.

These perceptions might be exacerbated by the organized stalking, as different individuals seem to present a singular behavior towards the TI (including security guards who seem somehow alerted of the TI presence) and here is the first logical mistake: generalization. Do NOT extrapolate the singular behavior or dozens of people into "everybody", as this is exactly part of the gaslighting used on the psyop by the perpetrators. Use the same example with cars that seem "of the same color". Of course you can analyze further if you want to research about pedestrian count and mobility in a city or a street, so the illusion would be weakened by logic.

People also often forget the thousands and hundred of thousand of other TIs, so where's the place for other victims if everything is about you in a sort of solipsism? That's another way to improve your reasoning towards the situation and fight further to destroy the illusion that perps have planted in your perceptions.

And something I think I don't even have to mention: Do NOT play their game or by their rules. Some people might believe that perps "broadcast" valuable or useful information through their V2K. Just avoid another step over a fabricated illusion and never pay attention to anything they say, as nothing of value will ever come from the perpetrators.


The idea of "see through eyes, hear through ears and read thoughts" can be extremely self-defeating, let me explain why:  People usually stops doing everything they usually do and enjoy because they felt the most atrocious criminal invasion of humanity, and instead starts doing "strange activities" to remove those foreigners from themselves. Also they forget street activism because of the fear of being imprisoned, even if there's no actual crime on flyers or stickers.

I think it is wrong and people is being gaslighted into stop living their life and enjoying things, even being extremely careful with thoughts because the feeling of permanent judgment or retaliation. Some even believe in super natural powers, witchery or others new beliefs due to the harassment and stalking. The issues come when people can't see their beliefs are guided and manipulated, that the most exotic beliefs don't contain such logic and consistency as originally thought (like everybody against a single TI, or that they can predict the future or have super powers).

We probably know about the MKULTRA efforts to control and manipulate the minds, that didn't really stop in the 50s, and similar techniques were used to manipulate people, guiding them to believe that they had super powers, that everybody was acting against them or that they were victims of witchery.

Try to remove that veil from your eyes, that it's the result of manipulation and gaslighting, as the matrix might be more specific and less global, might be creating a veil around your eyes through psychological psyops and disinformation. The matrix might be your own and not everybody, as our minds can be guided into unreasonable mistakes.

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Strange street theater (planned Organized Stalking)

Well, yesterday I experienced one of those strange occasions where perps directly do weird shit.
This is usually uncommon these days, but the few times that happened makes me remember why some TIs might believe that perps are expectant of a TI action and try to "communicate something", as in expecting not just a violent response or retaliation, but in the sense of following certain actions that the TI might or might not be guided to interpret situations or actions accordingly to per-shared rules that the TI "need to understand".

Some TIs label this Alice In Wonderland MKULTRA programming, as you might be "guided" to interpret things like colors/numbers/signs or hand signs and others behaviors (of course when the TI isn't over interpreting, and the perps aren't ambiguous). I see this like a plain attempt to take the TI out from a comfort zone to be guided into taking risks and follow what some call "the perp game", like finding things in your home that aren't yours and being guided into take it and give it to someone/somewhere, following V2K commands to approach someone, say something, do something. This is the worst situation a TI can do, as you might be tricked into thinking that "following commands" the perps might leave you alone, when you really ignore if the purpose of the harassment was exactly to take you to that point of following those commands, and the punishment is never-ending harassment and "inability to enjoy your privileges" (as someone told me).

Of course this isn't the kind of thing you'd like to tell a non TI as it's easily linked to simple "reference delusions" and "voices commands" that are common in schizophrenics. It's not that a TI would follow an expected behavior from a perceived hostile situation anyway, at least not most of the time, other times just wondering why perps won't communicate "what to do" or why don't seem to respond directly to TI requirements/inquiries (they don't), other times the TI might do and the harassment really didn't stop. I base these conclusions based on my own experiences and after reading other experiences, although I really never thought to follow "a plan" or guiding regardless of my own assumptions of the possible source.

I'll try to describe what I call street theater from last night:

-Was coming home after walking my dog, a man in front of the street looking directly at me
-A car that seemed to pick him arrived
-He still looking at me
-Someone from a different building starts whistling at the same street and no one else is around, this man looks at him (the man at the building), then look back at me
-Other guy keep whistling, I of fucking course, won't turn my head as I ignore everything harassment related
-I get into the building, the security guard from the block gives me the correspondence from a different apartment, yet knowing where I live (maybe a coincidence, yet first time this happens)

Recent days:

-Walking the dog with my grandmother
-Hear someone laughing when we are at the corned of the block, it's a taxi driver in a cab
-Starts rolling up the window while staring at me, maybe implying I could retaliate
-Some cabs get around here with no passengers, one time when I was walking the dog one dumbfuck partially got off the road making a strong noise.

From years ago:

-Found what it looked like a little electronic component in my bed
-Felt the urge to take it for some reason (I didn't)
-After I got into a bus, felt the urge to give it to someone in the bus that start staring at me (i didn't have it but i wouldn't do it anyway)

So, in the end same as always, remember to never ever follow anything that perps seems to coerce you to do. "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"

Edit 1:

BTW to clarify, the electronic part (just some kind of industrial shaped led) I found over my bed wasn't even mine and never saw it before. It disappeared from my room the same day when I came back. This happened  a long time some months after the harassment started.

Edit 2:

To update on this, that security guard I talked about is actually the nicest person there and it was just a coincidence.
Another security guard is actually strangely saying thing under his breath but loud enough for me to hear like "you don't understand" and yesterday, an actual insult after I came back from a store. This doesn't have any explanation beyond the harassment as I don't even know him.
BTW, interesting enough he's loud enough for me to understand, as I have certain degree of hearing loss or difficult listening on the outside/places with background noise, so if a perp say something with a soft voice or in another conversation there's 99% possibility I wouldn't notice.

Next time I'll just keep the phone recording whenever i pass over there (Although those encounters should be recorded by the security cam...), because I'm not going to fall for the perp suggested "alternatives" like a supposed event "I'm not understanding".
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PACTS, FFCHS, Derrick Robinson & Gavin Long

The picture above was uploaded to his gmail account. The moment I saw his picture, I instantly remembered corresponding with him. At that time he was in West Africa and I was very glad to have someone from that region of the world participating in our organization. He was requesting to be added to our Buddy List to which I replied, 'sure.' Then a month later for unexplained reasons, he wanted to deactivate his account.

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Activities from July 21st 2016: This is a screen shot documentation of organized stalking in the City of New York and the borough of the Bronx. The notorious Fordham Shopping District. As I was walking along Fordham Road I came across these individuals. 
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Tyrone Dew TI is Homeless He Needs Your Help


Due to the nature of the crimes inflicting him, he has been forced out of his home and into the streets. But that has not discourage him from exposing these Targeted Individual crimes against humanity.

He is in need financial assistance so he can use the money to eat, shower and live some level of existence.

Your financial contributions should be sent to Paypal to the email address:

Thank you for your support and have a nice day.

Video: Where To Invade Next? Targeted Individual Awareness

Video 2: I Need Your Help. Please Help Me.

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Purchase Land For Homeless TIs


I am seeking your financial support to purchase land. The land will consist of 5 to more acres. We will use it as a safe haven for individuals who are being targeted with electronic harassment and organized gang stalking.

Electronic harassment is a form of torture that involves the use of micro-wave weapons. These weapons are experimental and there use is highly classified. However, they have been known to cause cancer and disabled a person inability to live a normal life. We have been in contact with the government about this problem, but it has been difficult to get them to stop.

Organized Gang Stalking are individuals who have been contracted by the United States government to carry out these illegal experiments. Their role is basically to assist and enforce instructions that is given to them, which includes gathering and reporting data to their superiors.

The land will house a garden and a place for the Targeted Individual to congregate without worrying about some of the harassment that we endure on a daily basis. In the later months, we will use the land to encourage economic independency by encouraging entrepreneurship, which is key to rebuilding our lives.

For instance, we plan to sell some of the produce that we grow to the public. And the other idea is raise awareness by making clothes that highlight our position.

If you believe in Human Rights and want to give us a chance to be whole again, will you consider a kind financial contribution today?

Any amount will be welcome ($1, $5, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000) or more. Thank you for your cooperation and we hope we hear from you soon.

Please click this link to donate:

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August 2015 Journal


8-2 Around 6AM heart palpitation and irregular right arm movement. When I turned to the other side, arm palpitation stopped for a short period, but continued with less frequency. The distant between the viewer area is greater than the area I moved from in the beginning. This clarifies what I already knew the attacks are being made by single individuals carrying the technology. So this theory about satellite attacks is not true in this case. Most of all the attacks are person to person, This does not discount any satellite technology, but it is what is happening to me. I’m familiar with the area and where these criminal groups are working from. I have the name of the business, which I will not disclose at this time, but all info will be submitted to the authorities at a later time in my legal documents.

7/8-2 Throughout the month of July I been confronted with a persistant ear infection affecting my left ear. I can feel were they had embedded this technology (which can be done remotely), in the back of my ear. The technology affects the ability to hear and is down nearly 80 percent. I have tried health aids, but that has not help. Surgery will not be possible as it might allow this criminal organization to put more remote technology in my ear. This is just the ways it is at the moment. When you have this much infiltration, you have to live without heart, bad teeth, potential bad health and crime against humanity.

8-2 In the evening I heard someone in the area. Within 15 minutes of hearing them, the attacks increased. They were focused mainly to the face and head. It felt like electricity all over the body.

8-3  At around 5:30A energy was again turned up. In this situation, it felt like my body was vibrating.

8-3 Around 7:30P after experiencing computer problems initiated by the perpetrators, I accidentally formated my external hard drive. The purpose of formating was to make my SD memory readable. Because of this, I had to load a program that will assist in the recovery of these files. A recovery like this takes about 20 hours. This is just another example of being a Targeted Individual.

8-4 Throughout the night, the targeting was directed at my stomach and than my right foot and toes.

8- 6 Dollar Tree Store 336 N Eastern Blvd, Unit 1, Fayetteville, NC 28301
(910) 484-1388. Manager: Carlos. When I entered the store, it looked like it was recently stocked. I purchased Candy: Mary Jane, Graffiti Taffy and GoLightly Sugar Free Hard Candy Tropical Fruit. The GoLightly was sticky and wet, which meant that it had been sprayed before being rewrapped. This is typical with hard candy as their machines can’t embed this tech into hard candy unlike the other varieties. Also purchased Chewy Oat & Honey and Chewy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip – both made by Select Choice. TJ Farms Select Onin Rings/Broccoli Cuts, Pagasa Macaroni Elbow and Natural Select Snacks.

Food Lion #0367 342 Northeastern Blvd Ste 2 Fayetteville, NC 28301. Manager on duty Ernest. Several employees and non-employees stocking store. Several “customers” positioning themselves in my perimeter as I shopped. Purchased: Food Lion Brand IQF Chicken Wings, Eastern Peaches, Garlic and 5 pound bag of Red Grapefruit.

8-7 Upon consuming these products, noticeable contamination with GoLightly Hard Candy from Dollar Tree and Grapefruit from Food Lion. Attacks to the stomach, Feet increased.

8-7/8 Throughout the night attacks to the head, feet and stomach were felt. Also experienced a rapid heartbeat, which has been the norm for several weeks now.

8-8/9 Left ear crackling; the infection is still present.

8-10 Food Lion #1612 2071 Skibo Rd Fayetteville, NC Tele. No. 910-867-2454. Manager: Bill Vanwinkle. As I was shopping, I did not see the typical stocking that I see in these business, however, I did noticed some contamination with some of the products, which will be explain later. There was typical “customers” that were perp. One particular “customer” was seen near my bags as I was shopping. I seen this individual again as I was checking out. I had to move my bags several times. Anyway, I purchased Jumbo Turkey Franks from Jennie – O, frozen Corn, Peas, Green Beans from Birds Eye,  Frozen Black Eye Beans from PictSweet, Ball Park Beef Franks and Golden Hot Dog Buns, Kraft Original Barbecue Sauce, Oreo Cookies and My Essentials Enriched Long Grain White Rice. Items misplaced or stolen were Pork Country STY Ribs, Pork Neckbones, Turkey Drumbsticks and Food Lion Brand Cheddar Cheese.

8-10 Fresh Market 230 Glensford Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28314. Phone No.: 910 -867- 2588. Manager:  Due to lost receipt, I’m not aware, but it could be found in my credit card records. Memory tells me that I purchased bananas, yellow and regular peaches and Snikiddy eat your vegetables Tasty Veggie Chips with Sea Salt. As I was shopping I noticed several perpetrators positioning themselves in my perimeter. The purpose of these individuals coming into my space is to Transmit Directed Energy to my transplanted body. They all carry devices. Also noted is a specific store employee was right directly behind me. He was seen several times.

8-10 Because I was carrying a lot of bags, I could not keep up with everything. Items misplaced or stolen were Pork Country STY Ribs, Pork Neckbones, Turkey Drumbsticks and Food Lion Brand Cheddar Cheese. Between being forced to move to the front and getting off the bus is when these items disappeared, Before getting off the bus, one of the perpetrators rang the bell and rushed to the front of the bus as I got off. He could have used the back door. This is where these items were lost or taken. I was carrying a backpack, other groceries from Fresh Market and Food Lion and a box of new shoes. This made it 6 bags. The area of this bus stop consist of a manufacture business, and car and municipal depot. There is no residence or retail in this area. And the direction this individual was walking was towards downtown. I know this area enough to know that a person can walk to downtown using the street into the railroad tracks into down. The only reason this individual got off the bus is so he can hit me with Directed Energy as I was getting off the bus. And earlier during the targeting, at least one person gets off the bus when it was my stop. I don’t care where I got off. It is how their devices are configured.

8-10 I did not consume any of the products. In the past consuming the products lead to intensive targeting as the implanted technology is “new”. Also because the targeting I received on the bus leads to a more intensive form of targeting later. This is why I don’t eat the day I’m going to be in a close perimeter to people. All the food and rain water has some tech in it. The food and liquids brought from businesses is worse as it is more controlled.

8-11 Upon consuming the yellow peaches from Fresh Market, I was inflicted with diarrhea. I could literally feel the peach being pushed down to my abdomen. So it was heavy sprayed with chemical tech before it was put on the shelf. I did not have any problems like this with the other products from this business.

8-11/12 The Oreo Cookies and to some degree the Kraft Barbeque sauce had tech in it. Upon waking up from a nap, I was inflicted with a rapid heartbeat. Also, throughout the night into the morning I had symptoms that I didn’t had on the night of the 10th. These symptoms includes attacks to the mid-section, feet, legs and head.

8-13 Consumed Food Lion Brand White rice with Black Eye Peas and attacks to the head and stomach became more evident. Later in the night I can feel directed energy and face. And early in the morning I woke up to DE focused on my fingers. It was around 4:30A.

8-13 Persistent ear infection due to the targeting. The targeting consist of perpetrators remotely placing technology behind the ears and using DE to swell the ear canal. So now there is an extra layer of skin blocking the canal. The result: 80 percent hearing lost.

8-13/14 Throughout the day into the next day I was attempting to retrieve files that was accidentally formatted and the machine battery went out. This isn’t the first time a battery went out. Several months now even if the indicator will tell me that a battery is charging, it is not. The criminals manipulate the battery computer. Meanwhile, the main battery that is feed by solar panel dropped it charge rate and could no longer keep the computer on, Had the computer battery not been manipulated, it would have been able to kept the computer until the main battery was able to pick up a charge again. It was around 3A when the computer shut down. It takes 32 hours to retrieve deleted files from a 2 TB external hard drive. This does not include restoring files to the second drive, which is needed to retrieve files from the first drive.

8-14/15 Attacks to the left ear became evident after using hydrogen peroxide. It was particularly noticeable after waking up at 11:45 PM in the evening. The attacks continued to the next day, which included pulsing of my ear. The hydrogen peroxide was purchased at a Roses on 342 N Eastern Blvd #7, Fayetteville, NC 28301. The re-conditioned of products also includes cosmetics.

8-15/16  Did not consume anything the entire day, not even rain water. Device placed in location. Constant attacks to the mid-section. Attacks to other parts of the body minimum, which was restricted to legs.

8-16 After consuming the white rice I purchased from Food Lion, attacks to the stomach was immediate. Then felt tech behind my left ear, which reduce my hearing by 80 percent. I could feel the tech in my mouth as crystals. Later attacks to my head and face became more prevalent.

8-16/17 Numerous individuals walking in areas that I normally don’t see anyone. 100 percent are African American males. Increase traffic in areas not common at this time of day. It was around 9p when I started walking and now it is about 12:33 A. Lastly, as I was walking someone was spot almost directly behind me. This was around 12:15 A. This is very, very uncommon as this area is very rural. However, due to the nature of the stalking prevalence, it is common. I seen him again, but this time he was programing the towers in the area.

Also heard the sound of sensors being placed throughout the area. I talked about these sensors before as they make a peculiar sound that resembles a cricket, but it is very mechanical. Plus the sound is constant, it does not change in tone. There is a squeaking sound when they are first being placed.

8-16/17 Computer hacking. System would not connect to wifi. Had to roll it back, which the results were favorable.

8-17 Manage to find an area to sleep. Attacks to the feet was noticeable. The attacks to the feet subsided after sleeping on my stomach. I was laying on my back when this happen. Around 4A noticed noise in the area. Attacks to my stomach became more noticeable. When I positioned my stomach to the wall of the highway, attacks stops. I did feel attacks to my midsection, but it was minimum.

8-17 Big Lots Store #5310 Northgate Crossing 3915 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311-7673 Telephone No: 910-488-6901. It was around 9:30a when I entered this store. Almost immediately I felt a pulsing signal directed at my head. At no time before did I feel such a signal. I also recognized The Manage (given name) Christy. I had seen her several times before. Usually, if I have shopped at a store in the past, the same people can be seen. Anyway, I purchased Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent (which I saw someone stocking the shelf). I had verbalized purchasing Detergent to myself earlier. Other item include Oatmeal Raisin Granola, Good Seasame Bran Stick, Gimbal Sour Jelly Beans, Marilan Lime Tartlets, Waymouth Honey Raisin Soynut, Donna Chiara Spaghetti, DI Nicola Penne Rigate, Chick O Stick, Tough Organic Green Tea with Mint, BC Alferdo 4 Serving Pasta, FF Soul Seasoning 8 oz., Garlic Seasoning 8oz., French Fry Seasoning, Fresh Finds Raspberry FR, and Dry Roasted Peanut Jar.

8-17 As I was walking towards Ollies, one of the employees of this establishment was text messaging on their cell phone. He was outside the store. Then when I proceeded towards the store entrance, he decided to walk into the store. I was directly behind him. When I diverted away from the store, he looked puzzled. He had GPS my location for directed energy attacks in the store.

8-17 After logging in the previous post, I went into Ollies on Ramsey Street (910) 822-3116 and purchased 4 items. These items were 4oz Sheila G’s Brownie Brittle, Nestle Crunch Thin Mints, Hot Tamales and Tide Laundry Detergent. When I went outside the store, I see the same employee. He was text messaging on his cell phone. He was wearing a name tag “DON”. It stated he was a supervisor manager. The sells person told me his name was Dawn. Anyway, if a supervisor manger would go to this extent to GPS your location, than it obvious the employees of the store will do the same thing. This also includes the restocking of re-conditioning food and liquid products for the illegal human experimentation that so many Targeting Individuals are familiar with.

8-17 Aldi store #72 3447 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC 28311. Manager on duty was Jeff (I was told by a cashier, Kenneth, that he was told to not mentioned his name). This only tells me the intensitive of the infiltration that is happening in this business. As I was shopping I notice a young man that I have seen before placing “new” items on the shelf. Then later I seen him at as a cashier as I was checking out. This is typical to see employees ending their stocking duties after they see me on the line checking out. Purchased Breakfast Best Homestyle Wafflles, Fit&Active Whole Grain Waffles, Navel Oranges, Black Grapes, IQF Leg Quarters, Lentils, Honey Bear, Frozen Peas, Brown Rice, Happy Farms Deli Swiss Slice Cheese, Happy Farms Deli Mild Cheddar Slice Cheese, Onions, Bagged Broccoli, Vine Tomatoes, Frozen Corn, Parkview Smoked Sausage, Honey Trees Honey Flavored Syrup and Cauliflower.

8-17 When I got back to my location, I noticed the area has been saturated with smart dust technologies and other technologies used to aide these illegal experiments. This prompted me to pay special attention to cleaning the area. However, it only minimize the attacks to the body, which was the upper right arm joint and before sun down and 11:15P the face and head.

8-17/18 Most of the attacks were noise heard from the multiple sensors that was placed in the area. The sensors and smart dust particles allows the criminal organization to target me at a distance and with less people. It also gives them the benefit of being in a single location. But these Sensors and smart dust particles are second level attack mechanisms as the Pulsing devices are the primary modes used for attacking a subject (targeted individual).

8-18 As I consumed one of the purchases I made at Biglots, I could taste the tech in the produc. Then I immediately noticed my left ear clouding up. My left ear clouding up resulted in hearing lost. The product was Marilan Tortinhas Lime Tartlet. Also attacks to my righ arm became apparent. And then attacks o my left foot was noticeable in the form of signaling.

The technologies can be tasted in the food in the form of cystals and these crystals have a moveable sensation in the mouth. Also tasted technologies in the oranges that I purchased from Aldis. Now attacks to the right foot is apparent.

The criminals (referred as perpetrators) setup pulsing devices in the area. They are able to work off the signals that these pulsing devices produce. Then they can manipulate the technologies that is consumed in the body. This is via cell phones, which over 90 percent people have and have been setup with an organized GPS (Global Position Satellite) menu system. The GPS menu system represents points of targeting and anyone with a cellular phone can participate in the attacks on a targeted individual.

But these crimes would not be possible without the cooperation of businesses that restock reconditioned Food and Liquid products. Chem-trails, which have not happened in a while (on a large scale) is just an addition to the targeting, it is not the primary mode used.

After consuming the Good Sense Honey Roasted Soynuts, attacks to the right food big toe occurred.

8-18 The Bear Creek Country Kitchens Alfredo Pasta Mix that I purchased from Biglots was heavily contaminated with nano dust (smart dust – nano crystaline) technologies. It was mixed in with the chicken and broccoli meal. When I first ate it, the technologies in the food was not obvious, but after consuming for some 5 minutes, it became obvious. I’m aware of the perpetrators placing technologies in the area and how it can end up in my food. However, I’m also aware on how they can activate this technologies right after you start eating the food. This is why there is no one else complaining about it. For the perpetrator of these crimes, it is a perfect scheme for manipulating the detection system for identifying infected food.

8-18 Breakfast Best and Fit&Active Waffles that I purchased from Aldis was heavily contaminated with nano dust (smart dust – nano crystaline) technologies. The Honey Flavored Syrup was ok.

8-18/19 The night was very unusual. Unlike previous nights, the attacks were coming individuals from handheld pulsing devices. This is the method used when it is raining as the sensoring technology is less effective.  Attacks were minimum to the heart as it was elevated several times. Late in the morning, pulsing of my right foot was noticeable, but that quickly vanished when I moved around. Also, the sensoring technology could be heard generally in the area around the warehouse, which is the primary location where the criminal organization resides at.

8-19 Computer would not power on until it was plugged in. The battery indicator showed that the battery was almost dead. There is a separated computer that controls what the battery shows and regulates how the battery charges. This has all been manipulated using frequencies.

8-19 Second computer inoperable after attempting to update the bios. I had done this process many times before without problem. So until then, I will be minimizing my computer time until 2nd (or even 3rd machine) is purchased to minimize operation time. Until then, I wish you peace love and happiness, because the whole world needs a lot of it.

8-19 Difficulty on getting o yahoo and facebook. The INTERNET connection takes longer than usual.

8-19 Contamination in the grapes I purchased from Alds and the red hot tamales I purchased from Ollies.

8-20 When I woke up around 1:15a I felt extremely dehydrated. Other attacks included  slight rapid heartbeat.

8-20 Was woken around 7a. Strong rapid heartbeat. Felt directed energy directed at the head and feet. When I got up, attacks to these areas subsided.

8-20 Jelly beans purchased from Biglots! contaminated. This makes more than 90 percent of the products contaminated.

8-21 Woke up to loud sensors.

8-21 Raspberry cookies that I purchased from Biglots was heavily contaminated. It taste like a lot of crystallize nano tech in product.

8-21 In the late Afternoon, felt attacks to the middle-side of my head. It felt like a signal accessing technology attach to a specific part of my head.

8-21/22 Throughout the night into the early morning, I felt my entire right leg under attack. Then I felt energy directed at my head similar to earlier. When I woke up two hours later, it felt like my chest had a device attach to it. I had this tired feeling as if I hadn’t slept for days and urination increased during this period. When I went back to sleep again and woke up around 6a, attacks to the right side of my torso was very noticeable. It felt like a device was attach to this part of body.

8-22 As I pour the dry Macaroni in the a powdery substance filled the air. So as usual I took some rain water and clean the Macaroni several times, then I put the fire on. The next process is to get it hot enough so it would boil and than I clean it again to dissolve any left over reside from the last rinse. The ending result is a safer to eat over-cooked meal with less nano dust contamination. But lessening the affects of nano tech influence requires letting the food sitting over night. The dry Macaroni was purchased at a Dollar Tree store on Eastern Blvd in Fayetteville, NC.

Skipping a day of eating and drinking allows the body to recover from build up of nano tech (other technologies) influences. So at the end, the targeting is minimized.

8-23 Early in the morning I can feel nano tech particles in my mouth. This specifically happened when my side was turned in the opposite direction. When I reverse back to side I was sleeping, the sensations disappeared. The way to understand this is that the particles are placed in the targeted area. Because there is already technology in the targeted body that can be manipulated, perpetrators can then introduce technology to the target without putting it in their food or water.

8-23 As I stated earlier the Macaroni that I purchased from Dollar Tree had nano crystalline in it, but particularly the swiss cheese that I purchased from Alds had it too. The Swiss did not have the white lining in it, but the Cheddar (which was also part of the meal) did. It is very simple “mistakes” like this one that tells me that products are being tampered with. Whether it is for the purpose of illegal human experimentations or not, it is still against the law. But it is also against the law for the government to be involve in this criminal activity as well as ignoring the fact that both malicious food/liquid/water contamination is happening when it is brought to there attention.

8-24/25 Implant found blocking my left ear passage reducing my hearing to about 20 percent. In the night I felt implants in my upper arm joints. It felt like muscle moving against bone. But my arm was not moving. Sharp needle like pain directed at my elbows. In the morning, attacks to the legs and to some degree my head.

8-25 When I place a q-tip in my left ear, I came across a blockage. As I was investigating this blockage, the I hit what appeared to be a metal or plastic part. As I kept moving the q-tip across my inner ear, I can see it was attached my inner ear, which is covering the entire section that would allow hearing. The part refuse to lift up and it was not abrasive, it was hard and smooth.

It has been several weeks and about two months since this implant has been in my ear. When ever my ear is about to open up, I will feel and hear a pulsing sound in my ear. Water gets trapped in my ear, which complicates my hearing.

Later I put some garlic in my ear. I left it there for several hours. Then I applied Hydrogen Peroxide in my ear several times until the garlic was dissolved from my ear. After the garlic was dissolved from my ear something shocking happened. I heard a mechanical sound in left ear.

I never had this problem with implants in my ear (that I’m aware of). I have not had any surgery or my last visit to the doctor was over 10 years ago.So I assume the implants were placed in my food and than attached to my left ear.

8-25/26 Attacks of my ear throughout the night into the morning. The attacks was in the form of pulsing my left ear and the symptom was popping. Minimum attacks to my stomach, legs, head, elbows, arms and feet.

8-26 Constant attacks to my right and left foot. It feels like energy going through my feet.

8-27 Attacks to my feet after waking up around 1a. It felt like electrical current going through my feet. Other attacks were to the legs in the form of bee stings, which is a symptom after the attacks are applied.

8-27 – Attacks to my left foot and bee stings to my left leg after eating brown rice, split peas and sausage. I purchased the split peas and sausage from Aldis, but it was the rice, which I purchased from Biglots that consist of the larger amount of contaminants. The rice needed to be rise down with a larger amount of rain water. However, due to the lack of rain in the area, the rain water used to clean the rice was very limited.

8-27/28 Throughout the night into the morning I experienced a rapid heartbeat. The first rapid heartbeat was strong, but the second was mild in comparison. However, when I was woken the first time, the symptom was limited to my feet. The second time, the symptoms included energy directed to the side of my body I was laying on. Only a nearby pulsing device can produce this kind of sensation. I also felt tired, or like I haven’t slept for days. These symptoms quickly vanish when I get up and start moving around. Moreover, I was given a false dream, which occur every time I go to sleep. But this one had racial connotations in it.

8-28 Did not eat or consumed rain water entire day. Minimum attacks to the feet, legs and arms.

8-28/29 Attacks restricted to the right foot, but nothing like the previous night.

8-29 Hacking and interfering with the time and date mechanism on my computer, which interferes with logging onto Facebook and Yahoo email accounts. The hacking is associated with the targeting or reduced directed energy targeting to the body. When I don’t eat (FAST), the targeting drops significantly.

8-29/8-30 Attacks to the (upper regions of my ) left foot throughout the night into the morning of 2:30A. After banging my feet together for an hour, attacks to my left foot subsided. Attacks to the stomach could then be felt. As I was going back to sleep, attacks to the right foot became evident, but was not as directed as the left foot. Also felt attacks to the head later in the morning.

8-30 I’m upgrading to the Government Sponsored Stalking email service from the Yahoo email service. The purpose is to be able to manage email better, create a list serv for important TI announcements and filter spam much more accurately.

8-30 Constant attacks to the upper regions of my left foot throughout the day.

8-30/31 When I was woken I felt a slight elevation in heartbeat. I ate some kidney beans earlier. I did not have this symptom the previous nights.

8-31 Rain. Used this opportunity to clean the heavily contaminated brown rice I purchased from Big Lots! I also filled all my water bottles. I heard Donald Duck sound in the background. I usually hear this sound when it rains. This is the perpetrator devices that have been modified to put out this sound, instead of the popping sound that I use to hear.

8-31/9-1 Attacks to the right foot throughout the day into the night and the next day. Attacks to this area of my body involves continuous pulsing of the right regions of my right foot. When I hit my feet together, it interrupts the attacks temporary. When I get up, sometimes the attacks stop almost entire. However, when I go asleep and wake up, they return.

Summarize: This concludes the Journal for August 2015. During this month, the attacks were mainly directed at my left ear, which resulted to hearing lost. Until this time, although the attacks have subsided in this area of my body, hearing in my left ear is difficult. Also, due to the lack of rain in the area, I was forced to reside in the same area for an extended period of time. Staying in the same location presents it own unique problems, but having no clean water is just unacceptable. Leaving an area without a significant amount of water would mean that I would be subjected to drinking Tap water or buying bottle water. In the past I have tried drinking both of these options and they were both heavily contaminated. Systems are setup throughout the area to push chemicals and tech in the tap water. And bottle water, which are recently stocked on store shelves, have been reconditioned with the same substances. Although the rain water has tech in it, it is not as controlled. However, during heighten targeting, even the consumption of rain water is reduced. The reduction of rain water always means the reduction of food, because the rain water has help me recover from the consumption of contaminated food. Towards the end of the attacks to the feet have became more evident.

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Your Brain on Gang Stalking Conspiracy Theories

For this post, and maybe several more to follow, I'd like to take the time to talk about a little known subculture in the internet conspiracy theory world known as Targeted Individuals, or TI's for short.

 First, allow me to get you all up to date on the jargon used by them so that there isn't any misunderstanding later on. A Targeted Individual is a person who believes, for whatever reasons, that they are being targeted by a group of people who conspire to make their lives a living hell. They call these people Gang Stalkers or Organized Stalkers.

TI's usually believe that the gang stalkers are apart of an even bigger conspiracy involving the Illuminati, New World Order, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, and so on. Some even believe that these stalkers are supernatural, and work for Satan personally.

A lot of them believe that the gang stalkers have access to exotic military grade weaponry capable of beaming voices into their heads, known as V2K (voice to skull ), or are "zapping" them with EMF, which stands for Electro Magnetic Frequency.

A few of them even suggest the use of aluminum foil on their heads as shielding from these weapons, even though an MIT study has proven that their protective head gear might in fact amplify some frequencies.

Some even go further than that, and deck the entire house with various metals and aluminum foil to protect themselves from electronic attack, like this individual known on youtube as Vulcan Wolverine.


Some targeted individuals even claim that a person wearing a certain color, or driving a certain color vehicle are paid by the powers that be to stalk them. Certain gestures like scratching your nose, coughing/sneezing, or yawning are believed to be tools of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).


video_object.png (scroll down to the all caps GANG STALKING = ORGANIZED MURDER part for more examples of alleged gang stalker tactics)

Targeted Individuals rarely, if ever, believe only in just this single conspiracy theory. A belief in a global conspiracy to rule the world is almost always a prerequisite to being a targeted individual. Experts have weighed in on how these communities reinforce each other's paranoid delusions.

Quote from the article: “The views of these belief systems are like a shark that has to be constantly fed,” Dr. Hoffman said. “If you don’t feed the delusion, sooner or later it will die out or diminish on its own accord. The key thing is that it needs to be repetitively reinforced.” And that is exactly what this conspiracy theory subculture does. They even go so far as to actively discourage others from seeking psychiatric help, because they believe that the psychiatric industry is in on the conspiracy.

At the 15:00 minute mark in this video He talks about how he is refusing to take the medication prescribed to him.





These screen shots come from the "Targeted Individuals International" group on Facebook, the very same group Myron May was a member of...

They refuse to acknowledge the most likely possibility is that there is a mental issue of some sort, and if they do actually acknowledge any issues, they only do so by claiming it was caused by the gang stalkers.


Trying to reason with targeted individuals can be extremely frustrating. They will claim that you are a gang stalker too if you call any of their claims into question, express doubt, or ask to see tangible proofs of the stalking taking place.


This can have a negative effect on the TI's relationships with family and friends. Because they believe that everyone is against them somehow, the ones who genuinely are concerned and want to help them as much as possible will be considered enemies.

 Trying to reason with them can often be counter-productive, and might lead to the TI burying themselves even further into paranoia, and might make them refuse to communicate with you further, making any attempt to help them nigh impossible unless you can prove they are a danger to themselves or others.

(testimonial from a person whose wife believes in gang stalking)

(a targeted individual talking about how his immediate family members were his gang stalkers under the employ of the local police)

Conspiracy theorists in general typically react to anyone doubting the theories in a similar way, accusing them of being paid agents/provocateurs and so on. The difference is, the conspiracy theorist is protecting their ideological beliefs, the targeted individual is protecting their paranoid delusional perceptions of reality.

Sometimes it is a lot easier to convince yourself that you are the target of a vast conspiracy, than it is to simply admit you might be wrong.

So how does a TI deal with their persecution delusions? Some handle it by going on the internet and joining the various online communities that focus on "supporting" targeted individuals. Some write blogs, some make videos, some make comic strips, some write e-books, and some make websites. There are also some who handle it in a completely unproductive manner that usually lands them in a bad situation, e.g. being committed to a mental institution.

Take this video for example.


He goes out into his front yard and begins shouting about how his neighbors are attacking him with stolen military equipment. The gentleman in question previous to making this video had a gun pulled on him by his neighbor for pulling similar stunts, and to be honest, I can't blame the neighbor for doing that.

I can't recall the exact videos, but this guy claimed before that he had been committed to a mental institution at least twice in the past. Some of these people can and WILL get violent, which I will show examples of later in this post.

Before I get into the meat of this post, I just want to make one thing clear. Gang stalking DOES exist, but not in the type of way these people are talking about. In the past, the KGB and the Stasi used similar tactics on their political opponents. COINTELPRO was also very similar. There is also work-place mobbing, members of street gangs who will harass, stalk, and kill former members, and generally spite filled people who don't like you and want to pick on you for some percieved slight against them.

 For instance, Christian Weston Chandler, an internet personality known for being a whacky autistic man with a heart of gold, was the target of a conspiracy organized by trolls to ruin his life.  (go do your research on him, this cwcki is an authority on all things Chrischan.

These are genuine instances where gang stalking has occured, and there is a plethora of evidence to back it up when it does happen. Except, the majority of the people making gang stalking claims now rarely, if ever, have proof that this is indeed happening to them. Somehow, through impressive mental gymnastics, the lack of evidence proves that powerful forces are seeing to it that evidence never sees the light of day.

If evidence surfaces that proves their claims wrong, they see this as further evidence that powerful forces are fabricating plausible, but still false, data. After all, these powerful forces control the media, government, and so on; obviously the truth will never see the light of day, right? "They" will invent and plant new evidence to make their accusers look discredited, or ridiculous, as if the TI's aren't doing that well enough on their own (e.g., the guy above shouting about his neighbors "zapping" him with electronic weaponry, or stuffing his shirts full of aluminum polyester)

With that said, meet Myron May. Myron May claimed he was a targeted individual. He belonged to a Facebook group named "Targeted Individuals International". He recently asked the group a question that SHOULD HAVE set off red flags for everyone in that group. He asked, "...has anyone here ever encouraged by your handler to kill with a promise of freedom?".


Apparently, not one person in that group thought that question was an odd one to ask. Soon after this he sent out various packages to people, and then after conducting his preparations, Myron May went to Florida State University with the intent to kill. He wounded three, and was killed by the police. One of the people he sent a package to was Renee Pittman Mitchell. She also considers herself to be a Targeted Individual. Hours before he opened fire at the Florida State University library,Myron May left a desperate voicemail for her with this plea: "I do not want to die in vain." She said that after their initial conversations, she became wary of Myron May, concerned that he might be what she called an "impostor." Instead of getting Myron May the appropriate help he needed, she instead let her paranoid delusion that he might be an "impostor" get the better of her judgement. Perhaps she could've prevented this somehow if she didn't assume that he was an impostor, rather than a person crying out for help. Included in the package she and nine others received, was a letter.

In this letter, he implied that he intended to die, and become a martyr for targeted individuals when he said, "Lastly, please whisper a prayer for my soul. I am still a believer and honestly feel there is no hope for me. Consequently, I am making a sacrifice so that others in my same position might have a chance at a normal, harassment-free life. I realize that my methods are not the best selection and probably will not be perceived as the selection of a Christ follower. But I have prayed incessantly for months to no avail. There are targeted individuals that have endured this torture for decades without any relief. And what targeted individuals need more than anything is media attention."

I can not imagine why none of the recipients of this letter didn't do or say anything to anyone about it. Whether the recipients, like Renee Pittman Mitchell, believed him to be an "impostor" or not, it should've been taken to the authorities. Renee Pittman Mitchell also hosts the public Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance conference calls on, and they had at least one show discussing Myron May and making excuses for what he did. I recommend listening to it if you have about 4-5 hours to kill.

The members of that group have now erected an "RIP Myron May" page, full of martyr worship by the targeted individual community. A large portion of them believe this event was an 'inside job', perpetrated by the very same people who are targeting them. They aren't alone in this belief, because now there is cross-pollination between the TI community and conspiracy theorist communities as a whole. If you type "Myron May" into the YouTube search bar, you will find that the majority of the videos in the results are conspiracy theory oriented. The only ones that aren't conspiracy oriented are the clips of news reports about the event. Before the dust has even settled, conspiracy theorists leapt on this like white on rice. And as usual, no evidence is provided, only speculation presented as if it were fact.


(Here's a drinking game, take a shot every time he makes a claim without providing evidence. On second thought, don't do it. You will 100% die from alcohol poisoning)

Myron May was also trying to start a law suit on behalf of the TI's in that group, which lead to the group believing that he was killed or "MK'd" (a reference to Project MK ULTRA) in order to stop the law suit from going forward. Never mind the fact that several people in the past have done the exact same thing, and didn't get killed ( Never mind the fact that he was trying to kill people when he got shot down by the police. No, it must be a conspiracy. Targeted Individuals never lash out violently or anything, right?


Meet exhibit A; "Richard" from Port Alberni, British Columbia.

Richard's current whereabouts are currently unknown, he has not posted to his youtube channel in over two years. He is, like most TI's, pretty unhinged in his videos. Even in the videos in which he appears calm, there seems to be a torrent of emotions boiling over under the surface.  Here, I link you to his recollection of events that occurred while he was out driving one day, and to make a long story short, ended in him grabbing a random person and screaming in their face about how he knows they are a stalker. This story was delivered across three videos, but every minute is worth watching if you want to gain insight into what he went through that day, and the events that transpired afterwards.




In these videos, he narrates as if it was aimed at his wife and children who seem to have left him after what occurred. He is trying to convince them he isn't crazy, despite what some "sick doctor" claims. This leads me to believe he was diagnosed with a mental illness, although he doesn't disclose what his diagnosis was. He tells the story of how he drove down a country road somewhere in Port Alberni looking for gang stalkers, and then began to chase down a person who drove passed him while talking on their mobile phone. According to Richard, using a mobile phone while driving was some kind of cue to let him know that the gang stalkers are watching him. The chase ends with the person parking at a co-op service station, and getting accosted by Richard for no apparent reason other than Richard is delusional, and talking on your phone while driving is some sort of underhanded persecution according to Richard's delusions. This is a violent lashing out that luckily didn't end up with someone getting seriously hurt or worse, however, it appears to have ended Richard's family life as he knew it, and understandably so. Unfortunately, events like these are a dime-a-dozen for "targets" who often perceive normal public behavior as some sort of persecution against themselves.

Meet exhibit B; Jason Rodriguez. Jason's story ends a lot worse than Richard's does, with 6 people shot, 1 person dead, and a life sentence behind bars for Jason. Jason claimed to have been gang stalked, and his main stalker went by code name "Sharptooth", who communicated with him via voices in his head.

Quote from the Orlando Sentinal's news article on Jason-

The defense's case relied on opinion, in the form of extensive expert testimony about what was going on inside Rodriguez's mind at the time of the gunfire.

Six forensic doctors testified, all with the same conclusion: Rodriguez suffered from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of the killings and wasn't able to know what he was doing was wrong.

In the words of Dr. Randy Otto, Rodriguez "believed that there was a conspiracy of many people working together to harm him and his family," which involved his former employers and law enforcement.

The paranoia centered on "sharp tooth," a voice Rodriguez heard that he believed was sending him "threatening and derogatory" messages, Otto said.

Added Dr. Jacquelyn Olander: "'Sharp tooth' had threatened him for years... Mr. Rodriguez reported that when he walked through that door into [RS&H], 'sharp tooth' was there with his followers."

In her closing argument, public defender Melissa Vickers argued the defense had proved Rodriguez legally insane.

"Six doctors, with over 100 years of experience, came in here and told you, number one, [Rodriguez had] paranoid schizophrenia, number two, he didn't know [what he did] was wrong," she said.

Williams, however, argued those opinions were "sloppy, incomplete... They're incomplete because they didn't consider the facts that you have heard," he told the jury.

Williams noted that Rodriguez left a threatening note and made a menacing gesture when RS&H fired him in 2007: "He pointed his finger... and pulled the proverbial trigger," the prosecutor said.

Williams argued Rodriguez's career had been in steady decline since he was fired, and he had hit rock bottom by Nov. 6, 2009. When his unemployment benefits didn't come as expected that day, he blamed RS&H, Williams said.

Rodriguez stalked the halls of RS&H, Williams said, "firing two at a time, pop pop.... walking along the hallway where his managers worked, the people responsible for his firing."

"Those, ladies and gentlemen, are the facts that you heard," Williams said.

Rodriguez, 44, remained stoic as the verdict was read. He faces life in prison at sentencing Dec. 18.

After the verdict, Beckford's family said that's the sentence they want: "I want him to spend life in prison for killing my innocent grandson," said Beckford's grandmother, Deleta Earle.

Said Beckford's mother, Icilda Cole: "He's a monster."

On to exhibit C; Aaron Alexis, the Navy Yard shooter. His story ended with 13 people dead, counting the victims he murdered, and himself. In case you don't remember, he believed, just like a lot of other targeted individuals, that he was under attack by low-frequency radio waves. He etched the words "end the torment!", "Not what ya'll say, better off this way!", and "MY E.L.F. WEAPON!" onto the barrel of his weapon. The clues about Alexis’s mental state and motivations come from inscriptions found on his Remington 870 shotgun and documents found on his electronic devices.

In one document, he wrote: “An ultra low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last three months, and to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this.”

The police also claim to have computer disks and thumb drives that were found, the contents of which have not been released. I assume that it contained a lot of the same type of material about gang stalking and targeted individuals that Myron May was sending in his packages to his acquaintances.

Exhibit D; Benjamin Frankum. Benjamin Frankum broke into the house of Daniel Quelch, a 34 years old father of three, and stabbed Daniel 82 times in front of his children. He emerged almost naked from the house covered in blood just as Mrs Quelch returned home in her car. In the aftermath of the attack, Frankum is alleged to have claimed that he was from MI5 and had been ordered to carry out the killing because Daniel was a torturer.

In September 2001 Frankum was sectioned and admitted to an establishment in Brighton, where he was diagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations, described as 'hearing of voices and delusional thoughts.'

'He suffered from bizarre behaviour and a lack of insight into his own condition.'

Mr Frankum had been in residential care until shortly before the attack.

He was discharged into the community on two occasions but had to be readmitted because he relapsed due to not taking his medication.

When he began to improve in June 2007 he was placed in supported accommodation in Littlehampton, West Sussex.

However, his condition began to concern his support worker and his family, and there was evidence that he had been attacked, that he was drinking alcohol and was not managing his money.

Then, it appeared he had still been taking his medication.

But when arrested and examined there was no evidence he had been taking the prescribed medicine.

Exhibit E; Tamerlan Tsarnev, one of the Boston bombers, thought to be motivated by radical Islamists, either directly or indirectly, in fact turns out to have been motivated by his mental illness according to the investigation conducted by the Boston Globe, link here. The article is quite lengthy, and would take up a large portion of this post to even summarize, but in it they refer to Tsarnev family acquaintances who suspected Tamerlan of having mental illness, and a doctor who suspected him of being schizophrenic. He apparently told his mother at one point that there were voices inside him, and that he felt as though he had two people living in his body.

His mother and father have been reported as having a history of visiting psychologists for therapy sessions, yet they never sought help for their son Tamerlan for his mental illness and allowed it to blossom within their son's mind. He and his family also believed that 911 was an inside job, that was perpetrated by the US government as a false flag attack in order to create the pretense to wage war against Muslims. This belief in conspiracy theories is important and relevant to this post, because most if not all targeted individuals believe in such conspiracy theories.

 There have been conspiracy theorists in the past who have committed violent crimes without being targeted individuals, Timothy McVeigh being the most notable. But when you combine it with the ultra paranoid belief that you are a targeted individual, which is predicated upon a paranoid belief in conspiracy theories, along with mental instability, the results can be deadly.

It begs the question, which came first? The conspiracy theory, or the mental illness? I shall pontificate more on the answer to this later.

Tamerlan also grew very close to a friend he met through his mother, named Don Larking. Don and Tamerlan attented mosque regularly together for several years. The following is an excerpt from the Boston Globe's report regarding Tamerlan's belief that he was being mind controlled. Pay attention, because this part is imperative to exhibit E.

As their relationship grew closer, Tamerlan confided in Larking his troubling secret about the voice inside his head. Tamerlan told him that he had been hearing the voice for some time, and that he had a theory of what might be afflicting him.

“He believed in majestic mind control, which is a way of breaking down a person and creating an alternative personality with which they must coexist,” explained Larking. “You can give a signal, a phrase or a gesture, and bring out the alternate personality and make them do things. Tamerlan thought someone might have done that to him.”

The person inside him, as Tamerlan described it to Larking, “was someone who wanted to control him to make him do something.”

In 2010, DEMOS think tank published a paper in which they discuss how conspiracy theories are used within the context of extremist ideology recruitment, and terrorism.

Tamerlan has been suspected of being linked to terrorist groups, or at the very least compelled by extremist muslim rhetoric. His internet history confirms as much. He and his brother Dzohkar, Don Larking, and their mother Zubeidat also believed in conspiracy theories. This ideological alchemy is strong enough to create killers, without mental illness even being a factor. If you consider possible schizophrenia into the mixture with absolutely nothing done about it, it would be quite surprising if that person didn't lash out violently at some point.

Another quote from the Globe report.

Larking, too, found his young friend changed in several ways on his return. Much more serious than he had been, Tamerlan insisted that Larking grow a beard, “to honor the prophet Mohammed.” Larking complied. He also pressed Larking to remove his wedding ring, saying that most Muslims did not wear gold, but Larking refused. The last time Larking and Tamerlan sat together in the rear of the mosque, Tamerlan once again mentioned the voices in his head. This time, as Larking recalled it, he seemed afraid.

“He said, ‘Someone is in my brain, telling me stuff to do,’ ” recalled Larking. “He said he was trying to ignore it but it was hard to do. Whatever it was he was being told to do, he didn’t want to do it.”

Sounds to me like he was an already mentally unstable individual made even more unstable by being indoctrinated by conspiracy theories and extremist Muslim rhetoric.

DEMOS think tank published a paper that went in great detail about the subject of extremists groups utilizing conspiracy theories as indoctrination and recruitment tools.


Quote from the report:

Our analysis shows that conspiracy theories are widely prevalent across this extremist spectrum, despite the vast differences in the extremist ideologies themselves. For far right groups, the concept of Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) – that a small cabal of Jews controls world governments – is central to both ideology and propaganda. For al-Qaeda and other radical Islamist groups, the conspiracy tends to be a generalised Judeo-Christian-Capitalist quest to destroy Islam.

Far left and anarchist groups propagate a Marxist-inspired bourgeois conspiracy of ‘international financiers’, or ‘global elites’, which they sometimes believe is leading toward a ‘New World Order’ of a unitary, totalitarian world government. Cults, on the other hand, tend to believe in conspiracies that are targeted against their specific group or movement. It is striking that there is considerable overlap and fusion between many of these conspiracies, even across groups that exist at opposite ends of the ideological spectrum.

I'm not going to say TI's are forming terrorist extremist groups, but they are a conspiracy theorist subculture that recruits people into their fold in a very similar way.

The Boston Bombers grew up in a family and atmosphere that encouraged the belief in absurd paranoid conspiracy theories, Tamerlan grew up with possible schizophrenia, and his parents encouraged him to stay mentally ill by choosing to ignore the problem and not get him help for any of it.

They encouraged the brothers to turn to the more radical and militant parts of the Islamic faith. These elements mixing in the same pot is a deadly concoction. It would only be a matter of time before a person like that lashes out and attempts to harm others or themselves.

Back to the Chicken or the Egg, Conspiracy Theory or Mental Illness, which came first question. 

When it comes to TI theories, its really hard to tell which came first. Some of these people who get interested in the gang stalking/targeted individual conspiracy theory usually start out as conspiracy theorist that might, on the surface, have nothing mentally wrong with him at all. They are just conspiracy hobbyists. But then, they gradually convince themselves over time that its true, and from that point on, everything negative in their day-to-day life is the fault of the "gang stalkers".

They slowly start to believe that every person who sneezes or coughs in public, or scratches their nose, or talks on their cell phone, or wears a red article of clothing, or drives anything red is automatically a gang stalker there to fuck your life up.  So the conspiratainment hobbyist doesn't do research and gets sucked in fairly easily into believing the claims of TI's. Paranoid schizophrenics that haven't been diagnosed yet also go onto the internet, seek out their symptoms, such as voices in the head, they most likely are going to be directed to some TI website discouraging them from getting help, because the doctors are gang stalkers too, and some other nonsense about v2k. Other TI's don't want to help you, they just want to recruit and indoctrinate you into joining their online mental institutions just so they can get attention and validation for their delusions.

One last exhibit. Exhibit F; Todd Giffen, advocate for the murder of innocent people on the behalf of Targeted Individuals. Just after the evens that happened with Myron May, a person in the very same Facebook group "Targeted Individuals International",  in which Myron asked if anyone had ever been encouraged by their "handler" to kill, someone else claiming to be a TI began advocating for Myron May's actions, and hoping there would be more. He believes the people that got shot by Myon deserved to die simply for being "peons" and "idiots" who have most likely never heard of gang stalking.

He posted this shit in the very same group Myron posted the just days after the shooting took place.




Not a single person in that group even so much as batted an eye at these posts besides myself. In fact, his statements were defended by others in the group. They didn't see anything wrong with him saying these things. One would think they would have a problem with this, considering Myron May was killed by police for attempting to kill others at FSU after posting about killing in this exact same group. But no, they were perfectly fine with it, and defended or made excuses for his actions.

The majority of TI's seem to literally believe that its impossible for a TI to EVER be capable of hurting themselves or others. They also think its impossible for a TI to actually have a mental disorder/illness. I think the exhibits I presented here prove that to be wrong. There is actually quite a bit I had to leave out, because this is an extremely lengthy post as it is.

Special thanks goes out to the members of Targeted Individuals International for inspiring this blog post, after seeing how willing they are to advocate and make excuses for Myron May's actions. Hopefully some of them are reading this and will snap out of their paranoid state before its too late. We need to work on preventing these people from hurting themselves or others, not encouraging them.

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My name is James Lico and I have been a targeted individual since August of 2010, after filing an EEOC charge against my employer. I am a full time human rights activist now, working against government sponsored human trafficking of people targeted by private military contractor handlers. What I am talking about is wireless electromagnetic torture aka "No Touch Torture". Private Military Contractors (PMC's) are doing this to thousands of Targeted Individuals (TI's)

please see my website and

thank you

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