Hi All! I am new comer to this site.I am a female from Canada (Toronto) Like most of you here - I am a victim of gangstalking and electronic harassment. It took me a while to realize what was going on since I found it hard to believe such thing was going on. I even thought I was going unstable. After searching on the net, I came to know the whole world is experiencing some sort of electronic harassment/organized stalking. The gangstalking part I am still trying to understand as to how they do it. Wherever I go, shopping mall, bank, to the grocery - they seem to know exactly where to find me to harass me. Even yesterday, I was standing in line, they cut me off, tripped me making it look as it was an accident. One night, I woke up all of a sudden as if something was chocking me. I have been made to feel sweat at night, then I would be cold. I would wake in the middle of the night with high anxiety but there was nothing for me to fear. My mother is also experiencing the harassment. She has been going through increased heart rate and heart pain. Took her to ER and everything was fine. She has extreme eye pain with blurred vision, she feels dizzy and there things have never happened before this onset. As I am new to this gangstalking and electronic harassment, I am reaching out to anyone who can help me out with how to block/shield against these electronic devices - I am also experiencing mind control which seems like they can read my mind. Any help from anyone, i would really appreciate. Thanks all for reading my post. Stay Blessed all!
Posted by Dangerous Minds - N on November 21, 2016 at 2:59am
My family members who are involved in me and my boys targeting are very much aware of what their doing,. Whomever in my family that are involved have been cut off , I don't think twice about it. I'm a mother of two beautiful boys and don't have time to waste on people like that.