Except for Greg of course. I was wondering what steps other people have taken in their community and what was the outcome? Last time I told my family I was hearing things they tried to Baker Act me, truth and then I tried to baker act myself I wasnt really sure EXACTLY what that meant but a nice police officer came over and talked me out of it, he suggested the Keys maybe for a day or two, He was kind and had gentle blue eyes so I felt better about myself for a moment. Well that was 7 years ago and I have moved 13 times and Im poor now and on social sec disability. So Today I decided to OUT myself,I found large empty bottles of that cheap beer homeless people drink behind the 7/11 in my beautiful 17 year old sons room and I am writing this like its so blase but I almost died from this and I know what it feels like to believe.I have to save our lives I have repeated that for so long being to sick to fight, but I want my son and daughter to be free. SO I reviewed and gathered my research, tried to dress and present myself like a "normal" person and went to the Fort Lauderdale Police Dept. The officer behind the bullet proof counter told me to go outside and use the phone to call upstairs, so I did and nobody was there I had to leave a message. I already did a report last week but I thought I would do two thinking that would be better. At this moment I feel ok but living with this secret of electronic harrassment is as bad as the sickness the reality is a death sentence with no feeling but pain and worry for my children. Today I am going to believe in the system. Tomorrow maybe will be real time coming my way when my thoughts manifest themselves before me.Does anyone know how those electronic house arrest anklets work?Even those people can escape undetected. If I cqn save our lives I promise I will spend the rest of our lives trying to save other lives like ours.