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There are a number of interlocking systems, technologies and techniques which are currently being deployed against the citizens of the United States of America by certain segments of our national government.

First, there are literally COUNTLESS mind-control projects and sub-projects in operation at this time which target SPECIFIC subjects/victims in a variety of ways; using one or more of a number of technologies such as drugs, (ritual) psycho-sexual abuse, a vast panoply of different EM/RF mind control technologies, repetitive conditioning, hypnotic trance induction, and so on and on and on.

Reliable reports from MANY different sources indicate that as many as TEN MILLION individuals many be ACTIVE subjects/victims of these kinds of mind control activities, and huge quantities of hard documentation on a great many of these projects DOES exist.

However, in addition to these kinds of mind control operations, there are ALSO mind control and mind manipulation activities that target MASSES of people in large geographical regions at the same time. Indeed, there is VERY strong evidence that the operators of HAARP for example, have ever since HAARP's earliest days intended that it be used for, among many other things, GLOBAL mind control.

There is in FACT much evidence to show that HAARP is NOW being used for just such utterly evil purposes by the United States federal government.

Of course, there are many other EM/RF technologies and systems which are, or may be, applied to mass-scale mind, mood, thought and consciousness control/manipulation operations: such as the nationwide "GWEN" (Ground Wave Emergency Network) system, certain ELF and ULF transmitter systems, and so on (such as your TV set, even IF it's turned OFF!) see also : Black Boxes and Marble Memorials, Cable T. V. Snooping

Another way to manipulate and "regulate" the minds and consciousness of a mass of people at a VERY basic, fundamental level is to CONTROL the population's PRIMARY sources of INFORMATION. This is one of the MOST powerful ways to shape the collective consciousness of the public, and it is CLEAR that many mass media outlets in the United States are both willingly and un-wittingly aiding and abetting the manipulation of our minds by the government, and are assisting the FedGov in carrying out many social-engineering agendas.

The mass media's treatment of school shooting incidents, for instance, plays DIRECTLY and TOTALLY into the schemes of those who deployed the mind-controlled killers to carry out these shootings, in a grand plan to shut down our Constitution's 2nd Amendment, among other things.

Moreover, very carefully designed CONDITIONING programs and tactics have been brought to bear against nearly EVERY segment of society; disseminated throughout the nation and the world by mass media and entertainment industries and corporations; and imbedded in ALL forms of so-called entertainment at this point, such as movies, TV shows, video and computer games ESPECIALLY, some pop music, and so on.

This condition of constant, relentless bombardment with grotesquely violent imagery, which the general population, ESPECIALLY its younger members, is inundated with by nearly ALL forms of popular contemporary entertainment and sources of "information", is indeed directly derived from those mind-conditioning programs and systems developed at Fort Detrick (and other similar locations). San Diego shooter Charles Williams' father worked at the Army's Fort Detrick facility for THIRTEEN YEARS.

Specifically, indoctrination/conditioning programs were developed at Fort Detrick in which subjects were repeatedly, continually and continuously immersed in virtual reality-type video/computer "games" of extreme and GRAPHIC brutality, for long stretches of time and over an extended time frame.

This kind of psychological assault proved very effective in rapidly obliterating subjects' ethical and moral values and cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, killing and so on.

These systems were perfected, applied to the brainwashing and conditioning of members of the U.S. military and also turned over to the intelligence sectors for other applications. The intelligence sector, in turn, DELIBERATELY and successfully undertook to have this same kind of HIGHLY negative, destructive and effective conditioning applied to SOCIETY AS A WHOLE, via mass conditioning of our consciousness through the entertainment and information industries, as noted.

One OTHER method of mass mind control/manipulation/conditioning which is NOW being utilized MORE and MORE -- ESPECIALLY against the most vulnerable members of our society, our CHILDREN -- is the highly-reprehensible/questionable and increasingly common MANDATED DRUGGING of ever-growing numbers of children through hugely intrusive, invasive, ill-advised, psychologically unpredictable and often destructive programs mandated, usually for young males, by psychiatrists and social workers. More and more of our children are being dosed on a long-term basis with any of a number of psychotropic/psychiatric drugs like Prozac, Ritalin, Luvox, and so on.

These drugs not ONLY are PROVEN to induce SEVERE and often VERY VIOLENT psychotic reactions among a significant percentage of subjects, but ALSO clearly and provably create a stupefied, dumbed-down, zombified mental state in targeted subjects which is a PERFECT "ground state" for the carrying out of yet OTHER mind control/manipulation/conditioning activities on these very same subjects. In general, this kind of psych-drugging makes the job of further mind control programming MUCH easier. And this kind of drugging is being done to ever-increasing numbers of our children, down to toddlers as young as TWO and THREE YEARS OLD!!

Now, there is ANOTHER way in which our present-day society is being literally and effectively mind-controlled en masse.

Most all of the individually-targeted mind control programs we noted above use one or more methods to induce a PSYCHOTIC BREAK or SPLIT PERSONALITY in the victim/subject. In fact, one or more of these deliberately-induced split personalities formed as a result of psycho-sexual abuse or other conditioning are those facets of the subject's psyche which ARE actually "programmed"; to kill, or whatever else. It's been shown that forcing victims/subjects to witness, experience or participate in just about any highly-traumatic and shocking events on a repeated basis will induce the kind of psychotic break (down) that is a necessary prerequisite for intensive mind control programming/conditioning.

SO: WHEN our society as a whole is FORCED to confront and WITNESS over and over and over again something as FUNDAMENTALLY shocking as having our young people perpetrating inconceivably horrific mass murders of peers and others on A REGULAR BASIS, as is NOW THE CASE in the present-day United States, then the population as a whole AND on an individual basis to some extent develops an analogous, similar psychological break, and in FACT to some extent develops split personality/multiple personality disorder conditions... READY FOR FURTHER MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING.

THUS: such extraordinarily disturbing events which impact society AS A WHOLE, such as these school shootings by young people that have just occurred, ALSO serve the malignant, demonic agendas of the FedGov/NWO social controllers who set these terrible mass killings off; and the incidents themselves serve to further condition, manipulate and "mind control" the population of the United States in the year 2001.

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Michelle Knight is My Hero!!!

I always look to these woman for strength.  They went through so much. Michelle seems especially strong. She is a hero to me!
Watch this video

Knight: 'I was the punching bag'

  • Michelle Knight says Ariel Castro had "a fascination" with fellow captive Amanda Berry
  • She calls her defiance of Castro a source of pride; "it felt good to stand up for myself"
  • Castro had a gun with him "everywhere," threatened her if Berry's newborn didn't live
  • Knight coped by talking with a fellow captive, writing to her son, taking solace in being alive

Anderson's conversation with Michelle Knight continues Wednesday. Watch Part 3 of their interview on AC360, 8 and 11 p.m. on CNN.

(CNN) -- Michelle Knight wasn't the only one being held by Ariel Castro. But she knew she was different.

"I was the punching bag."

And she took it -- day after day, month after month, year after year. The terror and torment lasted from August 2002, when Castro lured Knight, then 21, into his house with the promise of a new puppy, to May 6, 2013, when she and fellow captives Amanda Berry and Georgina "Gina" DeJesus finally tasted freedom once again.

How Castro lured her to the house

Speaking to CNN's Anderson Cooper, Knight describes being chained to DeJesus, of being threatened with death if she didn't deliver Berry's baby alive and of screaming until she lost her voice in the 1,400-square-foot, two-story home on Cleveland's Seymour Avenue.

Michelle Knight on Amanda Berry's baby

Michelle Knight: I didn't want to get shot

Michelle Knight: He said he had puppies

Michelle Knight: You're powerless

What she never lost was hope. After being starved, chained and repeatedly raped, after being brutalized physically and humiliated psychologically, Knight said that she actually got stronger.

It might not have helped her in Castro's eyes, but Knight stayed defiant -- so much so that it became a source of pride.

"All my life, I was made to feel insecure, like I was worthless," she recalled. "And for the first time in my life, I stood up to a person that was a demeaning person."

"And it felt good to stand up for myself, (because) I never did before."

Sensed Castro was behind other abduction

One year later, Knight is in a very different place. While Berry and DeJesus have largely stayed out of the public eye, Knight has done the opposite -- appearing at public events and writing a book, "Finding Me," in hopes that her experiences will help people know they can survive anything.

Castro, the daily devil in these three women's lives for so long, is now out of the picture.

Arrested shortly after Berry and her then 6-year-old daughter escaped to a neighbor's house -- which led directly to the freeing of both Knight and DeJesus -- Castro killed himself in custody last September.

Before last May, neighbors had known him as an affable guy who'd wave or eat ribs with them on his porch. For years, Castro drove children around in a school bus. He jammed with fellow musicians in salsa bands.

But none of these people -- not even his closest relatives -- knew Castro's deep, dark secrets.

Knight was the first such secret, having accepted a ride from Castro after leaving a Family Dollar store in the northern Ohio city.

Nine months later, he took Berry as she walked home from her job at Burger King on the eve of her 17th birthday. Knight said when she first saw TV reports of this latest abduction, her first thought was that Castro was responsible.

While the two didn't interact much -- according to Castro's rules -- Knight said that Berry got better food, blankets, "basically whatever she wanted except for home."

"He had a fascination with her, more than me," Knight recalled. "She was the wife-type person. I was the punching bag."

Didn't speak out because 'I didn't want to get shot'

In April 2004, Castro nabbed DeJesus shortly after she was last seen with his own biological daughter, Arlene, at a pay phone.

Knight and DeJesus, all of 14 at the time of her kidnapping, became close in more ways than one.

They were chained together by the feet inside a small room. And they leaned on each other emotionally as well.

"When we were sad and got knocked down by things that he said, we would tell each other, 'It's OK, ... one day day it will be over,'" Knight said. "We (tried) to encourage ourselves to keep hope that we would go home, even though sometimes we didn't feel like they were."

There was no roaming the halls, no freedom without a threat.

Knight remembered going outside once and seeing other people. But she didn't dare speak up, knowing that Castro had a gun on him "everywhere he went."

She said flatly, "I didn't want to get shot."

'At least I'm still alive'

That threat was never more real than when Berry went into labor with Castro's child. Her paternity was later confirmed by DNA tests.

The baby girl was born into a plastic tub to contain the afterbirth and amniotic fluid. But she wasn't breathing, said Knight, who had helped deliver the child.

"At that point in time, I knew what he said: 'If the baby didn't come out breathing, I'll kill you,'" recalled Knight.

Berry's baby delivered by another captive

Throughout her harrowing ordeal, Knight said she coped in part by remembering her own child, whom she'd given birth to at age 17.

She told Cooper that she'd write songs and poems to him, among other musings "about what happened to me (and) things that I never had, things that I wanted."

And Knight worked, as best as she could, to find something, anything positive to hold on to.

"I (would) take myself outside of myself and look at a brighter side: At least I'm not dead yet," she said. "At least I'm still alive and breathing."

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Pay attention to the transmitter with the cap on the gogote. It is the area of the reptilian brain, which governs the basics and mobimiento.Le place a cap so a boxer, and teleport the physical action to "individual targeted", and create an abuser of women who later commits suicide when they come round .

Ana Maiques in "The neurotech investing and partnering conference"

Next April 24th, during the session "Frontiers in Neurotechnology” of the event "The neurotech investing and partnering conference" the CEO of Neuroelectrics Ana Maiques, will give a lecture on neurostimulation devices.


In this session we will hear from companies on the cutting edge. Novel neurostimulation devices are being developed for new markets including asthma, migraine and epilepsy. Closed loop systems create the promise of reduced side effects and more targeted treatment.  New technology is also yielding benefits in neurodiagnostics and Software solutions are tackling neuropsychiatric markets. Don't miss this preview of next generation products and companies.


- See more at:

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SIN SUFRIMIENTO NO HAY AVANCE; esto lo dice una mujer...Una mujer que pare conoce lo que es sufrir y no utiliza esa palabra en vano.
Los nazis tambien pensaban en eso, la monitorizacion es el dominio del cerebro remotamente...Con un chip se puede hacer lo que sea con un hombre o una mujer...La diferencia entre un targeted individual y una emprendedora cientifica es que uno sufre y otro no.

Leeros este articulo que relaciona a starlab con la telepatia...

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blowing Advance? Direct Brain-to-Brain Communication Between Humans Demonstrated


Starlab Barcelona

In an experiment that one rival scientist dubbed a "stunt," Spanish researchers claim to be the first to have demonstrated direct brain-to-brain communication between humans. The researchers, led by Giulio Ruffini, CEO of Starlab in Barcelona, successfully transmitted the words "hola" and "ciao" in binary code from the brain of a person in India to the brains of three people in France. Electroencephalography (EEG), which monitors electric currents in the brain, was used to record the information from the sender's brain, and robotized transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which causes neurons to fire from an electric current that is generated by a rapidly changing magnetic field, was used to deliver the message to the brains of the receivers in France. 

Researchers have for years been developing noninvasive systems for translating information directly from the human brain to the computer. These systems, called brain-computer interface, often involve brain activity-sensing tools such as EEG, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and functional magnetic resonance imagine (fMRI). Researchers have also, to a lesser extent, experimented with translating information from the computer to the brain, using brain stimulating tools such as TMS — variations of which have also been used to treat depression — and transcranial focused ultrasound (FUS), which has been used to link the brains of rats

The Starlab experiment integrates two of these existing technologies to move a message from human brain to computer to human brain. The experiment was set up like this: While hooked up to an EEG device the sender was asked to imagine moving his hands or feet when shown an image that represented a 1 or 0, respectively. The EEG data was transmitted to the computer, translated into binary code, and emailed to the system at the recipients' end. The recipients, blindfolded, received electric pulses from the robotized TMS system in the visual cortex of their brains. That triggered the experience of phosphenes: the perception of seeing flashes of light that are not actually there. The recipients reported verbally when they experienced a flash, and this was translated into binary code and then to the message. It's super slow — the equivalent of telepathic Morse code. Still, the message was delivered. 

The authors published the experiment in PLoS One, describing it as "the first human brain-to-brain interface." Ruffini at Starlab said the work stemmed from his company's involvement in a four-year collaborative project funded by the European Commission to develop noninvasive brain stimulation technologies. The paper was "a way to show that our technologies work," said Ruffini in a phone interview.

It's a fun experiment, and it's exciting to think about potential (but far-fetched) applications, like soldiers with high-tech helmets communicating silently behind enemy lines. But some researchers not involved with the experiment say the paper doesn't really present a "first" and smacks of publicity grubbing. It's "pretty much a stunt I think as it's all been shown before," said Christopher James, a professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Warwick in the UK, in an email to IEEE Spectrum

A group at the University of Washington in Seattle led by Rajesh Rao last yeardemonstrated in an unpublished pilot study a very similar experiment involving EEG on the brain-to-computer end of the experiment and TMS on the computer-to-brain end. In that study, the researchers stimulated the motor cortex of the brain, causing the message receiver's hand to move subconsciously to strike a keyboard. The university declared it "the first noninvasive human-to-human brain interface." That was in August 2013. Rao told IEEE Spectrum he was "surprised and disappointed" that his experiment wasn't acknowledged in some way in Ruffini's paper.

Ruffini says he had seen Rao's experiment before publication of his, but that since it was unpublished "there was no paper to refer to." And he maintains that his paper was no stunt. "I believe such comments stem from not having read carefully the paper and missing the point," he says. Ruffini's experiment adds to scientific literature because unlike previous work, including Rao's, he stimulated the visual cortex, bypassing all peripheral nervous system involvement, and resulting in a conscious, rather than subconscious, brain-to-brain communication, Ruffini says. Rao's experiment "is interesting work. But I don't think's it's really brain-to-brain," he says.

Future experiments will no doubt help us define what "brain-to-brain interface" really means. In the meantime, we'll have to squabble over the few experiments under our belts. 

Learn More
 Giulio Raffini PLoS One Starlab Barcelona TMS brain-computer interface brain-to-brain interface computer-brain interface transcranial magnetic stimulation

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The Nuremberg Code-cited by most legal experts but ineffective against the powerful medical, pharmaceutical and military lobbies

The Nuremberg Code is the “most complete and authoritative statement of the law of informed consent to human experimentation.”33 It is also “part of international common law and may be applied, in both civil and criminal cases, by state, federal and municipal courts in the United States.”34 But when applied to cold war national security and to the Gulf War, the Nuremberg Code has proven to be legally powerless. Law professor and expert on experimentation law for over twenty years, George Annas explained:

“Even when the Nuremberg Code applies directly we have never taken it seriously. We say that the rights of the individual are outweighed by national security concerns. This has been true even where those concerns are unclear or unarticulated, as where the experiments are carried out in secret and produce death and permanent disability. . . . when medical progress has been invoked, ethics continues to take a backseat to expediency.35

The Nuremberg Code has its’ beginnings in the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial in 1947. The trial of twenty German doctors, charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity focused on the infamous human experiments on unconsenting prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps during World War II. The judgment concludes with the ten point code of human experimentation ethics, the Nuremberg Code. The first rule is that the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.36

The first rule of the Nuremberg Code is included in the current federal regulations on experiments. "The Common Rule" which is today adopted by eighteen federal agencies, are the federal rules that cover both classified and unclassified experiments and include the cornerstone of human experimentation law, informed consent of the research subject.37 While the Nuremberg Code has had far reaching effects, it was seen as “good code for barbarians but an unnecessary code for ordinary physicians.”38

The Nuremberg Code became part of international common law, an indication of its importance. The prohibition against torture in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, states that “no one shall be subject without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”39 Most experts view the Nuremberg Code as a significant, yet symbolic document. The highly regarded law professor M. Cherif Bassiouni regards human experimentation as a serious violation “of fundamental human rights affecting life, physical integrity and personal liberty.”40,41 Bassiouni believes that a code of ethics does not go far enough, as the history of the Nuremberg Code has shown. Bassiouni described unlawful human experimentation as a crime against humanity and a crime under international law.42 Bassiouni unsuccessfully proposed that the United Nations adopt a specific criminal Covenant on Human Experimentation in the 1980s.43 He included the Draft Convention for the Prevention and Suppression of Unlawful Human Experimentation in his 1999 International Criminal Law casebook.44

Bassiouni has commented on the powerful influence of the pharmaceutical lobbies on international experimentation law proposals.

In its work, the Sub-Commission adopted a resolution that would have authorized a Special Rapporteur to ‘prepare a study on the current dimensions and problems arising from unlawful human experimentation.’ The resolution was referred to the Commission on Human Rights for action or consideration. It seems, however, that no further steps were taken.45

Bassiouni believes one possible explanation is that representatives of certain countries feared such a convention would infringe on the practices of their pharmaceutical industries. Bassiouni’s decades-long work and endorsement of international experimentation law is a further indication of its acceptance.46

Annas explained the conflict between the Nuremberg Code and national security priorities in the 1950s and 60s:

The wartime mentality expressed by the CIA and the Army to justify its LSD experiments, and the Army to justify its atomic bomb exposure experiments, is substantially identical to one of the major defenses presented by the Nazi physicians at Nuremberg. Remarkably, the Nuremberg Code appears to have had no effect on medical researchers even in the 1950s.47

The Nuremberg Code was cited by the Pentagon in the “Wilson Memorandum” signed by Secretary of Defense, Charles E. Wilson on February 26th, 1953.48 The Armed Forces Medical Policy Council presented the memo which described a policy for human military experiments including “the principles and conditions laid down as a result of the Nuremberg trials.”49 But as Moreno described in his book on secret experiments, the military culture never accepted this policy and it was largely ignored until the 1960s, when public and military human experiment scandals forced changes in federal rules and regulations.50 In 1978, the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research published ethical guidelines including some of the Nuremberg principles.51 Moreno stated “These [Nuremberg] principles are still the touchstone for human research ethics in the United States, including that which is conducted by national security agencies.”52

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Sorry I need sos

I am Catalan, from Barcelona (Spain) and I would love to contact North American psychiatrists or cognitive-behavioral psychologists to discuss our base animal..De sombre face to explain publicly to my country.

Europe is rich in knowledge, but not out of the cave. It grabs the known. There is a very primary level of consciousness, universities are full but people do not know who or where it comes from.

people are conditioned by social class or by the couple.It is horrible because people are not autonomous to be honest with themselves and change their social life.

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The Power of Positive Thinking!

When dealing with the worst of circumstances,  the power of positive thinking can do wonders! The problem can be how to think in a way that is opposite to your feelings and situation.  Looking at perspective can help. Even just thinking things good until it works can help. Just the other day, when things turned grey, then black, I talked good things to myself to stay afloat. Here is a list of good things positive thinking can bring us, as well as a link to the article:

Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:

  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

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Dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

As TIs, we go through some very intense things. Sometimes these things are so intense the experience leaves lasting,  painful,  impressions that have symptoms. This is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  The specific causes and symptoms vary per individual,  but there are treatments. Here are some articles explaining what causes PTSD and how to treat it;

To share some of the things I get PTSD over are mostly psychological totrure.

The wosrt I had recieved was receiving v2k audio and visuals of my closest family members beibg fed to dogs. I was locked alone in a cell when it happened. Theres were several accounts of my parents being shot, or dismembered. There were several accounts of myself being executed violently. Mock sexual assault of loved ones, and actual sexual assault to myself for months all took their tole.

We all experience different things. The ongoing realization that we are being monitored at a neural level can be enough to push one over the edge. Here is an excerpt from an above article

Recovery from PTSD is a gradual, ongoing process. Healing doesn’t happen overnight, nor do the memories of the trauma ever disappear completely. This can make life seem difficult at times. But there are many things you can do to cope with residual symptoms and reduce your anxiety and fear.

Tip 1: Reach out to others for support

PTSD can make you feel disconnected from others. You may be tempted to withdraw from social activities and your loved ones. But it’s important to stay connected to life and the people who care about you. Support from other people is vital to your recovery from PTSD, so ask your close friends and family members for their help during this tough time.

Support groups for PTSD can also help you feel less isolated and alone. They also provide invaluable information on how to cope with symptoms and work towards recovery. If you can’t find a support group in your area, look for an online group.

Tip 2: Avoid alcohol and drugs

When you’re struggling with difficult emotions and traumatic memories, you may be tempted to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs. But while alcohol or drugs may temporarily make you feel better, they make PTSD worse in the long run. Substance use worsens many symptoms of PTSD, including emotional numbing, social isolation, anger, and depression. It also interferes with treatment and can add to problems at home and in your relationships.

Tip 3: Challenge your sense of helplessness

Trauma leaves you feeling powerless and vulnerable. Overcoming your sense of helplessness is key to overcoming PTSD. It’s important to remind yourself that you have strengths and coping skills that can get you through tough times.

One of the best ways to reclaim your sense of power is by helping others: volunteer your time, give blood, reach out to a friend in need, or donate to your favorite charity. Taking positive action directly challenges the sense of helplessness that is a common symptom of PTSD.

Tip 4: Spend time in nature

The Sierra Club in the United States offers wilderness expeditions for veterans who have served in recent wars such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Anecdotal evidence suggests that pursuing outdoor activities like hiking, camping, mountain biking, rock climbing, whitewater rafting, and skiing may help veterans cope with PTSD symptoms and transition back into civilian life.

It's not just veterans who can benefit from spending time outdoors. Anyone with post-traumatic stress disorder can benefit from the relaxation, seclusion, and peace that come with being in the natural world. Focusing on strenuous outdoor activities can also help challenge your sense of helplessness and help your nervous system become "unstuck" and move on from the traumatic event. Seek out local organizations that offer outdoor recreation or teambuilding opportunities

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The targeted individual own colleagues have discriminated me and kicked by hacking the page I created. If I have a link to the complaint should be with foreing people some part of the world that has no economic interest in bonds of Spain and Catalonia.
I have been discriminated against from the start, I'm a threat to the group individually targeted and I am a threat to people pretending to be victim of government and society and live psychic rape ... They have families and want to continue collecting living well while people are dying of psychic abuse. Someone with social charisma that is young wants to be the spokesman of the victims and the women are supporting. My wish me away and kill me because there are no drivers that are watching.

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Dal mind kontrol alla psichiatria


Dall’epoca della cosiddetta guerra fredda tra URSS e Occidente imperialista si sono sviluppate le ricerche sull’uso militare delle neuroscienze. L’uso delle tecnologie nate in questo periodo ha portato che la tecnologia satellitare non è usata solamente per i sistemi di sorveglianza e di comunicazione, ma anche per localizzare e seguire gli esseri umani, manipolando le frequenze cerebrali con raggi diretti, raggi neurali, radiazioni elettromagnetiche, onde sonar, radiazioni di radiofrequenza (RFR), campi di torsione, e con l’uso di questi o altri campi di energia che formano le aree di studio per l’astrofisica. Poiché le operazioni sono caratterizzate dalla segretezza, sembra inevitabile che i metodi di cui siamo a conoscenza, ossia lo sfruttamento della ionosfera, il nostro scudo naturale, sono già superati da quando iniziamo ad afferrare le implicazioni del loro uso. I brevetti derivanti dal lavoro di Bernard J. Eastlund

forniscono l’abilità di mettere quantità senza precedenti di energia nell’atmosfera terrestre in postazioni strategiche e per mantenere il livello di iniezione energetico, particolarmente se viene impiegata la pulsazione casuale, in una maniera ben più precisa e meglio controllata di quanto fosse possibile con i metodi passati, la detonazione di dispositivi nucleari a vario rendimento e a varie rendimento e a varie altitudini.

Il Dottor Igor Smirnov dell’Istituto di Psicorrezzione di Mosca, dice: “E’ facile concepire che un qualche ‘Satana’ Russo, o un qualsiasi altro ‘Satana’, purché possieda i mezzi e le risorse economiche necessarie, possa introdursi in tutte le possibili reti di computer, in tutte le possibili trasmissioni radio o televisive, con relativa facilità tecnologica, persino senza dover scollegare i cavi… ed intercettare le onde radio nell’etere e modulandoci qualunque suggestione possibile. Per questo motivo tale tecnologia è giustamente temuta”.

9143159697?profile=originalSe prima ci si preoccupava per i criteri diagnostici imposti secondo la classificazione di “sintomi riconoscibili”, adesso c’è motivo di sottoporli a uno scrutinio ancor più rigoroso. Lo sviluppo, degli armamenti durante la cosiddetta guerra fredda, ha compreso quello che sono definite armi psico-elettroniche, il cui fine è di entrare nel cervello e nella mente. Non annunciata, non discussa e in gran parte non riconosciuta dagli scienziati e dai governi che le impiegano, la tecnologia per entrare nelle menti e controllare le menti è operativa da tempo.

9143160471?profile=originalI soli testimoni che parlano apertamente di questa terribile tecnologia con le orribili implicazioni che comporta per il futuro, sono le vittime stesse, e coloro cui è stato dato il compito di diagnosticare le malattie mentali stanno cercando di metterle a tacere classificando le loro prove e i loro resoconti come sintomi della schizofrenia, mentre coloro che dispensano la mutilazione psichica e il dolore programmato continuano, sostenuti e senza incontrare opposizione.

9143160287?profile=originalRiferire a uno psichiatra di avere la sensazione che “qualcuno altro può sentire quello che sento io, e che qualcuno sembra commentare continuamente i tuoi pensieri e il tuo comportamento” sarebbe la fine non solamente della propria libertà (già con il controllo mentale in atto finisce una vita che si potrebbe definire normale) ma cominciare quel percorso d’inferno che sono le “cure psichiatriche” . Una delle caratteristiche salienti del controllo mentale è proprio la voce che commenta, che replica così esattamente, sicuramente non senza l’intenzione, i sintomi della schizofrenia. Parte dello sforzo da parte degli aguzzini è di ricordare alle vittime che sono costantemente sotto controllo o sorveglianza. I programmi variano tra loro, ma le forme comuni di promemoria sono le scosse elettriche percepite come “punzecchiature” o “colpetti” rumori corporei, crampi e fitte in tutte le parti del corpo, battito cardiaco accelerato, l’esercitazione di pressione sugli organi interni, il tutto con un sistema personalmente codificato di commenti sui pensieri e sugli eventi, finalizzato a creare stress, panico e disperazione. Questo è il controllo mentale nella sua classica. Ma se l’uso dell’energia diretta può essere usata per sferrare attacchi letali sugli esseri umani, causando arresti cardiaci o emorragie cerebrali.

In tutti i paesi che sono usati questo tipo di armi le fortificazioni contro ogni inquietante barlume di consapevolezza di questi reali o potenziali oltraggi ai diritti umani e degli abusi politici, sociali e psichici sembrano essere inespugnabili. L’imperativo da parte delle istituzioni, dei politici, della casta medica è quello di negare costantemente che siano utilizzate (se non addirittura l’esistenza stessa).


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project paperclip, I gestated by fanatical Islamist political interest?


Aprobecho SOMEONE NEED TO INVESTIGATE HUMAN localize in concentration camps.

"Richard Oscar Walther Darre (Buenos Aires, July 14, 1895 - Munich, September 5, 1953), military and SS-Obergruppenführer was a major Nazi Blut und Boden ideologues ('Blood and Soil').
During his tenure with the Bureau of Race and Resettlement (linked to the SS), developed a plan for the Rasse und Raum ('Race and Space', or 'Territory') which provided the ideological background for expansive policy nazi. Darre strongly influenced Himmler in his goal to create a German racial aristocracy based on selective breeding. "
".... in early 1914 by the German colonial school in Witzenhausen, south of Gottingen, where he sparked his interest in crops and farms."

This is a personal belief, but I think this man was working with mind control within a happy and prosperous Argentina framework, to be one of the silent world of the Nazi murderers.
Culture had, had a doctorate in Philosophy and surely would be a NOOCRATA Platon..Tenia training as crops and farms ...

"It belonged to Los Artamans (German Artamanen) is the name given to each member of the" Federation Artam "(Artam Bund eV), a movement of the extreme right völkische youth movement founded in 1923 in Munich" They they were a CULT ... he wanted localize with beautiful ideas of love for German,,,


"Artam is a village in western central Yemen. Located in Sana'a governorate."

"Yemen was home to the Sabians (biblical Sheba), [6] [7] [8] a commercial state which flourished for over a thousand years and probably also included parts of modern Ethiopia and Eritrea. [9] 275 AD, the region fell under the sway of Jewish influence later Himyarite Kingdom. [10] Christianity arrived in the 4th century AD, while Judaism and paganism and established local. quickly spread Islam in the seventh century and Yemeni troops were crucial in the expansion of the early Islamic conquests "

I think that should be seriously investigated by professionals.




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El holocausto silencioso



Millares de personas piden que se haga una investigación internacional de enormes violaciones de los derechos humanos que prevalecen actualmente en todo el mundo, en el mayor silencio.
Estos últimos años, el número de estos crímenes contra la humanidad ha aumentado tanto que podemos obviamente hablar de agresión contra la población civil.  Esta agresión se comete con una tecnología que actúa, a distancia, en la sombra, más allá de los límites de las fronteras, y que se utiliza contra civiles sin defensa y donde no se duda de nada.  Hay una presión continua por parte de las víctimas para denunciar estos crímenes a los altos funcionarios del estado, a las organizaciones para los derechos humanos, a los dirigentes internacionales y en la prensa. La mayor parte del tiempo, no obtienen respuesta, debido a una ignorancia generalizada de esta tecnología. Según los diagnósticos de los establecimientos psiquiátricos, las víctimas tienen alucinaciones. Además, las denuncias presentadas en las comisarías de policía locales a menudo se consideran como problemas psicológicos o se han silenciado simplemente.  Se corre el riesgo de tardar varios años antes de que "el holocausto silencioso" sea conocido del público. Para las víctimas, esta comparación es totalmente justa.
La amplitud de los crímenes denunciados y la gravedad de las acusaciones justifican una investigación internacional urgente.
Dado el número considerable de víctimas a escala planetaria, que ha generado un movimiento mundial coordinado por medio de Internet, solamente los más afanosos y los más concienzudos entre las víctimas denuncian este crimen, el número real de víctimas sigue siendo, con mucho, más importante que este grupo de activistas.
En enero de 2007, la periodista Sharon Weinberger publicó en el "Washington post", el artículo titulado "Mind Games" sobre las víctimas americanas y la organización militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Derecho a vivir sin vigilancia ni acoso ocultos). 
Viernes, 13 de marzo 2009, la periodista Ilaria Marchiori de "Rete Veneta", entrevistó al Sr. Paolo Dorigo de Venecia foundator de AVAE-m (la AESAVAE italiana) y ncabezó el corto servicio de noticias "Un microchip nel cervello" (Un microchip en el cerebro).
El 14 de junio de 2010 en Vlora, un pueblo de Albania, con un documento auténtico firmado por el notario, Petrit Demo ciudadano albanés, extrae un "cuerpo extraño" en el canal auditivo.
El 12 de agosto de 2010, el cuerpo extraño ha sido estudiado con exàmenes histológicas y otros tipos de pruebas científicas. No hay duda de ello. Es un microchip y el Sr. Petrit es el único hombre en el mundo (por ahora) para tener un microchip extrae del canal auditivo y de haber extinguido una parte de tinnitus o acúfenos que se ha generado por el microchip. Más referencias en el sitio de aisjca. Otros microchips fueron extraídos del cuerpo humano, pero el único en el mundo que ha extirpado al canal auditivo es la ciudad de Vlora. Italia, Alemania, Francia, España y otros países de Europa occidental han fracasado miserablemente.

El 12 de noviembre 2012, la periodista Angela Monroe a través de su canal de televisión "KMIR NEWS 6", ha emitido un servicio titulado  "Voices in my Mind" (Voces en mi mente).
Mientras tanto, nuevas numerosas víctimas cada vez más se hacen conocer de las cuatro esquinas del mundo. Piden que estos crímenes se hagan públicos, insisten para que una investigación se haga sobre este problema y empiezan una campaña contra el acoso por las Armas a Energía Dirigida (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) y contra el acoso colectivo.
¿Qué es peacepink?
Peacepink es un social-network que atiende especialmente a las víctimas de gangstalking globales (stalking organizado), también víctimas de las armas de energía directa, armas neurológicas, armas electromagnéticas, armas psicotrónicas  que actúan como control de la mente y que son una evoluciòn sistamatica del proyecto MK-ULTRA. Hay documentos que se encuentran en las bibliotecas y en Internet que mencionan este tipo de armas sofisticadas que se utilizan para la manipulación del cuerpo y la mente, las armas que también se les llama armas "no letales" y que se utilizan contra civiles que nada saben y que nunca dieron permiso para estos experimentosrepartidos por todo el mundo , algunos de los cuales tienen microchip subcutáneo injertado de forma fraudulenta y que en muchos casos, pueden presentar pruebas radiológicas de tales dispositivos que funcionan con energía de RF.

¿Quién creó peacepink? fue creado por Soleilmavis Liu que es un ciudadana china, nacida y criada en China, y fue atacada en diciembre de 2001 por las tecnologías de control de la mente cuando estaba estudiando para un Master en Australia. En ese momento, ella no estaba infornada sobre estas tecnologías de control mental. Más tarde, él estaba al tanto de estas tecnologías que se utilizan en secreto y cubierto por los gobiernos de todo el mundo para controlar y acosar a la gente. Desde el año 2002, viajó a muchos lugares para tratar de escapar de la tortura y el hostigamiento de la tecnología de control remoto de la mente y las "voces en la cabeza", conocidos por la sigla V2K (Voice to skull - voz al cráneo). Ella se refugiò en Hong Kong, Tailandia, Nueva Zelanda y fuè molestada no solo  por las tecnologías de control mental, sino tambien pro personas que la enviaron a la embajada americana en Hong Kong en abril de 2002. En abril de 2003, volvió para siempre en China y todavía vive allí.Peacepink anima a todos los miembros a ser voluntarios en sus áreas de apoyo y en el "networking".Los administradores y el personal Peacepink no ganan nada por su trabajo para la gestión de los voluntarios de la comunidad e incluso los miles de otros autores y editores.

¿Por qué nació peacepink?
El objetivo de crear peacepink era apoyar la campaña mundial para parar el abuso y la tortura de las tecnologías de control de la mente y las armas de energía directa, hacer que las víctimas se junten para ayudar a los demás, para exponer este crimen horrible público a solicitar el apoyo público en sensibilizar, para detener a los calabozos de abuso y la tortura y el acoso a distancia de estas tecnología de las armas en el mundo y difundir estos delitos complejos que son en su mayoría ignorados o deliberadamente ocultado y disimulado por las agencias federales. Ofrece a sus usuarios la oportunidad de conectar con la gente local y globalmente, compartir fotos, videos, crear eventos y discusiones, blogs, correos y unirse a grupos. La etimología del nombre de la comunidad, inspirado en la rosa de color rosa de la familia Rosaceae (Rosa chinensis 月季, pinyin, yueji) y que el lenguaje de las flores significa paz, amor y cuidado para sì mismo y para los demàs.Esta es una comunidad de diversidades y está abierta a recibir nuevos miembros de todas las culturas, clase social, etnia. Todos los miembros son libres de dar sus opiniones y todas las opiniones son respetadas y apreciadas. Peacepink acepta donaciones de individuos, organizaciones y  empresas. 
(Ex-military y miembro de los servisios secretos)

spagna-flag.jpeg Arma psicotronica Llama «La Voz De Dios»
italy.PNG Arma Psicotronica chiamata «La Voce di Dio»
portogallo.JPG Arma Psychotronic chamada «A Voz de Deus»
francia_flag.jpg Arme Psychotronic appellent «La Voix de Dieu»
EnglandFlag.jpg Psychotronic Weapon Call «The Voice of God»
Germania.jpg Psychotronic Waffe «Die Stimme von Gott»

ESP) Fernando San Agustin ex militar comenta sobre este arma psicotronica que afecta a las neuronas de la corteza celebral y produce, "voces internas ", vomitos, locuras, ect.
PORT) San Fernando Agustin ex-militar diz que esta arma psicotrônica que afeta os neurônios do córtex cerebral e produz, vozes interiores, vômitos, insanidade, etc.
ITA) Fernando San Agustin ex militare, commenta questa arma psicotronica che colpisce i neuroni della corteccia celebrale e produce voci interiori, vomito, pazzia, ecc.
ENG) Fernando San Agustin former military says this weapon Psychotronics affecting neurons in the cerebral cortex and produces "inner voices", vomiting, madness, etc.
DEU) Fernando San Agustin ehemaligen militärischen sagt dieser Waffe Psychotronics beeinflussen Neuronen in der Großhirnrinde und produziert "inneren Stimmen", Erbrechen, Wahnsinn,etc.
FRA) Fernando San Agustin anciens militaires dit ce Psychotronics arme affectant les neurones dans le cortex cérébral et produit des voix intérieures, des vomissements, folie, etc.


Vídeos y testimonios de "El holocausto silencioso"
Great job brava. Subtítulos en español de Claudia para "FAIR USE" el uso es sin fin de lucro y educativo con subtítulos.


Felipe "Voces en la mente" y Leo tecnica de Controlo mental

Alfredo Nieto fundador de AESVA y miembro FEDAME - Control Mental 2008  

  • spagna-flag.jpeg  Desgraciadamente Alfredo Nieto, fundador de Aesvae ( Asociación española de víctimas de acoso electrónico ), falleció a finales del año 2010, después de 20 años de torturas, por un cáncer fulminante con toda probabilidad provocado con energía dirigida.
  • EnglandFlag.jpg Unfortunately Alfredo Nieto, founder of Aesvae (Spanish Association of victims of electronic harassment), passed away in late 2010, after 20 years of torture, by a fulminating cancer most likely caused by directed energy.
  • francia_flag.jpg Malheureusement Alfredo Nieto, fondateur de Aesvae (Association espagnole des victimes de harcèlement électronique), est décédé à la fin 2010, après 20 ans de torture, par un cancer foudroyant très probablement causé par l'énergie dirigée. 



spagna-flag.jpeg ESP) Grupo aquì para víctimas de acoso electrónico y control mental. Inglés no es necesario. Escribe en tu idioma. Este es un grupo latino. Algunas de las nuevas jóvenes víctimas  de América Latina como Claudia Perù y Miguel Costarica, que quieren saber otras víctimas latinoamericanas. Este es un grupo para el intercambio de contactos y reagrupamiento. Seguramente usted ha creado grupos en Facebook, pero no subestime peacepink.
portogallo.JPG PORT) Grupo para as vítimas de assédio eletrônico e control de la mente. Inglês não é necessário. Escreva no seu idioma. Este é um grupo Latino. Algumas novas vítimas jovens da América Latina, eles querem saber outras vítimas latino-americanas. Este é um grupo para troca de contatos e reagrupar. Certamente você já criou grupos no Facebook, mas não subestime peacepink.

HAARP - control de la mente (History Channel)

Andrija Puharich, Con sus descubrimientos científicos relativos a los rayos ELF y en las mismas frecuencias que se encuentran en el sistema nervioso del ser humano, tales como:
  • 6,6 herz causa la depresión,
  • - Ondas ELF en 7,83 herz hace buen humor mediante la creación de un estado alterado
  • - Mientras una ola de 10,83 herz puede provocar reacciones violentas.

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This problem of forcing people out of their own condos is so serious that they should find a way to put a temporary moratorium on the law until they can correct it, either with a special session of the legislature or at next year's session. No condo owner should be forced into a situation where they have no input into the ownership of their own home - they are owners, not renters, and these owners should determine when they want to sell their own condo, not the investors/developers. This law is ridiculous and it needs to be changed. The special interests that pushed for this law change down to 80% need to be investigated, this is beginning to look like a manipulative asset grab by organizations with lots of money (does it amount to racketeering & corruption? That is what the investigators need to determine). It is happening all over the country, and possibly worldwide.
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