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facts of the case

Tortured victim complaint To:, urgent-action@ohchr.­­org Cc:­­, civilsociety@ohchr.o­­rg Date: Thursday, August 15, 2013, 6:43 PM
Dear Mr. Juan Mendez United Nations Special Reporter on Torture

a. Full name of the victim; ERIC GRIFFIN
b. Date on which the incident(s) of torture occurred (at least as to the month and year); 11-13-2009
c. Place where the person was seized (city, province, etc.) And location at which the torture was carried out (if known); HENDERSON,NEVADA
d. Indication of the forces carrying out the torture; VOICE TO SKULL
e. Description of the form of torture used and any injury suffered as a result; ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE BY V2K BY TRYING TO BUST MY HEART JOLTS TO THE HEART MENTAL TORTURE
f. Identify of the person or organization submitting the report (name and address, which will be kept confidential). VICTIM ERIC GRIFFIN AND
Additional sheets should be attached where space does not allow for a full rendering of the information requested. Also, copies of any relevant corroborating documents, such as medical or police records should be supplied where it is believed that such information may contribute to a fuller accounting of the incident. Only copies and not originals of such documents should be sent.
I. Identity of the person(s) subjected to torture A. Family Name ERIC GRIFFIN
B. First and other names
C. Sex: Male
D. Birth date or age 7-22-1970
E. Nationality BLACK
F. Occupation DISABLED
G. Identity card number (if applicable)N/A
F. Activities (trade union, political, religious, humanitarian/ solidarity, press, etc.) POLITICAL HUMANITARAIN
G. Residential ADDRESS: II. Circumstances surrounding torture A. Date and place of arrest and subsequent torture
B. Identity of force(s) carrying out the initial detention and/or torture (police, intelligence services, armed forces, paramilitary, prison officials, other)

C. Were any person, such as a lawyer, relatives or friends, permitted to see the victim during detention? If so, how long after the arrest?

D. Describe the methods of torture used

E. What injuries were sustained as a result of the torture?

F. What was believed to be the purpose of the torture?

G. Was the victim examined by a doctor at any point during or after his/her ordeal? If so, when? Was the examination performed by a prison or government doctor? THE GOVERNMENT FORCED MEDICATED ME WITH A ABILIFY TO FURTHER DISCREDIT ME

H. Was appropriate treatment received for injuries sustained as a result of the torture? NO

I. Was the medical examination performed in a manner which would enable the doctor to detect evidence of injuries sustained as a result of the torture? Were any medical reports or certificates issued? If so, what did the reports reveal? NO

J. If the victim died in custody, was an autopsy or forensic examination performed and which were the results? N/A

III. Remedial action
Were any domestic remedies pursued by the victim or his/her family or representatives (complaints with the forces responsible, the judiciary, political organs, etc.)? If so, what was the result?

  1. Eric Griffin victim of voice to skull:  via @youtube
  3. Eric Griffin voice to skull victim part 1 and 2:  via @youtube
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The Scarborough Hospital(TSH), a public hospital of Ontario, Canada, commit “medical torture”, conspiring with Toronto Police. They performed mental status exam (MSE) in my home without my “informed consent”. Regarding " informed consent", please refer to the law below:

“Elements of consent
  11. (1) The following are the elements required for consent to treatment:
  1. The consent must relate to the treatment.
  2. The consent must be informed.
  3. The consent must be given voluntarily.
  4. The consent must not be obtained through misrepresentation or fraud. 1996, c. 2, Sched. A, s. 11 (1).
  Informed consent
  (2) A consent to treatment is informed if, before giving it,
  (a) the person received the information about the matters set out in subsection (3) that a reasonable person in the same circumstances would require in order to make a decision about the treatment; and
  (b) the person received responses to his or her requests for additional information about those matters. 1996, c. 2, Sched. A, s. 11 (2).”

When I found something strange during that MSE conducted by “a nurse” of TSH, I wrote a request for the access to my full medical record. They refused my request by stating in their letters to me: “ I would like to inform you again that it is standard and legal practice for mental health professionals to destroy such notes…” However, the deputy minister of Ministry of Health and Long-term Care of Ontario said in his email to me: Medical record must keep at least 10 years.

The most important parts of my medical record which I insist are as follows:

1)Handwritten note by the nurse who performed MSE in my home

2)The voice recording of that MSE ( One medical professional stated they must have it. If you can hear that recording, you will realize how they commit medical torture. )

  3)The telephone recording between Toronto Police and The Scarborough Hospital

From the telephone intake index which I got from TSH ,which I posted as supporting evidence, after seeing the highlighted parts, you can find how they fabricated my medical record. ( The second person fabricated that index.)

  The Scarborough Hospital has committed medical torture. When CPSO ( asked TSH to provide all my entire medical record to them, TSH lied and refused. Afterwards, I wrote to the ministry and the local government with my medical record I got from TSH, the ministry and the local government refused to look into it.

For the details, please see this video below. Under this video, I listed some supporting evidence. They hack and block all of them. Even, they blocked the link regarding “torture and medical torture” which the Canadian Government created. I corrected them several times. They must hack back.

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President Obama convened a task force to address sexual violence on college campuses. I was raped in college and kicked out of school when I spoke out. Sign my petition calling on the task force to hold schools like mine accountable.


Eric -

This email contains information about sexual assault that may be upsetting to survivors.

When I was a sophomore at Tufts, I started dating my ex, who was also a student there. During our two year relationship, my ex physically and sexually assaulted me multiple times. During our senior year, we were at a senior pub night sponsored by the school, and he started screaming at me, threatening to kill me. He was kicked out of the event, and I went with him, feeling like it was my fault. Then he physically assaulted me again.

That was the moment I decided enough was enough, and I went to Tufts to report what happened. At first, Tufts was supportive, but when I filed an official complaint against my ex, they told me there was nothing they could do. When I spoke out about what happened to me, Tufts expelled me.

What Tufts did to me was in violation of federal law, but the Department of Education -- which investigates Title IX violations -- dragged its feet for four years before saying there "wasn't enough evidence" to sanction Tufts for what it did to me.

But all that could change now that President Obama has convened a special task force to address sexual violence on college campuses. I started a petition on calling on the task force to require transparent investigations with serious consequences for cases like mine. Will you click here to sign?

The Department of Education has a shameful history of holding colleges accountable for violating federal law regarding sexual assault survivors. In fact, one study asserted that nearly two thirds of colleges and universities don't comply with federal law about preventing sexual assault and protecting survivors. 

Yet despite dozens of complaints like mine filed every year, the Department of Education has only ever found one school to be in noncompliance with the law. 

The good news is that collective action can make a difference. Last summer, I worked with other survivors to start a petition that prompted President Obama to convene this new taskforce -- that's unprecedented progress. And now we have a meeting at the White House on Friday, February 21, where we'll deliver your signature to administration officials. 

Click here to sign our petition calling on President Obama's task force to compel real action from the Department of Education.

It's hard for me to think about all of the young women who, like me, had to drop out of school and had our lives changed forever because of sexual violence. But I can do something about it now. And with your help, we can make sure what happened to me never happens again.

Thank you,

Wagatwe Wanjuki New York, NY

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Eric, here are three amazing things that happened after you clicked a Daily Kos email in February:

  • You helped stop a war against Iran. The Menendez sanctions bill would have torpedoed the President’s negotiations, and nearly had a veto-proof majority in the U.S. Senate. But Daily Kos community members sent 142,661 emails to their senators, turned the tide and got enough Democrats to back off.

  • You got Obama to drop Social Security cuts. As part of a larger team effort with coalition partners, over 240,000 of you worked for months to save Social Security and stop a chained CPI with emails and petitions. On Thursday, the White House announced that chained CPI will not be in the President's budget proposal—scoring a huge victory against the austerity crowd.

  • You saved public wifi in Kansas. After reading it in a Daily Kos Recommended email, over 11,000 of you shared a community diary on Facebook that explained how the Kansas legislature was about to block cities from offering free public Internet. You made that story go viral, and within three days the bill was dead. Boom.

At Daily Kos, we're sick of fundamentalist bigots and right-wing billionaires dominating American politics. That's why we keep scaling up the nation's largest progressive community--to make sure that the progressive grassroots are heard in every fight.
We have doubled in size since last March--from two million to four million--and in order to keep growing we need to add a fifth member to our small activism team. But we can’t do this without you.

Thanks for all you do, Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos

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Dear Friend,

The facts are in. Enough is enough.

A strident campaign of fear and disinformation has blocked the Keystone XL pipeline for years.

SignPetition.jpegEnergy means jobs. Energy means prosperity. Energy fuels the American economy.

The United States needs this vital artery of safe, efficient, affordable and clean North American energy.

The State Department is accepting public comment RIGHT NOW on this critical issue, so please make your voice heard today by signing the CFACT petition immediately.

This crucial, common sense project has been stymied over and over again.

Radical eco-zealots have chosen Keystone XL as the place to make their stand. They claim this project is unsafe for the environment and the people it would pass near, and that it will greatly contribute to alleged "global warming."

These claims are nonsense.

From whom would most Americans rather get their energy? Socialist strongmen in Venezuela, a hostile and unstable Middle East - or Canada, as fine a neighbor as any country can hope for?

The answer is obvious. And that choice has now landed on President Obama's desk.

That's why I'm hoping you will add your name to CFACT's petition today.

CFACT is the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, one of the nation's premier organizations dedicated to bringing a positive, market-oriented, and scientifically sound perspective to environmental issues.

Since our founding in 1985, we have fought tirelessly to protect American families, jobs, and businesses from the economy-crippling regulations being pushed by Green environmental extremists.

CFACT's award-winning "Climate Depot" news and information service is one of the world's top sources for countering the pseudo-science of environmental and global warming hysteria, and our work has been highlighted by everyone from Rush Limbaugh and Fox News to The Drudge Report and National Review - not to mention countless other media outlets that a carry our insightful and provocative information.

Each year, our initiatives engage everyday Americans, college students, and activists around the world by the thousands. They share our belief in faithful stewardship of our natural resources, innovative solutions to genuine environmental problems, and the promotion of a robust economy.

But most importantly, we are strong believers in sound science and the power of our free-market system, which is why we are absolutely determined to see the Keystone XL pipeline approved right now!

But to do that, we need your help right away. Please, sign our urgent petition.

Everyone knows that Canada will continue to develop its oil sands no matter what.

The real question is, will Canada use trains to transport a fraction of this crucial resource to the U.S. and then load the rest on tankers to export to China? Or will Keystone XL safely speed Canada's oil to American workers to refine?

Scientists, engineers, rational environmentalists and even President Obama's own State Department have all weighed in and given the Keystone XL pipeline a clean bill of health. Leaders of both major parties and much of the mainstream media acknowledge this reality.

Yet the most extreme elements of the Green movement won't listen. They think President Obama is their man and demand the Department of State slam the door shut on Keystone XL.

Obama is nervous. He knows the truth - that many of his usual allies aren't with him this time.

Yet he also knows that if his administration heeds this wide bi-partisan chorus and approves the pipeline, it could be Waterloo for the radical Greens.

Earlier this month, notice was published in the Federal Register that the Department of State is accepting public comment on Keystone XL. The deadline is March 6th.

The time to speak up is right now. The Department of State needs to hear from all of us. We need to deliver them a truckload of solid facts and support they cannot ignore. Will you take action and help CFACT set the record straight?

Will you add your good name to the thousands who will not let President Obama make this crucial decision without hearing from them?

Our petition has a number of solid facts. After you review them, we hope you will authorize CFACT to transmit these facts to President Obama and the Department of State, adding your name in testimony of support.

Democracy only works when good people honor the responsibilities of citizenship with their participation.

Will you stand up now and secure this supply of safe, clean, affordable and dependable energy to power the U.S. economy for generations to come?

This is an historic moment. I'm counting on you.




Craig Rucker Co-Founder and Executive Director, CFACT

CFACT is recognized as an exempt 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Service Act of 1954. All gifts are tax deductible.
For questions about donating, please contact Christina Wilson at (651) 600-3802.

Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow P.O. Box 65722 Washington, DC 20035 Phone: (202) 429-2737
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Dear ERIC,

Iran is taking America to the cleaners.

As Iranian warships steam
through the Suez Canal heading for open waters of the Atlantic Ocean near the
United States, we should be reminded of an important fact:

doesn't fear the United States, our allies, or international sanctions. It fears
no one.

Iran's recent actions are a clear message that they are feeling quite pleased with themselves and that they have broken through the West's regime of sanctions and feel secure enough to project their power
on a global scale.

Recently, we received proof when Iran's
foreign minister boldly disputed claims that Iran agreed to dismantle its
nuclear program. He boasted, "We did not agree to dismantle

ERIC, are you comfortable with the fact that
Iran's power is growing and America's power is declining? I'm certainly

I formed John Bolton PAC for one purpose -- to see that our
leaders remain committed to restoring American economic and national

ERIC, will you help me fight back against enemies
like Iran and stop American decline with an immediate contribution of $25, $50,
$100 or more right away?

Barack Obama does not truly see
America as exceptional; instead, he sees America as just another player in an
increasingly multipolar world that includes an ascending Iran.

this - if Iran completes its nuclear weapons program those ships in the Atlantic
could be carrying nuclear tipped missiles. Its radical Islamic regime
could park them off of New York, Boston or Washington and directly threaten
American power and security.

And why can they do

Because Obama has made us

ERIC, we need to act right now. Will you make an
urgent contribution to my PAC and help me reverse American

We must be prepared to do what it takes to protect
the idea of American exceptionalism and our basic Constitutional priorities --
the preservation of which are essential not only to our security, but to our
prosperity as well.

I'm done accepting second rate leadership
for the best nation in the history of mankind.

So ERIC, are you with me?


John Bolton

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

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Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly

Eric ­-
Thank you for being a part of Doctors for Responsible Solutions, and joining thousands of doctors and mental health professionals who are helping to address gun violence.
Each day, far too many people arrive in emergency rooms nationwide as a result of firearms accidents and violent crimes.
As doctors and mental health professionals, you know the cost of gun violence. Your experience offers an important perspective to our efforts to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, domestic abusers and the dangerously mentally ill.
Will you share what motivates you to advocate for responsible solutions to reduce gun violence?
When we speak with elected officials, they are always amazed by the diversity of our organization and the power of our members’ stories. That’s the real strength our movement, and that’s why we’ll end up passing legislation to make our communities safer.
All the best,
Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly
Americans for Responsible Solutions
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Does anyone have any suggestions?Im frustrated you can't get anything done because TI s become paranoid of one another.We are stuck in the same situation as we were years ago.The only thing that changing is people are dying off.We are desperate.We tend to gravitate to the latest piece of news that gives us some form of hope.There groups out there that are preying on us for different reasons.What im saying is we need to form a group.A group that solid that can put in the news on a daily basis.Legally in the courts as well.Either we make this change or we all will continue to wait for a miracle to  fall from the sky..People should be aware when groups are acting like cult mindset.We need to be out in the open blazing our own trail for change.We need to have an organizations with appointed leaders.Leaders that can get our message across with the science and data behind us so no one in the world can question us.Im looking for suggestions.

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If anyone would like for me to present their story and evidence I will, forward it on too her.Im going to be asking for asylum or her assistance. She once was an Ambassador for another country.She been my wife friend for over 20 years.She been reluctant to get her involved but we are running out of options. Im going to be talking with her about what my family has been subjected too.Im going too se if I can be granted asylum in another country.I honestly worried even if im successful in being granted asylum, will this help my family from being targeted

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The Scarborough Hospital(TSH), a public hospital of Ontario, Canada, commit “medical torture”, conspiring with Toronto Police. They performed mental status exam (MSE) in my home without my “informed consent”. When I found something strange during that MSE by a nurse of TSH, I wrote a request for the access to my full medical record. They refused my request by stating: “ I would like to inform you again that it is standard and legal practice for mental health professionals to destroy such notes…” However, the deputy minister of Ministry of Health and Long-tem Care of Ontario said in his email to me: Medical record must keep at least 10 years.

The most important parts of my medical record which I insist are as follows:

1)Handwritten note by the nurse who performed MSE in my home

2)The voice recording of that MSE ( One medical professional stated they must have it. If you can hear that recording, you will realize how they commit medical torture. )  
3)The telephone recording between Toronto Police and The Scarborough Hospital

From the telephone intake index which I got from TSH ,which I posted as supporting evidence, after seeing the highlighted parts, you can find how they fabricated my medical record ( The second person fabricated that index.).
The Scarborough Hospital has committed medical torture. However, the ministry and the local government refused to look into it. For the details, please see this video below. Under this video, I listed some supporting evidence. They hack and block all of them. Even, they blocked the link regarding “torture and medical torture” which the Canadian Government created. I corrected them several times. They must hack back.
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Ultrasonic Countermesures & Boswella

Sound can not travel in a vacuum.... 

The reason a Faraday cage does not work.

Beams of ultrasound directed at a window.

The window becomes a speaker.

Try vacuum >>>>>>>>>>>>>bags vacuum insulation.

Ultrasound directed at the roof and windows.

Tinnitus is caused by sound damage.

Can tinnitus be caused microwave frequency's?. Maybe but sound for sure.

Pulsed microwaves by satellites do exist but not 24/7.

These are not voices but mental effects physical effects.

My neighbor is using ultrasonics.

Boswellia extract is very cool it can help with the damage.

It is a very good experience inflammation brain cancer

pain appetite suppressant and more over 2000 years of use.

later :0)  J 

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Coalition européenne contre le harcèlement secrète

Or contre les manipulations mentales

Des millions de personnes en bonne santé et normaux dans le monde entier se plaignent entendre des voix étrangères dans leur crâne (v2k), tout est ciblé par un rayonnement inconnu ; d'être tourmenté et violée par ce rayonnement, sujet que quelqu'un est capable de lire leurs pensées (télépathie synthétique) et faire des commentaires sur eux, à obtenir leurs souvenirs piraté, sur quelqu'un voir avec leur yeux/audience avec leurs oreilles et Commentant ces signaux.

Or contre les manipulations mentales

Ces personnes sont appelées ciblé des individus (ti). Leur nombre augmente constamment.

Depuis que j'ai commencé enregistrement des interviews en direct avec ti'sabout 3 ans, je reçois chaque jour au moins un e-mail, un seul appel téléphonique ou une lettre d'un ti désespéré de tous les coins du monde. Ils me contactent parce que je les prendre au sérieux et les écouter. Je ne vais pas dans le mal et soigneusement designedtrap qui soutient, ils sont malades mentaux. J'ai étudié les recherches de David Icke, Cathy o ' Brien, Helmut Lammer och Heiner Gehring qui a ouvert les yeux pour cette technologie secrète, qui s'adresse aux personnes depuis plus de 60 ans.

La majorité de la ti n'est pas au courant qu'ils soient visés. Dans le cas contraire l'asservissement mental ne fonctionnerait pas. Mais une minorité croissante est au courant de la technologie et se plainte. Grâce à Internet, ils peuvent en savoir plus sur les autre ti et se rendent compte qu'ils ne sont pas fous ou seul.

Nous avons constaté que les services secrets de Russie, Etats-Unis, Israël et la Suède a développé la technologie de contrôle de tête à l'aide un secret physique : les ondes scalaires. Depuis la mort de James Clerk Maxwell 1879 physiciens forgé intentionnellement les équations de champ de Maxwell et mettre la partie décrivant les ondes scalaires à tort à zéro, alors qu'aujourd'hui seulement l'onde électromagnétique s'explique par le torse d'équation de Maxwell. Merci professeur de physique Konstantin Meyl maintenant savons-nous beaucoup sur les ondes scalaires. Ceux qui présentent un intérêt pour notre corps sont les ondes scalaires. Ils transportent des neutrinos plus rapides que la lumière et de pénétrer tout, même la terre entière. Ils transportent, énergie et information, leur permettant à des pensées et des images-transfert holographique 3d coloré, pas s'accumuler par pixels.

Après l'attente et de longues recherches, j'ai eu un soupçon en Allemagne il ya un an, cet or protège contre les manipulations mentales. Or émet une interférence destructive contre les ondes scalaires déranger la résonance entre la puce/ADN dans un ti et le beamer dans les mains d'un criminel agent secret ou un médecin.

Real ti n'ai argent, donc ils ne peuvent pas se permettre d'or. C'est pourquoi nous avons découvert que l' or homéopathique (aurum metallicum) aide. C'est très bon marché et disponible dans la plupart des pays. L'homéopathie n'aide pas avec des instruments chimiques mais avec physique, simplement par les vagues, les interférences constructives et destructives. Les puissances D12, D30 et C100 ont donné de meilleurs résultats avec beaucoup de ti qui testé. Les effets secondaires ne sont pas connus.


Nous avons commencé à 2013 une association européenne ti : Coalition européenne contre le harcèlement Covert (EUCACH), assis en Suède. Tout le monde peut devenir membre.

TV blanc :

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