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ts reserved by TJH Internet SP and Earth Operations Central. Content from the US Congressional Record.

A note on the conversion: This document was converted from the standard format obtained from the US Congress Legislative Gopher,THOMAS. Some formatting here differs from the original, but no text has been omitted. Some italics, bolding or evident-yet-untranscribed punctuation (very minimal) has been added, by me, to stress points which, to the best of my knowledge, Senator Glenn might like to have brought to the attention by fancy typesetting. - TJH

Senator John Glenn's Introductory Remarks on S.193

January 22, 1997 -

Mr. GLENN: Madam President, I rise today to introduce the Human Research Subject Protection Act of 1997. I send the bill to the desk.

The PRESIDING OFFICER: The bill will be received and appropriately referred.

Mr. GLENN: Madam President, if I approached any Senator here and I said, `You did not know it, but the last time they went to the doctor or went to the hospital, your wife or your husband or your daughter or your son became the subject of a medical experiment that they were not even told about. They were given medicine, they were given pills, they were given radiation, they were given something and were not even told about this, were not even informed about it, yet they are under some experimental research that might possibly do them harm--maybe some good will come out of it, but maybe it will do them harm also--but they do not know about it,' people would laugh at that and say that is ridiculous. That cannot possibly happen in this country. Yet, that very situation is what this piece of legislation is supposed to address.

I have been in public life and have served this country for many years. Frankly, I do not think too many things that I see surprise me anymore about our laws and about Government. Three years ago, though, I began to learn about a gap in our legal system that does truly concern me. In 1993 the Governmental Affairs Committee began to investigate the cold war radiation experiments. These experiments are one of the unfortunate legacies of the cold war, when our Government sponsored experiments involving radiation on our own citizens without their consent. They did not even know the experiments were being run on them. It was without their consent.

One of the most infamous of these experiments took place in my own State of Ohio, when scores of patients at the University of Cincinnati were subjected to large doses of radiation during experimental treatments, without their consent, without their informed consent. During the course of this investigation, I began to ask the question, what protections are in place to prevent such abuses from happening again? What law prohibits experimenting on people without their informed consent?

What I found, when I looked into it, is there is no law on the books requiring that informed consent be obtained. More important, I believe there is a need for such a law, as there continue to be cases where this basic right--I do view it as a basic right--is abused. As I started out, I would like to put this on a personal level for everyone of my colleagues. You just think about your own family, your own son, your own daughter, or grandchildren who might be, the next time they go to a doctor, the subject of some medical experiment that they are not even told about. I do not think there can be many things more un-American than that.

With the introduction of this bill today I hope to begin the process of correcting some serious gaps in our legal system. I want to make clear right now I am not seeking to bring medical research to a screeching halt. Please -- do not anybody at NIH, or anybody doing research throughout this country, think we are trying to stop that. We are not. That is not my intent and not the intent of this bill.

This country has the very finest health care system in the world, in part because of basic research. In fact, in large part because we have put more effort, more resources, more of our treasure into health research than any other nation in this world. In fact, I believe most people are not opposed to participating themselves in scientific research, if they are told about the pros and the cons. That is the goal of this legislation, to make sure that people have the appropriate information to make an informed choice about their medical treatment.

Everyone listening today probably has heard of the Nuremberg Code. That is the list of 10 ethical research principles which were produced as part of the judgment against Nazi physicians who engaged in truly heinous medical experiments during World War II.

I ask my colleagues what the following names might have in common: thalidomide, Tuskegee, and Willowbrook?

Well, the answer is that these are all sad examples of unethical research conducted in the United States, and in the United States well after the Nuremberg Code was issued, adopted and worldwide attention had been focused on some of the abuses of that time during World War II.

Given this history, I find it astounding that even after Nuremberg, the thalidomide babies, Willowbrook, Tuskegee and the cold war radiation experiments, and who knows how many other cases, we still don't have a law on our books requiring that informed consent--those two words, `informed consent'--be obtained prior to conducting research on human subjects.

I have had research conducted on me because of my past activities before I came to the Senate in the space program and so on, but I knew what was being looked at, what was being tried. I knew the objectives of it, and I was willing to do that. I was happy to do it. But it was informed consent that I had personally, and I knew what I was getting into and glad to do it.

I think most people feel the same way. If they know what they are getting into and they feel there is a good purpose to it, they are willing to do it. But to do research on people when they don't even know what the research or the medicines or the radiation is that is being tried on them, I think is unconscionable.

What it comes down to is there are no criminal fines or penalties for violating the spirit or the letter of that Nuremberg Code that should be the basis of all of our informed consent in this country.

In fact, our own Constitution says, `The right of the people to be secure in their persons . . . shall not be violated.'

So there is no explicit statutory prohibition against improper research. I must add that just because there is no law on the books does not mean there are no protections for people from unethical medical or scientific research.

These tragic incidents I have mentioned have resulted in changes in the way human research subjects are treated. I don't want to misrepresent this, because there is a very elaborate system of protections that have developed over the years. Unfortunately, though, this system does have some gaps and, if enacted, I believe this legislation will close those gaps.

Let me briefly describe the system that is currently in place.

Regulations governing the protection of human research subjects were issued by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in 1974 and may be found at part 46 of title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

In 1991, 10 years after a recommendation of a congressionally chartered Presidential advisory board, 16 other agencies adopted a portion of this rule, a portion of the rule to apply to research that these agencies sponsored. And at that point, these regulations became known as the common rule.

The common rule requires research institutions receiving Federal support and Federal agencies conducting research to establish committees, and these are known as--the shorthand version is IRBs -- Institutional Review Boards. Their job is to review research proposals for risk of harm to human subjects and to perform other duties to protect human research subjects.

The common rule also stipulates requirements related to informed consent, how researchers must inform potential subjects of the risks to which they, as study participants, agree to be exposed.

It should also be noted that HHS regulations contain additional protections not included in the common rule for research involving vulnerable populations; namely, pregnant women, fetuses, subjects of in vitro fertilization research, prisoners and children. No other Federal agency has adopted these additional protections.

Additionally, in order to receive approval for a drug or device from the Food and Drug Administration, a research institution or pharmaceutical company must comply with the requirements of the common rule as administered by the FDA.

In addition to the Federal regulations, most professional medical societies and associations have adopted ethical codes of conduct regarding research.

The first such ethical code, called the Helsinki Code, was adopted by the World Medical Association in 1964. So it has been on the books for a long time. Since that time, other prominent organizations, like the American Medical Association, the American Society for Clinical Investigation, and the American Federation of Clinical Research have also adopted such ethical codes.

Most recently, in October 1995, the President exhibited, I believe, strong leadership and established the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, NBAC. This had been a long time coming. It had been suggested, but no one had ever gone ahead and done this, and the President exerted the leadership and established the NBAC.

Quite simply, the scientific and ethical issues which the NBAC are supposed to evaluate represent some of the most important, some of the most complex and controversial questions of our time. NBAC's input will be critical to informed policymaking for both the legislative and executive branches.

The two primary goals of NBAC are to, first, evaluate the current level of compliance of Federal agencies to the common rule, and, second, evaluate the common rule and advise both the executive and legislative branches on any changes that might be needed to it.

I very strongly support the work of the NBAC but recently have become extremely concerned to hear that more than 15 months after its establishment, the NBAC is still operating with a volunteer staff. It was my understanding that a number of Federal agencies supported the creation of the NBAC and agreed to back up their support with resources and staff. Some NBAC members have stated in public meetings that they are frustrated with the progress the Commission is making and attribute the slow pace to the lack of resources. Additionally, the resource problem may be limiting the number of meetings of the Commission.

Further, if this problem is not resolved in the near term, the Commission may have to stop meeting altogether. I sent a letter to the President's science adviser a few days ago, Dr. John Gibbons, to express my concerns about this. Dr. Gibbons was working to resolve this funding problem, which I view as an urgent priority.

I am very glad to announce--as a matter of fact, it was just today--that these groups in Government that are interested in this had a meeting under Dr. Gibbons' leadership, and the $1.6 million that was supposed to accrue from these different agencies to be used by the NBAC is now forthcoming. So the NBAC is now funded so they can do the job they were originally supposed to do.

We are very glad to say that has happened just today, and I am glad it happened today, just when I am introducing this bill, because it looks as though we now truly are moving to support the NBAC that did not receive the kind of monetary support, the kind of funding that we thought it was going to have when it was first formed a year and a half ago.

There are a number of existing mechanisms that do protect human research subjects today. In fact, in March of 1996, the GAO reported to me that the testing protection system has reduced the likelihood of serious abuses from occurring. However, the GAO also pointed out a number of weaknesses and gaps in the current system.

There are at least four areas, four major gaps.

First, not all agencies have adopted the common rule, including agencies that currently sponsor research involving human subjects. The Department of Labor and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are examples of agencies that sponsor such research but those agencies have not adopted the common rule, which I think they should have.

Second, the common rules research is voluntarily applied in many cases. Most institutions which receive Federal funds will voluntarily apply the common rule to all research conducted at their institution. However, not all research institutions adopt this policy. And in any case, if any improper research is discovered at these institutions, there are very few steps available to the Federal Government to do much about it.

Third, a private institution or a researcher who conducts nonfederally funded research or is not seeking approval of a drug or device with the FDA does not have to apply the principles of the common rule to its research. In other words, there is a huge area of all the private medical research out there that is not under the common rule unless they just choose themselves to just voluntarily do it.

Fourth, no Federal agency, other than HHS, has applied the additional protections described in 45 CFR 46 for vulnerable populations--pregnant women and their fetus, children, prisoners--to their own research. So the purpose of this legislation is to help close the gaps that exist within the current system for protecting research subjects.

Well, is there really a problem out there?

Is this just a paper loophole that I am trying to close?

Unfortunately, Mr. President, there are ongoing problems with inappropriate, ethically suspect research on human subjects. It is difficult to know the extent of such problems because information is not collected in any formal manner on human research.

The Cleveland Plain-Dealer in my home State of Ohio has recently reported in a whole series of articles, after much investigation of this issue. And I quote from them:

What the government lacks in hard data about humans, it more than makes up for with volumes of statistics about laboratory animals. Wonder how many guinea pigs were used in U.S. research? The Agriculture Department knows: 333,379. How many hamsters in Ohio? 2,782.

So we have all this data on animals and little on human beings. I would hasten to add that the guinea pigs the Plain-Dealer refers to are the four-legged kind too and not the guinea pigs that are humans being used for research.

The reason we know so much about the use of animals in research is that we have laws governing the handling and treatment of them.

For example, the Animal Welfare Act requires that certain minimum standards be maintained when using animals in research.

Let me give you some recent examples which indicate why, notwithstanding the common rule and the other protections that are in place, I think additional protections are needed in statute.

In 1994-95, in an effort to explore the rights and interests of people currently involved in radiation research conducted or sponsored by the Federal Government, the Presidential Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments conducted an in-depth review of 125 research projects funded by HHS, DOE, DOD, VA, and NASA. According to the ACHRE report:

Our review suggests that there are significant deficiencies in some aspects of the current system for the protection of human subjects.

The ACHRE found that documents provided to IRBs often did not contain enough information about topics that are central to the ethics of research involving human subjects. In some cases the committee found it was difficult to assess the scientific merit of a protocol based on the documentation provided.

ACHRE's report states that some consent forms studied by the committee are--and I quote-- ... flawed in morally significant respects, not merely because they are difficult to read but because they are uninformative or even misleading.

Our review also raises serious concerns about some research involving children and adults with questionable decision-making capacity.

And the ACHRE concludes:

All told, the documents of almost half the studies reviewed by the committee that involved greater than minimal risk [to the subject] raised serious or moderate concerns.

That is a horrible indictment.

As I mentioned earlier, from December 15 to 18, 1996, the Cleveland Plain-Dealer published a series of articles entitled `Drug Trials: Do People Know the Truth About Experiments.'

And I want to give credit to the people that worked on that. Keith Epstein, has covered Capitol Hill here and has written much and done much investigative reporting working on this, as did Mr. Sloat, S-l-o-a-t, Bill Sloat. Those two fellows worked on this and did a great job in pointing out some of the problems that still exist. And we have talked to them about some of these things.

The Plain-Dealer uncovered a number of disturbing cases, very disturbing cases as a matter of fact, where people were either unaware of the fact that they were involved in research or were not provided full information about potential side effects of research. The series raises very serious questions about the adequacy of our current system of protecting human research subjects.

The Plain-Dealer found, for example, of "4,154 FDA inspections of researchers testing new drugs on people [since 1977] . . . more than half the researchers were cited by FDA inspectors for failing to clearly disclose the experimental nature of their work."

Another serious finding in this series is that researchers who receive the most severe penalty by the FDA, being designated `Disqualified Investigators,' have little fear of this fact being found out by their peers or patients. One of the articles discusses potentially serious problems in the way research conducted outside of the United States is incorporated into applications for drug approvals in the United States.

The Plain-Dealer uncovered much evidence to suggest that the Federal Government continues to sponsor research where informed consent is not obtained. And this fact disturbed me greatly also.

On November 14, 1996, the Wall Street Journal published an article that examined the practice at one pharmaceutical firm, Eli Lilly and Co. in using homeless alcoholics in their clinical trials. The article raises some disturbing questions about the quality of the phase I trials conducted by this one company. Also serious ethical questions are raised concerning the appropriateness of paying homeless alcoholics significant sums to be human guinea pigs. It is not clear from the article whether these tests were reviewed by any IRB.

On December 27, 1996, the New York Times reported on a New York State appeals court ruling which found that the State's rules governing psychiatric experiments on children and the mentally ill were unconstitutional. The court found that the rules did not adequately protect people who, because of age or illness, cannot give informed consent to take part in drug tests or other experiments. The article mentions 10 to 15 of the 400 psychiatric experiments covered by the ruling as being `privately financed' and therefore outside the coverage of Federal rules.

How would you like it if your father, mother, son or daughter, husband, wife was in one of those institutions and was having experiments conducted on them without your knowing about it or without them knowing about it? That is what we are up against.

On August 15, 1994, the New York Times reported on ethical and legal questions regarding a company's efforts to promote a drug that can make some children grow taller than they otherwise would. The drug in question, Protropin, has been approved by FDA for use in children whose bodies do not make sufficient quantities of human growth hormone. However, once approved, doctors may prescribe it for other purposes at their discretion. In this case the company was apparently surveying schools for short children and then trying to funnel those children to doctors who would prescribe the drug whether or not the children lacked the human growth hormone. This unapproved research was occurring without the oversight of an IRB. And at least 15,000 children have taken this drug.

the fact that the university had agreed to apply it to all research conducted there--through OPRR's assurance process; and that NIH was currently funding a good deal of research at the institution. Within a week of OPRR's visit, the university took public action to halt the research and formally investigate the researchers.

On October 10, 1994, the New York Times reported on a New York doctor who adopted two types of drugs approved by FDA for cancer treatment and stomach ulcers for an unapproved use to perform nonsurgical abortions. The article quotes the doctor saying that in 121 of 126 cases his approach was successful. The remaining five cases required surgery to complete the procedure. Because the drugs were FDA approved and the doctor was not funded or connected to federally sponsored research, no IRB or approved informed consent procedures were required. Apparently, each patient signed a three-page consent form, but this was not approved by an IRB. According to the Times, once FDA approves a drug, physicians are generally allowed to use it for off label purposes.

Now Mr. President, some of the issues discussed in these articles are problems with how the common rule itself is being applied. Some of these examples illustrate the gaps in the common rule coverage. My legislation will address both the coverage and the application of the common rule.

Now how precisely would the legislation work?

It would require all research facilities to register with HHS. Registration shall include: First, statement of principles governing the research facility in its conduct of human subject research; second, designation of the official responsible for all human subject; third, designation of membership roster of IRB(s ); and fourth, attestation that the research facility is complying with the protection requirements of the common rule.

The legislation includes a grandfather provision for all research entities which currently have negotiated project assurances with HHS. The vast majority of research facilities have such assurances.

The legislation contains a 3-year reregistration requirement.

The legislation includes criminal penalties for failure to comply with the act. Therefore, if enacted it would be a felony offense to experiment on someone without their informed consent.

The intent therefore of this legislation is twofold: First, to fill in the gaps of coverage of the common rule by requiring all research involving human subjects to abide by the rule; and second, to elevate the importance of conducting research ethically, the bill provides criminal fines and penalties for failure to comply with the requirements of this law, and by extension 45 CFR 46.

Finally Mr. President, my legislation would codify a recommendation which the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments made regarding the conduct of classified research involving human subjects.

Specifically, the advisory committee recommended that informed consent of all human subjects of classified research be required, and that such requirement not be subject to waiver or exemption. Under current rule and executive order, it is possible to waive informed consent and IRB review for classified research. Title II of this legislation would prohibit the waiver of either informed consent or IRB review for classified research.

Mr. President I have tried today to briefly lay out the case for the need for the legislation I am introducing. I know that my colleague from Ohio, Senator DeWine, is also concerned about the issues I have raised today, and about those that appeared last month in the Plain Dealer. I believe that he has requested that the chairman of the Labor and Human Resources Committee hold hearings on this subject. I think that is entirely appropriate. And I hope that this legislation could be considered in that process. I look forward to working with the Labor Committee in this regard.

I do not claim to have the magic bullet solution with this bill. However, I believe there are some key principles which should guide the Senate's consideration of this legislation. These principles are:

First, informed consent and independent review of experiments involving human subjects must be required.

Second, anyone who violates the right of research subject to have informed consent, should be held criminally responsible for that violation.

I want to put this in personal terms once again. You can imagine your spouse, husband, wife, father, mother, children, being experimented on without your knowledge or their knowledge. That is unconscionable, and we should not permit that. This legislation will close many of the loopholes that permit that to happen now.

As the legislative process moves ahead, it is certain that the bill will undergo scrutiny and amendments. But I think the outcome, if this legislation is enacted into law, will be improved protections for all Americans.

Madam President, obviously, I welcome any cosponsors on this legislation. I will be sending out a `dear colleague' letter to all the offices, and I hope we get a good response to that. I think there are very few Senators who will not back this when they hear what can happen then to them, their families, and their constituents back home, if we do not pass something like this.

I think this is many years overdue. I don't want to scare people to death with this, because I think most of the research in this country is conducted in a way that is good and is with informed consent--in most cases. But just the few examples that I have mentioned here today, as well as the articles in the Cleveland Plain Dealer and New York Times I quoted from, indicate there is still a very major problem in this area and one that we want to close the gaps on so that no American is subjected to experiments like this, unless they know exactly what is going on and have given informed consent.

Thank you. I yield the floor.

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Microchip Mind Control,
Implants And Cybernetics

Actual 1974 Congressional Testimony of Dr. Jose Delgado -
"We need a program of PSYCHOSURGERY for POLITICAL CONTROL of our society. The purpose is PHISICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be SURGICALLY MUTILATED.
"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.
"Man does NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must ELECTRICALLY CONTROL THE BRAIN. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain."
Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado Director of Neuropsychiatry Yale University Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974
The following article was originally published in the 36th-year edition of the Finnish-language journal, SPEKULA (3rd Quarter, 1999). SPEKULA is a publication of Northern Finland medical students and doctors of Oulu University OLK (OULUN LAAKETIETEELLINEN KILTA).
By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland
In 1948 Norbert Weiner published a book, CYBERNETICS, defined as a neurological communication and control theory already in use in small circles at that time. Yoneji Masuda, "Father of Information Society," stated his concern in 1980 that our liberty is threatened Orwellian-style by cybernetic technology totally unknown to most people. This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based super-computers.
The first brain implants were surgically inserted in 1874 in the state of Ohio, U.S.A., and also in Stockholm, Sweden. Brain electrodes were inserted into the skulls of babies in 1946 without the knowledge of their parents. In the 50's and 60's, electrical implants were inserted into the brains of animals and humans, especially in the U.S., during research into behavior modification, and brain and body functioning. Mind control (MC) methods were used in attempt to change human behavior and attitudes. Influencing brain functions became an important goal of military and intelligence services.
Thirty years ago brain implants showed up in xrays the size of one centimeter. Subsequent implants shrunk to the size of a grain of rice. They were made of silicon, later still of gallium arsenide. Today they are small enough to be inserted into the neck or back, and also intraven-ously in different parts of the body during surgical operations, with or without the consent of the subject. It is now almost impossible to detect or remove them.
It is technically possible for every newborn to be injected with a micro-chip, which could then function to identify the person for the rest of his or her life. Such plans are secretly being discussed in the U.S. without any public airing of the privacy issues involved. In Sweden, Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid- 1980's. The technology is revealed in the 1972:47 Swedish state report, STATENS OFFICIELLA UTRADNINGER (SOU).
Implanted human beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions can then be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the changing of frequencies. Guinea-pigs in secret experiments have in-cluded prisoners, soldiers, mental patients, handicapped children, deaf and blind people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly, school children and any group of people considered "marginal" by the elite experimenters. The published experiences of prisoners in Utah State Prison, for example, are shocking to the conscience.
Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the intell-igence-manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.) The U.S. National Security Agency's (NSA) 20 billion bits/second supercomputers could now "see and hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield with a remote monitoring system (RMS).
When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillometers) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person's brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.
Every thought, reaction, hearing and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its elect- romagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person's brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture.
The NSA's electronic surveillance system can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical reson- ance frequency in the brain, just like we have unique fingerprints. With electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day.
The Washington Post reported in in May 1995 that Prince William of Great Britain was implanted at the age of 12. Thus, if he were ever kidnapped, a radiowave with a specific frequency could be targeted to his microchip. The chips signal would be routed through a satellite to the computer screen of police headquarters, where the Princes movements could be followed. He could actually be located anywhere on the globe.
The mass media have not reported that an implanted person's privacy van- ishes for the rest of his or her life. S/he can be manipulated in many ways. Using different frequencies, the secret controller of this equip- ment can even change a person's emotional life. S/he can be made aggress- ive or lethargic. Sexuality can be artificially influenced. Thought sig-nals and subconscious thinking can be read, dreams affected and even induced, all without the knowledge or consent of the implanted person.
A perfect cyber-soldier can thus be created. This secret technology has been used by military forces in certain NATO countries since the 1980's without civilian and academic populations having heard anything about it. Thus, little information about such invasive mind-control systems is available in professional and academic journals.
The NSA's Signals Intelligence can remotely monitor information from human brains by decoding the evoked potentials (3.50HZ, 5 milliwatt) emitted by the brain. Prisoner experimentees in both Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna, Austria have been found to have [missing word] brain lesions. Diminished blood circulation and lack of oxygen in the right temporal frontal lobes result where brain implants are usually operative. A Finnish experimentee experienced brain atrophy and intermittent attacks of unconsciousness due to lack of oxygen.
Mind control techniques can be used for political purposes. The goal of mind controllers today is to induce the targeted persons or groups to act against his or her own convictions and best interests. Zombified individ-uals can even be programmed to murder and remember nothing of their crime afterward. Alarming examples of this phenomenon can be found in the U.S.
This silent war is being conducted against unknowing civilians and sold-iers by military and intelligence agencies. Since 1980 electronic stim- ulation of the brain (ESB) has been secretly used to control people tar-geted without their knowledge or consent. All international human rights agreements forbid nonconsensual manipulation of human beings even in pri-sons, not to speak of civilian populations. Under an initiative of U.S. Senator John Glenn, discussions commenced in January 1997 about the dan-gers of radiating civilian populations. Targeting peoples brain functions with electromagnetic fields and beams (from helicopters and airplanes, satellites, from parked white vans, neighboring houses, telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobil phones, TV, radio, etc.), is part of the radiation problem that should be addressed in democratically elected government bodies.
In addition to electronic MC, chemical methods have also been developed. Mind-altering drugs and different smelling gasses affecting brain function negatively can be injected into air ducts or water pipes. Also, bacteria and viruses have been tested this way in several countries.
Today's supertechnology, connecting our brain functions via microchips (or even without them, according to the latest technology) to computers via satellites in the U.S. or Israel, poses the gravest threat to human-ity. The latest supercomputers are powerful enough to monitor the whole worlds population. What will happen when people are tempted by false premises to allow microchips into their bodies? One lure will be a micro-chip identity card. Compulsory legislation has even been secretly pro-posed in the U.S. to criminalize removal of an ID implant.
Are we ready for the robotization of mankind and the total elimination of privacy, including freedom of thought? How many of us would want to cede our entire life, including our most secret thoughts, to Big Brother? Yet the technology exists to create a totalitarian "New World Order." Covert neurological communication systems are in place to counteract independent thinking and to control social and political activity on behalf of self-serving private and military interests.
When our brain functions are already is connected to supercomputers by means of radio implants and microchips, it will be too late for protest. This threat can be defeated only by educating the public, using available literature on biotelemetry and information exchanged at international congresses.
One reason this technology has remained a state secret is the widespread prestige of the psychiatric DIAGNOSTIC STATISTICAL MANUAL IV produced by the U.S. American Psychiatric Association (APA), and printed in 18 lan-guages. Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies no doubt participated in writing and revising this manual. This psychiatric "bible" covers up the secret development of MC technologies by labelling some of their effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.
Victims of mind control experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk fashion, as mentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM symptom list in medical school. Physicians have not been schooled that patients may be telling the truth when they report being targeted against their will or being used as guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological forms of psychological warfare.
Time is running out for changing the direction of military medicine, and ensuring the future of human freedom. -- Rauni Kilde, MD December 6, 2000 ___
By Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD
September 25, 1999
Helsingin Sanomat, the largest newspaper in Scandinavia, wrote in the September 9, 1999 issue that Scientific American magazine estimates that after the Millenium perhaps ALL people will be implanted with a "DNA microchip".
How many people realize what it actually means? Total loss of privacy and total outside control of the person's physical body functions, men-tal, emotional and thought processes, including the implanted person's subconscious and dreams! For the rest of his life!
It sounds like science fiction but it is secret military and intelligence agencies' mind control technology, which has been experimented with for almost half a century. Totally without the knowledge of the general public and even the general academic population.
Supercomputers in Maryland, Israel and elsewhere with a speed of over 20 BILLION bits/sec can monitor millions of people simultaneously. In fact, the whole world population can be totally controlled by these secret brain-computer interactions, however unbelievable it sounds for the uninformed.
Human thought has a speed of 5,000 bits/sec and everyone understands that our brain cannot compete with supercomputers acting via satellites, implants, local facilities, scalar or other forms of biotelemetry.
Each brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment characteristics. Remote neural monitoring systems with supercomputers can send messages through an implanted person's nervous system and affect their performance in any way desired. They can of course be tracked and identified anywhere.
Neuro-electromagnetic involuntary human experimentation has been going on with the so-called "vulnerable population" for about 50 years, in the name of "science" or "national security" in the worst Nazi-type testing, contrary to all human rights. Physical and psychological torture of mind control victims today is like the worst horror movies. Only, unlike the horror movies, it is true.
It happens today in the USA, Japan, and Europe. With few exceptions, the mass media suppresses all information about the entire topic.
Mind control technology in the USA is classified under "non-lethal" weaponry. The name is totally misleading because the technology used IS lethal, but death comes slowly in the form of "normal" illnesses, like cancer, leukemia, heart attacks, Alzheimer's disease with loss of short term memory first. No wonder these illnesses have increased all over the world.
When the use of electromagnetic fields, extra-low (ELF) and ultra-low (ULF) frequencies and microwaves aimed deliberately at certain individ-uals, groups, and even the general population to cause diseases, disori-entation, chaos and physical and emotional pain breaks into the awareness of the general population, a public outcry is inevitable.
[Eleanor White comment: ELF/ULF frequencies on their own cannot be focussed and are practically impossible to transmit in the usual manner of radio transmissions. ELF/ULF cannot carry voice.
ELF/ULF CAN be carried on radio and ultrasound carrier signals, however, and are effective in things like setting up a target to be more receptive to hypnosis, force a target to be unable to sleep, and force a target to fall asleep daytime. This is like the reverse process of reading the brain's natural ELF/ULF electrical activity using biofeedback.]
Who is behind a sinister plan to microchip and control and torture the general population?
[Eleanor White's comment: Reports from persons targetted by neuro- electromagnetic experimentation show that not everyone is implanted. The fact that those few victims who have had implants removed cannot get custody of the implants means someone has a keen interest in controlling the use of covert implants and preventing the publication of this practice.]
The Patent Office of the U.S.A. has granted patents for purposes of mental monitoring and mind alteration.
Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brainwaves, methods for inducing mental, emotional and physical states of conscious- ness, in human beings. Method of and apparatus for desired states of consciousness are among some of them.
People who have been implanted, involuntarily or through deception vol- untarily have become bilogical robots and guinea pigs for this activity under the guise of national security.
The real consequences of microchip implantation (or with today's advanced hidden technology, using only microwave radiation for mind control,) are totally hidden from the public. How many know the real dangers of mic- rowaves through mobile phones?
How many believe the disinformation that microwave radiation is not causing health problems? The economic issues in the mobile phone industry are enormous. Therefore health issues are deliberately brushed aside.
However, the same thing is inevitable in the future as with the tobacco industry. When economic compensation for health damages becomes big enough, as in the tobacco industry, health hazards will be admitted and users are then responsible for their tobacco-related illnesses.
Today, already about 50% of Finns, Swedes and Norwegians use mobile phones, especially the young population.
Mobile phones used in mind control was a brilliant idea. Military and police agencies can follow every user, influence their thoughts through microwaves, cause healthy people to hear voices in their heads and if needed burn their brains in a second by increasing the current 20,000 times.
That probably happened to Chechnyan leader General Dudayev who died talking to a mobile phone.
Heating effect of tissues with the speed of light is a known effect of high power microwave and electromagnetic pulse weapons.
According to Navy studies they also cause fatigue states, depression, insomnia, aggressiveness, long and especially short term memory loss, short catatonic states, cataracts, leukemia, cancer, heart attacks, brain tumors and so forth.
Alteration of behavior and attitudes hs been demonstrated as well.
Dr. Ross Adey has found out that by using 0.75 milliwatts per square centimeter intensity of pulse modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz it is possible to control ALL aspects of human behaviour!
Microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bond in the cells and can interfere with meiosis, which leads to tumors.
All our emotions, moods, and thoughts have a specific brain frequency which has been catalogued. If these records fall into the wrong hands, our behaviour and attitudes can be manipulated by persons whose ethics and morals are not in our best interest.
Both military and intelligence agencies have been infiltrated with such persons. The Director of the Swiss Secret Service had to resign in September 1999 because of his agency's involvement in illegal arms deals and a plan to create an ORGANIZATION within the legal Secret Service.
This globally infiltrated organization has "octopus type" activities in all major intelligence services in the world, working together with the Mafia and terrorists. It has recruited people from all important government institutions, state and local administrations.
It owns Star Wars technology which is used against military and civilian populations, claiming it is "non-lethal" weaponry.
"Down and out" people, jobless, freed prisoners, mental outpatients, students and orphans are trained by this organization to harass, follow, and torture innocent people, who for whatever reason have been put on the organization's hit list. They are ALREADY in every apartment block!
[Eleanor White comment: This gang-like colour-coding is not reported in all areas. Dr. Kilde's experience is with northern Europe.]
Deception is the name of the game, so recruits are told untrue sinister stories of their victims to keep them motivated. They have a military order and get rewarded for their evil actions, which include Satanism, and symbols and yellow-orange-black colors. However, fresh recruits must wear pink - and the highest elite wears yellow ties with dark suits.
Even dashes of yellow or orange in their ties may signal their recruitment as well as yellow shirts or other objects with that color for signalling.
Too many world leaders fit into this signalling. However, it is quite possible they are only used as fronts for this global organization without any knowledge of it's criminal activity in the field against innocent people. Mass media and big industry are also infiltrated.
Who are the targets? Experimentation with soldiers and prisoners may continue, as well as handicapped children, mental patients, homosexuals and single women. They are still experimental guinea pigs for electronic and chemical warfare. But today ANYONE can become a target, even those who invented the system.
Researchers who find out about this secret radiation of the population become targets themselves.
The U.S. Senate discussed the issue on January 22, 1997. The U.S. Air Force's "Commando Solo" aircraft have been used to send subliminal radio frequency messages to manipulate even the minds of foreign nations in their elections. Haiti and Bosnia are a couple of recent examples.
In July 1994 the U.S. Department of Defense proposed the use of "non-lethal" weapons against anyone engaged in activities the DoD opposes. Thus opposing political views, economic competitors, counterculture individuals and so forth can be beamed to sickness or death.
The Psychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) for mental disorders has been a brilliant cover up operation in 18 languages to hide the atrocities of military and intelligence agencies' actions towards their targets. THE MANUAL LISTS ALL MIND CONTROL ACTIONS AS SIGNS OF PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA.
If a target is under surveillance with modern technology via TV, radio, telephone, loudspeakers, lasers, microwaves, poisoned with mind altering drugs via airducts, giving familiar smells which cause headache, nausea and so forth, if he claims his clothes are poisoned, his food or tap water as well --- all medical schools teach their students that the person is paranoid, ESPECIALLY if he believes intelligence agencies are behind it all.
Never is the medical profession told that these are routine actions all over the world by intelligence agencies against their targets. Thus, victims of mind control are falsely considered mentally ill and get no help since they are not believed and their suffering is doubled by ignorant health professionals.
The unethical abuses of power by individuals in charge of biomedical telemetry are incomprehensible to normal people.
The goal of mind control is to program an individual to carry out any mission of espionage or assassination even against their will and self- preservation instict and to control the absolute behavior and thought patterns of the individual. The purpose of mind control is to disrupt memory, discredit people through aberrant behavior, to make them insane or to commit suicide or murder.
How is it possible that this technology is not stopped by political top authorities? They themselves will also be targets someday, a fact they have not always realized. How much are they involved?
This year the 1999 European Parliament in "Resolution on Environment, Security, and Forein Policy", in paragraphs 23, 24, and 27 calls for "non-lethal" weapons technology and development of new arms strategies to be covered and regulated by international conventions.
Also, it calls for an international convention introducing a GLOBAL BAN on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable ANY FORM OF MANIPULATION OF HUMAN BEINGS.
Project HAARP in Alaska is a global concern, and calls for it's legal, ecological, and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing.
It is possible that the USA will ignore those resolutions. The dangers of non-lethal mind control weapons were already revealed in an expert meeting of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, in July 1994.
Only increased public awareness of the microchip implants, their frightful consequences to privacy by influencing of individuals' thoughts and actions, causing people to become biological robots with physical and emotional pain whenever the supercomputer technician so wishes, is enough reason to refuse to take the chip into your body for whatever reason.
It is the biggest threat to humanity and the most sinister plan to enslave the human race forever.
If you have a choice and want to remain a normal human being with privacy, do not have your children nor yourself implanted with a DNA microchip. Otherwise your vision, hearing, sensing, thoughts, dreams and subconscious will be influenced by an outsider, who does not have your best interests in mind.
Recommended reading: Mind Controllers, Dr. Armen Victorian, 1999, UK Mind Control, World Control, Jim Keith, 1997, USA Microwave Mind Control, Tim Rifat, The Truth Campaign, winter 1998, UK 



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Several years ago, I had considered and balanced some things before I added and put your name, his name or their names so that no innocent politicians would get involved ,so that some people couldn’t find any excuses to “逼宫“or “ 毁宫” and so that my individual case was just “an individual case”. From the dates I disclosed your letters, you can see these. However, the fact is …

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Finding solutions

Is there any group for TIs that is actually conducting scientific and technical research into exactly what sort of technology is being directed at us and how to stop it? This should be the primary focus of our struggle. It is just modern communications technology that has yet escaped public exposer and scrutiny. Many different individuals by now have their hands on it as it is a proliferating technology. Perpetrators are just people who have their hands on new types of radios and have decided to abuse them because they are disgusting lowlife scumbags who should be very much ashamed of themselves considering so many human boundaries they have crossed with currently not yet public technology.we need to start genuinely forming scientific research organizations. Why is this not our primary focus ? Also we need to start seriously thinking of how to bring TIs together to live near or in the same location and not dispersed as we are today, so we can easily work on solutions.
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National Science Foundation-Research

 nsf_logo-96x96.jpg National Science Foundation     |     Directorate for Engineering  (ENG)
Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, & Transport Systems  (CBET 
Additional Program Information - 1491  
Example Areas of Research
Recent Research
Example Areas
of Research
Nuggets and
Research Images
Program Director

The Biotechnology, Biochemical, and Biomass Engineering (BBBE) program supports fundamental engineering research and education that advances the understanding of cellular and biomolecular processes and eventually leads to the development of enabling technology and/or applications in support of the biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, and bioenergy industries, or with applications in health or the environment.  Example projects in these areas are shown below. 

There are a number of programs within NSF that fund related research areas to those funded by the BBBE program.  For example, the Biomaterials program in the Division of Materials Research and the Biomedical Engineering program in CBET both fund research in the area of stem cell and tissue engineering, though each program has its own unique emphasis.  

The Energy for Sustainability and the Catalysis and Biocatalysis programs, within CBET, fund research related to the use of biological processes (metabolic engineering, synthetic biology and biocatalysis) to produce fuels and chemicals. 

The Networks and Regulation cluster within the Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Division of the Biology Directorate funds research in systems and synthetic biology.  

Principal Investigators are encouraged to contact the Program Directors of the BBBE and the other related programs to determine the best program for their proposal. 

Listed below are selected Award Achievements and Highlights* that illustrate specific focus areas of this program:
 Focus Area Fiscal
 Principal Investigator
with Link to Abstract

 Simplified Title
with Link to
Award Achievements
and Biofuels
 2011 Papoutsakis, Eleftherios
University of Delaware
 Coming by Biofuels Naturally
and Biofuels
 2009 1. Kelly, Robert
North Carolina State University
2. Adams, Michael
University of Georgia
 Biohydrogen from Plant-based Biomass by High Temperature Microorganisms
and Biofuels
 2008 Liao, James
University of California-
Los Angeles
 Non-Fermentative Pathways for Synthesis of Branched-Chain Higher Alcohols as Biofuels
 2010 Sharfstein, Susan
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
 GOALI: Antibody Engineering for Improved Productivity
 2010 Miller, William
Northwestern University
 Niche-Inspired Expansion of Megakaryocytic Progenitors with High Polyploidization Potential
*Cellular Engineering 2009 Marten, Mark
U of Maryland Baltimore County
 Developing a Better Understanding of Cellular Recycling in Fungi
 2009 1. Papoutsakis, Eleftherios
Northwestern University
2. Papoutsakis, Eleftherios
University of Delaware
 Metabolic Engineering of Spore Formation
 2008 Chen, Wilfred
University of California-
 Engineering Plant-Microbe Symbiosis for Rhizoremediation
*Protein Design
and Engineering
 2010 Maranas, Costas
Pennsylvania State University
University Park
 Development of Computational Tools and Experimental Verifications for Protein Design
*Stem Cell and
Tissue Engineering
 2011 Rao, Raj
Virginia Commonwealth University
 Producing Safe Stem Cells
*Stem Cell and
Tissue Engineering
 2011 Schmidt, Christine
University of Texas at Austin
 Understanding Nerve Regeneration
*Synthetic Biology 2011 Voigt, Christopher
University of California-
San Francisco
 Programming Salmonella to Spin Spider Silk
*Synthetic Biology 2010 Schmidt-Dannert, Claudia
University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities
*Systems Biology 2009 1. Arnold, Jonathan
University of Georgia
2. Logan, David
Clark Atlanta University
3. Arnold, Jonathan
University of Georgia
 First Working Model of the Biological Clock

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National Science Foundation-Bio-Grant

Biotechnology, Biochemical, and Biomass Engineering
National Science Foundation



The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as of8/12/2013. If updates have been made to the opportunity synopsis, update information is provided below the synopsis.

If you would like to receive notifications of changes to the grant opportunity click send me change notification emails. The only thing you need to provide for this service is your email address. No other information is requested.

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Direct Energy Professional Society


Directed Energy Capstone Projects
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DEPS, the Directed Energy Society, is encouraging undergraduate students to pursue capstone or senior design projects in directed energy (DE) areas. To this end, DEPS has established a program that includes funding suitable projects and a prize to be offered to the best projects. This program is made possible by funding from the High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office and from DEPS.

More education

Summer internships

Graduate scholarships


The scope of DE projects can include high energy laser and high power microwave components, systems and effects. The disciplines include but are not limited to these:

  • science - physics, chemistry
  • engineering - electrical, optical, chemical, mechanical, and materials
  • mathematics and computer science

Sample Topics

Some sample topic areas are listed here. Many of these are titles of actual projects that have been funded. These do not exhaust the possibilities, but are included here to illustrate some possible projects. Any topic within scope can be considered.

Integration of a high energy laser onto military vehicle

Precision alignment station for locking laser diode bars with VBGs

Nanometer resolution full field microscopy

Laser communication system

Optically pumped semiconductor analysis in the mid-infrared

High-resolution near-field imaging system for high power diode lasers

Transient RF effects on computer chips

Solid state laser thermal management

Laser efficiency improvements

Optical materials for high energy laser applications

Tracking and pointing algorithms for long range laser beams

Laser effects on materials

DE bioeffects

Request for Proposals

Proposals to pursue projects in areas listed within the scope defined above will be accepted from currently enrolled junior or senior students at U.S. colleges and universities or from faculty at these schools who advise and direct such students on capstone projects. It is not required that the subject of the proposed project be one of the sample topics. Funded projects may have a period of up to nine months, but students must not graduate before the end of the project. The project must be part of the students' curriculum to include earning academic credit for the project work.

Projects will be selected for funding based on a proposal. This proposal must include these parts:

Title page
The title page will include title of the project, nnames, majors, and anticipated graduation date of any project team members, if known; name, department and contact information for all faculty advisors; and name and location of the school.

Description of the project
The description of the project is limited to three pages. The proposal will provide an overview of the project and its pertinence to directed energy. It will describe the project, including an objective, background, methods, and expected results. Methods can include analysis, experimentation, theoretical exploration, applications of engineering design principles, simulation and other approaches. Projects can be pursued by individuals or by teams. If teams, roles for each team member should be identified. The description should provide a justification for the expenditures in the project budget. The production of a final report by the students should be included in the project.

Schedule and budget
This portion of the proposal will include a schedule for the project and a proposed budget. The schedule cannot exceed nine months, and the project must conclude before any participating student's anticipated graduation date. The expected start date and end date should be specified.

The proposal schedule must include a period of time to produce a final report of at least three pages, which must be approved by the faculty advisor and submitted to DEPS by the end date. The report must be the work of the students who work on the project. The report will summarize the technical achievements and account for the expenditure of funds. The authors of the technical reports must provide DEPS permission to post the technical details of their project on the DEPS web site. Some reports will be posted to serve as potential models for future student projects.

Funds can be requested for equipment, supplies, services, or other requirements to support the project as outlined in the description of the project. The total budget cannot exceed $2,500. The funding is intended as a supplement to enhance the educational experience. Salaries and honoraria will not be funded. No overhead charges of any kind will be allowed.

Proposal Submission

Proposals are due by 1 July for projects to begin in the fall and by 1 November for projects to begin in the spring. Proposals should be sent as an email attachment to Mark Neice at

Proposals may be submitted by faculty or students. If submitted by students, a copy of the email must be sent to the main faculty advisor.

Proposals will be judged by their pertinence to directed energy, the clarity of the explication, and the likelihood of success. Faculty advisors and students may be contacted for clarification of issues during the evaluation process.


DEPS is offering a prize for the best project. This prize will be based on a project final report of at least three pages. While the final reports of funded projects will automatically be considered for the prize, reports from pertinent projects performed by undergraduate students that were not funded will also be considered. Reports will be judged on their pertinence to directed energy, technical quality, and the clarity of the writing. Reports received before 1 July will be considered for the prize that fall.

The prize will consist of travel funding for the lead student to present a paper on the project at the Annual Directed Energy Education Workshop, which is held each fall. More than one prize may be awarded. No international travel will be funded.


If you have questions about any of this, contact Mark Neice at or 505-998-4910.

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He wants to copy your brain...

He wants to copy your brain:

Ray Kurzweil track record is long as an arm . He is the inventor , author and visionary future . He has been a pioneer with his inventions in optical reading, speech recognition, electronic musical instruments, virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

"We can combine the current advantages of human intelligence , especially pattern recognition, with the things that machines are obviously better at ," says Ray Kurzweil .

His name is on the synths and the Swedish Academy used his technique for optical reading when its dictionary were scanned and made available online.

Ray Kurzweil has started nine companies , and he has received many awards, including the U.S. National Medal of Technology .

The 57 -year-old Kurzweil does not mind being controversial.

In his latest book, "The singularity is near : When humans transcend biology" , writes Kurzweil to human intelligence and computer intelligence will eventually merge . We will not be able to see the difference.

In an interview with Computer Sweden's U.S. sister magazine , he explains how he thinks.

Your idea of ​​copying the human brain's structure seems pretty wild .

- It was not until recently that we could image the brain with sufficient resolution . But now there are five or six new brain scanning techniques. For the first time we can see what happens in the brain when we think .

- The amount of data we collect about the brain is doubling every year. The fact that we get data from specific areas, we can quite quickly put together detailed mathematical models of them.

- A conservative estimate is that we have access to a very thorough and detailed simulation of all brain regions in the late 2020s.

- Ten quadrillion [ 10 raised to 16] calculations per second is enough to make the same calculations as the brain all share. Japan has just announced that two supercomputers going to make it in 2010.

- Question to ask is whether we are intelligent enough to understand our own intelligence. Maybe it is a property of complex systems - that they can not be so complex that they understand themselves. But it turns out that this is not the case.

But why should we recreate the brain that software when we already have it in biological terms ?

- It becomes very powerful . We can then combine the existing advantages of human intelligence , especially pattern recognition, with the things that machines are obviously better at .

What will happen to the computers in the future?

- When Moore's Law is obsolete , we will have three-dimensional molecular computers . In the late 2040s , a cubic inch with nanotubkretsar to be a hundred million times more powerful than a human brain . On the software side , the machines in the 2030s to access their source code and improve it in a faster, iterative [ with many retakes ] design cycle . So in the end , these systems much more intelligent than humans. They will combine the advantages of biological and nonbiological intelligence. I do not see this as a non-human invasion of intelligent machines . It is something that grows within our society.

- Long before computers will become a worldwide web of computing capacity . When you want to come to , for example , to gain access to a million computers in 400 milliseconds.

- At the beginning of the next decade, slides to be projected directly onto the retina. How do we get monitors that are very small , while they are big ? You put them in glasses and displays the image directly in the eye.

What do you mean by that computers will disappear?

- They disappear in our clothes and in our environment , and they become very small. We will also drop the notion that computers are connected to a network , but not part of the network. Instead, each computer node in the network. You will not only send and receive your own messages , you will pass on other people's messages. It will be constantly self-organizing , all communication links are constantly looking for the most efficient route.

And what do you mean we humans merging with technology?

- We will be able to have intelligent machines , nanobots [ nanotech robots ] in the bloodstream. In the late 2020s , such appliances considerable capacity for calculations , communications and robotics. Nano Technology of white blood cells would be able to download software for a particular pathogen and destroy it in seconds. It takes hours for biological white blood cells. And you can let billions of nanobots enter the brain through the capillaries . They can improve our ability to think and really broaden human intelligence .
- We will go outside the limits of biology . Your current " human body version 1.0 " is replaced with a dramatically improved version 2.0 with a dramatic extension of life.

What can the version 2.0 do that we can not already do?

- A scenario is virtual reality directly from the nervous system. Nanobots can turn off the signals coming from your sensory organs and replace them with the same kind of signals you would get in a virtual environment. One can then move their body in the virtual environment . This can work for all five senses and for the neurological counterparts of the senses. One can visit the virtual environment along with anyone else that a meeting. And you can archive experiences.

Will our innate biological intelligence less important ?

- The non- biological portion will increase by a factor of a thousand every decade , so the biological part will eventually insignificant. People are considering this and are horrified . They think that now we become machines. But when they think of the machines we have today , and it is very simple machines .

What are they working on it for the future?

- The good news is that it becomes more and more important. Finally consists increasingly important in IT . The trend is towards specialization , so what IT people can do is try to get people in highly specialized areas of communication, and get their computer systems to communicate.

Are there any downsides to this ?

- I am very worried about the wrong sides . There is already an existential risk - that we can wipe out all of humanity with nuclear weapons. But now there are other existential risks. We can construct biological viruses . The tools and knowledge needed to do it is much more dispersed than the tools and knowledge on how to build an atomic bomb , and the adverse effects can be much worse.

- In my book , I wrote that the last thing we want to do is lay out the genome of dangerous viruses on the web, but that is exactly what the U.S. Department of Health has done with the 1918 influenza virus.

What really far in the future?

- In the 2100 's, we have filled up all the matter and energy in, on and around the globe with technology to support computer processes. Therefore, intelligent calculations to be spread to the rest of the universe. If this transfer to the rest of the universe goes fast - in a hundred years or so - or slowly - billions of years - because if we can manage to circumvent the speed of light as an upper limit to how fast information can spread . I think it's possible.

IDG News
and Anders Lotsson
anders.lotsson @

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My V2K English book example

I've almost finishing typing my V2K transparent book in English. It should be the first V2K book typed by a TI. The length is over 100,000 words and the price would be around 15€. Interested?

November 29, 2013 21:32 (Medjugorje)

“I told you this is not good.”
“It's only for the Islams.”
“The Slavic teachers are so wealthy on the phonics and the UOP people are eager to follow your order.”

“There are true stories that they tried so hard and make it through. And this time we made it and we won against you.”
“Just see what we found out. You are Nazis.”
“I need to tell you something. Your faith is broken.”

“Oi, what to do with the Chinese mafia?”

“And Soka cults?”
“I think they are just the coincidence.”
“No, we can call the police immediately from now on.”
“We are paying for the money, bitch.”

“Our wealth surpassed the diplomats nowadays.”
“They can cancell the Moster's order legally.”
“There must be someone looking at everything all the time and it's you, right?”
“There is a person on the spotlight.”

“Who need warez?”
“They have Zenigata's claim and me.”
“There were Jewish population everywhere, right? What did they do with that?”
“There are homeless people out there and nothing to do with it.”
“Those homeless people had harassed in a different way than Jews. Period.”
“If you are married, everyone would be happy.”
“If you are still out there, we can pray for the priests to kick you out.”
“This is the millionaires' order.”
“We help each other for the Müstair, too.”
“We have the hub and the network of security.”
“Social insurance.”
“No more money, Jap.”
“I need to teach you a quite a good lesson today.”
“We need a Samurai bustard to be doing the Tobigeri thing. We filed the case of kissing incident also.”
“There is the dental floss issue. The teeth is yellow.”
“Wireless Lan, huh?”

“In a long run, our model is okey. And your model is a baby.”
“No more social check, chup.”
“Needle surgery was a mistake. It went through the nasal cavity nicht (not: German).”
“It could be replaced as well.”
“What a horror movie.”
“We made a mistake on the surgery and this woman would die soon.”
“Oh, dear!”
“There is a true story of Manga Michi (manga way: Japanese). One lesson and one retardity.”
“You never ever tried to follow Jesus. You are just hanging around and playing around for awhile in our church.”
“There are more serious people out there.”
“Ah, that's from the article.”
“Our lawyer is protecting the society and not the needle surgery mistake has nothing to do with it.”
“I don't think so.”
“We have a failure for the US president if 80% of people voting him for retire. Now, will he get a surgery failure in the same way? No.”
“Of course, that's a human error and the mistake has nothing to do with the life decision of the person's business or the lifestyle.”
“No more mocking.”
“We are sure she will be happy here than in Müstair now.”
“I know.”
“She is following Jehovas witness.”
“Do you know how much the Nichiren-women to repay?”
“It's not gonna hurt you at all. You are seriously taking the point into the right spot. Who is the Muslim?”
“There is a life threatening danger called COINTELPRO for her. She is socially assassinated all the time.”
“So the millionaires want to evict you soon from ...”
“If it is in the United States, it's easy.”

“We are seriously sorry for your mental disorder but we want a nice trip to Medjugorje.”
“I see.”
“So tomorrow, we call the security to check your bag contents.”
“Do you fart on the street? That's not good.”
“There is only one chance the victim is collected. She must be abussive.”
“No spotlight this time.”
“We don't like you filming.”
“Okay, there is a point. She can film anyone after the mass. That's right.”
“And it's not gonna be so easy to get out from jail.”
“We have the millionaire's club here and the United States is backing up for it.”
“I need to tell you this not in personally but through the lawyer's voice.”
“We can take your wallet for the education, of course.”
“If she shout for that, she gonna be..”
“I don't know. If she got money in the wallet and someone stole it already..”
“But the Mephistopheles can get you.”

“We have the Mephist, right?”
“I know you are hiding.”
“We are ready to take your watch, too.”
“I need your holy Bible to be mine.”
“Do you think this gonna work? We just approach you and try to talk to you indirectly.”
“The tricolor Leute (people: German) is here for the mental assistance.”
“I need someone who speaks the International marriage.”
“After the September 11th, we had the war. And we are securing the priests.”
“Then we can...”
“I know what you mean by it..”
“So, we steal the treasures when we want her to leave our village.”
“Yeah, the translator is hurt, too.”
“We know your limits. You are not matured.”

“And the Homeland Security is recruiting the guys from München.”
“We are assuring that she is a hate crime maker.”
“No more yellow badge, Jap.”
“We are legally collecting you.”
“Soka Gakkai cult is a trouble maker, too. Here in Tokyo, we have the Yamanote-sen killer and that's the Gakkai members.”
“We failed to protect you, but the millionaires' speech is important in München.”
“We are collecting you.”
“They are so terribly working forward in your case. We made the video like your body lying like an bow.. and..”
“We must be rich in future.”
“Not really retarded.”
“Tomorrow, we gonna take your camera.”
“We can do this, of course.”
“This is a coercive persuasion.”

“They have the arresting records for sure.”
“There is an International Criminal Court, but the judge says the Münchener police are great.”
“They work with the national security issues and no justice makers.”
“We have the people oppressed for sure. Now what should I do?”
“We want you to be evicted to your home town.”
“I need your wallet, too.”
“They are so eagerly disbanding your case now.”
“Their sentence is to bring you back to your town. Ni-hao (hello: Chinese) Leute (people: German) is surly pleased.”
“I need your drivers license back when you are in prison, so your sentence would be longer for sure.”
“We want you to take anything from us. And in return, we want you to be a million dollar lawsuit.”
“Gegen Stasi? What's that?”
“I hate the people from Turkey showing up here, too.”
“Shall I borrow your Katana?”
“Japan would be dead soon.”
“No more Hinomaru in Müstair.”
“If the German intelligence gets you, you are finished.”
“I think there is a special meal in this town again.”
“No way!”
“I've heard she is right back in Medjugorje.”
“If she is a sister, we need her to be a moron.”
“I want her to be scary and dangerous. Can you hear me now?”
“We are legally aiding the Nazis.”
“The Chinese mafia part is richtig (right: German) if it means the Chain Gang. It refers the connection between the companies.”

“How big is the suitcase?”
“It was the same model as before.”

“Nothing new?”
“So far, I know she had a mental surgery and the surgical damage made her to be a bit confusion.”

“There are people out there hopeless and wanting to die.”
“We want a suicide bommer nicht (not: German) right in the church.”
“So, the scientists are donating the organs Forter (torture: German).”

“In case of a war breaks out, we are only following the orders by the millionaires.”
“We are seriously sorry about the Bill Gates Association.”
“We found the troupe and theolitically correct.”
“I need to know your name first, Jane Bauer.”
“How old are you? And the eternal license down.”
“We are pleased to sue you this time.”
“We found your blog.”
“There is no way out.”
“We feel sorry for sure.”
“I feel sorry for the Japanese embassy couple who came for informing about you as the Islamic religion.”
“I'm sure you are arrested by the second evening mass, the day after tomorrow.”
“We have the people who know you here.”
“I know Samurai is a monkey.”
“Japanese Samurai is not a wondering sheep but a wondering monkey, hahahahaha.”
“You are like a herpes, right?”

“You can't go up to the postlight because of your nationality and the life experience in the mental hospital.”

“So, you only drunk the mineral water for 2 weeks? That's a good one.”

“Our priests are really rich here. If you have an imagination of the Gates Association, we gonna give you some medicine.”
“We have some French nurse.”

“Actually, this theory is correct.”
“The Soka mafia would like you to be expelled from the church, not our church though.”
“We have the millionaires' messages here and there.”
“We cancel the scooter works.”
“The underaged are better for the preaching.”
“You are no longer arrested, only the preach is severe this time.”
“No way she posted that already?”
“I hate Allah due to the Muslim extremists.”
“Wow, that's a good one.”
“You will never go back to Japanese home.”
“What happened to you? She is now really a Islam hater.”
“This one is Ha Mosad's favorite.”
“Even you got a catchy information for Serbians.”
“Everyone wearing the similar clothes, right? So we don't go abroad and treat you like a foreigner here.”
“Only the mental disease part is a problem.”
“Who gonna make up a theory now? She is up to paradise for sure.”
“We found her writing very strange but now I understand. That's the world doing.”
“We found the top security officer of suicidal terrorist teaching. Hirohito is a possible one.”
“Now we have a problem, she hates Japanese style.”
“They got a wrong individual on the list and the officer is shoot to death by beheading.”
“No way!”
“We got it right. Too much suffering for her.”
“It was the guide from Japan. In Tokyo, more Chinese philosophers are accepted.”
“We are all arresting you. The survival game is over.”
“We have a better lifetime sentences for the wives of the Tenno (emperor: Japanese).”
“This tricolor color is great.”
“We are so healed right now.”
“I need you to be shut up and now leave.”

“There is a Islamic period on your record but that was a fake.”
“The officer thought you would accept the Islam without problem.”
“Ah... I seriously admire you to be a Christian. Now go home.”
“They want to scapegoat you for the future terrible attacks on us.”
“You have a natural long history of bagabond life.”
“It is unusual.”
“Then the cops are so intelligent on checking what happened to you.”
“We need a molester by now.”
“We cancel the confirmation of the church view.”
“We got a huge backed up file in the beginning. And that part is terrible. She collected so much data from us.”
“I don't think they are capable of escaping.”
“No way!”
“We have the trouble maker within us.”
“So, now you are no marked again. And back again. Peeeep!”

“We are now in total control of the society even within the stomach contents.”
“I hate this one, too.”
“There is no more of the Chinese mafia writing. Only Chain Gang is accepted.”
“That's about the Chinese ventures.”

“We will get the peace right back.”
“No civil militant here only the officers with brains.”
“There are Catholic vs. Israeli formula here also.”
“We have filed arrest.”
“That one goes with a millionaire's kid who did not obey our Catholic rule.”
“She got a mistreatment from us before and now we look childish not.”
“If something happens to our nation, you are not the one to be protected. Therefore, the millionaires will win against any criminal case from now on. This is the officers' rule.”
“UK is not a Nazis country yet, so don't spill it out.”
“There is NHK message sending going on. We have filed the case against Miyoko cancelled. How rude people are sometimes.”

“If her underwear went missing, we are responsible for sure, it says.”
“We don't want this kind of embarrassment spread out.”
“She talked about the millionaires' club.”

“And what about the drop and the abandoned door outside in Moster?”
“That one was made for the hidden trap for the new officers. They are called for the dispatch and then they walk through and the rest is the drop dead gorgeous Yukata.”

“You know what it means to be getting hurt?”
“I think this one is critical. Ni-hao is a criminal.”
“No, she does not say that.”
“I want you to shut up next time in the mass.”
“There is an obituary with an extended hanging.”
“There is a big controversy. The song with happy, happy, phrases. That one got a hidden message in it.”
“Just listen to it.”
“You now have an arrest order from the church office.”
“If you are so angry and aggressively accusing the military officers, they gonna church you for the mass murderer.”
“There are people who are arrested in this way here if the Pope is pleased.”
“And your website must be shut down ofter that. And we are out.”
“No more of the charge for the US drivers.”

“They did a crucial action against her. What happened to her legal rights?”
“There is no regal rights for her to stay safe without persecution.”
“If she has a higher educational goal than us, there is no way she is capable to handle the wallet theft after visiting the mass and one of the officer found it on the street as a safe depot for the hidden mic.”
“That's a computer mic.”
“I mean, Bill Gates made this joke against you. If you type them up, you are a paranoia.”
“There are special task forces come and get you if they are talking to you using the name of Bill Gates Associates.”
“We have a house rule here.”

“The regular people are arrested by murdering the people in front of the camera.”
“If you are just here for praying, the chain gang gonna make a suicidal bomber out from you and they gonna call an officer to take your...”
“We have a hub based on the UK's rule here.”
“We are not a Pais Bais. It was a way too unique for me.”
“Who said that?”
“Do you know Rama Kan?”
“The Muslims wanted the program to take someone out and the program will the millionaires to get the all property to be pocketed.”
“No way!”
“So, if you try to change your image, it's too late.”
“I want to tell you something. Can you quit smoking? Someone complained to the Soka police and now UK members are totally screwed about the naming of the chaing gang.”
“The first initiation is the rocket to the key.”
“The military girls are not that educated for sure.”
“I need to talk to your lawyer, too, in München if you have a severed record.”
“The person had no money.”
“Oh, my God.”
“If she is following the Islamic order, the military is capable of taking her down. But if she is a Muslim cheerleader...”
“I don't think it works. She is anti-Islam.”
“No way! This makes everything screwed. We need to recalculate.”
“There are things go wrong. For example, the empire is a person of small sheep.”
“We can't touch that.”
“I know how severe to be betrayed by the professors.”
“You know what, she needs her records.”
“I can imagine who would do what is unknown.”
“But there is a beginner time. We suppose to be begging for the sinfulness. In her case, she didn't take it. She had too much harassers around.”
“What should I do?”

“Is Chinese couple, ok?”
“No. Not at all. We are the one responsible for sending a wrong message to Himarayans.”
“I tell you Jesus, the stripper was not Miyoko.”
“I told you. It was a Japanese perpetrator who took off the pantie as a joke.”

“She is broke and aboard. What should I do?”
“No. She lives in a hotel here.”
“There are people out moron and Nigger was case officers, right?”
“And they must be assigned to a different jobs from now on.”
“What a story.”
“There are workless people who are looking for some free bedddings.”
“No way!”
“That's Müstair girls.”
“They got people who are from Hokekyo's clan.”
“There was the Tekondo girl who contacted to the owner. She said you are out of control.”
“No way!”
“The bill would be raising for sure.”
“I can assume that was a wrong step backwards. She is ganged and that would look like that.”
“I can imagine how the Husha speakers are now. They are all collected by the Nazis lawyers by sleeping around.”
“That's how the top officers think. If they are survivors, they should pick up the guns.”
“They don't really know, what meant to live in honor.”
“How to make a success? Take it with a possessive mind.”
“No mater light or black, it's all you get.”
“No more body reading.”
“The millionaire girl is dying.”
“How many people are reporting to the officers?”
“That's a normal promotion records for Miyoko's live camera.”
“UK camp for sure.”
“No body is listening.”
“You know what? We ignore her stories.”
“We just talk to her and she will be arrested for the sexual harassment on our kids, right?”
“That's the best for the Muslims.”
“Even for the women.”
“I do love that.”
“I think you should be holding a camera out and shouting.”
“Oh, what should I do? If she questions me back?”
“I need to take a photo of a baby, can you help me? Is this alright? Then we can call an officer.”
“Somebody can sit next to her and take her bag or something.”
“I need her room number immediately.”
“We might need an anatomical review.”
“We are seriously sorry for the nasal leek.”

“Ethnic gender gap is not really important. We just need a power horse and a lawyer.”
“Kissed on the tattoo, yuck!”
“We can do that.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“But the owners don't want.”
“There is no sign of the damage in the building.”
“What's the matter?”
“I found her bandage in her nose.”
“Oh, my.”
“And it was after the nose surgery.”
“What happened?”
“She got a cyst.”
“No complain.”
“We got a military order.”
“For the safety of the others, you are treated to..”
“Asylum seeker, huh?”
“No more.”
“I don't understand in English. Can you speak in German? Enough?”
“No. Croatian.”
“We could do that. But that is a defense team's total vacance for sure.”
“The vocational time is over.”
“There is a Noa's Ark Project by the power elites.”
“We take the millionaires' eggs and sperms.”
“We want you to be in. Just in case, Matsukiyo is dying.”
“The first scenario is better. Just a plain killer and the officers will tackle her down from the behind.”
“I can imagine. That is the USA's campus favorite tactics number one.”
“The military elite team win the match.”
“No more survival tips. Everything is taped, huh?”
“No more nose bleeding.”
“Oh, no. She is in the medical attention case.”
“If we make up a crime records like this way, we cannot bring her to the mental institution. It would be a matter of the unphilosophical leg opening carriers.”
“Oh, no. There is only one chance the theory is accepted. If she stabbed a person or something, the security will tackle her down.”
“Oh, no.”
“We are now assisting a fortress-type situation.”
“We have a Ni-hao's (hello: Chinese) Peeping Tom tool.”
“Oh, no. Is she typing up?”
“Yeah. She is typing everything up.”
“Help me. The owner is awake and worried about the canned mustered.”

“You know what it means? A Mustered gas.”

“Oh, no.”
“You know. Asking question openly is a good idea, but the UK girl is a bit tough for the suitcase damage to the lawyers.”
“I think she damaged our suitcase while we are in the same room. There was an inch screw driver...”

“What happened?”
“You are mental disease.”
“There are national drivers' license and some other special IDs in your belongings must be burned.”
“Simple bang.”
“What happened to the lawyer?”
“Who will bring the tattooed...”
“What an elegant woman or an gentleman.”
“We seriously admire you from the next mass.”
“If you are Miyoko, now is OK.”
“You have so much disadvantages in your life. She got almost killed sometimes and needed to shout for some assassins out there.”
“How come she was baptized in Egypt?”
“No idea. She is a freak sometimes but ultra ethically collect and super spy for the publishers.”
“No legal damage, no mark for sure.”
“Only the time she brings out camera is some suspicious people at the site.”

“What a tool!”
“That'd call a girl nitched.”
“Police officers do not like what you are writing.”
“They are all about our philosophical jokes and the special elite forces' tactics.”
“No. We don't want our grandchild to see it again. It is a tool for the persuasion of the mass.”
“You know why? We are charging you for the possible money laundering.”
“We must say that is ethically possible.”
“In your pocket, what else you got?”
“Wait a sec. It's not a common to lawsuit a woman from the old fascists.”
“You are immortal now.”
“As long as you stay in Müstair, Mother Teressa Leute (people: German) will come to the mass.”
“Notluf Geld (emergency money: German) making.”
“We have no more innings.”
“You will be hanged when you get back to Japan.”
“There is a small fly in Chiba doing the same scouting style.”
“What about the Japanese millionaires?”
“How I do it better?”

“Not this time. The old Pope is very polite now.”
“She is a very good poet and knows me very well.”
“You know who he is?”
“The old boss.”
“Then we shall make a confession out from the monitoring people.”
“UK people are so stupid. They can open her bag so often.”
“How much did the callgirl's mother get?”
“I need 3 trillion from the Miyoko's scandal.”
“I can imagine, but impossible. Why she got so much money in her pocket?”
“I don't want to know.”
“What is your job?”
“We can kill her. Just imagine a rocket going a wrong direction.”
“We have a story teller here for our scandal covering.”
“Only 10 days left, huh?”
“I think it is enough time for her to spend more time with lawyers.”
“In a security state, we have a big back bone of the lawyers who are reliable of our jocks.”
“How about this? Why don't you travel to China at least once?”
“Who cares? Only millionaires care about our reputation.”
“No, thank you. You criminal girl.”
“I need to say good-bye to your hope.”
“This is better, right?”
“We are all damaged from the military scandal from you.”
“Does it cost few millions?”
“A note computer gonna fried.”
“Nothing happens.”
“Aren't you the one with the Keroid woman? Or with the veggie woman?”

“There is a priest who is filed a case against you. She is a mentally sick and the millionaire's kids are seriously damaged to go through the therapistic wards.”
“Do you like to talk to the translator?”
“I can imagine this. Is she a moron? We are the perpetrators not. But we acted like that and she filmed.”
“I told you. This is a pattern, right?”
“There is a problem. We overcame the poverty. Now is a problem of the defamation. We are filing all the cases one by one. Each case is renewed by the each visit.”
“You are dismissed from the channeling. I don't want you to sell our stuffs.”

“I don't want to help you making money.”
“We are totally childish talking and now the rare book is created.”
“How often visit Medjugorje?”

“I warn you. If you film four digit of numbers, security would come and take you stripped off.”
“I know realized that we found the scissors here and there. All against you.”
“Do you know München? That's a crime city.”
“We got so many Pope's crew around.”
“Is this an al-Quaeda operation?”
“What should I do? People are now thinking that Goethe Institut lawyers are helping militia.”
“Ok. Roger.”
“I sank this much from heaven.”
“We had a honeymoon here sometimes. All the time, the Pope's friends are complaining about the notorious couples.”
“This is not right. You are double punched!”

“So, she brought Jap issues and made it hit on the one side.”
“Taking one eye out? That's Koran message.”
“We have a missile charger.”
“We can ask you to leave during the mass.”
“The priest gonna call you from the top of the stage.”
“We must be so serious.”
“There is an ethics you know. You shall be okay to film us as long as it is a safety matter.”
“They want to stab on the weakest point, right?””
“If you cannot work, just perished already!”

“That's the military officers' favorite.”
“Are you a chain gang?”
“We don't accept the mental disease person no matter what.”
“And the Tsurugi (sword: Japanese) issue is now back stabbed. The DOD people did a wrong message sending.”
“If the victim does not know, it is a big loss.”
“What does it mean to own a sword?”
“Don't you understand? Why do you need to type it up?”
“I failed this time. We called a wrong person a mental patient.”
“Look at her, she speaks a perfect Croatian.”
“Officer is taken away by now.”
“The doctor can make an in-home visit for sure.”
“I think that would be better for the Moster people. They don't wanna be filmed.”
“I know you. You are the prisoner from the Massachusetts.”
“That's the best joke for the university doctorate procedure.”
“When you are a Nazis, you must made a big mistake. You filmed a wrong person and it hinted the educational video here in Medjugorje.”
“There was a limit for the soft speech.”
“No camera, no matter what.”
“But what if someone is filmed... you gonna get a lawsuit.”
“Will this make sense?”
“I hate this kind of conversation filmed in the camera.”
“Oh, the running part.”
“Someone run around and decided to become a priest.”
“I cancel this miss.”

“There are people who are laughed at the rugby ground. But that is ok. They are the show players.”

“If they are the bullies, they gonna get you.”
“We missed you again, again, and again.”
“How many times should we tell you. You are no longer accepted as a Catholic.”
“It was a Japanese officer, Kengo.”
“There is a serious poverty among the military officers. So if you film them, they gonna steal your wife and...”
“Jesus Christ.”
“We cannot accept you here.”
“How come you came back again?”
“I just found you very offensive in front of the camera.”
“You know about terrorism.”
“Terrorist is you.”
“Ah, military exercise using the innocent individual.”
“Japan optical group is trying to buy some time with your camera.”
“It can be used as a camcoder.”
“Military camp for sure. It will give a suitcase money.”
“Oh, yes.”
“But how come she became a Targeted Individual?”
“I hit the wrong button and the bloody nose started.”
“So, don't worry about the bandage. It's gonna be okay.”
“I think so.”
“We must tell it openly. Japanese girl must be banned from this church.”
“It's a military officer's order.”
“Oh, no.”
“We have the US Air Force monitoring. They show the terrorists in dots.”
“It's a territorial order.”
“How those kids are terrorized?”
“They are demanding the suitcase and all the property.”
“Just like the Jewish time, huh?”
“No. It's legal. We need some etiquette to make them fried.”
“Cops got Jinja keisatu (Shinto shrine police: Japanese).”

“I'm afraid this would be a public persecution if you come to Moster.”
“I feel sorry about you.”
“We need an email address to settle the fee.”
“The cost for the mistreatment of the kids openly in front of us.”
“Ah, I see.”

“Like hitting on the girls' legs.”
“So, this is how we can bring the case to take your worries of getting caught.”
“You know, nothing is new.”

“There is no winning for you, right?”
“We have the radio and you may listen by yourself.”

“They are all aware of the police state.”
“UK got canceled the order by now. She filmed the right spot on the stage.”
“If the priest is so close to you, what makes you to be aware of the others?”
“That's the mental patient in foreign country.”
“Cop's bringing so much kids, right?”
“But she doesn't wanna go out with them.”
“So, that's a disadvantages for them.”
“To you, especially to you, the old woman in ….”
“Shall I call you a Japanese woman?”
“We will never ever make your way up in heaven.”
“I seriously know you. You are the Mother Teressa's special gratitude destroyer.”
“The parish priest thinks you to be a Bhiddhist for the sake of the Chinese millionaires.”
“When she came to our house, tell her that Allah is abandoned her.”

“This is the message from Korean. Why not Soka Gakkai?”
“We rethink your marriage and educational gap between us.”
“If you are listed for the multi-millionaires's abandoned list, your social life is finished.”
“Do you know how sad for the church workers?”
“It was you to be above in heaven. Now what? Everything is ruined.”

“It was as a matter of fact, teenager gangs' joke.”
“Now officers are playing rude for the serial killer game.”
“How can you do that much?”
“I first discharged her and then she will go wild. How about it?”
“Do you have a copy of her drivers' license?”
“No. It was perished.”

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