This is the constant toture of my family.We are constantly being set up by perps into violent physical attacks.We went today to just have a sandwich at a local resturant .I was sitting outside at an outdoor table while my wife and son where ordering inside. I noticed a man threatening and yelling at my wife concern for her safety i opened the door to ask what was going on and was she ok.I was rushed by a man yelling that i could not sit outside that i was blocking the sidewalk.I responded by saying im sitting at tables you set up for patrons to eat.The man went back inside ranting yelling threatening my wife and my ten year old son.I asked the guy to stop that ge was being threatening and assaultive and setting up a hostile situation my wife comes outside and the man yanks the dog leash from her wrist hurting her and trying to let my dog lose. My wife is still complaining that her arm hurts.During this time a couple of people began to gather almost and a gang like atmosphere.I defended my family by chasing the guy away from my family.The perp turn into a coward and started to run away so i stopped.I asked the lady inside to call the police and no one came except a sercurity guard who was coaching this guy on what to say to police because otherwise he was going to be arrested for assaulting my wife.We withdrew and i left with my family to safety of a hotel.This is one of many situations that are being set up by the federal government to try to manufature a violent pass for myself and wife.We are constantly being followed by HPD and the federal government.We are being hit with emf amd rf and other technolgy depriving us of sleep and failing health.Im concern to the point that i have purchased bullet proof vest for my family.This is out of control.......We cant move around freely without the fear of constant harm.
All Posts (12221)
My thinrd pat cat died suddently last night. This is a girl one. I'm grieving for my pat cats. They are killed by we
This is the constant toture of my family.We are constantly being set up by perps into violent physical attacks.We went today to just have a sandwich at a local resturant .I was sitting outside at an outdoor table while my wife and son where ordering inside. I noticed a man threatening and yelling at my wife concern for her safety i opened the door to ask what was going on and was she ok.I was rushed by a man yelling that i could not sit outside that i was blocking the sidewalk.I responded by saying im sitting at tables you set up for patrons to eat.The man went back inside ranting yelling threatening my wife and my ten year old son.I asked the guy to stop that ge was being threatening and assaultive and setting up a hostile situation my wife comes outside and the man yanks the dog leash from her wrist hurting her and trying to let my dog lose. My wife is still complaining that her arm hurts.During this time a couple of people began to gather almost and a gang like atmosphere.I defended my family by chasing the guy away from my family.The perp turn into a coward and started to run away so i stopped.I asked the lady inside to call the police and no one came except a sercurity guard who was coaching this guy on what to say to police because otherwise he was going to be arrested for assaulting my wife.We withdrew and i left with my family to safety of a hotel.This is one of many situations that are being set up by the federal government to try to manufature a violent pass for myself and wife.We are constantly being followed by HPD and the federal government.We are being hit with emf amd rf and other technolgy depriving us of sleep and failing health.Im concern to the point that i have purchased bullet proof vest for my family.This is out of control.......We cant move around freely without the fear of constant harm.
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Ramblings of TI Book |
of a 412 page book of my blog:
ISBN-13: 978-1490319575
ISBN-10: 1490319573
Lecteur RFID Actif
In the fairs of the world, perfection is a taboo. Take the moon, for instance. Once it is a perfect circle, the erosion begins. Or fruit on a tree. The moment it is perfectly ripe, it falls to the ground. A degree of deficiency is vital for all things if they are to last.
One rule is worth remembering: if you knock a widow’s door, there must be some people who will dig your ancestor’s tomb. The language is coarse; but, the principle is not coarse.
I plan on creating a shirt saying that I am an I.T. and how many years they have been doing this to me . Good idea? or bad?
对提高记忆力有益处的12种食物:1. 牛奶;2. 鸡蛋,每天吃一个鸡蛋可保护大脑提高记忆;3. 鱼类;4. 味精,其主要成分谷氨酸钠能促进智力发育;5. 花生,可改善血液循环增强记忆延缓衰老;6. 小米;7. 玉米,鲜玉米具有健脑作用;8. 黄花菜;9. 辣椒;10. 菠菜;11. 橘子(柠檬或柚子);12. 菠萝。
Scientificamente, sono proprio le basse frequenze, cioè quelle di 50 Hertz delle reti di distribuzione elettrica, quelle che possono quotidianamente disturbare i nostri processi bio-elettrici, in particolare durante il riposo notturno.
Qualsiasi tipo di conduttore scherma dalle onde EM, anche se poi dipende dalla frequenza ovviamente.
Il rivestimento di piombo andrebbe bene, peccato che secondo me è leggermente poco salubre.
Poi le onde non rimbalzano, in pratica la schermatura "assorbe" l'onda elettromagnetica e la trasforma in una corrente elettrica ( infatti poi la schermatura va sempre collegata a massa ).
Volendo anche un rivestimento in alluminio potrebbe funzionare.
se è un cellulare, basta infilarlo in una busta-freezer in alluminio plastificato.
Isolare elettromagneticamente una stanza è operazione fastidiosa, antiestetica,e rischiosa per quanto riguarda il corretto ricambio d'aria.
Si puo' scegliere anche l'opzione di acquistare un armadietto metallico e provvedere al contatto galvanico-ohmico-resistivo dell'antina con le pareti laterali tramite cavi elettrici bene imbullonati e aderenti alla parti acciaiose,infilando poi dentro le strumentazioni che preferisci.
Nelle montagne del Gran Sasso hanno scavato un tunnel molto profondo allo scopo di rilevare i neutrini.
I neutrini non li ferma nessuno e possono attraversare il pianeta Terra da un capo all'altro, (i neutrini possono attraversare il centro della Terra che è incandescente). Se vuoi confermare l'esistenza dei neutrini, la' dovresti andare. Se invece devi fare altre cose allora non so.
►:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Lista :::::::::::::::::::::::
►Viv: Misuratore di Campi Elettromagnetici (Elettrosmog) dalle Basse Frequenze alle Microonde
►Emi: magnetometro
►Viv: Esami con TELECRANIO invece di Risonanza magnetica nucleare o TAC
►Microfono laser
►spectroraph riferimenti anche su sito web
►Telecamera infrarosso FLIR (prezzo circa 2 testoni - 2.000 €uro)
► ANTON: EDTA - Aggrega i residui dei metalli pesanti e li espelle per vie naturali. Utile per espellere anche le tossine dei metalli pesanti e utile per i T.I : mirati da armi psicotroniche.
Tisana di Coriandolo anche questa è chelante
► Materiale x camera anecoica artigianale e suggerimenti dagli USA:
Come funziona Radiant isolamento a barriera in una soffitta.
La barriera Radiant funziona riflettendo calore proveniente dal tetto. Normalmente il calore attraversa il sottotetto per irraggiamento e viene assorbita dalla isolamento sottotetto. Isolamento sottotetto normale solo aiuta a ridurre il calore conduttivo (R-Value) del flusso. Alla fine l'isolamento riscalda e il calore viene trasferito in casa. Una barriera radiante rifletterà il calore proveniente dal tetto e rendere refrigerio con l'ISOLAMENTO. Riducendo la temperatura di isolamento, che riduce il flusso di calore in casa.
# misuratore di campo geo statico
# elettroencefalogramma superiore 15 tracce
# JM20 Pro. E 'usato per rilevare trasmissioni radio frequenza provenienti dal corpo.
# magnetometro
# spettrometro
# rilevatore geiger (usato da Dr. Roger Leir)
# Velostat della 3m
# Aaronia
# grafene
# Quwave defender
# Tenda Faraday (Chntja Rom)
# Neoditium il modello giusto per i T.I. e il
Q-51-51-25-N Parallelepipedo magnetico 50,8 x 50,8 x 25,4 mm, N40, nichelato. Grandezza approssimativa e dimensioni che chi ha paragona ad pacchetto di sigarette. Le misure sopra sono in millimetri.
►JM20 in ITALIA (Romolo italian case n°80 censito)
►Austria e sembra sempre il JM20
Questo che segue,dovrebbe bastare come rilevatore di radiofrequenze ad ampio range e non dovrebbe costare molto
►TERMOGRAFIE flir i7 (2.000 euro)
► telecamera termica (1.600 euro)
La domotica (dal latino domus che significa "casa") è la scienza interdisciplinare che si occupa dello studio delle tecnologie atte a migliorare la qualità della vita nella casa e più in generale negli ambienti antropizzati. Questa area fortemente interdisciplinare richiede l'apporto di molte tecnologie e professionalità, tra le quali ingegneria edile, automazione, elettrotecnica, elettronica, telecomunicazioni edinformatica.
hope it works!
最近一年多,我经常、反复地在我的“颅骨里的说话声音”中“听到”有关:故宫的建筑、历史博物馆、文物、中国历史、汉字、秦始皇、西安兵马俑、乐山大佛、五台山、佛教、宋朝时期的中国地图、北美洲土著人、土著人被屠杀、英国国王、北美洲殖民地等等。我发现,我被迫使反复琢磨中国的历史、文物、古书、汉字等等。 2010年年初在我开始“听到”大脑里的“说话声音”之后,我去过故宫、历史博物馆。平时,还经常去天坛、颐和园、雍和宫、北海等等古建筑公园,经常路过护城河等。可是,后来,我发现,天坛公园里,建筑上的琉璃瓦坏了;故宫里面,从后院向前面的大殿建筑群走,有一面画龙点睛的高墙没有了(我以前看到那面墙时,想到“中国的社稷江山”......,我记忆深刻);故宫里的文物被人偷、毁坏;雍和宫的琉璃瓦被毁坏;后来,还看到中国其他地方的文物被破坏的新闻...... (知道中国故宫的古建筑群和中国的文物等坏了,我很难过......) 我是北京的满族人,姓赵。昨天晚上,我又再次突然在“大脑里的说话声音”中听到有有关秦始皇、宋朝、爱斯基摩人、北美洲土著人、清朝、溥仪、爱新觉罗-启迪的事,里面有要拆了故宫的思想、美国人用卫星武器对准了北海的白塔、天坛的祈年殿、乐山大佛等等全中国值钱的古建筑等等的思想。另外,我还在“大脑里听到的说话声音”中知道,故宫里的人产生分歧、不尊重等的思想,之后,工作人员发生自己破坏故宫里的文物和中国历史的行为。美国人秘密使用脑控武器对准这些人,利用这些人达到破坏中国的目的。 其实,美国人一直处心积虑地使用各种手段秘密破坏中国的历史和北美洲土著人的历史等等...... 我猜测在幕后秘密使用卫星武器的美国人是美国的“老贼”,这些人不正义。如今,这些人秘密使用军事卫星等武器,掠夺世界的财富、占北美洲的地、财富。 我一直被美国人秘密利用。我担心中国。我尽力想办法救人。 美国发动海湾战争、阿富汗战争、近年来亚洲地区发生地震、各种死亡事故、犯罪率高...... 美国军事杀人......美国是违法的
Torturers, hands off my/our report to UN Committee Against Torture
The Institute to study the effects on miltary weapons being used on nonconsenting Human beings globally...Or The Church group...........
Look at the link
Greetings Ali Fares
Look at the link
Greetings Ali Fares