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I am looking for good natured human beings who have the expereinces to know what they value in life,who will be there for each other and can work as a community able to take care of itself and growing our own foods.

Because of the very much limited means of most of us i am looking towards cheaper countries in europe where land and housing is very much cheaper than in the UK.

I really dont care what country or continent your on or from as long as you will be part of the group with good intentions and always acting with humanity and a genuine code of conduct comprising of the better values of humanity.

We all know the perps will try to cause problems but im living in a hostel right now where they are overhwelming in thier numbers and have tried on a daily basis to frame me in one way or another.

What works so very very well are cameras, video in my own space, in many countries you have the right the use recording equipment if you think or have reason to believe your property is at risk of theft or damage or your personal safety is at risk, also audio recording works phenomenomally well.


This is part of what i would ask of you to do as indivduals on our own grounds in our own space or own spaces.

The golden rule is do not trust anyone who wont do for you what the others will.

Perps will not attempt to contribute to our needs, they would simply attempt to cause conflict among us and delays in ahcheving our goals of a happier life as a community where they do not walk among us.


Peace my friends. :).





































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Even he/she is a 100% moron, there would be someone who is not 100% brain damaged doing the control and programming. Most CIA employees and ordinary targeted individuals are victims. We all are going to be killed because of knowing the two secret technologies: electromagnetic Remote Surgery and electromagnetic Remote Mind Control. The only difference is some of us know more about what is really going on, while others do not due to limitation in knowledge and some other reasons. Majority CIA employees and targeted individuals are on the same boat, while the CIA real boss and a very few his followers are on another boat. We can save each other if people on our boat are united with one single goal: Exposing the two secret technologies: electromagnetic Remote Surgery and electromagnetic Remote Mind Control to each and every person on the earth by massive media report. Never distract yourself and others with useless stuffs in order to focus enough energy for achieving our goal.


If we can expose the two secret technologies, we would not only save lives of people on our boat, we would also save lives of people on other boats, including the life of that CIA evil boss. No power should not mean the end of his life. He needs to change his purpose of living and make his existence really beneficial to majority American and majority people on the earth.


Many CIA employees and targeted individuals were killed in 2011 and 2012. Names of people killed inside CIA could not be revealed. However, some names of those killed former CIA scientists and CIA trainees can be found on websites.

(1)Dr. Fred Bell (68),died in Sept, 2011, He was one of the scientists involved in CIA MKUltra and Paper Clip projects. He was killed by man-made heart attack on the way to Minnesota to film an interview with Jesse Ventura.

(2)Pam Anderson (53) Sept 8, 2011, she was a former CIA trainee, an MKUltra project experimentee. She was killed by EM Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control. She lost her mind and was killed by gun shot.

(3)Cindy Goldman () Feb. 15, 2012. Another former CIA trainee, a survivor of MKUltra Project victim, killed by a crazy tenant, who was obviously a 100% mind controlled robot.

(4) Ted Gunderson (-) July31, 2011. Former FBI senior officer of LA. He died of Cancer which he believed being caused by CIA electromagnetic weapon as doctor Valerie Wolfe who testified in the hearing on March 15, 1995 was also killed by Cancer. He testified in the Congressional Hearing on March 13, 2004 on CIA kidnapped Children and used the kidnapped Children as sex slaves and body parts in their recruiting ceremonies. He not only helped many CIA kidnapped kids, but also helped former CIA employees Brice Taylor and Babara Howell, who testified that they had been used to create homosexual scandals for talented Americans, and their neuron systems can be instantly blocked and can't speak. Those testimonies indicated that the EM Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control technologies were used to create gays and lesbians at least in the 80's. Brice Taylor's father might be mind controlled to have sex with her before 1985.

The following are some of the killed targeted individuals in 2012:

Bruno Marchesani (53) July 19, 2012 killed by man-made stroke.
Sandy Cason (~68) March 10, 2012, no details.
Sean Stinn (47), Sept 5, 2012 killed by Heart attack.
Kelly Shropshire (26) April 9, 2012, no details.

Someone wanted me to put the death of one TI in UK into the record. There are too many TIs killed in other countries. Those deaths could not affect the CIA commanders at all.  The CIA real commander is using those deaths as excuses of not exposing the two secret technologies: electromagnetic Remote Surgery and electromagnetic Remote Mind Control in the name of NATIONAL SECURITY or PROTECTING the INTRESTS of AMERICAN GOVERNMENT.  They should tell the death and stories of that ethnic Iraqi British new immigrant -Darrim Daout to Iraqi people and people in UK and let them to remember his death for 30 years or more years until the two secret technologies are exposed. CIA employees of different minorities should not be killed secretly. Although their family members and relatives might have been killed mentally or physically already, other people including other CIA employees should expose their deaths to the general public and don't allow your evil boss to kill anyone with no cost to himself.


People inside and outside CIA should be united. The only evil is the CIA real boss who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies to the general public. Although I don't know which one is CIA's real boss, from observing what he allowed CIAs to do over these years, and he could continue to force people to kill when knowing there would be no death penalty after exposing the two secret technologies, there is enough evidence that he is extremely vicious. Today, he is sacrificing tens of thousands people's lives every single day for his power only, rather than for his life. His existence not only causes millions of innocent people being killed physically and mentally everyday, but also causes countless innocent people being killed because of diseases that can be cured with the new technologies and the death penalty that should have been stopped if the two secret technologies are exposed to the general public. Hiding secrets only encourages killing and other vicious behaviors as only people who enjoy doing bad things enjoy hiding.


The testimonies of many CIA employees, including those of Christine deNicola, Claudia Mullen, Brice Taylor, Barbara Hartwell and former FBI senior officer of LA Ted Gunderson and Valerie Wolfe since 1995 were not known by the general public, including the US presidents, as main stream media did not report details of those testimonies. Letters from remote mind control and remote electromagnetic surgery victims were not reported by media. As remote electromagnetic surgery can turn normal people into less-self-conscious morons and remote mind control can completely control a moron and make a moron look normal, massive media reports are impossible without the permission of those who are using the two secret technologies. In other words, people who are using the two secret technologies can completely control media reports. It was mentioned by some reporters that some American correspondents were sent to mental hospital because of talking about Mind Control technologies. As electromagnetic weapon can turn a normal person into a moron, it is hard to tell whether a correspondent was a moron before spreading information about mind control or after that.


There were two important hearings organized by US government officials that were not reported by main steam media in detail. They are (1) Hearing on CIA Mind Control and EM Radiation on American Children in 60’s and 70’s organized by US President’s Advisory Committee on 15March, 1995, and (2) Congressional Hearing on Child Protection on 13 March, 2004.


In the Hearing organized by President’s Advisory Committee on 15 March, 1995, former CIA trainees Christine deNicola, Claudia Mullen and their clinic doctor Valerie Wolfe testified. It was indicated in Christine deNicola’s testimony that in 1966, CIA already can relate brain signals to the images in people’s brain. She was brought to a lab in Kansas City University by her nature father who was one of the CIA employees to do related experiments in 1966 when she was 4 year-old. According to doctor Valerie Wolfe’s testimony, those children who were used as guineapigs of mind control and electromagnetic radiation experiments were not able to tell people after leaving CIA as they would be sent to mental hospital when they mention about Mind Control in the United States. Claudia Mullen mentioned about many retarded American Children were also used in CIA’s experiments. Studies on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on different parts of a human body were mentioned in Chrstine deNicola’s testimony, although she did not understand the real experimental details at that time. Those experimental data are the foundation of electromagnetic remote surgery. Based on those data, CIA can use electromagnetic energy to give people heart attack, cancer and diabetes remotely in 70’s.


In the Congressional Hearing on 13 March, 2004, former FBI senior officer Ted Gunderson mentioned that CIA kidnapped Children on the street of United States. Some kidnapped children were used as sex slaves and body parts in CIA’s ceremonies, which are similar to the recruiting ceremonies of ordinary criminal organization shown on TV, where gangsters kill someone all together to confirm their loyalty. Ted Gunderson not only helped many kidnapped kids. He also helped some former CIA employees including Brice Taylor and Barbara Hartwell, who participated CIA mind control in 80’s. Ted Gunderson himself was also targeted by CIA. He called the CIA mind-controlled government: shadow government. He stated in his email that the cancer he got was due to the electromagnetic weapon being used by CIA before his death in July 2011. His assistant Linda helped to send his email when he was in intensive care.


In the videos of interviews with Ted Gunderson, Barbara Hartwell mentioned that her speaking capability can be stopped suddenly by remote Mind Control. Technologically, the speaking capability can be stopped when certain part of our brain neuron system is disabled by disconnection. The disconnection can be realized through a biological relay that can be built using focused electromagnetic remote surgery. Electromagnetic scissors technology, part of which won Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997 can be used to do surgery remotely.


In the videos, Brice Taylor mentioned that she had been used to mind control talented Americans to have homosexual scandals. It was suspected that the reasons that Brice Taylor’s father had sex with her when she was a child and that Brice Taylor felt she had the tendency of sex abusing her own daughter were all related to CIA remote mind control. However, due to the limit in education, Brice Taylor and Barbara Hartwell could not understand the real mechanisms of the technologies they experienced.


CIA was not controlled by US government. CIA had been controlling US government for a long time. It was suspected that the deaths of President Kennedy, President Johnson and President Reagan were all related to CIA. CIA’s real boss was never the one appointed by US government.

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There is one international organization, named “CCHR International. It contains a group of experts, lawyers, doctors, medical professionals, human rights activists . Today, they stand up and deliver one strong voice against medical torture to the whole world:

“The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious mental health watchdog. Its mission is to eradicate abuses committed under the guise of mental health and enact patient and consumer protections. 

CCHR has helped to enact more than 150 laws protecting individuals from abusive or coercive mental health practices. CCHR functions solely as a mental health watchdog, working alongside many medical professionals including doctors, scientists, nurses and those few psychiatrists who have taken a stance against the biological/drug model of “disease” that is continually promoted by the psychiatric/ pharmaceutical industry as a way to sell drugs. 

CCHR’s Board of Advisers, called Commissioners, include doctors, scientists, psychologists, lawyers, legislators,educators, business professionals, artists and civil and human rights representatives. There are more than 250 CCHR chapters in 34 countries, with the international headquarters based in Los Angeles, California. Click the link below to read more...”


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perps attact my sleep

perps made the voice awaken from sleep and want to force me to said what they like  to said words ,this secret perps still around my life , let me me feel very terrible situation behide me .but why this dirty things can alive in the world?  i wonder  why lots unfair things  happe in the world and ignore by society .i feel  evil perps   luagh at me at darkness  ,but sunshine never coming with me . i worry the world future ...

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That's the v2k program

It has been installed and once there it asks your conscious mind questions.

Your answers are then recorded then the next part of the program is like

an integration and then the guilt trip from those answers u gave. It can take

all your hidden fear guilt from your past and making you feel all the guilt you have ever felt.

Just try this when it asks questions repeat them back.  You will find

well you will see. Then tell me.  Guilt leads to depression then well u know.

The program collects your info but can that be downloaded I don't know.

The brain is a computer why not a human brain virus program. HVP

The Bach pine flower extract is a marvel at least so far. Second day,

It will squash guilt and most of the programs effect.  My hallucination about

the thought police aND the first one was a lawsuit about invasion of privacy

and others. I am no way an expert on this this is just what I have noticed

and I maybe wrong on a few points but it is getting closer.  After it was installed

I was told to drive around the block or go outside or peek out the window.

Later J

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V2K virus, Guilt attacks Pine-bach Flower Remedy

It is natural to think that you have done something wrong and that's why you

are being attacked. No way in hell have you done anything wrong.  They just

use GUILT.  I used to apologize constantly this is a symptom of

Guilt feelings. If you do this they will notice. Don't apologize so much.

Look at Guilt, it makes you week depressed crying fearful. Done blame yourself for

every little thing. Try Pine-bach Flower Remedy it works fast.

Anti Guilt And Fear Frequency - Binaural Beats Brainwave Entrainment

The above vid can be download with Firefox and the right add on

and it can be converted with an online mp4 to mp3 converter.

Not easy because YouTube has changed their policy about downloading

and converting.  Later J

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“ You don’t trust the police. That testifies you are suffering mental problems.” Please see this video and the description below this video regarding how The Scarborough Hospital (TSH) and CEO got involved in medical torture, conspiring with the police of Toronto, Canada.

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literature Quixote and Don Juan are a mine of knowledge for qeu seeks freedom, knowledge is learned, not given to technology, the technology can be used to learn. But it is best that the attitude of the spiritual warrior?

martes, 15 de enero de 2013

Transhumanism aims of quantum physics become chipped sanchos

Transhumanism aims of quantum physics become chipped sanchosKnowledge is not given the freedom fisica.El knowledge should be accepted with humility, not lopueden implement. Only implemented a computer program and another computer. The state is not interested in your developments and not rebel.The state needs Sancho souls, souls operational obey authority, for a predatory capitalist world that separates humans hate and money.The new order promised by such mystics as the Dalai Lama and whether synthesis or renaissance project, are a spiritual scam.A spiritual warrior is formed with their effort and their experience with the relaidad of life, these people intended that we form manufactured by an aura, electromagnetically, and qeu center serves sensopercepciones simulations to learn the hard way to accept a religious leader to lead us. With spiritual rules learned and accepted by the coercion of labiorresonancia quantified in our mind.Our mind receives the message informatic teleported by our proprioceptive centers, and accepts them as real being virtual, and agrees to abide trauma.Don Juan Matus taught us that the teacher must despise the disciple, not emotionally chained to his Learning Center.The contempt for the ignorance is necessary for a being "Sancho" stop being a human cow grazing alone knows where he tells his master.By Don John teaches us disregard the autonomy of our being. If we do not want to be free and we will not be alone.Sanchos all.Knowledge is freedom.When you acquire start listening to barking dogs, those dogs that Don Quixote Sancho appoint a chapter of the book.They went from a town where there were dogs barking, and told Sancho were farther against most would hear his barking

Knowledge gives spiritual freedom on the other. Attitude empowers if you accept it with humility, but does not save you from this world Sanchos.The sanchos of this world do not want the power to have their insula.Insula as possession, is a simile used by Miguel de Cervantes, to hide the true meaning of the teachings of Don Quixote to Sancho.Miguel de Cervantes was taught as a surgeon for his family, and he knew that part of the central nervous system.
The insular cortex, or insula simply, is a structure of the human brain. It is located deep in the brain lateral surface within the lateral groove (Sylvan fissure), which separates the temporal and parietal cortices lower. These regions are known as cortical opércula overlapping, part of the frontal, parietal and temporal form a opércula on the island, the island therefore not visible on the outside of the brain and is covered by the structures mentioned.[edit] Role in the emotions and feelings (relationship with the limbic system)The insular cortex, especially the anterior portion is related to the limbic system. The island is becoming the focus of attention for its role in emotional subjective experience and its representation in the body
Don Quixote was a fool of God who fought for their beliefs, they were as they were, had passion.But Sancho was the representation of the featherless biped which Plato speaks, a spiritual redneck complies with existing regulations because it follows the path of obedience rather than defiance.I think Don Quixote is a mine of knowledge ........Perhaps the representation of windmills deserves a priori synthetic judgment ....At that time no one could sue the Catholic Church even as a joke, but maybe, maybe the mills are another imitation of something.They may be crossing the Catholic Church, and that Miguel de Cervantes was as likely Rosicrucian and prociencia hated for his opposition to human spiritual evolution.Perhaps he saw these gigantic figures were representations of relevant personages of his time.
Maltese cross of the Knights of the Order of Malta .... is a possibility.Symbol of Spanish imperialism



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Many CIA employees and targeted individuals were killed in 2011 and 2012. Names of people killed inside CIA could not be revealed. However, some names of those killed former CIA scientists and CIA trainees can be found on websites.

(1)Dr. Fred Bell (68),died in Sept, 2011, He was one of the scientists involved in CIA MKUltra and Paper Clip projects. He was killed by man-made heart attack on the way to Minnesota to film an interview with Jesse Ventura.

(2)Pam Anderson (53) Sept 8, 2011, she was a former CIA trainee, an MKUltra project experimentee. She was killed by EM Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control. She lost her mind and was killed by gun shot.

(3)Cindy Goldman () Feb. 15, 2012. Another former CIA trainee, a survivor of MKUltra Project victim, killed by a crazy tenant, who was obviously a 100% mind controlled robot.

(4) Ted Gunderson (-) July31, 2011. Former FBI senior officer of LA. He died of Cancer which he believed being caused by CIA electromagnetic weapon. Doctor Valerie Wolfe who testified in the hearing on CIA Mind Control and EM Radiation Experiments on American Children on March 15, 1995 was also killed by Cancer. He testified in the Congressional Hearing on March 13, 2004 on CIA kidnapped Children and used the kidnapped Children as sex slaves and body parts in their recruiting ceremonies. He not only helped many CIA kidnapped kids, but also helped former CIA employees Brice Taylor and Babara Howell, who testified that they had been used to create homosexual scandals for talented Americans, and their neuron systems can be instantly blocked and can't speak. Those testimonies indicated that the EM Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control technologies were used to create gays and lesbians at least in the 80's. Brice Taylor's father might be mind controlled to have sex with her before 1985.

The following are some of the killed targeted individuals in 2012:

Bruno Marchesani (53) July 19, 2012 killed by man-made stroke.
Sandy Cason (~68) March 10, 2012, no details.
Sean Stinn (47), Sept 5, 2012 killed by Heart attack.
Kelly Shropshire (26) April 9, 2012, no details.

Someone wanted me to put the death of one TI in UK into the record. There are too many TIs killed in other countries. Those deaths could not affect the CIA commanders at all.  The CIA real commander is using those deaths as excuses of not exposing the two secret technologies: electromagnetic Remote Surgery and electromagnetic Remote Mind Control in the name of NATIONAL SECURITY or PROTECTING the INTRESTS of AMERICAN GOVERNMENT.  They should tell the death and stories of that ethnic Iraqi British new immigrant -Darrim Daout to Iraqi people and people in UK and let them to remember his death for 30 years or more years until the two secret technologies are exposed. CIA employees of different minorities should not be killed secretly. Although their family members and relatives might have been killed mentally or physically already, other people including other CIA employees should expose their deaths to the general public and don't allow your evil boss to kill anyone with no cost to himself.


People inside and outside CIA should be united. The only evil is the CIA real boss who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies to the general public. There might be some genetic morons and man-made morons helping the evil boss, but most of them are machines, because people with normal intelligence should know the rule of nature: Evil is vicious to everyone. Today he made you to kill someone. Tomorrow he would make someone to kill you the same way. The evil boss doesn't care about anything but his power. He is what he did. Although I don't know which one is CIA's real boss, from observing what he allowed CIAs to do over these years, and he could continue to force people to kill when knowing there would be no death penalty after exposing the two secret technologies, there is enough evidence that he is extremely vicious. Today, he is sacrificing tens of thousands people's lives every single day for his power only, rather than for his life. His existence not only causes millions of innocent people being killed physically and mentally everyday, but also causes countless innocent people being killed because of diseases that can be cured with the new technologies and the death penalty that should have been stopped if the two secret technologies are exposed to the general public. Hiding secrets only encourages killing and other vicious behaviors as only bad people who enjoy doing bad things enjoy hiding.


Never forget EVIL IS VICIOUS TO EVERYONE. The same reason of allowing CIA machines to kill other innocent people inside and outside CIA would be used to kill you and me sooner or later. There is no other possibility. People who have more than 1% intelligence should not wait to be killed. There is enough evidence and proof of what is REALLY going on already. There is no other purpose but to extend the power of the evil boss, who is sacrificing many people’s lives every day to satisfy his desire for power.


Only exposing secrets can save lives of majority CIAs’. That includes saving the life of your evil BOSS. Otherwise he would be killed one day or another. Please expose the two secret technologies in media massively by whatever method you can use for the benefit of yourselves’ and others’.

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Many of my posters were blocked by hackers. Those man-made robots do not allow me to tell people they are killing CIAs the same way as they kill targeted individuals.

Many CIA employees and targeted individuals were killed in 2011 and 2012. Names of people killed inside CIA could not be revealed. However, some names of those killed former CIA scientists and CIA trainees can be found on websites.

(1)Dr. Fred Bell (68),died in Sept, 2011, He was one of the scientists involved in CIA MKUltra and Paper Clip projects. He was killed by man-made heart attack on the way to Minnesota to film an interview with Jesse Ventura.

(2)Pam Anderson (53) Sept 8, 2011, she was a former CIA trainee, an MKUltra project experimentee. She was killed by EM Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control. She lost her mind and was killed by gun shot.

(3)Cindy Goldman () Feb. 15, 2012. Another former CIA trainee, a survivor of MKUltra Project victim, killed by a crazy tenant, who was obviously a 100% mind controlled robot.

(4) Ted Gunderson (-80) July31, 2011. Former FBI senior officer of LA. He testified in the Congressional Hearing on March 13, 2004 on CIA kidnapped Children and used the kidnapped Children as sex slaves and body parts in their recruiting ceremonies. He not only helped many CIA kidnapped kids, but also helped former CIA employees Brice Taylor and Babara Howell, who testified that they had been used to create homosexual scandals for talented Americans, and their neuron systems can be instantly blocked and can't speak. Those testimonies indicated that the EM Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control technologies were used to create gays and lesbians at least in the 80's. Brice Taylor's father might be mind controlled to have sex with her before 1985.

The following are some of the killed targeted individuals in 2012:

Bruno Marchesani (53) July 19, 2012 killed by man-made stroke.
Sandy Cason (~68) March 10, 2012, no details.
Sean Stinn (47), Sept 5, 2012 killed by Heart attack.
Kelly Shropshire (26) April 9, 2012, no details.
A few years ago, when CIA asked me What do you want? I said - I want over 80% population knowing the secret EM Remote Surgery and EM Remote Mind Control technologies and what they had been used to do. However, CIA is killing me mentally and physically without satisfying anything what I wanted.

Evil is vicious to everyone. It is the rule of nature. I believe the same thing would happen to most CIA employees and targeted individuals.

Recently, I was told by CIA slaves that CIA is doing surgery on Media reporters and Editors. They are trying to twist all media reports by giving problematic reports on the two secret technologies (1) Electromagnetic Remote Surgery (2) Electromagnetic Remote Mind Control when the exposure of the two secret technologies are allowed.

Please don't wait until it is too late due to the remote surgeries on too many people. Media reports should be able to let every healthy people to really understand what are EM Remote Surgery and EM Remote Mind Control rather than the superficial names only.

Those who are mind controlling man-made morons are helping to justify killing people mentally, including killing themselves mentally. Please don't support killing people mentally. The only things CIAs can do are (1) to tell the morons that they are brain damaged morons and (2) to tell people around the 100% morons that they are brain damaged morons and they can be mind controlled by EM signals to do anything un-reasonable.

Today, they are doing surgery on other people. Tomorrow, they would do the same surgery on you. They killed CIA employees with 3 steps (1) killing them mentally first (2) making the brain damaged CIAs to do bad things including killing other CIA employees or mind controlling other people to kill, (3) they are killed physically to delete traces that would damage the CIA real boss's reputation.

Please don't wait. Don't make good things cannot happen when we are alive. There would be no death penalty when the secret remote surgery and remote mind control technologies are exposed. The extreme penalty is being experienced by most CIA employees and targeted individuals everyday. What else could you lose?

After the two secret technologies are exposed, no one needs to worry about money, to worry about jobs or to worry about being killed secretly, because the general public would use the two technologies to help human kind to boost their knowledge, their wealth, their health and safety instead of allowing anyone to damage human kind any more.

Please don't wait. Don't make good things cannot happen when we are still alive.

Remote Mind Control and Remote focused electromagnetic weapon that can control people’ thinking remotely and do surgery on human and machine remotely have been spread as rumors for many years. Although there were many people claiming they were guineapigs of those experiments, and focused electromagnetic weapons can create cancer, dementia and many other diseases and to turn a normal person into a brain damaged moron, most people do not believe them because there was no main stream media report on the two secret technologies. If there was no report on atomic bomb in main stream media previously, many people might still do not believe the existence of nuclear weapons.


The testimonies of many CIA employees, including those of Christine deNicola, Claudia Mullen, Brice Taylor, Barbara Hartwell and former FBI senior officer of LA Ted Gunderson and Valerie Wolfe since 1995 were not known by the general public, including the US presidents, as main stream media did not report details of those testimonies. Letters from remote mind control and remote electromagnetic surgery victims were not reported by media. As remote electromagnetic surgery can turn normal people into less-self-conscious morons and remote mind control can completely control a moron and make a moron look normal, massive media reports are impossible without the permission of those who are using the two secret technologies. In other words, people who are using the two secret technologies can completely control media reports. It was mentioned by some reporters that some American correspondents were sent to mental hospital because of talking about Mind Control technologies. As electromagnetic weapon can turn a normal person into a moron, it is hard to tell whether a correspondent was a moron before spreading information about mind control or after that.


There were two important hearings organized by US government officials that were not reported by main steam media in detail. They are (1) Hearing on CIA Mind Control and EM Radiation on American Children in 60’s and 70’s organized by US President’s Advisory Committee on 15March, 1995, and (2) Congressional Hearing on Child Protection on 13 March, 2004.


In the Hearing organized by President’s Advisory Committee on 15 March, 1995, former CIA trainees Christine deNicola, Claudia Mullen and their clinic doctor Valerie Wolfe testified. It was indicated in Christine deNicola’s testimony that in 1966, CIA already can relate brain signals to the images in people’s brain. She was brought to a lab in Kansas City University by her nature father who was one of the CIA employees to do related experiments in 1966 when she was 4 year-old. According to doctor Valerie Wolfe’s testimony, those children who were used as guineapigs of mind control and electromagnetic radiation experiments were not able to tell people after leaving CIA as they would be sent to mental hospital when they mention about Mind Control in the United States. Claudia Mullen mentioned about many retarded American Children were also used in CIA’s experiments. Studies on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on different parts of a human body were mentioned in Chrstine deNicola’s testimony, although she did not understand the real experimental details at that time. Those experimental data are the foundation of electromagnetic remote surgery. Based on those data, CIA can use electromagnetic energy to give people heart attack, cancer and diabetes remotely in 70’s.


In the Congressional Hearing on 13 March, 2004, former FBI senior officer Ted Gunderson mentioned that CIA kidnapped Children on the street of United States. Some kidnapped children were used as sex slaves and body parts in CIA’s ceremonies, which are similar to the recruiting ceremonies of ordinary criminal organization shown on TV, where gangsters kill someone all together to confirm their loyalty. Ted Gunderson not only helped many kidnapped kids. He also helped some former CIA employees including Brice Taylor and Barbara Hartwell, who participated CIA mind control in 80’s. Ted Gunderson himself was also targeted by CIA. He called the CIA mind-controlled government: shadow government. He stated in his email that the cancer he got was due to the electromagnetic weapon being used by CIA before his death in July 2011. His assistant Linda helped to send his email when he was in intensive care.


In the videos of interviews with Ted Gunderson, Barbara Hartwell mentioned that her speaking capability can be stopped suddenly by remote Mind Control. Technologically, the speaking capability can be stopped when certain part of our brain neuron system is disabled by disconnection. The disconnection can be realized through a biological relay that can be built using focused electromagnetic remote surgery. Electromagnetic scissors technology, part of which won Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997 can be used to do surgery remotely.


In the videos, Brice Taylor mentioned that she had been used to mind control talented Americans to have homosexual scandals. It was suspected that the reasons that Brice Taylor’s father had sex with her when she was a child and that Brice Taylor felt she had the tendency of sex abusing her own daughter were all related to CIA remote mind control. However, due to the limit in education, Brice Taylor and Barbara Hartwell could not understand the real mechanisms of the technologies they experienced.

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How laser weapons work?

high-energy lasers are used to shoot down missiles;

 it's capable of burning holes in most materials (infrared lasers can do these things);

The PHaSR incorporates two low-power diode lasers, one visible and one infrared. It's about the size of a rifle and can be fired by an individual. The laser light temporarily distracts or "dazzles" the target person without blinding him.

From: Howstuffworks

by Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.

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Do not fight each other

Due to long term horrible sufferings of the abuses and tortures of remote voice to skull and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies, many real victims could not have stable mental conditions; some real victims often had the emotion of elevation or hysteria.


Some real victims have been working hard to expose such horrible crime and seeking justice all over the world, but they might not have clear minds about how to make a plan and how to pursue it with a credible way.


 We should understand them, and give them encouragement, patience and support.


Please remember the following words: ‘Even the wise are not always free from error. There is chance that the foolish may hit on the truth by incessant endeavours’.


Some victims also became very sensitive after long term suffering, they doubted everyone and everything; and then attacking everyone they thought not bringing good news to them. We urge these victims not attacking others who were trying to help.


Some members in our forum like to call others ‘perps’, or ‘government agents’, or ‘liars’. We strongly oppose such attacking in our forum. We also strongly oppose any kind of offensives, scolds or unwarranted accusations.


 Disclosing personal information without permission is also not allowed in our forum.


We have been working hard to look for help all over the world, we are together looking for justice. We welcome any help from all over the world, including those ‘government agents’, ‘government officers’, ‘scientists’, ‘media’, ‘social communities’, and public.


Please keep an open and tolerating mind, we will find some good helpers who have justice in their minds. Maybe the helper will be an agent, an officer, a lawyer, a scientist, a reporter, or from public.


We believe the power of good triumphs over the power of evil.

Please keep strong, keep faith, and keep doing well.

Three ways for mind control victims to win their cases.

(1) One route is to appeal, which is a administrative procedure,and that is exactly a way one lawyer does not dare and does not have the energy.

Write appeal letters to government departments, senators, representatives, to urge government to investigate such horrible crime, sentence torturers according to law, and help victims.

(2) Another route is to seek public support.

With enought supporting voices from public and with evidences, government must answer our appeals.

(3) File lawsuits to sue government who do not take their responsibilities to investigate such horrible crimes, and help victims.


1 John 5:4

New International Version (©1984)

‘for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.’

Even our faith - Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, 1 John 5:5. He overcame the world, John 16:33, and it is by that faith which makes us one with him, and that imbues us with his Spirit, that we are able to do it also.

God Bans Mind Control/DEW weapons abuses and tortures

Will victims win justice?

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Scientists and experts testified and disclosed:

Scientists and experts testified and disclosed:

1)      0.75 milliwatts per square centimeter intensity of pulse modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz it is possible to control ALL aspects of human behaviour!

2)    Microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bond in the cells and can interfere with meiosis, which leads to tumors.


3) ...

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Copy the voices!!!

I am hearing over and over, and experiencing that copying the v2k interferes with the process. The perps on me slipped and said, "Boy that's annoying," when I did it to them. They dont like it

Its a sign that we can win! we can harrass them too!

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V2K Subliminals STOP copying me.

Remember childhood thing when someone copy's you, everything you say.

Even my mom said it, it does not like to be copied. LOL

I have had good luck doing that to the virus program. Just wait until the

virus says something. Asks a question or makes a statement or insult.

Then copy it like it was another kid heckling you. For me it quieted down.

It seems to defeat it. Go slow and take your time.

Note: Zinc oxide worked about 2 days. 

V2k should be banned tech everywhere

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