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日本國公開特許公報(A)國際特許分類第6版G01S 7/38
Japan Patent Office (JP)
[Public Report Class] Open patent public report (A)
[Public Report Number] Toku Kai Hei 7-306259
[Name of the Invention] The defense device from the telepathy system using living information communication.
[International Invention Division Volume 6] G01S 7/38
Again seems to me a lot of different groups and individuals could use this kinds of equipment to lock on to people and harass them.
and did you get any results
common people can buy this stuff and utilize it
日本國公開特許公報(A)國際特許分類第6版G01S 7/38
Japan Patent Office (JP)
[Public Report Class] Open patent public report (A)
[Public Report Number] Toku Kai Hei 7-306259
[Name of the Invention] The defense device from the telepathy system using living information communication.
[International Invention Division Volume 6] G01S 7/38
10 years ago, Carole Smith, a British psychoanalyst, member of The College of Psychoanalysts and the Institute for Psychotherapy and Social Studies and member of their Ethics Committee, stated as follows:
“People who are forced to bear it but who refuse to be broken by it, have no other option than to turn themselves into activists, their lives consumed by the battle against such atrocities, their energies directed to alerting and informing the public of things they don’t want to hear or understand about evil forces at work in their society.”
When NSA Gen. Aquino was pictured hugging Anton Levey, this was their dream. To sacrifice the lives of innocent Americans to satan and to then let the ignorant Americans hand over all their rights as human beings to the NSA and the U.S. government. The unbelievable events of 911 were now the NSA manufactured nightmares for all the world. I remember that night, and if they didn't use the HAARP microwave "fear pulse", then there had never been a better time. There was something sickening beyond the shock and awe of it all and now, I know what it was. But the bombarding of American minds by HAARP, carrier wave, satellite lasers, cable ELF wave, WIFI, cellular phone and electrical line had only just begun.
The beginning was 1994, when the majority of artificial telepathy went on-line. The persecution of Christians at Waco and the organized killing of children in the Oklahoma City bombing was just the start to the new age and NWO agenda. "Oh, we must have more security and more military spending". The truth is that since the Cold War was over they said, "Let's insure job security!", and a new age religion that gave up on the Lord and then they could become their own God. Who recruited who, well, we may never know but the NSA satanists were happy to oblige in any needed killing or cover-up. This group laughed and went along with wishy washy new age freemasons and their want of more power and money. The satan worshipers knew God was real and this new age religion was a lie and they were happy to promote it. Either way the new age funding of the Rockefellers and Ted Turner and Monsanto and Proctor and Gamble and so on decided to turn us into mindless cattle. And relieve us of any money, land and minds.
The election of the first anti-Christ Bush through fraud in Florida set the stage for 911. Bush had campaigned on writing every American an income tax refund check. For a mere couple hundred dollars most Americans had just sold all their human rights. Because now the New World Order agenda could easily be reached. Bush Jr. ,Bush Sr. (former CIA Head) and Kissinger (Bilderberg Head) ended the world and more woe will be seen than ever before. The Lord Jesus Christ has suffered so much but mind control and the cloning of animals and ruining God's perfect creation has brought the Final Judgment. I mean the Lord can forgive many sins but to ruin God's perfect creation is a whole other matter. Can Bush or the FDA repent,yes, but the damage is beyond repair. Even Paul or John the Revelator, could not understand this level of heinous sin.
May the innocent lives fighting for American soon return. The Lord will "not leave anything hidden" in that day.
Job 5:9 "Which doeth great things and unsearchable ; marvellous things without number."
Please check out these sites
Here is the 9/9/12 Gateway Portal Meditation of Waves of Bliss
To Download: 120909portal.mp3 Divine Mother gives a very important meditation in the 9/9/2012 Gateway Portal Day Channeling Group Session. Divine Mother gives us the Plum Ray of Rejuvenation to help support the Violet Ray of Transmutation which is doing over-time work right now on our behalf. duration 1:05:08 :: 0-15:49 Grounding + Grid Invocation with Jim Foster 15:50 Nasrin Speaks 51 Plum Ray of Rejuvenation & Divine Mother ++ © 2003 - 2012 Nasrin Safai - Waves of Bliss source page:
I hope you enjoy Peace & Many Blessings x Esta Lior
What are Gateway Portal Channeling Events?These sessions are given to provide healing to us and to the planet. Divine Mother and the Masters believe that we can bring such changes to our planet and to the consciousness of all souls, even though our numbers are small. We have everything to gain from trusting and surrendering to the Higher Truth and believing in the possibility of a greater future for all. Divine Mother is calling us together to start raising the vibration of our world and the consciousness of the multitudes and masses through these sessions. Divine Mother has requested that we offer this service by coming together via conference call on the (2/2, 3/3, 4/4, etc.) Portal Day each month and allow the shower of Light, love, wisdom and information to pour upon Earth through us. By attending these events or by listening to the audio files, you too may join in offering your service in this way. What will Divine Mother address in the Group Sessions?
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Waves of Bliss & PTE Mystery School | Vermont Rte 15 | Jeffersonville | VT | 05464 |
To all TI´s from Sweden, Denmark or other Northern countries: There are several swedish TI´s going down to Denmark, listening to Lars. Also Dr Barry Trower,british physicist and former microwave weapon expert will participate in this conference, so it would be great if as many TI´s in the area could attend./Annie,2,1135