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I was already slow.  Now I'm brain dead, and I laugh.  Now I get everything free and don't have to do anything. 


Here's another video of Marilyn Manson and his "agenda."  He's targeting girls he perceives as golddiggers.  Those girls look bored as Hell.  This life is a ripoff.


I got to have some fun at least and no fucking kids.


You want to pay for my welfare babies, Marilyn? How am I going to support these kids if I go with the hobo, which is what "that" does ot me. Apparently, he does, as he hates the Middle Class, as they must be "spoiled."   I'm good on government aid, I guess.  Then they target my disability. 


I had fun playing with them :P


I tried to use Putin to bag him, but Putin's too big of a baby.  Wah.  Wah. 

Don't you want to be number one, Putin?  Number two is not a winner.

I just want to get them back.

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The perps and the people I know

Everybodies hoping that I kill myself, including all of the people I know, such as classmates. All of the people I know have turned against me except for some family members. I think one of my aunts are involved in my harassment. All of the famous people that are involved in my harassment treat me just as harsh as my perps do.

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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation ~ 

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Prepare Your Life~ Final Review of our Spiritual Purity

The 2012 Rites of Passage Begin Soon!
  • The Rites of Passage Begin this September   
  • Embracing our Spiritual Purity                 
  • Sacred Fire Purification
  • Preparing the Soul Bridge                    
  • Building the Light Quotient
  • The Power of Prayer and Invocation
  • Resources and Personal Support      




gold key

The Rites of Passage begin this September 


Children of the Sun Foundation is co-creating a Rites of Passage Program for all Planetary Light Servers in which to guide a 12-week group initiation into greater levels of Unity Consciousness and the genuine perceptual and experiential awareness of the self as God.


As a resonant group, we have been preparing our life in order to make the necessary commitment to go the distance in this exponential passage. This is going to be one heaven of a ride, beloved Avatars, so gather your ability to focus with supreme intensity as we rise to meet our divine destiny through these Rites of Passage. 

We are in the Final Preparation Phase!         


To undergo these Rites, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have an advanced level of control and balance over your three lower bodies - the physical body, the emotions and the mind.


  • This entails a demonstration of physical purity, having brought the needs and wants of the body under the dominion of your soul.
  • The astral/emotional body is limpid and calm, demonstrating the ability to maintain a state of harmony and balance in the face of adversity.
  • In achieving control over the mental body, your thoughts are qualified by the Divine Presence within and demonstrate a high level of stillness and inner quietude. 








Upcoming Full Moon Cycle and Continuing...   

Embracing Spiritual Purity     


This is our Final Act of Review!


This is our final act of review before we enter into the greater initiations delivered through the Rites of Passage. Having firmly established an adequate level of control over the three lower bodies, we are now shifting our focus to the spiritual body and it's requirements to experience God Realization.



Preparing for the Higher Initiations


The spiritual body is the pathway through which we receive the incoming light frequencies during the initiation process. In order to properly assimilate and anchor these divine energies into our multi-body system, it is important to have achieved the necessary grounding and stability. Listed below are some beneficial methods to help strengthen our ability to undergo the intense activations stimulated through the Rites of Passage.



Sacred Fire Purification


The Sacred Fire is a highly concentrated activity of light, a luminous radiation that is qualified with specific focuses of God Perfection. It is a mighty current of energy that, when consciously invoked, has directing intelligence in its many forms of expression. It is through these cosmic fires that we can greatly purify our energy bodies to assist in a spontaneous raising and revealing of our divine blueprint.


The Violet Flames of Transmutation are especially useful in re-qualifying all discordant energies into the patterns of perfection. Called forth in tandem with the Platinum Cosmic Light of God Union through the power of intention and invocation, we can effectively attune our vibratory fields to reflect and embody the Divine Presence within.



Preparing the Soul Bridge


The soul bridge, also known as the antakharana, is the pathway through which we experience a greater merging with our Soul and Monad, source consciousness. It is consciously built through the means of intention, visualization, projection, invocation, stabilization and resurrection. This energetic bridge is produced through the power of synthesis, a fusion of the three cords which emanate from the heart, throat and pineal gland. As a result of right thought and authentic spiritual activity, the antahkarana is strengthened to receive the light of the Soul.



Building the Light Quotient


The amount of divine light contained with our energy matrix is directly related to our current level of spiritual development. As we come to more greatly reveal our innate perfection as God Realized beings, right here and now, our bodily light quotient increases at an exponential pace. Invoking the Sacred Fires is a very effective means through which to build the light quotient. It is important to remain grounded during the light building process as these energies are very powerful and can result in instability if they are not properly assimilated.



The Power of Prayer and Invocation


The transformative power of our speech can be used to shift our entire vibratory field. When our words are used in tandem with the unified power of thought and feeling, we can greatly affect the electrons within our multi-body systems, commanding them to vibrate in perfect harmony with the patterns of Divine Perfection. The practice of using prayer and invocation to commune with God, our Body Elemental and to bring forth the mighty planetary rays can be of great service in revealing the innate perfection and purity of your spiritual being.



In Closing...


We are almost there beloved Children of the Sun. Our passage through the eye of the needle is upon us once again. All of our preparations are nearly complete and we have arrived in perfect timing at the gates before the Rites of Passage.


Congratulations on a preparatory campaign well done! 












~Spiritual Body Preparation~      





2. Related Audios 

The Collective Initiation of our Monadic Absorption

Journey to the Great Central Sun (building our antahkarana)

Building the Light Quotient



3. Related Audios



4. REVIEW!  
Rites of Passage 2011


We highly recommend the review of this outstanding program created for our 11-11-11 passage and presented as a gift of grace from Children of the Sun Foundation. These present the virtues of Christ (Unity) Consciousness in the form of 7 Rites, 7 Seals and  7 Gifts.  





Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. | |
 404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta | CA | 96067
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Is this a precedence setting win???

I won my unemployment appeal!  Soon I'll get 8 months of back pay, and will be able to buy a used motorhome and move.  The really amazing thing about winning the appeal, is I told the hearing judge the truth about why I quit my job and what happened after.  I told her I was mobbed, organized stalked, and had to leave my job to try and get away from it.  I said the reason why I filed the appeal so late was I was sleep deprived, from living with what turned out to be another organized stalker - the man that 'rescued' me - just a bit of advice on THAT topic:  if it sounds too good to be true, it is.  I should have known that 'they' wouldn't let me get away so easy, and so soon after being targeted.  The paperwork I received from the Office of Administrative Hearings showed 'organized stalking' as the reason why they approved my appeal. 

8-24-12  update:  well, I didn't get all 8 months back pay, but I did get enough to buy a motorhome and pay the rent at an rv park, gas etc.  And actually, it'll work out better this way:  I'll have weekly unemployment checks through the end of the year.

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Please help to enrich mind control information

The following part of my book is introducing the mind control technologies and the situation of victims. I need your help to enrich this part  to let non-victim  easily understand mind control technologies, victims situation and their work, so that they might give more help.

Soleilmavis Liu, Author of the book: “Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Her book provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.

Welcome all comments and criticisms. 

Mind control technologies in modern times were weapons which used drugs, electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and /or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system.


Nazis were the first to develop the mind control weapons in modern times. With the help of Satan, they even wanted to conquer the whole world. Even though Nazis were destroyed, their mind control weapons spread out all over the world. More followers of Dragon and Beast started to research and develop mind control weapons and they wanted to control their followers and also used their mind control weapons to abuse and torture God’s people secretly.


All most all governments had covered the most advanced researches; we still could peep into its history of the development, and the advanced technologies from some revealed information. And we of course knew that the covered researches were more advanced than which had been make known to the public.


Nazi researchers used concentration camp inmates to test a cocaine-based ‘wonder drug’ they hoped would enhance the performance of German troops. Hamburg-based criminologist Wolf Kemper believed that D-IX pills were Hitler’s last secret development. So-called Experiment D-IX started in November of the year 1944 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp. The results of all those tests inspired their initiators to supply D-IX drug to the entire Nazi Army. However, they failed to launch the mass production of the substance. Allies’ victories at both fronts in winter and spring in 1945 resulted in the collapse of the Nazi regime. The absurd dream of the wonder drug was crushed. [1]


According to the ‘Want to Know’ information site, ‘After the end of World War II, German scientists were being held in a variety of detainment camps by the allies. In 1946, President Truman authorized Project Paperclip to exploit German scientists for American research, and to deny these intellectual resources to the Soviet Union. Some reports bluntly pointed out that they were “ardent Nazis.” They were considered so vital to the “Cold War” effort, that they would be brought into the US and Canada. Some of these experts had participated in murderous medical experiments on human subjects at concentration camps. A 1999 report to the Senate and the House said “between 1945 and 1955; 765 scientists, engineers, and technicians were brought to the US under Paperclip and similar programs.’ (Bluebird Report)


The Central Intelligence Agency’s Fact Book states the NSC (National Security Council) and the CIA were established under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947. In December 1947, the NSC held its first meeting. James Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense, pushed for the CIA to begin a ‘secret war’ against the Soviets.  Forrestal’s initiative led to the execution of psychological warfare operations (psy-ops) in Europe. CIA personnel were not opposed to working with Nazi doctors who had proven to be proficient in breaking the mind and rebuilding it. In some cases military bases were used to hide these covert activities. It was decided that the communist threat was an issue that took priority over constitutional rights.


One of the areas to be investigated by the CIA was mind control. The CIA’s human behavior control program was chiefly motivated by perceived Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques. Under the protection of ‘national security,’ many other branches of the government also took part in the study of this area. The CIA originated its first program in 1950 under the name BLUEBIRD, which in 1951, after Canada and Britain had been included, was changed to ARTICHOKE. MKULTRA officially began in 1953. Technically it was closed in 1964, but some of its programs remained active under MKSEARCH well into the 1970s. In 1973, tipped off about forthcoming investigations, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered the destruction of any MKULTRA records. (MC 10, 17)


There was an overwhelming body of evidence that confirms the existence of Mk-ultra, America's Central Intelligence Agency mind control project. MORE than 250 people who claim they were “brainwashing” victims of America’s Central Intelligence Agency were set to win a multimilliondollar legal battle for compensation. Nine had already each received $67,000 (£33,500) compensation from the spy agency, which had admitted setting-up an operation codenamed MK-Ultra during the Cold War. [Mike Parker, CIA'S BOURNE IDENTITY PLOT (Mkultra),, July 8, 2007] [2]


Many researchers, using nanotechnologies had developed implantable electronic chips that established new nerve connections in the parts of the brain that controlled movement or even altered emotion and thought. Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) had been working on an implantable electronic chip that might help establish new nerve connections in the part of the brain that controlled movement. Their study, to be published in the Nov. 2, 2006, edition of Nature, showed such a device could induce brain changes in monkeys lasting more than a week (Leila Gray, Tiny electronic chip, interacting with the brain, modifies pathways for controlling movement, University of Washington News, Oct. 24, 2006). [3]


On March 18, 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency responded in writing to a Larson Media Freedom of Information Act request. The document discloses that the CIA's use of biomedical intellectual property developed at the Alfred Mann Foundation, Second Sight LLC, Advanced Bionics, and under Naval Space Warfare (SPAWAR) contract #N6600106C8005 is "currently and properly classified pursuant to an executive order in the interest of national security" and applies to the CIA Director's "statutory obligation to protect from disclosure, intelligence sources and methods". The technology, developed under the DARPA programs of Tony Tether, Col. Geoffrey Ling and N.I.H programs of William Heetderks, has been protected as a Defense "Special Access Program"1 (SAP), which is the official terminology for a "black project". The research has resulted in implantable devices that are millimeter and sub-millimeter in size, can be surreptitiously implanted (and are fabricated in a manner that the devices cannot be detected or localized by clinical medical or radiology techniques), and provides a shocking amount of surveillance capability regarding a subject’s activities which may include visual and auditory biofeedback data.


Additionally, the devices were capable of delivering testosterone or any other biological agent.


Artificial microwave voice to skull transmission was successfully demonstrated by researcher Dr. Joseph Sharp in 1973, announced at a seminar from the University of Utah in 1974, and in a journal "American Psychologist" in March, 1975 issue, article title "Microwaves and Behavior" by Dr. Don Justesen (1975).  [4]


In 2002, the US Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a device: a nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which broadcasts sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit ultrasound (above human hearing) into the skull of mammals.


NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of Voice to Skull uses is an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports. Many mind control victims also claim to be harassed by Voice to Skull technologies. [5]


If perpetrators want to control a victim’s mind, they had to be able to read the victim’s mind. The public information revealed that mind reading technologies had been developed to a high level.


Neuroscientists at the University of California Berkeley put electrodes inside the skulls of brain surgery patients to monitor information from their temporal lobe, which was involved in the processing of speech and images.


As the patient listened to someone speaking, a computer program analysed how the brain processed and reproduced the words they had heard.


The scientists believed the technique could also be used to read and report what they were thinking of saying next.


In the journal PLoS Biology, they wrote that it took attempts at mind reading to 'a whole new level'.


A team of world-leading neuroscientists had developed a powerful technique that allowed them to look deep inside a person’s brain and read their intentions before they acted.


The research broke controversial new ground in scientists’ ability to probe people’s minds and eavesdrop on their thoughts, and raised serious ethical issues over how brain-reading technology might be used in the future.


‘Using the scanner, we could look around the brain for this information and read out something that from the outside there's no way you could possibly tell is in there. It's like shining a torch around, looking for writing on a wall,’ said John-Dylan Haynes at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Germany in 2007, who led the study with colleagues at University College London and Oxford University.


Harvard’s Buckner won Alzheimer’s award for reading our minds in 2011. Researchers had shown a capability to read a subject’s mind by remotely measuring their brain activity. This technique could even extract information from individuals, who were unaware of themselves. [6]


Victims had experienced more advanced mind reading technologies which were nonpublic information; such high technologies could read victims minds through satellite.


The following data was from NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab:

‘The sensitivity of our deep-space tracking antennas located around the world is truly amazing. The antennas must capture Voyager information from a signal so weak that the power striking the antenna is only 10 exponent -16 watts (1 part in 10 quadrillion). A modern-day electronic digital watch operates at a power level 20 billion times greater than this feeble level.’


Scientists believed the weak radio emission of a cubic centimeter of brain matter was within the detectable limits of the satellite. It was technically possible for a satellite to detect your thoughts, your emotions and your perceptions and passed that information to a computer for interpretation. [7]


The development of psychotronic weapons -wave devices by controlling the thoughts, feelings and human behavior- had remained hidden for over five decades. So there was a disproportionate amount of speculative information about it and many thought it was pure science fiction. It was sometimes hard for victims to find evidence of microwave or electromagnetic mind control technologies. However, some news articles had been starting to report the development of government mind control weapons (David DiSalvo, Five Big Developments in Neuroscience to Watch, Jun. 17 2011, Neuropsyched). [8] There was evidence from publicly available information that electromagnetic weapons had effected on the brain; including sleep disruption and behavior changes (David S. Walonick, Effects of 6-10 Hz ELF on Brain Waves, September 10, 1999). [9]

Microwave or electromagnetic mind control technology, even could attack victims through satellites; or through TV , Mobile transmission Towers.


Patents also indicate the existence of mind control technologies. Such as:


Sony owned a patent for "ultrasound array" that suppossedly stimulated your brain waves to simulate sensory experiences causing its users to experience smells, tastes and even touch without external stimuli.

USP # 6,488,617 (December 3, 2002) Nervous System Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitors

Physiological effects had been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that were pulsed with certain frequencies near 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emitted pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It was therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. [10]


After study and research, I had understood some basic principles.

We could ‘see’ by our eyes; we could ‘hear’ by our ears; we could ‘smell’ by our nose; we could ‘feel’ by our skin. Sense organs received information then transmitted to the brain.

Such as: When sound waves reached our ears, a vibrating membrane in the ear helped to convey sounds to the brain to stimulate auditory neurons. But electromagnetic weapons could directly stimulate our auditory neurons to let us ‘hear’ in our brain. Such electromagnetic wave frequency was not Sound Wave Frequency.


Torturers used electromagnetic wave weapons to stimulate our Visual neurons, auditory neurons, Olfactory Receptor Neurons, or Sensory Neurons to let us ‘see’, ‘hear’, ‘smell’ or feel pain in our brain.


They also could stimulate our neurons to cut off the connection between neurons and visual sense system; sense of hearing system; sense of smell system; or sense of feeling system, and let us not ‘see’, ‘hear’, ‘smell’ or even ‘feel’ pain.


Long time experienced victims could feel that information was ‘transferring’ to their brains.


As early as 1998, scientists had warned that the control and manipulation of a human brain was a terrifying possibility. Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas, US Army (ret), published an article in the military journal Parameters which likened the mind as a new battlefield. He quoted a Russian army major in relation to weapons that affected the mind, ‘It is completely clear that the state which is first to create such weapons will achieve incomparable superiority.’ Thomas expresses concern about ‘information dominance' though he stopped short of the moral implications (Timothy L. Thomas, The Mind Has No Firewall, Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92). [11]


Mr. Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton also had raised high concern of human rights violations implemented with electromagnetic weapons in the article ‘US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights’ (Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006). [12]


The European Parliament A4-0005/1999 Paragraph 27 called for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable ‘any form’ of the ‘manipulation of human beings’. [13]


Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced bill H.R. 2977 (2001); which was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

H.R. 2977 (2001) preserved the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and required the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.

In this bill, (A) the terms `weapon' and `weapons system' meant a device capable of any of the following:

(i) Damaging or destroying an object (whether in outer space, in the atmosphere, or on earth) by--

(I)  firing one or more projectiles to collide with that object;

(II)  detonating one or more explosive devices in close proximity to that object;

(III) directing a source of energy (including molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against that object; or

(IV) any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means.


(ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person)--

(I) through the use of any of the means described in clause (i) or subparagraph (B);

(II) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations; or

(III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person.


(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--

(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;

(ii) chemtrails;

(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;

(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;

(v) laser weapons systems;

(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and

(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.


(C) The term `exotic weapons systems' includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.


The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) formally listed a special category of psychotronic [psycho-‘mind’ & tronic= ‘electronic’] mind control and other electromagnetic resonance weapons in their 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament. [14]


Many States’ Constitutions require the Government to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens; many countries have strict laws to ban torture; THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS bans torture, cruel inhuman degrading treatment or punishment (Article 5); and everyone has the right to freedom of thought (Article 18). But Governments and public had ignored victims’ complaints for years; they never help victims or sentence torturers according to law.


I did an anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims all over the world; by the end of 2009, 296 victims including 130 Females and 166 Males filled out questionnaires.

According to the Survey, 71.29% of all victims had completed a college degree, with 13.86% of all victims attaining a Master or a Doctor degree.

Their Ages were: 10-20: 13 (4.39%); 21-30: 64 (21.62%); 31-40: 87 (29.39%); 41-50: 70 (23.65%); 51-60: 42 (14.19%); 61-70: 15 (5.07%); above 70: 5 (1.69%).

Year Torture Begun: 1970-1980: 29 (9.80%); 1981-1990: 40 (13.51%); 1991-1995: 34 (11.49%); 1996: 18 (6.08%); 1997: 5 (1.69%); 1998: 11 (3.72%); 1999: 6 (2.03%); 2000: 16 (5.41%); 2001: 17 (5.74%); 2002: 15 (5.07%); 2003: 12 (4.05%); 2004: 21 (7.09%); 2005: 15 (5.07%); 2006: 17 (5.74%); 2007: 11 (3.72%); 2008: 23 (7.77%).

Ages when they were aware of being a target: 10-20: 69 (23.31%); 21-30: 92 (31.08%); 31-40: 49 (16.55%); 41-50: 59 (19.93%); 51-60: 21 (7.09%); 61-70: 5 (1.69%); above 70: 1 (0.34%).


The possible reasons victims believed to become a target were:

(1) Government Secret Human Experiments or Scientists Performing Secret Human Experiments supported by Government (58.11%);

(2) Scientists Performing Secret Human Experiment (36.82%);

(3) Government Secret War (33.45%);

(4) Secret Political persecution (32.77%);

(5) Terrorist violence (22.97%);

(6) Misuse of weapons by government corruption (45.27%).


The symptoms victims experienced as possible result of this technology:

Hot and Cold Flashes (1)  148  50.00% 

Nausea (2)  151  51.01% 

Severe sweating (3)  119  40.20% 

Induced Sleep (4)  193  65.20% 

Sleep deprivation (5)  233  78.72% 

Extreme Fatigue (6)  203  68.58% 

Blurred Vision (7)  170  57.43% 

Sensations of pain in internal organs (8)  183  61.82% 

Sensations of pain in Backbone, arms, legs, muscles (9)  174  58.78% 

Numbness and tingling, Paresthesias, Loss of sensation (10)  144  48.65% 

Muscle Cramps /Spasms/tension (11)  167  56.42% 

Sudden Headaches (12)  189  63.85% 

Irregular Heartbeat (13)  180  60.81% 

False Heart Attacks (14)  115  38.85% 

Tooth Pain (15)  149  50.34% 

Diarrhea. (16)  131  44.26% 

Acute inflammation/autoimmunity reactions (17)  75  25.34% 

Autoimmune disorders like Fibromyalgia (18)  50  16.89% 

Urinary tract infections (19)  53  17.91% 

Skin problems and skin irritations (20)  149  50.34% 

Change in growing of hair and nails (21)  95  32.09% 

Female problems which eventually lead to hysterectomy (22)  24  8.11% 

Cancer (23)  13  4.39% 

Fevers (24)  68  22.97% 

Flulike Symptoms /Sneezing (25)  126  42.57% 

Dizziness or Loss of Balance (26)  164  55.41% 

Sudden loss of consciousness (27)  91  30.74% 

Benign or Malignant Tumors (28)  24  8.11% 

Sensation of Electric Current Running through the Body (29)  161  54.39% 

Induced Thoughts/ telepathic communication, messages (30)  191  64.53% 

Hearing "voices" (reception of auditory acoustic weapon transmissions or similar) (31)  201  67.91% 

Seeing "Holograms" (32)  124  41.89% 

Dream Manipulation (33)  211  71.28% 

Artificial Emotions (induced fear, anger, shame, joy, hate, sadness) (34)  201  67.91% 

Sudden unexpected" Sexual Arousal (35)  159  53.72% 

Genital manipulation (36)  163  55.07% 

Induced Smells (37)  154  52.03% 

Sudden extreme moodswings (depression - euphoria) (38)  142  47.97% 

Induced pleasure-aversion reactions towards people or objects (39)  133  44.93% 

Making you say things (forced speech) (40)  135  45.61% 

General behaviour control in some situations (41)  147  49.66% 

Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories) (42)  199  67.23% 

Remote steering of eye movements (43)  114  38.51% 

Remote steering of body movements /motor control (44)  126  42.57% 

Virtual reality experiences while awake (45)  104  35.14% 


50.34% of all victims had been forced to accept psychiatric treatment, the length of being forced to accept psychiatric treatment were:

1-3 months (1)  66  22.30% 

4-6 months (2)  12  4.05% 

7-12 months (3)  4  1.35% 

1 year (4)  10  3.38% 

2-3 years (5)  17  5.74% 

4-5 years (6)  11  3.72% 

6-8 years (7)  9  3.04% 

9-10 years (8)  1  0.34% 

above 10 years (9)  20  6.76% 


All victims claimed that the psychiatric treatment did not have any therapeutic effect.


During my working, I met more and more victims who claimed they were tortured and harassed by mind control and directed energy weapons, and the number of victims had been increasing. Victims of these weapons were often economically marginalized and therefore had very limited financial resources to buy testing equipment, so even if they were poisoned or got implanted or suffered from brutal electromagnetic weapons torture, for the most part, they could not uncover the root causes or found someone willing to help them do so.


On February 2012, I published ‘Soleilmavis’ case summary on mind control torture and abuse’ on ‘Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution’ Vol. 4(2), pp. 27-30, February 2012, Academic Journals, ISSN 2006-9804. I concluded the following in my manuscript:

‘It can be seen that mind control weapons are well developed and they are being used to torture and harass innocent citizens. Many victims are currently working in conjunction with Soleilmavis to start a worldwide campaign against secret mind control weapons/directed energy weapons abuse and torture.


In this research, the following conclusions were reached:

1) Many countries have developed various types of mind control methods: drugs, microchips, nanotechnologies and electromagnetic waves. Could these governments also introduce legislation to regulate the use of such weapons?

2) Effective laws and other measures from our governments need to be enacted to prevent the misuse of such weapons.

3) In the event of misuse of such weapons, government intervention is required to protect the victims’ and prosecute torturers to the fullest extent of the law.


It is hoped that Soleilmavis’ case summary will bring about public awareness and solutions to mind control weapons abuse and torture.’


Mailteam had been collecting victims’ stories, and sent together to governments and public. Later Mr. John Finch from Australia was mainly in charge of this matter, I sorted out some organized stories and post to my blogs and websites.


While I was reading all victims stories, I found that many victims had common mistakes which I used to make in my first suffering year. Many victims claimed to hear voices from neighbors or some houses; they then formed a judgment categorically that torturers lived in those houses. Some victims claimed that those voices sounded as if their friends or some people they knew, they then formed a judgment categorically that their friends or those people were torturers. I tried hard to explain to them that torturers could imitate anyone’s voice, and made their voices sounded as if they were from a particular house.


Some victims claimed that they heard a voice saying that he was God. I understood that they were cheated. Since I became a victim of mind control abuses and tortures, God came to me and let me know that he was with me by signs, wonders, and miracles, and guided me through the Bible.


I had understood that once torturers knew God’s voice and God image, they would definitely imitate God’s voice to cheat victims and injected God’s image to victims’ brain, or even pretended to be God. Since Satan helped mankind to have developed voice to skull, mind reading, and mind control technologies and such technologies had been abuses, God would never present his voice, and God never present his image.



Some victims claimed that they heard a voice saying that he was God. I understood that they were cheated. Since I became a victim of mind control abuses and tortures, God came to me and let me know that he was with me by signs, wonders, and miracles, and guide me through Bible.

I had understood that once torturers knew God’s voice and God image, they would definitely imitate God’s voice to cheat victims and injected God’s image to victims’ brain, or even pretended to be God. Since Satan helped mankind to have developed voice to skull, mind reading, and mind control technologies and such technologies had been abuses, God would never present his voice, and God never present his image.



Many mind control victims had suffered more than 10 years. While I was collecting victims’ stories, I found that some victims were tortured to death or driven to be crazy, some victims were controlled to do bad. 

A lot of victims committed suicide: Carole Sterling committed suicide on November 6, 1997. Darin Smith shot himself in the head, while driving, on August 31, 2006. Darrim Daoud committed suicide and passed away on Nov 17,2009. Sofia committed suicide on August 12, 2011. Pam Anderson committed suicide on September 16, 2011. Rena from USA committed suicide.


Clare L. Wehrley died in a car accident on January 6, 2006. Nadine Elaine Mitchell (May 16, 1938 - August 5, 2006) died of the cancer. Johan Heller -- A Sweden Mind Control Victim died from a heart attack in 2009.


I had been keeping in touch with most of these victims. They were few of most active victims in the worldwide campaign to stop the abuse and torture of mind control technologies. Mr. Darrim Daoud was an organizer of Global protest in London on 14 Oct and 10 Dec 2009; Johan Heller had sent me a lot of useful information since 2007; Sofia used to be the active member of; Pam Anderson was one of the main organizers of USA victims.


They were only a few of many victims who had been working hard to expose mind control abuse and torture to public. But there were many unwilling and unwitting victims had been suffering alone and even were controlled to do bad.


T.J. Solomon, 15, allegedly opened fire on other students at Heritage High School on August 10, 1999, He heard voices telling him to do strange things, but they were robotic voices, not human voices.


Michael Robert Lawrence accused of murdering a vacuum cleaner salesman in Waialua said he was on a "mission" to kill people and chop up their bodies after voices commanded him to do so, a psychiatrist testified on April 3, 2001.


Ronald Morgan, 18, a teen-age high school dropout who told investigators he was acting on God's orders confessed to beating his father to death with a baseball bat on May 27, 2001. Morgan said God told him in a dream to his kill his parents.


Fayette woman Angela Modispaw claims she heard voices telling her to kill her mother on 2009.


Richard Scott Baumhammers, 34, was arrested Friday, April 28 2000 following a shooting rampage that left five dead and one seriously injured in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Baumhammers told a psychiatrist that he could hear people talking about him, and it interfered with his work.


Jiverly Wong in the deadly shooting on April April 3, 2009 at a Binghamton, New York, immigrant center believed he had been harassed for years by undercover police officers, according to a letter received by a New York television station and purportedly written by him. ‘I am Jiverly Wong shooting the people," the letter begins followed by an apology that "I know a little English."

What follows is details of Wong's beliefs that undercover police had taunted him, tortured him and spread rumors about him wherever he went. The police, he said, forced him to leave California, where'd he'd lived from the early 1990s until 2007, and were trying to force him to leave the country.

They entered his room while he slept, he said, watching him sleep, touching him while he slept. And 32 times, he said, police drove in front of him and abruptly stopped. But "I never hit the car," he said.

At the end of the letter, Wong complained that he cannot "accept my poor life" and that he assume the role of judge and "cut my poor life." He demanded that an "undercover cop" be held responsible for whatever happened and ended with "You have a nice day."’


Honduras' fallen leader told The Miami Herald he was being subjected to mind-altering gas and radiation -- and that `Israeli mercenaries' are planning to assassinate him.


These were only very few of all victims all over the world. Had victims’ cries reached the heavens? Yes, God heard their cries. And God chose us to be his soldiers to fight against such horrible crime and seek justice on the earth. Since the first year torturers started to torture me and harass me with voice to skull and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies, God came to me and guided me how to do by opening the Bible to me.

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We all know there are terrible things happening in this world, there are many, many people suffering across the globe.  The difference between us and them is that they have their lives.  They have their minds, bodies, and lives to their own selves and they are not guinea pigs.


I've come to realize that it isn't about voices, because my voices have cleared up with proper use of medication, it's about experimenting on the body and inflicting torture to the top center of the head.  I have suffered the human heart against the activity.  I have suffered the human brain against the trepid angst.


When I was working in a glass factory in my town, I was writing poems there on my breaks about experimentation and targeting, it went into my book called, This Sky I Know.  The irony, was that we were making glass that was to go in the Freedom Towers where 9-11 happened, and all the while, I was being butchered to near death with direct energy weapons.


I'm unsure how I'm still alive, but I'm thankful for every day.  I really feel like we have a better chance now than in any of my 18 years in it to get out of it.  I'm writing religious books, and love poems.  It's helping.

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Those of us who are Surveilled

If you are being targeted,you are under 24 hour surveillance that goes into all of the media and radio stations.  In the end of this experimentation (if there is one), I am curious to see what this president does about the media and radio stations withholding the information that we are being targeted and abused, or, not letting him know a lot sooner about our plight.  In my mind, they would need to lose their jobs, just as anything corrupt must be wiped out.  I call on all media and radio people to get involved for real this time and let this president know what is going on, then maybe, they could keep their jobs, but if they continue through omission to not help us, they all need to be fired.  Imagine this--these people are on their jobs, they are getting paid to watch us and hear our thoughts and watch our dreams, how corrupt is that??

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I need to move to another place.

It was quite funny as I live with a woman at late 20s for the house share. Until yesterday we were quite OK. No harassment or mimicking or gaslighting. She is a busy person with a job. Sometimes she flirted me like while I was taking a shower, she put songs singing "I love you" and other love songs in her room.

Yesterday morning, she invited a man. She was wearing her PJs, and cooked breakfast for two quickly before her friend came. I was in my room, but since I thought they wanted some privacy, so I left early. And when I came back yesterday night, she was in the flat and invited me to the dinner. She paid for it and she talked about how she always go out for dinner every night with her boyfriend for 4 years. She seems to be getting contact with her old boyfriend, but she does not talk about it. The V2K Japanese perps told me that "she gotta raped in the bathroom" but I'm not sure about that one. So far, I don't see any sign of strange things in the flat. Only the difference I noticed was that she got some paintings - her ex-boyriend is a painter. And she showed me a new tool for her job and said that she received it today. When we went out, she asked me when I'm moving out and said that she knew me staying till the end of this month. I rented her room monthy. I don't know how these things happened together, though. All I did was just normal. A naked swimming by her in the near by river, and some flirtations happened. But she did not really say or do anything but the flirtation. That reminded me of the gang stalkers' anchoring. She doesn't ask me anything about my TI life or my blog at all.

This morning, she was in the room till around noon when I left. She was just staying in her room and looked groomy. We only talked a bit but not really cheerful. I wanted to make a note to share for the future event. She is quite famous in her field and I got some info about her critical for her career. She might have some loans and that might be the reason for GS perticipation if she is  a perp.

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Mind control test

Mind control test

06. Do your attackers especially bother you the night before an important event? (a job interview, departure for a trip, etc.)
All nine participants answered "yes."

12. Do they ever tell you something specific to do or not to do?
All nine participants answered "yes."

13. Do they ever suggest to you that you have a disease, a pain, or a condition? (cancer, Parkinson’s disease, etc.)
All participants answered "yes."

01. Have the attackers ever spoken to you in other languages? If so, what language?
Six participants answered "yes," and five of them said Spanish. One answered that they spoke English but with perhaps a Swedish or Irish accent. Two answered "no."
02. If so, does that language have any particular significance in your life? Of the six who answered yes, only three targets said that the language held some significance for them.
03. Do the attackers ever ask you about your ‘relationship” with a particular individual or group?
Seven of the nine targets reported that the attackers questioned them about "relationships." Two targets siad "no."
04. Have you experienced a ringing in the ears (tinnitus) ever since you first heard the voices?
Eight of the nine participants report the ear ringing, but one of them said that it occurred about 3.5 years AFTER she started hearing the voices and another one said that it was only "off and on." Only one target said "no.".
05. Do the voices ever seem to come from the shower head or the spewing water when you shower?
Six of the nine targets said that they hear the voices over the running water. Three said definitely "no."
06. Do your attackers especially bother you the night before an important event? (a job interview, departure for a trip, etc.)
All nine participants answered "yes."
07. Do you sometimes wake at night with the attackers showing you photos of people, places, or objects and interrogating you about them.
Eight of the nine participants reports that the attackers show them photos and question them about the photos. One said that she didn't see the photos but experienced induced dreaming.
08. Do they pretend to extort money from you or blackmail you?
In eight cases, the attackers pretend to extort money from the targets. Only one target said "no."
09. Do they ever ask you about places you’ve lived in or visited?
Six of the nine participants said "yes." Two said "no." One said that although the attackers didn't question her about those places, the attackers indicated that they knew about them.
10. Have they ever told or suggested to you why you were selected for targeting?
Eight particpants said that the attackers made innuendos about the reasons. One target said that they often lied about who's doing the attacking but did not give a reason.
11. Do the attackers use local words and expressions in common usage in your area?
Five participants answered "yes." One said "somewhat." Two answered "no."
12. Do they ever tell you something specific to do or not to do?
All nine participants answered "yes."
13. Do they ever suggest to you that you have a disease, a pain, or a condition? (cancer, Parkinson’s disease, etc.)
All participants answered "yes."
14. Have the attackers ever asked you or suggested to you that you join them?
Eight of the participants were asked to join the attackers. Only one answered "no."
15. Do the attackers ever urge you to commit suicide?
Eight of the nine participants have been or are urged to comnmit suicide. Only one target said "no."
16. Do the attackers ever tell you something that everybody said about you?
Eight participants said "yes." Only one target answered "no, but they say that nobody cares about me."
17. Have the attackers ever urged you in voice or thought to hurt or do harm to another person, either physically (including sexually) or emotionally?
Seven say that the attackers do urge them to hurt others. One answered "no." One target did not answer the question..
18. Do the attackers pretend that they can see you?
All nine aprticipants said "yes."
19. Do the attackers ever pretend to be concerned for your safety (for example, telling you not to overwork in the heat, that you have a low tire on your car, warning you about going up on a ladder, etc.)? (Please explain.)
Six of the nine targets said "no." Three said "yes," but one of those also said that the attackers did so only in "mocking tones."
20. Do the attackers ever mention places on your body that are not visible to other people (a scar, a tattoo, etc.)?
Six targets said "yes" and three said "no."
Keep a song in your heart, a smile on your lips.

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In the future, I think I will eventually get assisted suicide so that I can end my mental suffering. I might be able to rebuild or fix my life a tiny bit but the pain and agony of the life that I wanted in the past that was exploited will be lost forever. It's the only way to end this nightmare and suffering. I'm sure this is what I want.

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My Perp Ex -Husband.........My Years with Him

This part of my life story mainly covers the years spent with my ex-husband. There are many parts left out and there is much editing to do on this writing as well, since I had wrote this many years ago, long before I went back to college and perfected my writing skills.  My ex-husband was sent to me by whom, I do not know....I was so naive when I met him, that I did not put together the odd and out of place pieces that he had been sent to me... a girl friend of mine that happened to know my ex, took me to his hang out bar and the moment I walked into this bar he locked eyes with me and immediately headed over to me, as if he had been waiting for me to walk in...then after he approached me....he goes "you look like a xxxxx"....using my last name because I had a lot of relatives that lived in this town with the same last name as me... so he used my last name as well....then four weeks after dating he pulls out a picture of me back when i was around 15 or 16 years old....this picture was of me sitting by myself on someones stairs....there was no one else in the picture and i do not ever remember this picture taken of me...i was not looking at the picture appears someone took this pic of me "on the slide", without my knowledge.  when I asked him where he had gotten this picture....he said his next door neighbor gave it to him...but i did not know his neighbors...i met them and when i saw them or heard their names...there was no past recognitions of them what so what were his neighbors doing with a picture of me?....all so very is my middle life story....


I've been Stalked, harassed, attacked, terrorized and much more over the past 18 (Now, at the time of this blog post it's been 24 years) by numerous individuals.  All of my incidents have been documented with the local authorities, witnessed by neighbors, friends and family members.  So really no one can say to me that "it did not happen" because I have witnesses and police reports to all my incidents.  Not only this but I have a clean criminal record and I am still "creditable" and have not been discredited yet...this is good for you the reader, the victim because the more "creditable" people speaking out, the better!

My Story part 1....

My life had been pretty normal before I met my ex husband.  Within a month of dating and moving my ex-husband into my home is when the death threat phone calls started coming in.  I was 21 years old.  (Later, many years later I had put the pieces together and came to the realization that my ex husband was indeed "sent to me" )  The man's voice on the other end of the line was an older man probably in his forties by the sound of his voice which scared me even more because he was an adult.  He addressed me by name.  He he knew me.  Someone told him about me but who? I had no enemies at that time, none.  He kept calling and calling threatening to kill me and that he was in fact going to make sure he killed me.  Well on this note I sold my home my grandfather had bought for me and moved to a new location, changed my number and made it unlisted.
Within a month more death threat phone calls came in.  This time a new voice was on the other end of the phone.  A younger voice but with the same I am going to kill you line.  Then one day a new voice was on the line and this man says " I am one of your neighbors and if you don't tell me right now what kind of underwear you are wearing I am going to come down to your house right now and blow your brains out with the loaded gun i have on my lap "before the police can even get to your house"!  He then proceeds to say "if I were you I wouldn't call the police because I will "know" if you do and they wont get here in time to save you."  Well by this time I was hysterical and hyperventilating.  He also told me if I hung up on him that he'd be down there in a minute to kill me.  So I dropped the phone and ran to the kitchen to think and breath.  I first locked all the doors and windows and then hung up to call the police.  This is all documented.

After this, a new set of phone calls started to come in.  These ones, someone had used what is called a "voice alteration device".  They used this machine to alter their voice.  The voice sounded electronic.  I could not tell if it was a woman's or mans voice.  This time I went down to the (?) Police dept instead of the Sheriffs.  What happened next I would have never guessed.  An investigator came up to me and asked me to step into his office.  He proceeded to tell me that his department has been investigating these persons making phone calls with these voice alterations for 13 years!  The next thing I know is that the Police are coming into my home and wiring my home phone! Oh not only this, it gets better.  
Next thing I know this or these people with a voice alterator asked me to meet them at the local mall.  So the (?) Police told me to go along with it.  I did my best to play along but it all seemed to be soooo strange, like I was in the twilight zone.  So this person or persons told me to meet them at the local mall at a certain time.  So the (?) Police asked me to meet them at a restaurant before going to the mall to "wire me".  The police said not to worry that there would be three under cover officers all around me in the mall.  After sitting in the designated spot I was supposed to sit in a woman comes walking up to me from the mall directory desk and says are you Kayla?  I said yes.  She goes well someone is on the phone for you at the desk over there.  I walk up to the desk and pick up the phone. The voice on the other end asked me to unbutton the top of my dress, wow this was off the charts nuts, then the voice said that they knew I had set them up, that they knew cops were around and that they were going to get me.   This investigation pretty much came to a dead end after this for the police and me.  Needless to say i never got a call again from the voice changer machine.
Although shortly there after one more very dangerous phone call came in, it was the night of an attempted kidnapping on me.  (My dad came over the night of this attempted kidnapping "unexpectedly").  My dad never came over to visit and I found his unexpected visit odd and suspicious right off the bat. My dad and my ex husband got into a conversation and at that point I decided that it was a nice night to take a walk and let them talk.  I headed out to take a walk around the block, in my own neighborhood.  I didn't make it even a quarter of a block before a blazer came roaring around the corner and headed right towards me, as if it was going to run me over and then it screeched to a stop just short of running me over.  Some one had been watching and knew that I had left the house.  They knew me.  (They called me by name).  They go hay xxxxx were going to FK you up!  I stood there frozen not knowing what to do. They were saying horrible things, some I cannot repeat on one thing that they had said was "were going to cut up your "private" parts with our knife. This is just one thing they were saying.  I started to run towards a house when one of the guys jumped out of the blazer and started running towards me with a knife.  I made it to a house and screamed for help while banging on the door with my life.  A woman comes to the door and I didn't stop to say anything, I just jumped into her house and said call the police.  She locked the door and called.  In the mean time those two crazed guys in the blazer, shockingly, stayed right in front of her house, all the while screaming all kinds of things at me, not even caring if any of the other neighbors could hear them as well.  They were like rabid mad dogs on a mission.  Staying in front of this women's house had been a big mistake because here comes the cops flying around the corner, who in turn witnessed these two guys in action, yelling at me from their blazer. The two guys fled the police, as I watched in utter disbelief, a live high chase pursuit unfolding in front of me.  The guys jumped their blazer over a large meridian, sparks flew and you could hear their blazer bottom out from bouncing down off the meridian during the start of the high pursuit chase with the police.

My story part 2

In the mean time while I am waiting at this woman's house I could hear the police cars sirens blazing through out that side of the city.  The police sent a second squad car to the woman's home, got my statement and offered a ride home.  When the police officer took me home my husband was sleeping and my dad was gone.  The police officer stayed around to make sure I was ok for a while.  I woke my husband up but he did not know that a police officer was sitting in our living room.  I explained to him what had just happened looking for some comfort and he then goes " good! I wish they would have cut you up and FK you up the --ss!!!!  The police officer then looks at me and asks "are you going to be ok here, now I am concerned for you here too"!!!!  I told him to just go ahead that I will take my two daughters and go somewhere else.  The two men eventually got caught, arrested and were about to get prosecuted.  Once I found out whom these guys were, I was even more shocked!  I did not know them, had never met them but they lived only 6 houses down from me.  They could clearly see my home from their home.  Not only that but their family owned the most popular grocery chain stores though out my state. They had money.  I gave it a lot of thought and decided to get a lawyer and pursued a lawsuit against them so that I could move away, far from them and this experience.  I won the law suit and moved.  

After moving,  my father told me that the night of the attempted kidnapping, that before he left my house that a guy called and my ex-husband was in the bathroom at the time so he answered the phone ringing at my house.  The caller said in a hurried voice "Get the hell out of there, your messing up the whole plan".  What plan?   Sometime within the time frame before moving away and after the attempted kidnapping my ex husband on several occasions stated to me that he had "tried some kind of experiment on me but that the experiment had failed".  He had also asked me several times "are you interested in having powers"? When I had asked him what he meant he'd go "you know dark powers" as if I was supposed to know what he was talking about.  I found out later that he had got initiated into the "Devils Disciples" biker gang out of Detroit.  Through out of my years of personal investigating I do not believe the D.D.'s have anything to do with goes higher than that, much, much higher and my ex husband somehow is tied up in it.   I do believe he is the one that got me initially stalked and caused all this trouble for me and my children but  "he was sent to me by someone else" to begin with to mess with me and this unknown person or persons who sent him, still remains a mystery .

I have sound reason to believe that my ex husband had and has some part in a porno, sex slave trade ring and or pedophile ring.  It is verified that he was in a drug ring ( a law enforcement investigator told me he was in a drug ring) which along with drugs sometimes comes porn or pedophilia of some sort or on some level.  Now before I moved more phone calls came in again, short ones letting me know that my name was on the walls of some sex shop, porn store/show place downtown.  They kept calling me telling me my name and phone number was on the walls there.   I get in my car,  drive there and walk in telling the manager about my phone calls and that I wanted to see if it was true that my name was on these smut walls.  Sure enough they were, my name in full print on the show room walls.  I had enough of all the craziness and we moved north to a small town, thinking I'd get away from it all.  Now back then I had not an incline that my ex had a part of all this until many years later, when I had "put it all together".

So it followed "me" , not my ex, why? I was attacked not him, why?  He was not mad or disturbed by it, why? In fact he never said any response to my distress, why?  He had asked me to get life insurance on me 7 times but "not" him, why?  He started pushing to get life insurance on our children but "never, never him", why?  Never once did he ever bring up getting life insurance on himself, never once.  He just kept pushing me and our daughters to get life insurance on ourselves.  Why? The answer is obvious to even a child's level of understanding.

So we finally moved.  When we got to our new place to live he looked right at me and said "just so you know if you don't watch out "I will ruin things for you here.....too!)  that's when I started thinking about what he had just said, about the past happenings and what truly low acts he was capable of.   I thought he'd ruin things for me here too, in the new city we had moved to.  Yeah, now I understood that he had deliberately destroyed my life. He snow balls things for the hell of it, just for fun because he is an abusive, controlling type and not to mention his main driving motive... money, a hire for hit money.
One night after he had some drinks, he slipped up, just once and told me that he was worried that some of the "dealers" that he had dealt drugs with went down (got caught and sent to prison) and he had been worried that they would think he was the rat, the nark.  I was shocked yet again, as being in a state of shock since meeting him had become common place in my life.  I had thought we were living a normal life.  I asked him what was going on and he was evasive but stated it hadn't been him who had narked but that it had been his cousin Jacklin that handed over the marked money! People who got too close to my ex, were always caught up in some type or form of trouble, drama and utter destruction.

I do not fear disclosing this any of this because for one I had absolutely nothing to do with any of his affairs and I had never looked for, sought out or lived my life in disarray as he had. After everything my daughters and myself have went through because of him and the original perpetrators who sent him to begin with, we had lived to tell this story and it would be such a waste if we do not get this truth out. Now, let it be his turn..let the people he jacked know the truth,  let the enemies know that my ex husband and his family are the ones they should be going after, not some innocent children and a mom who knows nothing of these matters.

So somehow, I am this normal person, thinking I was living a normal life, so I thought and these people and my ex somehow get me involved in their crazy life. He had been living a double life, unknown to me and I was now, too scared to leave him at this point because it sure sounded like his "whole family" was involved in snitching.  His families campaign against me, to discredit me, began.  All of a sudden I don't know what I am talking about, I am crazy, shes nuts, ect...just like his whole family said about "all" their boys ex girlfriends, they were "all" crazy.   I knew then I was in "big trouble".  I had to play dumb for a while.

It sickened me over the years when I saw my ex take down and destroy every employer/company he ever worked for.  Every single last one of them.  He destroyed one family owned business that had been in business for 100 plus years.  They ran their business strictly out of family tradition to keep the family name and business going. They were prideful of servicing the community with real milk in original glass milk containers that their grandfathers had before them. They made no profits from running this business.  My ex called me up one day while working for this family owned company and told me he did not like their trucks, so he, as he stated to me, "stopped the heap of junk in the middle of the highway and parked it there", blocking the flow of traffic, for the best affect and even left it running, while he went to a pay phone and turned them in to the department of transportation.  The companies that he could not get any thing on, he just simply screwed them over in other ways.  I watched him deliberately destroy yet a different companies plow truck transmission and he "stole" a different companies truck for the weekend to go to a "mud bog".  Well just happened that one of the companies owners relatives saw my ex there with the stolen truck and instead of calling the police I guess they wanted to show him a good old fashioned red neck payback and ended up tying his ankle to their truck bumper and dragged him behind it for quite some distance, I had heard.  So sorry ex.

I suspect he found this exciting. He continually sought out more stimulating ways and took larger risk taking acts to give him adrenaline rushes. The problems followed me because he followed along with me when we moved.  In this new small town he caused a lot of trouble by screwing over all his employers and dealing drugs again without my knowledge.  At one point, we had 6 State cop cars sitting along side our property "just watching".   I was not aware of why they had been sitting there watching  until after my divorce.  I kept wondering why we had trouble "everywhere" we went.  So we moved again.  After seeing how he screwed anyone and everyone over I could not bring myself to leave just yet, I did not want to be next.

Now the next town we moved to is a different story.  He pulled all his cards out this time around and stepped us into the "twilight zone".  This was Houghton Lake Michigan.  Now this next move here is a book all its own.  What happened there is still not all uncovered and I do not care to uncover any more than I know now. I have moved on.  

Funny how just one person can start a "nuclear war",  pit everyone against each other and...then.. enjoy it.  Drugs, sex, fun and causing upheavals and destruction where ever he went, was the name of his game. He dealt drugs in this new town we moved too without my knowledge, crack cocaine to be exact, I had heard after my divorce.  The same weirdness started again in the new town and when I went to the police dept complaining of harassment from neighbors, people running me and my children off the road and an off duty cop coming to my home threatening me, I had found out a few things that I did not expect to find out.  Comes to find out the law already knew about what was going on before I did.  A State police investigator told me that my ex's drug users were the ones harassing me including (our children too) in this new town.  Blocked in by gang banger cars, threatened to be killed if I didn't shut my mouth ect...I found out what was going on 6 months before I let onto to my ex that I knew all this from the investigator.  So I played dumb and got a micro voice recorder.  I would deliberately come home and complain to him that this just happened to me and the children or this just happened to us and he'd just sit there staring straight at the t.v. acting dumb and would not respond back...because he did not care..because "he had a plan" response what so fact there was a smirk on his face..."living with the enemy" was an understatement.
Within this time frame I had "caught him putting unknown substances into my food and drinks".  (He admitted to me that he had done so) but that it was supposedly an antacid one time, one time it was an antibiotic, one time it was a sleeping pill, one time it was different story each time I caught him putting these unknown substances in my food and drinks. I'd say this soup tasted funny or my pop tasted funny and then he'd say yeah I put this or that in your drink or food.  Now as far as the law goes, I believe that it is a "Felony" to put "unknown" substances into another persons food or drinks.  Then on out, I had to watch all my drinks and food around him until I could file for divorce, which was in the works as well as getting everything I could on him.  I had been wondering "why" I was feeling groggy in the mornings like I had been drugged.  I still don't know what exactly he was administering to me.  Though 2 months before I finally got my divorce papers put together he told me that when I was "passed out" that he had watched me get "screwed" by like 15 guys without my knowledge and that he "knew" all their names.  How could that be? Only our children, him and myself had lived in the home and no one had been visiting our home or around our house. How could have this have happened??  GBH? Sleeping pills? So that he could pimp me out for drugs or money? Sure sounds this way doesn't it?  Well come to find out at 32 yrs old he was providing drugs to and having sex to 16 year old's and even under that age from what I had heard later on.  He admitted the 16 year old after our divorce.  One of the girls that was 16 yrs old and her friends had been only one of many that were harassing me and my children.  One of this 16 year old girls friends told me that when I was gone to work or away that she would break into my home go through my things and belongings.  My neighbors were also telling me that after I had gone to sleep that they had seen many people hanging out in my back yard around 3 to 4am in the morning.  So my ex would wait until I fell asleep or he had "put me to sleep" to do his drugs and sex right under my nose in our yard.  Which later after my divorce he admitted to having sex in our yard after I was passed out or drugged.  

My ex ended up marrying one of my harassers mothers!  One of the drug users that harassed me and my children, it is his mother that is now married to my ex. Apparently they were all in on it to run me and my children out of that town or possibly to set up my murder.  I later had found out that his new wife and her harasser son lived only two houses down from our home when I had been married and I might add, during the time when me and my children were getting terrorized.  

During this 6 month time frame my Uncle Ron was mysteriously murdered one hour south of us in another city.  They had an open murder case on him for over a year and finally closed it.  Before my Uncle Ron's murder, my uncle had been inquiring about my "situation".  He kept asking me what was going on, what was my husband up to?  I kept telling him it was alright, not to worry I could handle things. He was pretty pissed about what he was hearing and what was happening to me and my children up there in that small town.  I told him not to worry.  My Uncle Ron was an ex Navy officer, member of the Scottish Rite and guns trade dealer.  It was not in his nature to over look problems happening to his family members.  Apparently my uncle had dug a little too far into what was going on in my life. His wife told me at the hospital hours before he died that "if it hadn't been for my ex husband he wouldn't be dead now".  I did not know what exactly she had been referring to or the extent of it all then.

Everyone kept skirt-ailing telling me the whole truth.  I had to dig, investigate and pay money to people to finally find out much of the truth involving all of this.  In the mean time, during this six month period I had to secretly wait to get my divorce,  my ex kept telling me that he knew where I had been during the day (while he was at work.)  He'd come home and tell me someone I know saw you here or there and he'd also tell me what I had said in my own home.  Now I was thinking how the heck would he know this or that?  He surveillanced me obviously. 
Now I kept going to the State police dept and complaining about all the harassment but somehow my information kept "leaking" out and I did not know how this was happening.  I "knew" there was a "leak", a collaborator in their dept but of course I could not prove at the time whom it was.  In the year 2007 I did indeed find out who the "leak" was.  He was a State police officer in Houghton Lake Michigan.  He was finally caught and prosecuted by the law in 2007.  This same cop was best friends with a big coke dealer.  This particular drug dealer, who is dead now from coke accused me of being a DEA agent during this time.  The night that it happened I was with my ex husband.  While this dealer was in my face nose to nose with me yelling at me that I was a DEA officer as his face was turning red my ex husband sat 2 feet from me and was "laughing" at me while I was getting attacked by this man.  I knew then that he was part of all this, making it look like I was the bad guy in all this. WOW.  After this guy calmed down I was about to run out of there when he goes sorry I was out of line.  He then goes here...he then pores me, him and my ex shots of liqueur and then goes to us forgetting this episode.  I was not stupid so I let them take the shots as I was shaking and I looked down in my shot glass and there sat like 12 thumbtacks in the bottom of my shot glass...ready for me to swallow.  Nothing like making things look like an accident, humm?  Well 5 years later he was killed by a fatal overdoes of a bad batch of coke in the year 2007.  Yes I kept tract of my adversaries, all of them.  He was killed by the bad coke months after his best state cop buddy went down....coincidence? Who knows and who cares.  That;s what happens to bad people, who do bad things.  They either end up with a broken back like my ex husband has or they end up in Jail or dead...So sorry

My Story Part 4
Internal affairs??

I had come to find out that two D. Twp policemen in this town were dirty too.  So I've heard last that Internal affairs came into this town after a very lengthy investigation and prosecuted the 2 dirty cops back in the year 2000.  This had happened right around my divorce proceedings.  Someone had been paying attention to the things that were going on in that town.  I knew they were dirty but yeah I could not prove it.  One year before they were caught, these same two cops went out of their way to pull me over twice for no reason.  After they pulled me over for no reason, did a search and then let me go they pulled away and down the next side street on the right.  I started driving slowly past the street they had just turned down and saw those cops talking to my ex's 16 year old girlfriend he was messing around with at that time..her car and the cops car were window to window, I watched them talk, minutes after pulling me over.  They did not expect me to see this nor did my ex husband know that I knew she and her friends were the ones behind me and my daughters harassment at that time.
Other strange things started to happen.  One day my ex husband comes home and says there was a "Black unmarked helicopter" that had swooped down towards him at his work place.  He said that this unmarked helicopter had focused a "red beam" on his chest..apparently the red beam was coming from a sniper rifle.  While the red beam was focused on his chest the helicopters blade touched a utility wire and almost got caught up into it.  At this time my ex ducked into his works wear house area for cover.  The helicopter then flew away.  I wasn't sure if I could believe him so without his knowledge I went down to his work and asked his manager.  True enough the whole story he told me had happened.  After this incident his manager offered their private apartment that they had right inside their building for us to stay at for a while to hide out...hide out from who, I don not know.  We left our home that we owned and stayed at this companies guest apartment for like four weeks. 
One day as we were going to this little apt and there sits a black government looking vehicle with two men dressed all in black suits with wireless ear pieces in their ears.  It sat outside for hours just watching.  After this we just moved back into our home.  I don't know what he had gotten us into this time, so I told him to leave our house and go live at his parents.  Thinking this would alleviate the problem if they had been "after him".  Well it did not alleviate any of the problems, the problems continued.  Next thing I know a friend and I were sitting in my home and we watched a black government looking car pull up in front of my house, again.  This time there was only one man in the black car, he was dressed in an all black suit with a wireless ear piece in his ear, again.  He just sat out there for close to an hour not trying to hide the fact that he was there.  Weeks later a local ? police officer that I had known from around town knocked on my "back door".  I asked who it was and was very surprised that it was this cop knocking at my door at 10pm at night.  When I opened the door, there he stood in his plain regular clothes, no uniform on.  I said come on in not thinking I would have to be afraid of a cop.  The first thing he asked me was "do I have a gun?" I told him the only gun I had was a "flare gun" that my dad had given me a month earlier.  He then goes " when are you going to move?" I told him I did not know.  He then starts walking down the length of my wall in the living room "dragging one finger along the wall" as he walked in a threatening manner as he goes "well if I were you I'd move out of here soon."  Then he goes well I got to get going and he leaves on that note.  About a month down the road I had heard around town that "he had been fired after 30 years of service"....this, I am almost positive was not by chance but tied into all this.
Then a parade of vehicles started parking in front of our home.  They would come in a band wagon of 15 to 18 vehicles and come to a slow stop, stop briefly in front and then take off only to be repeated again a second time in the same day.  This went on for a month.  My daughters and friends or whom ever was in the house at the time watched, witnessed this parade stop in front of our home.  In fact this one family took shifts guarding us and our home for 2 months when all this started.  They even brought over a police trained German Sheppard that freely ran around our home, pacing and looking out every window, going from window to window on the watch.  The family that was taking shifts watching out over us were bikers and some of their biker friends told me "to never be left alone", to not be caught alone, to always have someone with me at all times because they heard I was targeted.  I went back to the ? police and complained of harassment again and this time they told me that my soon to be ex husband at that time had came to their police post and was telling them that I was lying to them and I was over reacting ect to try and "discredit me".  The police told me that "they did not believe my husband" so not to worry.  At this point I was not sure I could count on this particular dept so I called another dept out of the county to make sure "they too knew what was going on in that county."  Situations like these I would advise never leaving it all up to your local law enforcement agencies.  If your local law enforcement agency are ignoring and neglecting your complaints then I would advise going above their heads or involving other counties to draw more attention to your harassment problems.  

my story part 5

There are many events that have been left out but as I've stated I have to leave out many because I would be then writing a book.  I am pointing out the "highlights" of all the hundreds upon hundreds of episodes but which all lead up to more advanced organized stalking I will write about in upcoming parts of my story.

My brother that had came up to live with us for a while, got ran over by a car on purpose,that had been drove by two guys from Lansing, MI .  From the information I got, my brothers attempted murder was premeditated and payed for.  He was invited to a party and at this party they waited until he stepped into the road and came barreling around the corner straight at him and gunned the gas, driving right over his body, not once but twice.  After they ran him over they then backed up and ran him over again backwards with their car, the second time crushed part of his skull.  He wandered off on foot still able to walk and asked someone to call the police.  The Michigan State Police then stopped on the side of the road and asked him if he wanted to go to the emergency room.  From the story my brother tells me he then got into the State Police car, taking him down a dark country side road and told him to get out. They set him up, dumped him off and left him for dead, only then as they started to leave they told him "too bad".  This particular situation was not directly involved with my situation but did involved the "same" individuals that had been harassing me too.  Pretty much it was "all" tied in.  I still have his pictures of his destroyed face and head after being ran over in my safety deposit box. 
I moved away shortly after being threatened by the Roscommon Sheriff Dept cop who got fired.  Of course it all followed me.  My ex contacted my new boyfriends ex wife and his best friend.  I wont get into detail about these individuals because they are not part of the "big" picture and they were just used as "stalking by proxy".  By then I was so used to bigger fish that these people were a joke and they were like dealing with kids.  Though in this new town I was approached by a guy and I knew right from the beginning that something was amiss so "I played it along"  Later he told me that he was indeed a private investigator and that he was hired to investigate me but that he could not tell me whom it was that hired him.  I did some research on him and indeed he worked for a private investigating firm right in town.  This same investigator was involved in manufacturing pornographic videos "without the women's knowledge" of these videos being made.  He told me that his film maker friends were all doing it and admitted the whole thing to me.  I told him that if he thought of doing this with me that there would not be four corners of this earth that I would not be able to find him to retaliate and then I broke off all connections with him.  There sure seems to be "a lot" of "pornographic" edges to all my experiences have you noticed?  Yes I have too.  Seems that most of my stalking experiences have derived from some pornographic organizations and situations.  Again it all seems to come back to those phones calls that started it all with a pornographic organization stance to it. 
Not too long after this my dad called out of the blue and offered to pay for me to get my brakes done on my car (even though I really didn't need breaks but what a nice guy huh?)  So, he was even nice enough to set up the appointment and even "drive 3 long hours to pay the mechanic his money in person to do the job for my brakes)....what a nice guy, huh?  I had owned my present vehicle for a year and a half before I took it into this shop to get my brakes fixed.  I had my two young children in my back seat as we took off from this shop after just having new brakes put on.  Within a quarter of a block after leaving this mechanic shop (on a cold engine) my engine caught fire! So I pulled into the closest business parking lot which was Auto Zone.  The people in Auto Zone saw the fire under my hood as I pulled into their parking lot and came running out with fire extinguishers.  As I came to a "slow" stop so as not to advance the fire I told my young daughters to get out of the car now!  They yelled that they couldn't! Why I yelled...they said the seat belts were stuck.  So I told them to crawl out of the seat belts and they then had to crawl out of them.  I then go to unbuckle my seat belt and mine was stuck too and would not unlatch.  So I too had to crawl out of my seat belt. Now this just took the cake.  An engine fire, sure it happens once in a while...its rare but now add "glued shut seat belts", that just don't happen, ever, but it did to us.  The Auto Zone manager saw the whole thing and made a company report on the manner.  There is a company incident report on this event.  Wouldn't you know a week later all the seat belts started to work, unlatch again just like they had previously for a year and a half I had owned the car and for another year the seat belts worked too until I sold it.  The seat belts only decided to lock just in time for the engine fire or should I say were "glued" shut.  Now I was really freaked out because now I knew someone was willing to kill my children too not just me.  So I took my children out of school for a few days and we went to a very trusted friend named K. whom always stuck up for us.  I did not tell one soul where we were at, no one.  The very next day K. me and my children were in the house when a black vehicle with blacked out windows pulls up in front of K's house.  K said stay here and go hide in the bedroom.  As we all watched from the bedroom window we saw K talk with two guys in the front of the car.  When K came back into the house he said I cant believe it...he asks who did you tell that you were here?  I told him absolutely no one.  He said those guys out there just asked " have you seen Kayla anywhere?"  They knew you were here he said.  Now I could not figure out how anyone could find me somewhere I never told anyone where I was.  I started to feel like I was in the twilight zone or in some of the science fiction movies I've seen.  I sure was not any important person or any threat to anyone to have this kind of high status organized stalking done to me.  I prayed a lot for my daughters and I's protection...I didn't know what else to do or where to turn.  On a whim I decide to run and hide.  I had Florida as a destination in mind.  We set out to Florida and here I entered the Bermuda Triangle, worse then the twilight zone I was in. 
So half way to Florida we stop at a gas station to get gas.  I figured we would stop into Gatlinburg Tennessee, just up the road after I filled up.  Then this man and woman, a couple approach me and ask where we were heading.  I didn't think anything of it at the time because I thought I was in there clear but the couple goes "we advise you not to stay there long because you are in danger, they are not too far behind you".  I just looked at them and did not say anything.  I just figured yep I am in the twilight zone.  Geez its not like I was some double agent against different countries or anything, I was just a normal person wondering what was going on.  I told the couple thank you, not wanting to know anymore about how they knew this because I just couldn't handle hearing it and so I we hurried off down the highway.
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Former perp handler claiming I'm the perp

I got an email from james lico last night, i was just one of the people he sent it to.  He claimed I was a perp roommate he had!  what a joke!  I thought about sending a long, rambling explanation to everyone he mailed it to, then decided I have thought about him enough.  He was another in a long line of bad mistakes.  One I won't make again. 

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its finaly come down to murder these past few years have been  an absolute  nightmare ive seen my family destroyed every thing that is good in life has been taken from us starting with my dignity , my job ,my personal thoughts i havnt had a private moment in years i cant even go to the bathroom without harrassment and body manipulation it was impossible even to start a relationship with all the forced speech and mocking people through my mind watching every move i make ive started trying to get a lawyer ive sent warning,s of my intentions rio vista city hall and mountain home ar.water and sewer dept.the torture has taken a vicious toll on my health i have ruptured tendon sheaths from constant exposure and forced manipulation my heart is deformed from the forced speech and cancerous feeling they keep on my chest my blood presssure has been artificialy elevated for years ive had my life threatened repeatedly and forced to watch my family suffer at there hands we are on the verge of being put in the street these people have kept me from achieving anything having to rely on there scraps my ex wife has a severe disability wich keeps her in constant pain she can hardly walk yet she is also tortured mercilessly this time they there finaly ready to take my life and make it look like an accident  and left me nowhere to turn ive tried contacting the police ,fbi,fcc,government offices i have never received one response if you no longer hear from me please try and use my information to prosecute the people i have mentioned the signs of electronic manipulation are unmistakeable on internal organs

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