1 Symposium Papers
The following papers are to be presented at the Social Implication discussion forum,13:30–16:00, Monday 11 May 2009, of European Working Group, Non-Lethal Weapons5th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons
Venue: Stadthalle Ettlingen, Ettlingen, GermanyElectromagnetic weapons and human rights
Walter Madliger (Switzerland) and Andreas Friedberger (Germany)
Ethical and societal implications of capacity for privacy-invasive remote interrogation and behavioural influence applications
John Allman (UK) – see www.slavery.org.uk/nlw5.htm
2 Evening Reception and Press Conference
A bi-lingual reception (German and English), for symposium attendees, the press and the interested general public, is being hosted by: Walter Madliger (Switzerland), Andreas Friedberger (Germany), Swetlana Schunin (Germany - subject to confirmation), Harlan Girard (USA) and John Allman (UK), at Hotel Watthalden, Pforzheimer Str.67a 76275 Ettlingen
Tuesday 12 May 2009, 19:30 – 23:00
3 Demonstration outside the symposium venue
As in 2007, at the 4th (biennial) symposium, there will be a small but multi-nationality, peaceful political demonstration, in support of the agenda of European Parliament Resolution A4-0005/1999 Para 27, outside the symposium venue (the Stadhalle, Ettlingen), for the duration of the symposium.
Venue: Stadthalle Ettlingen, Ettlingen, Germany
Map: http://www.non-lethal-weapons.com/ettlingen.html
Date: Monday 11 May -- Wednesday 13 May 2009