On my Christmas holidays I was followed and was in the grips of death.I was held at my daughters house against my will by the RCMP and the drug squads and bomb squads and they dispatched numerous weapons and they used surveillance to feed their source and they tried to kill me.The babies were used in a double jeaporady program that is evil and were insulated or were used as weaponry for the RCMP and their henchmen to get ahead in life. They got alot of money for this illegal programming.The biometrics programming is illegal and is used by the slush fund judges to murder better.I was hit on several ocassions and so were my grand daughters and the cunt RCMP's know they are my grandchildren and native americans and have a hebrew background.They hate us and are bigots and want to murder us.I will not tolerate this tirade or the use of war weapons and religious bigotrty or the cancellation of it.Karen Dawe