Mr. Rudy got the permission from the Strasburg Authorities to organize 2 demonstrations :
1) On Monday 22 June at the European Court of Human Rights, in Allée des Droits de
l' Homme from 9.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m. Tel. +33.(0)
2) On Tuesday 23 June at the Council of Europe in Avenue de l'Europe from 9.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m. Tel.+33.(0)
Those 2 dates Rudy has chosen are very important dates as the Plenary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will take place during the whole week (22nd - 26th June).
Moreover, 2 Europarliamentarians are willing to grant Rudy an interview, if they get re-elected in next June's European elections.
The obvious purpose of the demo is: "We want to demonstrate against the use of electromagnetic and neurological weapons, for the purpose of Nazi-type experiments on innocent citizens and we demand a law at the European level which forbids the possession, transport, trade and use of those weapons".
As usual, Rudy has already started informing all European TV news editors and newspapers directors, and more particularly the alternative media. Five local newspapers' editors already said they would come. A number of Rudy's former university colleagues are also planning to come to support our cause.
Here is a useful link if you wish to find a decent hotel with decent prices:
Hotels in Strasburg
If you are coming to the Strasburg demo, here are a few slogans in French that you could use in case you wish to help make flyers, posters or banners
1.L'Opération Gladio part à la chasse à l'homme !
2.Massacre mondial par les armes électroniques déclenchées à distance !
3.Guerre des Services Secrets contre la population !
4.Qui a ordonné aux Services Secrets la guerre contre la liberté ?
5.L'eurodictature assassine ses citoyens !
6. D'innombrables citoyens innocents sont la proie facile des Services Secrets !
7. Qu'attendent les gouvernements du monde entier pour combattre la terreur électromagnétique?
8. Vous pouvez devenir une victime, vous aussi !
9. Arrêt immédiat des expériences psychophysiques sur des êtres humains innocents !
10. Non aux technologies criminelles qui irradient les citoyens !
11. Non à tout contrôle du subconscient humain !
12. Non au génocide électromagnétique et neurologique!
13. Non aux expériences médico-militaires sur les citoyens paisibles et innocents!
14. Les Services Secrets effectuent leurs expériences criminelles à distance et en toute impunité !
15. Tortures infâmes et meurtres secrets de personnes innocentes déguisés en suicides dans plusieurs pays !
16. Arrêtez et condamnez le harcèlement moral et électromagnétique!