Tami Stainfield has filed as a ‘no party’ candidate for the Presidency of the United States. Tami has become an independent voice that recognized the current political, judicial and corporate policies and behaviors were shifting towards oligarchy and authoritarian principles.

Tami Stainfield is a woman with evidence that proves she and others are victims of predictive analytics robotics and human logistics; we are tortured, hostages, and slaves to a network of technology void from identification and protection.

Tami Stainfield and all Independent Campaigns need Volunteers to collect signatures to get on the 2012 State ballots. Each State requires Independents to collect signatures from registrar voters.

Any not-for profit or volunteers that would like to honor Americans Legacy of free and fair elections and the people’s right to vote for someone not Republican or Democrat, please GET INVOLVED here:
When people talked about the abuses and torturs of voice to skull and mind control technologies, they were regarded as mental illness. It is negative, and you shall understand how hard her work is. Wish your help to let people understand she is the one who dares to fight covert crime and seeks for justice.

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