12 steps recovery program for TIs

I wrote in other blog post that whoever used drug or made business with it is in a database of Maffia.

I think 12 step recovery program is a universal recovery program, and could be applied to our situation. There are survivors of torture and to share their experiences and talk about what did they do is a very helpful to understand and cope with this situation.

12 step recovery groups are self supporting and free of charge. This can protect the community from money-based power which try to demolish every strong community.

12 step meetings (face to face) have some rules what can protect us from each other. There are people who try to drive others on fear, sex, drugs or else. In these communities we talk about ourselves. You do not have to take anything with yourself. Keep what helps you in your recovery and leave the rest.

There are strong and sober guys who got out of heroin addiction. Some of them worked for Maffia, they know what is going on. They can help.

In 12 step recovery programs nothing is obligatory. You are free to decide.

In 12 sep recovery programs you are working on yourself and get to know yourself much better then ever before.

There is AA Alcoholics Anonymous, NA Narcotics Anonymous, ACoA Adult Children of Alcoholics, ACA Adult Children Anonymous and disfuntional families, OA Overeater Anonymous, CODA Codependent Anonymous and so on.

This program proved that can be applied to various problems.

Of course the Maffia tryes to manipulate these groups and meetings too. But they fail in long term.

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  • ACA or ACoA is for people who grow up in families where alcoholism or other addiction or other disfunctionality have been present.

    The main symptom is that the adult learned wrong patterns to cope with life. The base hypnosis is different regarded what problematic behavior have been practiced in the family where you've been raised. For example addicts have the material at first place in their value list and anything else is under that, even child, partner, or love, or their own life. This rule than makes a lots of various form to escalate.

    Other disfunctions for example: cultural catholics, religious abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, careless parents, too many family secrets, lack of love etc...

    If you read the "big book" of ACA you can have a better understanding of what this expression contains.

    I think there is a big chance that most of the TI's fit in the ACA 12 step groups. If you have a chance go in to an existing meeting and look around. Go for more than one meeting. Go for as meny as you have time, an after 9 meeting you can decide is it helpful or not. Can you use the spiritual power what does exist there or not.

    Hope for the humankind!


  • Thanks!  I am going to AA meetings about three times a week.  I am also trying to attend Church when I can.  I did go through a 12 Step Celebrate Recovery program back in 2009 and got my coin.  When I relocated to Santa Maria, I lost touch with the friends I made there.  I became a bit vulnerable especially since I am currently being electronically harassed.  It's hard to get back on track while recovering from alcohol binging, unemployment, and electronic harassment.
  • I think this is the best program to cope with this mentally. Can you talk about electronic harassment in AA? If you can that's great. It is very hard to talk in Hungarian 12 step groups. In ACA I could.

    Great to know you!

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