I would like to get a better overview of everyone here on PeacePink.  I have put together a list of 20 questions that I would like everyone to answer as honestly as possible.  If you feel uncomfortable with any question, feel free to ignore it.

For my part, besides getting to know everyone a little better, I would like to understand your perspective on this.  Its not to judge, but to better understand what you feel is happening and if I, or anyone else, can shed a little light on the situation.

I will leave this up over the next week or so to allow everyone a chance to reply.  Just copy and paste the questions and provide your answers.

1.  What technology do you feel is being used?
2.  What examples do you cite to support this?
3.  Describe the experience with the technology.  How does it feel?
4.  What things strike you about this technology?
5.  Do you hear voices, if so, how many, how do they sound, do you interact in real-time, in what way and what things do they say?
6.  Do you consider it harassment, torture or interrogation?
7.  Why do you feel you were targeted?
8.  Do you feel you were gang stalked, by how many and how often?
9.  What things in your daily life do you feel are manipulated?
10.  Are friends, relative and/or neighbors involved?
11.  Do you feel your communications are being intercepted and why?
12.  How often is the technology use against you and what do you feel it is in response to?
13.  How long has this been happening and is it still happening?
14.  Do you have a partner, are they part of this or have they been assaulted themselves?
15.  What's your highest level of education,?
16.  Do you consider yourself religious and how strongly?
17.  Do you believe in UFOs, crop circles, spirits, ghosts, etc and have you ever seen one?
18.  Of all the incidents, does any stick out in your mind for any reason?
19.  Do you know of any other TI's and how did you come to communicate?
20.  How do you feel about the people behind this?

Be honest and this should prove to be a good exercise for all.

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  • Thanks for that!

    Your answers to those questions would just about mirror my own. I am going to fill this out pretty soon.

    Nicholas Torres

    Franky said:
    1. What technology do you feel is being used?

    I wish I knew. Can only hazard a rough guess, with my limited technical knowledge. Would imagine it to be directed energy of some kind. They do feel like electromagnetic pulses, but whether radio, microwave or laser, I have not the slightest idea.

    2. What examples do you cite to support this?

    The only clue I have as regards the body assaults is that whatever they deploy hardly seems to penetrate water, and only appears to hit me when I´m still. But it does reach me anywhere and everywhere. It´s been put to the test with a vengeance. I´ve travelled to the most remote places imaginable and can lose it for a maximum of say half a day, before the signal appears to lock in again. That does sound like it´s satellite based, doesn’t it? Maybe in conjunction with RNM, but I am unsure.

    3. Describe the experience with the technology. How does it feel?

    It was insufferable, but I imagine most humans eventually adapt to new circumstances. One either copes or crumbles. It´s that simple. There´s no middle ground, no way in between and apparently no way out. I´ve tried shielding, which has proved a fruitless pursuit. Nevertheless, I have at least developed a strategy for sleeping. I translate articles on the internet but had to abandon that for a time last year as a consequence of not being able to sit still for long periods. Now I´ve developed a kind of modus operandi for that too. Otherwise, I´d still be out of work. One imagined in the beginning, somebody with a mouse on a supercomputer program tormenting me round the clock. But with more information and personal experience, it now feels like some astounding piece of technology which locks into a particular part of the target´s anatomy and is set to automatic pilot for the duration. Whatever it is, it´s just awesome and soul-destroying.

    4. What things strike you about this technology?

    It´s frightening. Not that I am personally frightened any longer, but referring more to the wider implications for humanity. As far as the particular technology used on me goes, it´s the sheer relentlessness of it all. One wakes up on a morning and thinks perhaps it was just a dream, but in no time at all, one becomes conscious of the old head buzzing and the proverbial pulses firing away once again.

    5. Do you hear voices, if so, how many, how do they sound, do you interact in real-time, in what way and what things do they say?

    That´s the one I don’t actually get, at least not yet. No V2K but rather something that could be described as S2K. It may come though, as the program was already stepped up from sound harassment to body assaults last year. The sounds are various with the most prominent one being that of a buzzing, clicking, whirring sound probably like tinnitus. The nearest I´ve had to voices is the sound of people murmuring at times when there is absolutely nobody in the vicinity.

    6. Do you consider it harassment, torture or interrogation?

    Difficult to say. Can only speculate. It all seems so outrageous that it´s difficult to apply any form of logic to it at all, but it certainly comes across as being both harassment and torture.

    7. Why do you feel you were targeted?

    Using information on some internet sites as reference material, and my own situation when it started, it may have something to do with the massive security measures taken post 9-11. Though in a non-technical capacity, I worked on a military base at the time teaching cadets in the Middle East. Sounds ominous, but there were many others like me there too. In any case, the harassment was so cleverly put into operation initially that I find it difficult retrospectively to pin it down to an exact time and place. It started with just very slight and sporadic sounds which had me baffled and then it was gradually stepped up. The reason is obviously so as to make it as difficult as possible to trace one’s way back to the starting point. To add to the dilemma, I had a hernia operation at the time, so was initially convinced I was carrying a microchip. I´m still not sure about that, but do understand it´s not even necessary nowadays for tracking purposes.

    8. Do you feel you were gang stalked, by how many and how often?

    I have had nothing like some accounts I have read on the Internet. Having worked in several countries, there was just one where I had people in cars skidding by my house and revving their engines loudly, while honking. This happened on a nightly basis. However, I had security cameras all around and cannot be sure whether that was a reaction to my having installed so much surveillance. I had the car registrations checked out and these were traced to local people.

    9. What things in your daily life do you feel are manipulated?

    I´ve had money disappear from my bank account, with one large sum in particular disappearing without trace earlier this year. I appear to get wrong number telephone calls in abundance. It varies from day to day, but is certainly higher than it was before this lot started. Strange things happen like my luggage going astray when travelling. I´ve had both intrusions and break-ins. Not a lot has been stolen, but stuff moved around. On one occasion, I had a dead bird left in the kitchen. However, I must admit that such goings-on have become more infrequent nowadays.

    10. Are friends, relative and/or neighbors involved?

    Not sure about friends but certainly not relatives. However, I have no real evidence of any such involvement.

    11. Do you feel your communications are being intercepted and why?

    I don’t know about this. I have no reason to believe this is taking place, but I cannot be sure.

    12. How often is the technology used against you and what do you feel it is in response to?

    It´s ongoing day in day out, night in night out. I do lose the S2K signal for a few hours from time to time for some reason, but there appears to be no pattern to its disappearance and reappearance. So I have nothing to go on. The body attacks are absolutely nonstop, even as I write this, although the intensity can vary considerably. No pain, just irritating and annoying as well as humiliating. I cannot imagine what it is in response to. There are times when I ask myself if I am indeed just a guinea pig being experimented with. Generally though, I rule that out.

    13. How long has this been happening and is it still happening?

    The sound harassment´s been ongoing for years now but as stated, it was just at the beginning of last year that the real harassment started, referring to body assaults. Only then did it disrupt my life to any significant degree. It is still happening 24-7 relentlessly and nonstop.

    14. Do you have a partner, are they part of this or have they been assaulted themselves?

    That was part of the disruption mentioned. I recently had a relationship end due to the ongoing disruptions. No, she never experienced anything and had no part in it.

    15. What's your highest level of education,?

    University, Masters Degree in Linguistics.

    16. Do you consider yourself religious and how strongly?

    I was brought up in a religious household but must admit that I haven’t practised. Maybe, I should consider becoming active.

    17. Do you believe in UFOs, crop circles, spirits, ghosts, etc and have you ever seen one?

    No reason to believe in anything that I haven’t yet experienced. That of course is the problem TIs have when relating their experiences. (Rather interesting how I answered that without realizing the similarity).

    18. Of all the incidents, does any stick out in your mind for any reason?

    Yes. Something happened which leads me to believe that it is not just governments that are involved. It happened purely by chance. I got to know somebody who described himself from the outset as a messenger for an entity which will remain unnamed. I did not speak the language of the country in question and he´d been brought up bilingually on account of having an English parent. Hence, I rang him up and asked if he´d do some interpreting for me locally. Afterwards, we were sitting outside a cafeteria having a beer when he suddenly clutched his head in his hands and blurted ¨Blimey! My head is splitting from some ringing noise¨. I was unaware at the time that this silent sound could only be heard by the target, so fell right into the trap. I told him that I experienced it every day and every night and that it was driving me nuts. Indeed, I thought nothing more of it at the time, and it was only much later after learning a bit about the technology online that I realized it was just a ploy for getting direct feedback on my sound harassment. I felt such a fool, but at least I knew what was what. I do not think this entity is directly responsible for my harassment but clearly collaborated with some other hitherto unknown organization. It´s all very frustrating, but I think it points to an intricate web of involvement which is more complex than one would have imagined.

    19. Do you know of any other TI's and how did you come to communicate?

    Only those I communicate with online, but have never met any in person.

    20. How do you feel about the people behind this?

    The goals of humans in positions of power have never changed - not from the time they discovered they could overpower their fellowmen by throwing rocks at them, right up to the present day with sophisticated satellites at their disposal such as those outlined by Deepthought. People naively thought the end of the 3rd Reich was likewise the end of evil on a global scale. In point of fact, it was just the beginning of a new kind of evil. The vital difference now is that superpowers can plot programs to torture and kill in secret leaving not a trace of evidence. That´s much more dangerous because of what they can get away with. It becomes even more dangerous when the establishment gets indirectly involved by playing along. So it´s no wonder that a lone TI feels all humanity has turned against him. That then leads me to believe that we are in essence all potential criminals. I did feel hatred but have now learned not to hate by acknowledging that point. In other words, it´s human nature, and so we´re all in on it. As it turns out, some people have to pay more dearly than others for this new age of technology. We are these people it would seem.
  • very well written by the way, articulate and concise.  I like to hear other people's stories.

    It's informative and interesting.



  • Copy/Paste isn't working on this PC.

    1). infrasonics.

    2). it went through my house, no problem.

    3). low frequency vibration on different localized areas of my body.

    4). it works like flipping a switch, there was no "warm up".

    5). no voices, but there were low-volume animal noises (chicken, dog) and clicking noises such as those that could be created with the "acoustic heterodyne" technique, except I don't know how they (possibly) went through a wall. There was no interaction.

    6). Harassment and possible soft-tissue damage and other possible damage.

    7). sexual preferences, former avid gun collector, outspoken supporter of a free and open society, big privacy advocate.

    8). yes, maybe 100 people, sometimes every day, sometimes every 2 weeks, sometimes in-between those extremes.

    9). social contacts are strained, the people who know me well pull back and the strangers I meet include inflitrators who try to befriend me and choke off my social life.

    10). I don't think so. Maybe 1 person.

    11). Yes, clicking noises on certain telephones, but not coin-operated pay-phones, which may be more secure. The clicking noises sound like somebody tapping the hook-switch on an old rotary desk phone. I have to assume my emails are read, although I don't have any proof of that.

    12). The technology was used forcefully in 2010 one time, and now it seems to be used a couple times a week at a very low level, maybe a couple hours at night, maybe just for a few minutes while I'm getting ready for work.

    13). 2 years, yes, it is still happening.

    14). no, that's the big problem, I have no partner, no witness to be with much of the time. When I did have a partner, the harassment was less often, but more planned when it did happen, but it also had less effect, except for the low-level non-lethal weapon harassment which happened more often than it does now.

    15). M.S.E.E.

    16). Yes, Christian, and I would go to church regularly if they accepted that I have this external problem.

    17). no, no.

    18). The night of heavy non-lethal weapons harassment/(possible) damage.

    19). Yes, through FFCHS.

    20).  I follow Ted Gunderson on this. Read his affidavit on http://www.randomcollection.info/gunderson.pdf also linked at the bottom of a Wikipedia article about him.

  • Hi Anne

    I don't know if i am a friend that you know, but this is my true story. It is no intetion to post someone else stories on this board my friend. I found you on facebook, and added you. Thanks for taking time reading this loudsy story, and have a great day to you.
    Anne Catherine Tennant said:

    Is this the Tony that I know or is it just someone posing as a faker and one of my friends? 

    Tony Nguyen said:

    1. I don't know technology that have been used on me, bit It seems like they can see what I see, they can hear what I say, they can read my mind, and sending thoughts to my brain. I am sure that there is something implanted in me. A long with this, my cell phone, and internet are being taps, I think there are also many GPS devices placed on my belonging too. The perpetrator can turn on and off the attack on me remotely. every time the attack is on, I become sensitive to static shock, and there is a black spot present in my eye. It seems that they stop sending electronic waves at me for a while, but the stalking is still in placed. For where ever I went to, they can spot me, and attack, so It sounds like satellite involve in the process. I even have the perp come to me and tell me that this is a experiment test on me, and I can do anything about it. I definitely need help.

    2.There are many evidences. however, there is no concret evidence. However, I experienced fraud, cheating, and identity thief. It is easy to obtain these evidences with the help of the police, but in my case, it is hard for me to get help from the government side, even getting a lawyer to help me without selling me out. I think people around me acknowledge of what going on with me also, and they refuse to let me know or help instead of joining the perps to create a disoriented situation around me.

    3. this thing was started on me because I filed a EEO complaint at my work, which is The United States Postal Service in 2003, and they planed to put one on me in an intention of what they call for investigation. From there, they could send voices, thoughts, and lead me to do things that harmful to my case. I have to leave the case because I, myself along, can win over a big organization like USPS. However, they followed me for retaliation, and attacked me by using the technology to committed frauds, cheats, and stealing my identity to settle the case for their own benefits, and made me a paranoid, retarded person, and in need of being track in order to keep me away from a legal action against them until the status limitation over. Now they still stalk on me because they say I will take revenge by shooting them. Ironically, I don't even know who they are, even though, after 8 years of torturing, harassment, and stealing from me.


  • What technology do you feel is being used?

    A satellite and a tube of cyanide, like pictured in Madonna's "A Bedtime Story." Also, the same stuff they use in Beck's "Novacane." [Novacaine] They are trying to make us illiterate so that we don't explain anymore, "Sentences have lost their meaning... I'll never explain again" -- "A Bedtime Story," but they killed me by accident.
    2.  What examples do you cite to support this?

    I had a headache for 8 months and smelled cyanide.  I later did researched and recognized their sayings from what I'd heard.

    The satellite =I hear voices/ see things that aren't there and the stimuli presented to me was different from what I'm used to. 
    3.  Describe the experience with the technology.  How does it feel?  Cyanide burned like nothing else, had a headache for 8 months from it for real.  I can hear the satellite and it burns my head/ makes it fizz.  They say I can tell the difference between mine and theirs.  They wanted to know, which is why they picked me for the satellite.
    4.  What things strike you about this technology?

    It's unnecessary.  They could just shoot us. 
    5.  Do you hear voices, if so, how many, how do they sound, do you interact in real-time, in what way and what things do they say?

    My voices are demonic.  Their voices are comical, like from a movie or something.  It isn't "real."
    6.  Do you consider it harassment, torture or interrogation?

    Yes, because they read my backthoughts and call me a terrorist when I'm incapable of being a real terrorist.  They are playing a power game.
    7.  Why do you feel you were targeted?

    I was targetd because Putin made me a spectacle and then there was fascination because I have the disorder that they mock.
    8.  Do you feel you were gang stalked, by how many and how often?

    I was gangstalked when I lived in Virginia.  They told me I was trash from cars and that nobody cared and that they were going to mess me up.
    9.  What things in your daily life do you feel are manipulated? 
    10.  Are friends, relative and/or neighbors involved?  No, my neighbors thought I was a prostitute because that's what they said I was.  I'm not.
    11.  Do you feel your communications are being intercepted and why?  Yes, because the government is confused.  There are too many agencies involved now.  Like, a department of the CIA is investigating me for spying for Russia (because I wanted stem cells) while ICE or whoever is sending messages into me trying to see if they'll work while examining my mental state.  Then the two agencies will get confused as to why the other is there.  My phone line is popular ;) 
    12.  How often is the technology use against you and what do you feel it is in response to?

    Monthly, it used to be weekly.
    13.  How long has this been happening and is it still happening?

    It's been happening for 2 years.  It started with them trying to kill me in my sleep with unpleasant weapons.
    14.  Do you have a partner, are they part of this or have they been assaulted themselves? No
    15.  What's your highest level of education,?  Two years of college (B average)
    16.  Do you consider yourself religious and how strongly? No
    17.  Do you believe in UFOs, crop circles, spirits, ghosts, etc and have you ever seen one? No, but I halluciate shadows.
    18.  Of all the incidents, does any stick out in your mind for any reason?  When they had God crawl on my back and tell me to face the face he created.  That was disturbing, and it burned my head.
    19.  Do you know of any other TI's and how did you come to communicate? No, I don't believe most of them because I'm actually experienced these things.  I'm not trying to get a SSI check like they are.
    20.  How do you feel about the people behind this?  That they're better than me.  I'm a little jealous.  I feel left behind.  I kind'of feel violated, but that's only when they're doing it to me.

  • my grandma applied for me (but I'm not putting a lot of effor there because I don't care, I'm going to Hell no matter, and I hope that they're "happy"), but that's because they put me into a group home and my family is threatening an institution because it's all a punishment somehow to me if anything is an inconvenience. Thus, I will go to a cheap-ass institution no matter. The cyanide destroyed my cognitive functions like it was intended to. That's the problem.  I just tell everyone exactly what happened so that when they dig us out of the closet, I can point and say, this is what happened to me.  It makes me sound crazy, but I know that i'm not alone and that one day they will ask "who?" like they always do, and I will say, "me." 
  • I only spied because I was a "terrorist" anyway.  I thought it was comical, but I still want pay; I want my brain back.
  • I couldn't edit it.  If you want to delete for clarity, go ahead.  I feel like i have to explain a lot.  It's in my personality.  I don't trust a lot of people on this site.  I think they're trying to make us all look delusional or they're doing it to get SSI--a lot of people say they're applying for it.  I don't want to because Im not delusional about this.  It happened.  I want people to know that there was a before Kaela not just the after when you drag me out of the nursing home at 30, all drugged up.  I know nobody cares about me, but I'm not the only one.  If enough of us get together, hopefully we can FORCE them to care.  They say it's over our heads.  Not if it's in my head, thank you.  It involves me.

    Anne Catherine Tennant said:

    ... what?


    Are you talking to me? Or are you talking to other people?

  • Wow, what a well versed reply.  It's kind'of what I was thinking.  We're on the losing end of evolution.  I called the killings "Silent Massacres: Kill Me Pretty." They can target anyone they want at anytime and do anything, leaving little to no trace.  That's so clever of them.

  • Yes i have a husband, he and his sister and her husband since i came to USA. On 05/07/2001 since the first day i am under these technology or weapon (mind control, laser pin picks, ultrasound weapon, radio wave, microwave, chimcal attck) the abuse was to me only and the control was to my children sometimes. They tried to control me too, but i notice most of these thoughts or feeling or talking to my mind did not match me before i came to USA. Now they are trying to weaking or destroy my brain so they can control me. I feel sometimes a forcing talking or ordering me to do or say something i never like it or know it. These weapon very very bad and dangerus to humman health. I feel that these people hate us because this what i saw from my sister in law and her husband that he's working with FBI. I am very healthy and i found here in USA people want me to be sick or even be destroyed thier target is my brain to destroy it. But why they do that. I am hundred percent sure these people with very very high weapons not gost or demans. it's very clear to notice and to hear and to knew about these weapons. Me and my kid heared one day in the same time very loudy sound and is ultrasound weapons. I will call these only ((weapons.)) 1485673109?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024No one want these weapon or these people in our live. I am saying please leave us a lone go do some good job because what your doing is very crazy and you make USA seems like no humman rights in it. Look at the picture this is brose from weapons abuse very bad taser shot

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