Even if i could get a job i would not trust working in an open enviroment i have no control over where im mixing with other people who could be used as third parties to physically and verbally abuse me.
We have said these things on other forums so i hope its ok to say it here.
I would love to start earning money by selling to my fellow human beings.
I dont know what to do yet but i will always buy my goods from my fellow human beings in return :O)
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I am thinking in terms of screening ond keeping people up to date about how to screen thier favourtite designs of clothing .
Most clothing today does not take account of the electrical abilities and needs of our bodies.
So a balance is needed where at least two materials are used to allow the natural flow of electricity from one side of our bodies to the other.
All clothing avaialble today does not allow for a low contact surface area which would allow our skin to breath and vent excess body heat. This space would also allow the screening element of the clothing to work.
It have not yet sure if i can do this legally so i need to find out and if i cant then there is no reason i cant write how people can do it for themselves in a book.
Fo anyone who thinks they are screened by using large metallic surfaces you are being mind abused they are lying to you, if you can still percieve them in any way at all while in your screened area then your screening doe not work at all.
Metal peices need to be small and individually insulated from each other, this converts all incoming signals to small voltages with respectively small electromagnetic fields ( emfs), these are unable to extend any further than a few millimetres inside the screened area.
Large metals peices and objects means you will have large eletromegnetic fields they are able to use to reach inside to you and your loved ones.
Small metals peices of half a centimetre or a centimetre will make those fields too small to reach you, a border space does need to be left between the screening and anyone who uses it.
I have found almost everytime i try to make a profit the nazis have sabotaged my work.
The only thing they have not sabotaged ( as yet ) is my buying and selling of company stocks / shares.
It can be very rewarding but i have not yet made any profit due to the current situation on the markets though my choces now are all asian businesses based in asian countries which means i just sit on my shares and wait for them to gain value because there is nothing wrong with these business, they are well developed and making a very good profit.
but only seen a few on-line testimonials relating sucessfully to fabrics & clothing.
@ Jake: Ah... sorry; didn't realise that Jake :)
Identity sure is gov. controlled here, but apart from the fact that one has a legal right to create a new name, one can also do this discretely (off-line), and there's little chance of detection unless you are targeted via a publicly acknowldged / listed crime of some kind.
What's the worst that could happen?
You'll lose a bit of cash, and have the right to appeal against the decision.... Should you succeed, then you're able to trade as Joe Bloggs.
I really dislike FaceBook, but grit my teeth to join fellow TI's there, as there's much to learn from many - even if it feels like someone BIG is glaring over ones shoulder :(
*Addendum* to above links:
These links may throw some light on the 'intentions of these psychopaths:
Any doubts about the integrity of Ms. Fuchs'part in our world may well be addressed here:
Top of page --> members --> sort by: 'Alphabetical' --> page 3.... where you will find her.
I'd suggest that as we are all (by circumstance) in a minority, we ought to tread lightly and sensitively before making any assumptions about others ;)
Pushing us into a corner is just where they'd like us to be, and over time, our own personal self-control should be prime to our survival, as they intend to whittle it down bit by bit, day by day.
I've learned that playing them back with subterfuge, naivity (faked) and a 'couldn't care less' attitude throws them often - because we're then not playing directly into their hands...
Keep it tight, and best wishes to all :)
For them to witness (and you better believe they read open and 'Google-able' boards like this) our panic, anxiety, paranoia and ultimately our physio-mental demise, is exactly where (most of them) want us to go...
Losing that self control and exhibiting ones loss of self-esteem will bring them immense satisfaction & joy. Don't give it to them!
Most clothing today does not take account of the electrical abilities and needs of our bodies.
So a balance is needed where at least two materials are used to allow the natural flow of electricity from one side of our bodies to the other.
All clothing avaialble today does not allow for a low contact surface area which would allow our skin to breath and vent excess body heat. This space would also allow the screening element of the clothing to work.
It have not yet sure if i can do this legally so i need to find out and if i cant then there is no reason i cant write how people can do it for themselves in a book.
Fo anyone who thinks they are screened by using large metallic surfaces you are being mind abused they are lying to you, if you can still percieve them in any way at all while in your screened area then your screening doe not work at all.
Metal peices need to be small and individually insulated from each other, this converts all incoming signals to small voltages with respectively small electromagnetic fields ( emfs), these are unable to extend any further than a few millimetres inside the screened area.
Large metals peices and objects means you will have large eletromegnetic fields they are able to use to reach inside to you and your loved ones.
Small metals peices of half a centimetre or a centimetre will make those fields too small to reach you, a border space does need to be left between the screening and anyone who uses it.
be well and peace :O)
I have found almost everytime i try to make a profit the nazis have sabotaged my work.
The only thing they have not sabotaged ( as yet ) is my buying and selling of company stocks / shares.
It can be very rewarding but i have not yet made any profit due to the current situation on the markets though my choces now are all asian businesses based in asian countries which means i just sit on my shares and wait for them to gain value because there is nothing wrong with these business, they are well developed and making a very good profit.
@ Miss Sickofit: I'm quite new to making TI acquaintances, (though being a TI of some 14 years now).
Some folks who are chipped have had success building their own home protection - this woman in particular:
but only seen a few on-line testimonials relating sucessfully to fabrics & clothing.
@ Jake: Ah... sorry; didn't realise that Jake :)
Identity sure is gov. controlled here, but apart from the fact that one has a legal right to create a new name, one can also do this discretely (off-line), and there's little chance of detection unless you are targeted via a publicly acknowldged / listed crime of some kind.
What's the worst that could happen?
You'll lose a bit of cash, and have the right to appeal against the decision.... Should you succeed, then you're able to trade as Joe Bloggs.
I really dislike FaceBook, but grit my teeth to join fellow TI's there, as there's much to learn from many - even if it feels like someone BIG is glaring over ones shoulder :(
*Addendum* to above links:
These links may throw some light on the 'intentions of these psychopaths:
Any doubts about the integrity of Ms. Fuchs'part in our world may well be addressed here:
Top of page --> members --> sort by: 'Alphabetical' --> page 3.... where you will find her.
I'd suggest that as we are all (by circumstance) in a minority, we ought to tread lightly and sensitively before making any assumptions about others ;)
Pushing us into a corner is just where they'd like us to be, and over time, our own personal self-control should be prime to our survival, as they intend to whittle it down bit by bit, day by day.
I've learned that playing them back with subterfuge, naivity (faked) and a 'couldn't care less' attitude throws them often - because we're then not playing directly into their hands...
Keep it tight, and best wishes to all :)
For them to witness (and you better believe they read open and 'Google-able' boards like this) our panic, anxiety, paranoia and ultimately our physio-mental demise, is exactly where (most of them) want us to go...
Losing that self control and exhibiting ones loss of self-esteem will bring them immense satisfaction & joy. Don't give it to them!