post #424
Somewhere in Universities and war colleges the effects of these weapons, the psyop tactics and our reactions is being studied. Since we are the subject of these experiments I wonder what we would like to say to these people who think that our life is so meaningless that they can do this?
I know this for many reasons but the first would be that the weapons I've been attacked with are developed by the military. The tactics are based in psychology or the military version of psychological warfare. I've had discussions with the National Institute of Justice that developes these weapons for law enforcement. In one I was awoken by a telephone call by them that was a conference call and after I was told they could not open an investigation or help me that they would let me talk. I wish I'd get that call now when I am not realing from the attacks and in fact I am no longer attacked. I'm only studied, monitored, questioned and put through situational testing with V2K dream manipulation. Maybe they did help after all. They spoke to me like they knew me.
I received a questioneer to rate my police departments performance as they were very involved with my attacks and being a TI. The College that sent it was Salve Regina Catholic University in Newport RI who has a police academy. The last thing I was going to do is respond to the V2K and MEDUSA attack along with other non-lethal weapons that put me in the hospital and got me involuntarily committed. There they attempted a forced suicide attempt using a combination of these weapons in a psychological attack where I lived through the kidnapping and implied torture of my little girl while being told to kill myself. I later found that this college and the Naval war college who are developing non-lethal weapons in this same town allow students to transfer credits between schools. They are both located in the same town too. My mental health records indicated I was accused of bomb making and my home was searched while I was going through all this.
Third would be the microwave scientist working on the ADS microwave weapon at an Air force base who clued me in on what might be happening to me and told me to look up the microwave attack on our embassy in Moscow in the early nineteen nineties.
Peter Rosenholm
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