do you see it? the denial in both situations?
do you see it? i personally wondered when people conjectured that HAARP like devices could have much to do with the WTC demolition.
but Fukushima? earthquake...scalar tech...that's ONE of the applications of the HAARP technologies.
it seems that there are more than one scalar device that works like HAARP works,
more powerful devices. they are ionospheric heaters.
they are getting away with it:
Bush and Co. are getting away with it, hiding.
it is political, period. there is no way to separate this issue from global politics:
politicians chose to implement the technologies to strengthen their positions,
politicians chose to manipulate the global military industrial complex in this way.
Japan is a different country than the United States, but the events of the second world war link the two nations politically, in terms of cognitive dissidents as well as in terms of those who are loyal to the powers that be, and do what the government says no matter how deadly...
the depth of the difference between good and evil becomes so observable. the depth of the difference...and the need for lies, the paranoid need for lies and domination...
i could see it all, the covert agendas and the lies within lies, the layers of deception and the nature of the date in time. it feels like there is a huge window of opportunity to see a whole lot of what is wrong, a lot of the obstacles to peace...
the difference between improbable and impossible, even while this storm of lies attempts to decieve the planetary society to maintain global slavery and global misery...'divide and conquer", a old trick in some book...
the dates are 9.11.01 and 3.11.13, and it became so disgusting as i saw what happened at Fukushima, what happened in New York City, and the determined deception, the surreal and sinister depth of the coosnpiracy to obscure the truth and to deny and squash all enquiry.
that's ten long years plus two short and intense years --
the years between the demolition of the World Trade Center...and the demolition of a good swath of Northeastern japan. and there was a connection.
"Hindsight is 20/20" as the saying goes...
i pray it is sooner than the calendar YEAR 2020 before this conspiracy is cracked like an egg and those who destroyed so many lives for their own greed for power and control are exposed...
looking through old notes i realisedto my horror that i have basicallybeen working to raise awareness about this psychotronic behaviour modification conspiracy since 2004. it just gets more complicated...and it begins to feel like they are getting away, like Bush and Co. are getting away with it, hiding.
it is political, period. there is no way to separate this issue from global politics:
politicians chose to implement the technologies to strengthen their positions,
politicians chose to manipulate the global military industrial complex in this way.
Japan is a different country than the United States, but the events of the second world war link the two nations politically, in terms of cognitive dissidents as well as in terms of those who are loyal to the powers that be, and do what the government says no matter how deadly...
so that things can CHANGE for the better. I know, now, that I MUST, all of us must look BEYOND barack obama and his dazzling election, to "the ancient past" of the years between 2001 and 2008, to the years that they Don' Want Us To Think About -- the years when denial and vehement denial of conspiracy to destroy the World trade center were EFFECTIVE, and the psychological scars that that denial haave created on global society. there is a connection and it is a psychotronic connection.
A huge debt gap? It takes money being spent to create a debt chasm...and money spent on covert projects creates exactly a huge debt hasm,.
programs that the taxpayers involved are told rthat they have no "need to know" about,
programs like the High Frequency Active Auroral Research program -- which has MORE "super powers" than simply monitoring of the Auroral Borealis, asd sure as Tesla died penniless, that technology has more suypre powers...and the other ionospheric heaters that were swiftly brought on-line after the H. A. A. R. P. was broght on line, and its weaponoized powers brought to bear upon the ionosphere, the Earth and all the people living othe Earth...
Yet I am horrified to think that it ight indeed BE the year 2020 before the veil od denial has become annoying to enough people that they open their yes and see what happened.
what atrocities, what calamities, what man - made disasters could possibly take place between 2013 and 2020? Seven long years to wait for people to wake up and BEGIN to insist that there had to be some sort of criminal action against the human race, some "crime against humanity" that the Administration in charge of United States affairs on September 11, 2001 CAN be held responsible for?
EVERY AMERICAN JOURNALIST who has gone into state-sanction denial about the events of 2001 and gone on with "business as usual" is a tiny Goebbels, a little servant of Hitler laughing all the way to the bank and FEIGFNINGING the position of honest journalist while the globe is warmed on purpise with an atrocious weather weapon that should not be used for that.
the tax issue is a simple matter of taxation without representation.
Every United States taxpayer is being ROBBED while money is dragged out of every dollar spent to finance a weather weapon that heats the ionopshere and thus raises actual average global ter,peratures ON PURPOSE!
and in the moments between dreaming sleep and waking up to research and write, a sinister voice in dreamspace
reminding me of Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and George W. Bush all at once, and also of The Devil, says "good luck guessing."
As if guesswork were confirm what denial gave away through all the years before anyone in the WORLD even THOUGHT about barack Huseein Obama, to say little about how effective his unique charactersitics would serve -- to create a way for George W. Bush and his family to slither into the backjground, so that peopel could assume that they had all "retured" -- even Jenna -- and were no longer involved in manipulation of vast sums of money in the military-industrial world.
if there is anything that President Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower really referred to directly when he warned the United States and the world about the encroaching "military-industrial complex", it was ionospheric heaters.