Victims Stories (2038)
See what they are doing. This is War Crimes? ;this is Crimes Against Humanity? Please send this below, not only for me.
To stop Canada 's war crimes and crimes against humanity! It happened and it is happening in Ontario, Canada. They have intercepted and filtered any legal aids and economic aids for legal aids. They deleted my email from International Bar Association
Read more…From Canada's No1 media, from Human Rights Watch, you send this agenda for me? And, for youself. Thanks.
Agenda: UN, UN Security Council , International Court of Justice and International Tribunal.
We must work together to launch this agenda because no one can stop Canada...
Human Rights Watch states recently : Media and police cover up their evidence abo
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You must send this to them after seeing what they are doing although I don't contact my devices to Internet. Shame on you. Thank you all!
Yesterday, I sent these below to
Mr Prime Minister of Canada, UN Secretary-General, UN Human Rights Chief about their ongoing War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity according to ICC's tweet in Ontario of Canada. Please help me confirm with them if th
After UN Security Council, UN's highest court...they intercept all my emails . Please send it.
Please be patient to see what "they" are still doing after UN Security Council, UN's Highest Court swear to...
I and we must work together to launch International(legal) proceedings against them according to what ICC tweeted me and us several years ag
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