child molestors and their psychoses

high levels of all major global governments

but why?-- mental illness among high-level members of government

obviously defaults to covert Nazi-"Fourth Reich" agenda.  Continuation of Axis Agenda after the end of the second world war.

mental health slows to a stop in terms of development -- mental illness as a force multiplier for covert Nazi/Axis global takeover agenda.

very little effective mental health = psychotic, criminal behaviour/Nazi-style atrocities get to pass for normal...

gradually more and more from the end of WWII through the decades...

every aspect of observatinon that something is wrong denied by growing Fourth reich efforts as "conspiracy theory"

International Court of Justice/ United Nations become places that SEEM to create justice and resolve international prboblems -- but are rigged systems that function to protect the "big shots" of internationalAxis/Gloablist Agenda...

--- when George Bush Jr. mentions "Axis of Evil," he is actually talking about HIMSELF.  Everythingthat guy SAID, all hgis major statements aboutinternational bad-guys carefully tailored DECEPTIONS meant to pushscrutiny away from him and his political movement and his FAMILY -- Prescot bush's Family.

prescott bush. fampous treasoner in the 'Trading With the Enemy" scandal is where this Fourth reich agendaof the Nazi agenda winning the Second Woirld War really takes off.


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