peacepink has become a site where many Handlers/Perpetrators/Weapon technicians sign in claiming to be victims themselves... they are using this site to monitor their targeted individuals and the TI's that were being tortured by Pattie Maes and her MIT media lab group before she and many of her lab crew were killed in feb 2010 while doing a scalar session in my home.
i am quite good at remote viewing and do not need the scalar technology to do handlers should know that IAM still watching all of you.
the ones i know of who are wit the MIT group are madeline, rositi and robin yan... you can look them up on a google search and see for your self. rossiti can be found on the renderosity web sight.
i know that solimavis will delete this as she really does not give a rats ass about the victims here but this is my last post. we have been doing a federal investigation to catch the perps and now know who everyone of them on this sight are and have no need to monitor this sight any longer.
in china there is a list of prohibited words a mile long and they just added over 1000 more words that if you use them in a cell phone text message your service is disconnected immediately...does any one else wonder how solimavis uses them all with out repercussion from the governnment...maybe she is GOD and over rides the authority of the chinese government but i doubt it lmfao
you get the biggest L of all for loser.....we win!!!@!
and IAM watching you personally so take heed nasty little monkey handler
If your ability, energy, contacts, and other resources are needed elsewhere, then continue the effort to free us in the most effective way. Consider checking back here occasionally as we do not want to lose your unique insight to the problems we face.
I think Soleilmavis may be disconnected from the site currently by a recent expansion of censorship, possibly even blocking other (or all ?) sites. Regardless of her intentions, the existence of the site performs a service.
Posers usually give themselves away rather quickly. It is good to hear that there is some part of the Federal Government that is looking into this rather than promoting it. Keep watching.
yes i am under this name
Holly Timlin said:
solimavis has been removed from the sight so i guess im not the perp afterall cause i am still here
im sorry you have scaler techs in your head that make you send people you do not know hate mail...i feel sorry for you that you have been their victim. if i can do something to help you please let me know, otherwise please do not waste my time with these silly messages because i am very busy helping those who are truly suffering....besides dont you have anything constructive to do with your time
affectionately sofiafelipe roche olano said:
Soleilmavis cannot visit the site beacuse it´s ´banned in China. I think this has happened before and she will be back again when things are calmed downed. I think it´s a bit rude to straight put out a question "if she is dead"//Annie
it wasnt a rude question its a realistic one... remember she recently posted a list of people she knew who had been killed with heart attacks....TI's die from this torture and someone wrote to me about her being ngone off the site and i asked if she was dead ...
do you consider it rude of her to post the names of dead people she knew who use to be on the sigh?
Annie Svensson said: