Charles Schlund was a great support for many of us in the Phoenix area. Charles Trimble attended his showing, talked to the wife but she felt her husband was mentally ill-not a surprise-I attended the Phoenix Memorial Cemetery @ the burial. Family was unaware of my presence but did witness when a flag was given to them. See Chuck's site. Its very detailed & I went to one of the lawyer's he used. No support there.I talked to Chuck several times, he was in bed w/extreme abdominal pain during some calls but very available to talk. What a surprise-he died of Pancreatitis. Being a R.N. I know the extreme pain he must have had & the wasting of the body. Bless his memory & endurance. FREEWGRACE has become my address. No one has the right to take our RIGHTS> GOd has given US HIS GRACE FREELY,may no man take that away. This will be exposed. Bev In Mesa, Az.