As of today, I´m a member of peacelink. I haven´t been able to find any answer to my specific question that I want to ask, so I thought I´d start a thread myself.
My question is: How do I know if I´m mind controlled?
It might seem like an odd question, but let me give you some very short background information.
Some eight years ago I was often visited by the grey aliens. They where disguised as green benevolent aliens, therefor I never saw them as a threat. I was never afraid, or felt any fear when they visited, only curious.
During a period of two-three years, they put in some inplants in my head, and as I believe, in my lower back.
These "operations" always happened in between sleep and awakeness (is that the word?)
I will keep my story short. When the put in the implants, I was weightless, and kind of hovered (somewhere in space I think).
They put a flexible thin tube up my nose. I could her it buzzing like a dentist drill, but much slower. They inserted it all the way up my nose, until they reached the pineal gland. I don´t know exactly what they did.
At one point during this operation, I could actually hear one of them saying "He´s waking up", and they were all gone. When he/she/it spoke, it was with a metallic, monotone voice, but strangely enough, in my native language, Swedish.
What I want to say with this, is that I always have felt I´m under outside influence. I will not go in to any details here, because it´s not important.
So, again; Is it possible that I´ve been/am subjected to mind control? Has anybody else experienced the same thing?
Best regards/
Dr. Roger Leir has collaborated with Targeted individuals. Unfortunately Dr Roger Leir died in March 2014 and every Dr Rauni Kilde died in February 2015. These two international doctors have studied alien matrix, electronic harassment, mind control, microchips etc. but they are died :-(
The Targeted Individuals are very rational.
The 90% of Targeted individuals do not believe in alien matrix.
The 90% of Targeted individuals think it is entirely the work of governments, the Bilderberger, Freemasons, Illuninati, CIA, NSA, KGB (secret services) etc etc
Rationality invites us not to believe the alien matrix. Only by human.
It is not easy to convince public opinion of expressing mind control. If we begin to mention aliens, credibility is even more scarce. It is a matter of rationality dear Alex.
My suggestion to you: "Search Derrel Sims, Donna Higbee and others doctors/ufologist" if you live in USA.
Dr. Roger Leir has collaborated with Targeted individuals. Unfortunately Dr Roger Leir died in March 2014 and every Dr Rauni Kilde died in February 2015.
These two international doctors have studied alien matrix, electronic harassment, mind control, microchips etc.
I understand what you wrote, but, I repeat: 90% of Targeted individuals in the world does not believe in alien matrix. The risk to you is discrimination. ATTENTION! Write your questions to Derrel Sims or ufologists.
Chief of Investigations
Saber Enterprises - FIRST - HUFON
19934 Rising Star, Humble, TX 77338
www.alienhunter.org & www.firstevidence.org
Donna Higbee CHT
Santa Barbara, California 93160, USA
You must ask them: "What is the protocol for an alleged medical science? What medical tests should I do? I suspect to have microchips? What is the scientific protocol? I have to do MRI, CT and/or ultrasound? I have to use frequencymeter? Hypnosis regressive? What is the protocol and medical and scientific practice? "
Careful, attention and war.ning (peace.ning).
Good luck Alex!
LaBrat said:
Thanks a lot, Sue!
Yes, I follow David Icke, and a few others! The more I look into the websites I´ve been recommend here (nano-technique a.s.o), the more desperate I feel...It seems we are all full of implants! This was new to me, although I´m aware of the chemtrails.
Best regards/