I have been on the targeted, witch hunt, hit list (aka a corrupt threat assessment program) for years now. Everyone in my social circle, community and strangers (via hired surveillance role players...SRP's) have been involved as well as a military officer whom I just went through a divorce with.
I'd like to share some info and offer some possible solutions which hopefully may be of benefit to others who have sustained this thoroughly corrupt program:
Some people thoroughly abuse threat assessments for the purpose of vendetta, revenge and to "legally" stalk someone using corrupt loopholes. These can even be used during divorce as a freebie "private investigative service" that provides information back to the opposing spouse so that they gain the upper hand during the divorce.
Paid informants can begin a false profile on someone...which progresses to "investigators" using biased questions to everyone within the targets social circle so that the end result is a giant witch hunt where everyone in the targets social circle then has the power to snitch on the individual for construed, misperceived or biased actions which under any other circumstance would be considered "no big deal"...this includes the informants completely overlooking their own lives and personal behavior.
They use threat assessment analysis such as the Mosaic Threat Assessment...and they use surveillance role players (paid goons that follow people around and harass and monitor the target). Macy Group is just one example of a private company that hires SRP's...Lockheed Martin also hires SIGNIT and HUMINT (Surveillance Role Players). Look it up. The info is all there.
Many people will LIE about the target and thus add to their false profile. Their playbook...in part...can be found here:
~Cellphone monitoring (to include redirection of phone calls) occurs.
~Computer and keystroke monitoring occurs.
~Vehicle surveillance occurs (including the use of satellite radios and the car radio itself) to listen to conversations in and around the car.
~Redirection of snail mail.
~False letters similar to COINTELPRO letters are given to the targets social circle...similar to the one given to Martin Luther King Jr. to try and compel him to suicide....letters will state accusations of fraud, child abuse, child p*rn, animal abuse, kidnapping, theft, prostitution etc....
Law enforcement and the DoD ARE involved...but many don't know the extent of what is actually occurring behind the scenes. Most are misguided into believing they are doing a good thing.
Former FBI special agent, Ted Gundersen's , affidavit (available online) also describes this. It has been happening for at least 30 years.
NSA code breaker William Binney, exposed The Program (see New York Times Op Ed) regarding the corrupt surveillance and profiling that is happening. Gang stalking provides the food for profiling and experimentation in social, behavioral and technological sciences. Gang stalking is the modern form of human trafficking. Lives are sold, and info about people's lives are sold, for information and research to DARPA, DoD, HHS, DHS, Big Pharma and other corporations. There are many.
Obama's "nudge groups" are the euphemistic term for community informant stalkers and SRP's (surveillance role players...aka human intelligence gathering services).
This did not begin with Obama. The agenda was set before him. Michelle Obama's agenda for eating healthier was also a given prior to the Obama admin. The control of what people do, eat, think, how and where they travel, whom they associate with etc....is all being researched for control and eugenics.
Also...besides the HHS threat assessments, there are other types of threat assessments being used and abused....one is listed on the David Icke website (sp?). Peers running these programs are not reviewed for accuracy or ethical behavior...in other words, anyone can be a 'controller' and run these threat assessments to include criminal syndicates.
For hire companies are used as proxies for the research and intelligence gathering (i.e. stalking). For example, Masy Group is hired by the Army. Novartis (a big pharma company) also does research (using "primates" and other animals) in their schizophrenia experiments. Look up the Washington Times Top Secret America Expose and you will see that thousands of companies are contracted....many of which are for thoroughly corrupt behavioral mod, harassment, and illegal human experimentation.
They will use EVERYTHING against you (your weight, your appearance, what you eat, what you wear, your religious beliefs, the type of car you drive, your career, if you use tobacco...everything will get twisted around. If you are talkative and friendly they will say you are 'too nice and too trusting" and therefore are a threat to yourself...if you keep more to yourself they will say you are antisocial...if you try to speak out they will gaslight you and call you paranoid or schizo).
Tavistock, Common Core, Common Purpose are used along with the RAND Corporation as think tanks for their agendas and programs. By creating layers, and literally hiding behind thousands of proxies, they feel they will never be caught....they hire others to do their dirty work...and they use well meaning, misguided, community informants as a free proxy service for their vendettas, research and behavioral mod programs.
Other points to consider:
Targets should please recognize, and know, that they (the targets) are NOT crazy...they are not an EDP (emotionally disturbed person). Emotions are GOOD...emotions keep the target from becoming a "machine"...a non feeling zombie like "useful idiot" (as higher up stalkers call the community informants, "useful idiots"). The criminals also profile the "informants" too, by the way..
Apparently it is easy to get someone placed on the never ending "threat assessment"...but virtually impossible to get off the list. Basically you'd have to be perfect (according to everyone else's own definition of perfect) to get removed from the witch hunt list. So, if your neighbor thinks "perfection" is one way then that's how you'd have to be for that particular person...but each person in your social circle is different, hence making it impossible to please and satisfy everyone.
They will also use various 'groups' in the harassment...animal rights groups etc....meanwhile the animal rights groups have no idea that the ultimate system supporting this harassment uses not only animals, but also people, in their own experimentation and corrupt inhumane research.
Recently I have been told I am too nice, and therefore should be monitored for my own safety. Really ? And apparently there are people in the community who are all too willing, and misguided, and actually believe that is a legitimate reason to stalk/harass and surveil....when it's REALLY all about controlling and using legal loopholes to stalk.
For example, I went out on a date a few months ago and then afterwards a recording of my conversation during that date was placed on my voicemail, by an unknown number, two hours after the date had ended.
Soooo...I guess here are some ideas for getting removed from their list (some are facetious ofcourse :-)
1) Be perfect...at all times.
2) Never appear "quiet" as they will use this as a sign of depression, hence needing to keep you monitored.
3) Put up with everyone's dirt...even if they treat you badly. Otherwise they'll snitch on you out of revenge.
4) Make sure your hair and makeup are done when you go out, or they will say you are unkempt.
5) Do not smoke, eat any junkfood ever, and never drink alcohol or diet soda. Ofcourse, the goons are allowed to do all these things because they think they are perfect and they never reflect on their own lives...they just get off on tearing a part a target's life.
6) By speaking out you are, on one hand, standing up for yourself and your fellow targets. On the other hand, you are providing valuable info back to the goons as the human species is the only species that can verbally give them real time feedback on the experiments they are doing.
7) Recognize that everything you do and say is recorded...and twisted.
8) Most importantly, recognize you are not alone. There are thousands of us. Tyrants can not last forever. Someday they will fall... They are evil in the truest and most malicious sense...and they are the psychotic and insane ones as healthy human beings would not do such things to other human beings.
Sending aloha and well wishes of strength, perseverance and health to all targeted individuals. May God be with you all.
Rachelle Pavlova
About my post above:
Sorry about the link added to Martin Luther King info and satellite radio info...not sure how to remove the spam. It apparently was added when I copied that part of my post from my draft on my computer ? not sure how to remove it. My apologies.
I did, however, want the links regarding the executive order 13544 and the psychological harassment info. If the moderator can remove the spam links regarding radio and Martin Luther King that would be great and appreciated. Thanks!
It doesn't matter, we're warned, i'll notify other moderators though, they might be able too (I'm blocked even in my managing activity!).
thanks chanath! :-)