Does anyone's perpetrators intimidate them with brutal means of electromagnetic harassment such as remote battery of private parts some causing extreme misery if you, the victim, --try to write or think freely and try to help them improve their ethics and justice. In other words, if you ask the Perpetrators to be legally and economically fair to you, and to live up to the lies they told you --the payoffs they promised--do they torture, retaliate, and abuse you. Yes. Please, help me expose their torture, abuse, and exceptionally prolonged outrageous cruelty towards us. The Constitution should protect us, too. Please add your experience.
Add you answer.
My answer I was intimidated by the perpetrators for over a decade in such a vile way that I can not describe it except as g/a. They remotely battered my private parts in such a way to cause misery for a decade. The battery continues to this day--although less severe and less often. There are so many tortures abuses inflicted by them on me that I can not describe them all at this time.
In addition, there is other torture--I overhear my perpetrators v2k abusing and perhaps /and/or actually making plans to hurt me (damage my brain and body). Also if I ask them to stop their brutal g/a attacks (which are unreasonable, vile, and cruel) they refuse.
At times, I also tried to ask for a fair deal for their exceptionally prolonged use of my body and mind. {I am being exploited and held captive as a human guinea pig by some rogue bio medical company and /or other perpetrator.} {The group responsible [the perpetrator] has lost it moral path.
I am also being retaliated against by some from various organizations which do not believe in legal and economic justice for all human beings inclusive of me an captive torture victim.
You know, They, the perpetrators retaliate using other technology. The v2k and other technology also tries to silence free thoughts and free speech and punishes logical intelligent behavior. In other words, the Perpetrators have broken me down, and my personality (and being) was reshaped for the worse by torture and sophisticated technological weapons abuse. Unfortunately, few others, loved ones, around me understand and will admit that the powerful abusive technology which influences my behavior, thoughts, and being --exists. I assure you that their are specialized weapons that break people down if you report powerful Perpetrators who have lost their moral path/compass.
2nd Are you intimidated from reporting remote battery and outrageous g/a attacks using legal and other hotlines such as the FBI hotline and other hotlines.
Your answer please send.
In summation,
I was intimidated from using the hotlines and other resources as well.
I tried to report torture (for another attack at the time) and then whammo! --I was cointelpro harassed and tortured in such a brutal manner--with the decade of g attacks torture. (abuse of private parts in such a way to cause misery and more).
Please write/share your experience here.
Thank you,
anybody tried an underground bunker for some freedom?
Vaibhav said: