Both WHO and medical experts confirmed that EMF ( or ELF) can be used as weapons to attack human’s heart. Toronto Police, Canadian torturers have been using them to attack my heart in my home after I stood up for my basic human rights. I have provided the related evidence with EMF meter readings and their severe changes in my home. Further evidence will be provided.
1. World Health Organization’s
Electrocardiogram changes, heart rate, and heart rate variability
In a series of studies carried out by the Midwest Research Institute in the US, effects of ELF fields on the heart rate in humans have been investigated. In a set of studies by Graham et al. (1994), subjects were exposed to different levels of combined electric and magnetic fields (low: 6 kV m-1 and 10 μT; medium: 9 kV m-1 and 20 μT; high: 12 kV m-1 and 30 μT). In the medium group a significantly decreased heart rate was observed, while in the other groups no change was found. In another study by the same group, six physiological parameters were examined at five sampling points with and without exercise (Maresh et al., 1988). During no-exercise sessions the cardiac interbeat interval was increased at two sampling points when subjects were exposed to 60-Hz fields. No other difference between the sham and exposed groups was found. A similar effect was found by another study of the same group (Cook et al., 1992).
2. Medical expert’s
Electromagnetic Fields and the Heart: Basic Science and Clinical Use HUMAN EVIDENCE:
Experimental PEMFs are found to act directly on the tissue of a beating heart. Medium powerline-type field exposure for 3 hours causes a significant slowing of the heart rate. EMF effects are related to changes occurring during the recovery phase of the cardiac cycle. Humans are more responsive to some combinations or levels of field strength than others.
Here are some safety standards or limits
“ Russian researchers believe 1/1000ths of mG (milliGauss) should be the standard.
In the US, where the usual background level of 60 Hz magnetic field is 0.5 mG, most states have adopted a 3 mG cutoff point.
The US Environmental Protection Agency proposes a safety standard of 1 mG. Sweden has set a maximum safety limit of 1 mG.
When electricians try to solve a magnetic field problem they do their best to drop the level to 1 mG or below (Robert O. Becker, MD, in Cross Currents: The Perils of Electro pollution, 1990)
Dr Nancy Wertheimer, a PhD epidemiologist who has been studying EMF exposure for 20 years, suggests a cutoff point of 1 mG.
Health studies indicate that electromagnetic fields over 100 mG can most certainly produce health effects. Fields as low as 1 mG can be dangerous if body exposure is for a long period of time. (1991)
The state of Florida in US has set a 250 mG maximum on the edge of their power line right-of-ways. (1991)
Several international authorities (such as International Commission on Non-lionizing Radiation and European Committee for Electro technical Standardization) have also set safety limits for public and occupational EMF exposure to 50-60 Hz.”
Canadian victim of torture
Robin Yan