Greetings !
My name is mesha Monge-Irizarry,
organizer of SF T.E.C.
(San Francisco TIs Empowering Collective)
located at the Redstone Building, Suite #209
2940 16th Street, SF, CA 94103
* Wheelchair Accessible.
I also moderate
and the work core team of IAACEA yahoogorup
(international alliance against covert electonic abuse)
SF TEC also moderate a Spanish Language TI group;ectr/
and a French language group
We provide condifential peer counseling to TIs,
Victory Over Violemnce Support Group,
Free Internet access and basic internet training
a Trilingual Spanish/French/English hotline at
We provide technical assistance to TIs activists to organize Rallies and Protests
We maintain listservs of local, national and international TIs to help then stay connnected and break isolation.
All our services are free, SF TEC is a special project of Idriss Stelley Foundation, and we are NOT seeking donatins, as ISF covers our rent, purchase of relevant literature
SF TEC is a p[[articipating member of IAACEA.
Please let us know of similar efforts in your areas!
I am a TI, so was my only child Idriss Stelley, killed at the age of 23 by SFPD during a "psychiatric intervention" on 6-13-01, 48 bullets, 9 cops
My own targeted started 2 weeks after his murder and intensified in 2006, dfue to ISF being the sole Law Emforcement Accountability grassroots agency providing direct services to victims and survivors of law enforcement misconduct for the Cities of San Francisco and Oakland.
SF T.E,C, officially opened its doors inb July 09, due to an increasing amounbt of clients seeking support.
We doo not general;ly advertize our services, to prevent infiltration and ensire safety and confidentiality for our members, and we are not "turfy"... UNity is the key !
I am looking forward corresponding with Peacepink members !
In Unity & Respect
Justice 4 Lalo Torres, Madera central valley.jpg
March for Justice !.jpg
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