My targeting began being upstepped Last January when I got a death threat. It was after I had joined some targeting groups (talking and sharing about what I endured) and so along came a death threat via internet and some atm fraud to scare me and remind me what had been done before.
Now, when i am on a computer I get burns. It isn't just a sensitivity, it is as though targeters are piping through higher than possible radiation levels. On one of my computers, (which I am sub systemed in where every keystroke I make they see and often interrupt, bouncing cursor around, and using the typed text to issue threats or information, block or stop communications, have what i print come out in different script, etc), I searched for *.burn and combinations of it and found alot of burn stuff from various sources, one was Blackhawk (some game I don't even have on my computer). There was enough *.burn stuff that came up that I think they may have something in system that they can execute and radiation streams are pitched out of computer. I notice also when I am on phone with a target or saying something they must not like, it emits too.
For months I have been searching to figure out what a reaction might be caused from in my life, picking apart everything, even blaming it on surgical gloves from one of my jobs. But recently I have figured it out.
So, if i endeavor to write out something about my targeted and what occured, seek to gather adn put together a document for an attorney (that is sensical), write in my fournal, or anything, I get burned so badly I end up with blisters, open sores, swelling, skin splitting at fingertips.
As a massage therapist and caregiver, obviously this is a direct hit at hurting my ability to work, which i cannot stop doing anyway, but the pain and danger of open sores is monsterious.
Has anyone heard of their targetors doing this to them?
thanks, just joined site this is my first communication.
But the burns are physical assault.
omg...Yes! this has been done to my young daughter! I've got pictures of her hands with these sunburn looking rashes that are severely painful for almost 3 weeks or more. Doctors had no idea what it was and could not diagnose the redness...the burns come "out of the very blue"! This past Christmas vacation, we were at a good friends house, who is not a target and we were only 4 feet from my daughter and while we were sitting by his computer my daughter started to scream at the top of her lungs in pain! we both just looked at each other in horror then ran over to her. She was just sitting there coloring in her new coloring book when this happened! Yes, this is real and it IS happening to even children out here! These are most definitely "The End Days" we are in RIGHT NOW...may God be with us all. Blessings egy
Hi Tracy just read your testimony, it is so sick I have had the burning, gangstalked, sabotaged home and work, radiation attacks, poisoned you name it I have been through it like many others. The burning, v2k it is all through towers that they can emit the frequencies directly to the target they set up your home and car with devices attached so the access is direct....if you can google Barrie Trower he explains stuff too about radiation beams.....there are so many of us going through this holocaust but we need to stay focused and I connect with God (yahweh) my strength is amazing since I saw how real he is .....there is so much now that is being exposed that it is going to back fire and these criminals will be seeing their time whether with the system where is is all corrupt or more to the point it will be Gods Wrath that will destroy every last one of them that are behind these tortures.........Where or what country are you Tracy?
Hi Tracy just read your post and yes sick so sick, I just sent a message here and it disappeared.....don't tell me they are sabotaging this site????? I have had the burning on my face and body from the Direct Energy WEapons, it is the towers that they can emit the fequencies and direct it to your home and car there has to be a device that they attach for it to be directed to you......even tracking chips if you go on John Finchs /Paul Baird explains a Barrie Trower. They will be destroyed by Gods Yahwey is not long now as we are in tribulation these are the signs of the end times and God protect all of us Tis and bring down the war warriors to fight these creatures behind these inhumane acts on his children....this is too big for us that is why we need to lean on our REAL God (Yahweh) to fight this battle for us....God Bless to you all ......what part of the world are you Tracy? Now lets see if this goes through?????
I agree with Denise and Carrin. It is now being exposed. It won't be long.