A while back, I was approached by one of Peacepink members to assist in advocacy work for the purpose of getting media attention for TI's.  What follows is a 'letter' that I've written and have begun submitting to the United Nations, UCLA, foreign dignitaries, the American Bar Association - International Division, Codepink, government advocacy groups and organizations.  I am using Peacepink member, Mr. John Finch's email list (with his permission).  Thus far, I have submitted this 'letter' to perhaps 50 individuals.  I'm here to help in any way that I can.  If you missed seeing my previous Peacepink 'Discussion,' I posted information about an infrared test you can take that may help determine, once and for all, if you've been CHIPPED.  I've included that info at the end of the linked blog piece below.  Take care.  ~Debra (djgTheMediaLady)~


This is an excerpt from my letter--

"...However, more troubling applications of this science DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS-- and for the reason I'm researching this phenomenon-- appears to include, the specific targeting of human beings (e.g., targeted individuals, or TI’s), and unknowingly.  These are persons who are suspected of posing a level of threat—real or imagined-- to governments and perhaps to corporations.  In fact, I personally know someone I believe to have been victimized by this directed energy; therefore, I have a vested interest for which I advocate.  Help for TI's is at the end of this piece.  Know for a fact if you've been CHIPPED.  [READ MORE]

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  • Debra,  Paul Baird is the author/writer of the articles www.surveillanceissues.com.  He is from Australia.  His contact details in www.surveillanceissues.com is not updated.  I do not know if he’s been a member of Peacepink.  If you want to contact or get in touch with Paul Baird,  John Finch has Paul Baird’s updated direct contact information.  You could request John Finch in his email tijohnfinch@gmail.com

    Thank you for the information about Soleilmavis.  I understand that Soleilmavis posted a blog in Peacepink titled, “Twelve Years in the Grave, ........”, which is the title of her book just recently dated 23 January 2014 .  I am not a member of Linkedln.com, I don’t think I can message there.

    djgTheMediaLady said:

    Lyn:  Will you put me in touch with Paul Baird?  I searched for his name here at Peacepink and found no matching results.  Also, please be reminded that Soleilmavis is experiencing 'internet banning' and can't even view Peacepink. Interestingly however, she can see messages at LinkedIn.com and no where else.  So stay in touch with her there.  ~Debra

    Lyn said:

    Thanks Debra.  I strongly agree with you that some TIs were targeted because they were assumed to be threats to gov’t  or organisations among which whistleblowers, political and human rights activists, human rights and animal rights supporters and defenders,  such as Paul Baird, John Finch, and myself.  In my case, I had some written complaints made to the ministers of the departments  in this country regarding their services and anomalies of their contract services providers.  They were also scared that I could take civil lawsuit especially they knew that I have a background in law/legal, and understand my civil rights and legalities.  I am also a member/supporter/defender of Amnesty International Australia,  EarthRights  International, ACLU, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Walk Free  Movement to End Slavery, Greenpeace,  International Fund for Animal Welfare , Animal Welfare League,  World Wildlife Fund, and The Nature Conservancy to name a few.

    Thanks for your involvement and help.  Hope they hear you.

  • Hi Debra:

    I am new to the site. I am trying to read your letter but was unable to locate it. Also I was wondering if you could read the letter that I sent to a few organizations as well as people mentioned on Paul Baird's website, and give me some feedback. Please message me with your email, or I can give you mine. In fact, I think that I have already done that, please check your friend's request list. Thank you

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