PLEASE read what I wrote, I did not mean to offend you in the slightest way. I could have wrote that I believe and understand everything that you are going through, but I do not.

I am not living it, just as you are not experiencing v2k yet, by your own admission. I do not blame my loved ones for not understanding what I am experiencing, and you should not blame me for not understanding you. My honesty should not offend you. This site is to help people, and while there may be trolls out there, I am not one of them. I have written numerous posts because I know they help people, as they have helped me. 

I have no scare tactics whatsoever and simply try to help people. I promise you I would not have wrote with any other intension, I KNOW how difficult this is - I have fought long and hard to get to where I am at...

Your response is very important to me - what you posted saying in response to me did not sit well with me. I want to know that you understand I did not write what I wrote with any other intention than helping you. 

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  • Nick, Logic is the answer! When a TI says a strange person 'hears' the TIs thoughts, we must ask oursleves; If that person just hear my thought, how does that person go about processing my thought? Did he expect that he might hear my thoughts because he was in my vicinity? That would mean he knows who I am. How would he know who I am? Would he later go home and say to his loved ones, "I heard a TIS thoughts at the store today." When we try to make sense out of someone 'hearing' our thoughts, we come up with a lot of unanswered questions that point to the idea of others reading our thoughts as not supported by surrounding evidences.

    I mean if everyone heard your thoughts, how do they go about their own lives? If you look around at people, they are going about their own lives, WITHOUT any thought to YOU. If you hear them talk about you, it is not really them, it is the perps. Do you STILL say , "No Al, it IS the people," Then I would say to you,"NO, the fact that you still think it is the people is PROOF of how powerfully deceptive the perps are."

  • Big Al, my words came out wrong...I tried to edit my post but maybe it didn't go through. I have 100% fallen for many illusions before and have fallen for v2k. I am simply saying I haven't been in the room with person that I believed was speaking to me and it later to be proved I was fooled. The person I believe is the perp I had that encounter with but only him. And while you and others may not be convinced it's not him, it hasn't been proven it ISNT him either. I am not foolish enough to think I know everything or will never fall for their games again, but the games get smaller and smaller. It went from me doing things I would have never done to me simply thinking about things...they are being defeated slowly and surely.

    I went from hating the invasion of privacy to thinking at how pathetic is that another person chooses to listen someone go to the bathroom, have sex, etc...that falls on his shoulders not mine. Their are obsessed with someone else's life...

    The whole point of this torture is to destroy a persons life - their ultimate goal being suicide, as nothing could be a stronger testimate to their "ruining" your life than you deciding to take your life in escape, and them getting the enjoyment of having "you" do it for them. Their arrogance is already out of this world, but imagine how much more they would think of themselves if someone gave up over them.

    I laugh at my perp, and tell him that he actually believed that he was going to get another human being to end this life over him running his mouth? I wouldn't jump of a cliff if someone told me to, why would I even consider ending my life over this? Be strong, be proud of the fact you have the strength and respect to live through this...
  • I have come up with logic over the past few days that I wanted to may have already arrived at these conclusions, if you agree...

    While I thought for a while that those doing this have a choice and that they decided and are currently deciding to not "out" this corrupt technology/ torture, I don't think that is logical anymore. They blatantly chose to do this, my perp chose to pick me, they used their free will do do this and act out this v2k for their own enjoyment, I believe. But to think that my perp has the option of telling all about what is being done, about "flipping" or being a spy to stop this isn't very logical. There has to be compartmentalizations - if that's the right word...whereas the lower workers do not know exactly how things work, etc...

    Just as an organized crime network (as this essentially is) wouldn't tell their low level workers the most top secret information, the low level perps in this v2k probably don't know what is actually happening and how it accomplished. Even if they were tested for hours and hours, etc...and those in power knew they loved and believed in this Evil, there would still be no safeguard against them changing their mind later on...

    It is their choice to be what they are, no one is making them do v2k all day long, no one made them use others as props and victims...but I do not really think that they even have the capability to out this technology, even if they wanted to.
    What do you think?
  • Also, I have been thinking about the mindset of the people involved in this, especially the low level perps...

    They are proud of the fact that they belong to an exclusive group, yet that group is of psychopathic creeps...who exist on pure evil and hatred. Would a meth head be proud to belong to a relatively exclusive group? In contrast to the general population, very few people are addicted to meth...logically, No, they would/ should be ashamed that they need this to survive when normal people don't. Yet these perps are proud of it...would a rapist be proud that they belong to a group of people with low enough morals and respect to do that to people? That is pathetic logic...but that is how they think.

    I also think that reaching out to each other and communicating our own discoveries, and thought processes is very for 1) it allows for others to open their minds and see different views on expanding what we hold to be true. Me listening to another person logically work through the logic of the person doing this to them allows for me to better understand it. But 2) it makes for the perps and those responsible/ acting out this torture to hear/ listen to what we have to say.

    Although my perp or those listening do not directly respond to what is being said, (there is not a dialogue like in a regular conversation) they are still processing the information...ex: me breaking down how truly unhappy my perp is shakes him at his core (even if he doesn't show it/ react). The notion that these people are truly miserable deep down and that is why they aim to hurt/ destroy others is a fact. The main reason that they enjoy this is because they know how terrible it would be to happen to them...

    To expand on that, my reading another's logical conclusions means that my perp is hearing this critical thought that he/ they want to avoid at all costs. You reading me breaking something down, allows for not only you to process it and perhaps helps you but also makes your perp learn/ uncover things about their acts/ themselves they do not want to hear

    They want to dumb us the opposite -- continue to grow and think critically about things. They cannot understand the most basic truths about life: that being happy is a choice, that it cannot be attached to 1 thing or person, that you have to make it yourself, within yourself...
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