Conjecture on how the microwaves are transmitted and the bio frequencies are read and retransmitted
Russian army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that "psy" weapons are under development all over the globe. Specific types of weapons noted by Chernishev (not all of which have prototypes) were: A psychotronic generator, which produces a powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lamps....
Another more ingenious method of creating a ground bases system to transfer microwaves to human antenna for the purposes of remote surveillance and control is the ubiquitous cell phone system. Without government oversight the public has financed the growth of the microwave network that is used to remotely survey what they are doing, control their feelings, emotions, movements, thoughts and behaviors. Unfortunately from what I have learned they all transmit with EPA recommendations. The only way to expose them in my belief is to extract live tissue or examine a live person under high speed infra red camera to detect their presence is to examine the polymorphic organism know as morgellons.
Polymorphism Biology is the occurrence of different forms, stages, or types in individual organisms or in organisms of the same species, independent of sexual variations.
The symptoms of morgellons is listed here
The major characteristics are legions, crawling sensation and the feeling of pins and needles in the skin. It is my believe that morgellons uses these different morphs to contaminate the body. It is also my contention that morgellons biology is polymorphic depending on the intensity and type of microwaves it receives.
Once the moregellons has worked its way over the face and scalp the back of the neck (the central nervous system) and the throat it can be use for sub vocalization sensing and sent back to computers to process. In addition with certain power and frequency modulations it can be used to create a microwave action auditory effect. The most sinister of options available is for the morgellons to transfer microwaves into ions specific to nerve cells to raise action potential and in combination with fast sub vocalized commands this and Brian Pattern Recognition through the eyes direct every motion, emotion and sexual response a person has. Even worse it can be used to stop the cardio vascular system, the pulmonary system, cause reverse Peristalsis to choke a person in their sleep and interfere with their driving.
'Horrifying' Morgellons Ends
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