Just wondering if all of you face the same problem with constant threats to your income.  I work in a country where there is no dole, so we HAVE to make money to survive . On practically a daily and nightly basis, I am CONSTANTLY faced with threats by my perps to my income, despite the fact that I earn on a commission basis only.  At the end of May, one of my candidates was offered a role, which he accepted on the Friday, and I was overjoyed, because this would have meant R120 000.00 into my bank account, which meant everything to me, however my perps reminded me that they had promised that this deal (as with all other deals since 2012, would NOT go through, and that they would do whatever it takes to ensure I earned NOTHING, IF THEY HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT.  On the Monday morning, my perps came to me in a very SMUG manner to inform me 5 minutes before I received communication from my candidate, that the deal was off, they connected their brain to mine, in the most sadistic manner imaginable, to tell me how happy they suddenly were!! It turned out that they must have used every mind control technique imaginable to change my candidates mind, and that they must have been watching him in the 5 minutes before he sent us communication via his cell phone, where he communicated that he had decided over the weekend to decline the job offer made to him, for one that would pay him much less per anum.

I was shocked, and extremely disappointed, I sobbed for at least an hour, as it meant that I have not earned a cent of income into my bank account from all the work I have put into these placements, apart from the fact that for 2015, I earned less than the minimum wage from my placements, due to their interference.

They have interfered with my income to the point where they have blocked in the region of 3 quarters of a million rand into my account over the last 6 years.  This week again, when one of my candidates went for a job interview, they deliberately connected into my brain again, and severely tortured me for the entire hour of the interview, letting me know in NO uncertain terms, that they  were out ‘to get me again’

Today, while I took a break from working, to go to the toilet, I was reminded in the toilet, that my colleague, that I work with, is ‘fed up’ with me, as I’m not bringing in money.

This means that they are violating the right to privacy of corporate clients, my candidates and my colleagues, which means that no companies or individuals out there have ANY right to privacy, as their business dealings are being interfered with as well as mine.  What does this mean for the economies of our countries, why should my candidates fail to get jobs that would make a massive difference to their incomes, and why should I be denied the right to earn a decent income?  I am a law abiding citizen of my country, South Africa, so why are they so determined to destroy me, to make me lose everything I’ve built up over my entire lifetime.

This they do to me, while reminding me, that they are using the money THEY EARN from destroying MY LIFE, to take out investments for THEMSELVES INSTEAD.

It is the heart and soul of evil that is working against every single genuine TI, this is what we have to come to terms with, and we have to fight them with the heart and soul of GOD ALMIGHTY, it is the only way to WIN, and WIN WE WILL!!

God Bless to all my friends and fellow warriors on this site, and to all genuine TI’s around the world. 

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