as seen on
There are stages in the Targeted Individuals life, but the best way to convince oneself on what is targeting you and how, is to try different methods that will diminsh the force of the technology. If somehting doesn't help, it basically means that you are "targeted" with something else and not what you previously thought. If your primarly care about your health and a higher life quality - do not be to stubborn.
First, let me introduce for you a few concepts:
- ICT Implants: Implants in the human body that can communicate two-way with a computer. ICT stands for information - communication technology. They are used in medicine for several diseases - for example to monitor a patient's heart health. They can also be used to torture a person. Today, they are very small, as small as a blood cell, but very powerful. They are remote controlled. They can be inserted in the blood though an injection and later remotely directed to another part of the body, for example the brain.
- Mind Uploading: Gathering biological information that is uploaded in real time or almost in real time into a super computer. It is done with implants. It basically creates a copy of the human being in a computer. Other names: Reverse Engineering the Brain; Brain Simulation and Brain Emulation. A brain simulation is expected to be a bit like the human brain while a brain emulation is supposed to be an exact copy. Due to brains ability to constantly change and heal and evolve, the Brain Emulation concept seems to have dissapeared from the goals that some scientists hope to achieve. In stead, Brain Simulation seems to be used more often again.
- Mind Download: Download of your own or somebody elses experiences into the mind. They are more real then reality itself. Intuitively you know that it's not your own experience when they download somebody elses experience into your mind.
- Microwave weapons: Weapons that use microwave to torment people. The problem with their use raises questions. Even if many TIs believe in them, one must ask oneself why and how they can target a single person in a crowd with such a precision. Why don't microwaves kill plants in the environment? Why is a TI hit in a room while the others are uneffected?
- Non-lethal weapons: Often, when you see them, they are a bit too big to hide in the next room of your apartment. Too little evidence is that they can be used in large scale on TIs.
- Remote Neural Monitoring: The belief that the brain is like a finger print and can be picked up by satellites and that it is used in stead of implants. The only evidence is a cout case by a guy called Akey in a case against the NSA. There is no other evidence and who this guy is and what happened, is unclear. Do not be so sure that it is real or that this guy really exists.
- Voice to skull (V2K): This is what TI call the synthethic telepathy that is loud and what somebody might call "voices". Some TI experience it as one's "inner voice" and their mind are not putting an actual voice onto it. It is still disturbing though, cause the individual just can't stop thinking. All from monotonuous repetition to a preoccupation with answering what the TI think are his own thoughts: for example, "What am I gonig to do if this happens?", and "But what if that happens?" and "What if the third alternative happens?". This technology will turn you your brain, into a cell phone.
- Gang stalking: The individuals that appear in groups are what one might call "professional stalkers" and not necessarily the ordinary people that stalk you. They do spread rumours though and when an agent of power is involved in this: police, social workers, secret police etc, their credibility is higher. It's almost impossible to get away from it. Do not immediately think though that your neighbors or family members are in it.
Sometimes we decide for an explanation. Naturally we use different kind of methods to shield. Often, it helps a bit in the beginning, but later it doesn't. We then think that they increase the frequency. If they so did, it would target thouse around us better but then again, most of us, live alone. Try different methods not only one, cause you think that you know what helps you.
What helps though everyone? The best defense is your own chemistry and your will.
- Listen to music that creates a vibration. If you are programmed while sleeping, try to listen to music with a beat or a base (example hip hop) when you sleep or when you want to relax.
- Take supplements of vitamins and minerals. An important mineral that we might not talk much about is selen. Another one, if you have a lot of emotional imbalance and also experience weight gain, is iodine (don't forget your salt).
- Sports. Walk at least 30 minutes a day. It will strenghen your blood brain barrier. The blood brain barrier is permeable when we are tormented, bullied, go through traumas, and when we are attacked physically.
- Learn to concentrate and to focuse. Meditate. Learn to ask your subcounscious to give you insights about how to make your life better. It might sound a bit new age, but it works.
- Achieve goals that are more important then the stalking and your fears. Try 10 times if they try to make it difficult for you.
- Let go of the things that you are constantly trying to protect and accept yourself.
- Remember that gang stalkers are just gang stalkers. If you have to face them, confront the thing that happens right there, and not the whole mind control issue in one minute.
- Try to restore the bodies PH-balance. An acid environemnt makes you an easier target then a PH-Neutral. Try bicarbonate.
- Any health issue that you migh experience, read about that one, and strenghen it by eating the right food or take the right supplements.
- Use apple cider vinager, take melatonine, and detox your body. Many symptoms are created by too much free radicals in the body that can create head aches and brain fog. Melatonine and Apple cider vinager are good for health but also powerful substances for detox. Drink extra strong Green Tea for problems you might have with fatigue. For thyroid problems take selen supplements or eat all types of nuts.
- Relax and eat no sugar and very little carbs in general. Implants get their energy source from the body's own electricity and are also fueld by carbs. They are responsable mostly for the effects on the body and not microwave weapons (that are rather sensations triggered by hypnotical triggers).When you feel under attack try to relax and take melatonine in stead of trying to "resist" the attacks. You'll see the difference. Melatonine can make you sleepy in the beginning. When you detox you might also feel sleepy. It's just because the lymphatic system is at work, so don't try to fight it.
- The better you take care of your health the longer you live. The more effort you put into handling the targeting the better you manage to function.
Thanks a million, some very clear definitions and very precious advice.