People please think clearly on this no one person or group of people have the time or resources to mind read and cyber-stalk your brain 24-hours a day. Please read MKULTRA and the Milgram experiment. What you see as harassment is called black psychology and the goal of mind control isn't to read thoughts it's to control your behavior the last time this experiment took place it was funded by the CIA which currently has an annual budget of $14 billion dollars. These experiments were performed on Canadians and Americans. The psychology is the same the technology being used has advanced. Some of the theories behind this technology have been around since the 40's . Heddy Lammar actress and mathematician  discovered the tech we now use in blue tooth in 1941. The cost to produce the technology used and the ability to miniaturize it has been here. Your $50 cell phone has more power and memory than a computer that took up the size of a room about fifty years ago.

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  • The actor messed up he gave me a false name and occupation but gave me his real phone number.

  • David my point is a lot of people think their neighbors or co-workers are doing this to harass them. What I'm trying to say is that it is being funded and there is a purpose to this it's not random. It's not people who somehow got ahold of technology and just do this to people 24/7 for fun. Read those experiments, what is the goal of mind control. To get someone to do something they wouldn't normally do. When I read everybody's story what I read is a tried and true method of interrogation and torture right out of a CIA manual. They use black psychology and pain to break you down then do the whole thing about faults to appear superior then the nice to then mean to you this process has been used by the intelligence community for generations. So I'm supposed to believe that someone's neighbor or co-worker got ahold of technology the government supposedly doesn't have yet is trained in behavioral science and black psychology and has viewed all the MKULTRA experiments bought by the USA during WWII under Operation Paperclip and has unlimited resources to do this for fun? Or does it make more sense that the CIA who gets $14 billion annually who has already gotten in trouble for MKULTRA and experimenting on people in general would have early access to technology by funding scientists experiments which we all know most scientists are able to do projects because of federal funding is behind this.  The reason for mind control... A very famous subject was Ted Kozinski the Uni-bomber but when he bombed innocent people not one news station mentioned that he was a CIA mind control test subject the only thing said was that he was a domestic terrorist and we needed to dump more tax dollars into protecting America. You tell me in the instance of Ted Kozinski did the government create  it's own problem to fix.

  • I see your point. WEll put.

  • I find Both Deep thought and Olssen have some real good ideas. I definitely disagree with some ideas, like the way both of them believe in the prevalence of chip technology. Although it may be used on some, I think the tech used most often should get the most attention., for the most people are affected by it.

  • Another item to consider is that sometimes this program will infiltrate the entire neighborhood, moving the old neighbors out and replacing them with operatives (some say they are operatives in training, not sure about this). I have even seen them use 5 year old kids to trespass onto my backyard while the adults remain just outside the property line. When possible, I try to take pics, but they rotate crews a lot so I don't always see the same people.
  • I have read this somewhere, about the neighbourhood and gangstalking:

    Probably no operatives in your neighbourhood, its all mind controll :))

    you, them, everyone :)) all in different way, everyone has his own role in the experiment, its kind of a standard scheme that they use almost every time.

    And all that gangstalking crap that everyone mention is 99% psychosis (1% possibility for "operatives" that has job to trigger, induce and sustain the panic to help the system better infiltrate your mind).

    The system itself works on psychosis, once you are hooked your mind's interference with it causes psychosis, thats how it learns, thats how it will make you sound insane, and few other reasons...

    Ignore everything, dont pay attention, like its not happening, keep your brain activity down and dont get angry or upset.

    They will use kids, they will use anyone and anything, noone will know, noone can proove, basicly it doesnt exist and they can do anything.

    The best way to deal with it is to try to ignore it and forget about it.
    TI in Florida said:

    Another item to consider is that sometimes this program will infiltrate the entire neighborhood, moving the old neighbors out and replacing them with operatives (some say they are operatives in training, not sure about this). I have even seen them use 5 year old kids to trespass onto my backyard while the adults remain just outside the property line. When possible, I try to take pics, but they rotate crews a lot so I don't always see the same people.
  • Full Name, the perps can do many things to create either Gang stalking, fo gang stalking, and illusion of gang stalking. To the first)

    I was involved with the mob. I signed a contract that the mob could sell me through technology. I didnt understand the extent in which they meant. I do think I was being monitored by mind machine before this contract, but the contract served as a means to draw others into the game by their own initiative. They would say,"Well David idi it. NOws hes a celebrity. YOu sign this contract to join the GAME on Davids team, and YOu will be a celebrity too." SO in my experience, real people were knowingly involved. This is frightening to me because these people have likely had to fend for themselves as I broke down unders the stress of the game over time. Those who 'volunteered for the game' are likely now TIs being tortured...or their dead. I know of at least one who is dead, and several who are in prison. During this time I had experienced gangs of people stalking me. I mean real gangs with names and symbols and shit. But I was worth too much in the game,  and understood enough of the political game to get through and even befriend the enemy. This is my experience with REAL time gang stalking. The people KNOW what they do.

    As to FO gang stalking) this is my experience. The perps can mind control people to say things to  you that you KNOw are about you. LIke they can say exactly what you just thought. Or they seem to know what you think. They may respond in a way to support an idea you have. Like if you blame a neighbor for your EH, a different neighbor can be made to say, 'Isnt that crappy what george does to you? You should do something back to him." All the while the guy is being mind controlled into saying this and if you ask him later, he will have no recollection of saying it. This if FO( or fake) gang stalking because the people being used are truly innocent and DONT know they are involved.

    AS to illusion of gang stalking this I experienced: The perps can take the sound of a persons voice AFTER it enters your head, and change it. SO you hear the persons sounds, but the words are the words of the perp. Any one around will hear the person who spoke's actual words as well as voice. Only YOU hear the perps words with the persons voice. SO as I would walk around in the big city, I would seemingly 'hear' them talk about time. I believed for four years that EVERYONE could hear me speak. These people were not talking about tme at all, but their voice sounds were used with the perps words when they manipulated it inside my brain. After a while, I noticed that sometimes a persons mouth wouldnt match up with things they said. THen I heard mu neighbors call me names, so I went to confront them, they werent home. I proved they werent home because I waited for them to get home. THis happened many times. The perps sold me to a group that didnt cover their tracks as well. They made mistakes that were observable. Here these people were NOT INVOLVED AT ALL, but rather the perps just used v2k without involving others at all.

    SO YOu see, there are different ways the perps create the 'gang stalking' episodes. There are different levels of mind fuck. IT took me years to get where I am. They no longer use these tricks because I uncovered them. I have two suicide attempts under my belt as a result of being deceived by the perps. I wish that those who read this understand and avoid being deceived. BUt reality is that most TI will not listen for all they see is the Illusion. They may never get this mastery over the perps. It is sad. Those who do need to be extra patient with the deceived. THere may soon come a day when NO ONE will have to test reality for what is true...we will just know. And it will be good.

    Oh, there is a fourth type of gang stalking and I believe it to be very prevalent. Psychosis. Ture schizophrenic stuff. I dont address it much because the word is the plague amonge TIs, and understandably so. But, one of the saddest days I see for me is the day that EH is uncoverd and proven. Th ereall TIs will get to be free! The schizophrenic will believe he is still being a TI, and he will feel abandoned because WE ture TI s will be free, but they will be captive. They will not accept their mental disorder, they will see us as traitors.

    FULL NAME said:

    I have read this somewhere, about the neighbourhood and gangstalking:

    Probably no operatives in your neighbourhood, its all mind controll :))

    you, them, everyone :)) all in different way, everyone has his own role in the experiment, its kind of a standard scheme that they use almost every time.

    And all that gangstalking crap that everyone mention is 99% psychosis (1% possibility for "operatives" that has job to trigger, induce and sustain the panic to help the system better infiltrate your mind).

    The system itself works on psychosis, once you are hooked your mind's interference with it causes psychosis, thats how it learns, thats how it will make you sound insane, and few other reasons...

    Ignore everything, dont pay attention, like its not happening, keep your brain activity down and dont get angry or upset.

    They will use kids, they will use anyone and anything, noone will know, noone can proove, basicly it doesnt exist and they can do anything.

    The best way to deal with it is to try to ignore it and forget about it.
    TI in Florida said:

    Another item to consider is that sometimes this program will infiltrate the entire neighborhood, moving the old neighbors out and replacing them with operatives (some say they are operatives in training, not sure about this). I have even seen them use 5 year old kids to trespass onto my backyard while the adults remain just outside the property line. When possible, I try to take pics, but they rotate crews a lot so I don't always see the same people.
  • Sue I agree mostly with David and Brendon I have been told they are aborting my unborn children because I am Catholic against abortion and was trying to conceive. They have spent many years learning who we are to push just the right buttons it is tailored to what would most hurt horrify and enrage us. I am telling all of you we must start to agree on who it is and what exactly is going on so we can seek legal remedy.  We are all being told different organizations so that first off we cannot agree on what is going on or who is doing it. It is the CIA they are the agency that deals in any experimentation the NSA doesn't deal with that aspect of the American government (please read my post on CIA spyware used in mind control experiment) as well the CIA funded the last series of mind control experiments and was key in "operation paperclip" which was America acquiring all of Nazi Germany's experiments and scientists which included the "MK" mind control projects and building on them. The NSA just isn't doing anything about it and wouldn't unless it threatened national security.  The illuminati and NWO are shadowy  non- governmental secret society figures who may actually be secretly funding the CIA's socialist experiment as the CIA has always had ties to socialists and communist society (which many documentaries and literature states) but being that they are that secret with no REAL proof to who is involved leading or funding a secret society then there is no legal recourse for us to seek. I am positive it is the CIA (know your government agencies and what their role is) and we can assert that they immediately cease and desist this action against us and that we will be seeking damages....period. It is the CIA we can stop them and we can sue for damages but we must all be of one mind on this and that is something they do not want.  ----


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