does exist any ? which one give me a normal view _ not radar , not uwb,ttsw , not vi-wi
just want get a normal view _ do i wil find any in stock market ?
lexid ? is it avaiable _ (or it died as prototype? )
symbian phone OS - havent android_________download an EMP detector
stupid question _ is there any cams ( in shops _ for normal customers ) that allow me 2 view/sees through wall ( get a normal view ( no radrs ) ? coz i cound find any : /
Hey there' I know what's going on with you' when it first started happening to me I thought similar' now I know what is going on ..its gang stalkers and they are in your mind through a program that translates your thoughts so they u derstand where you are' I remember the first times they banged upstairs in sync with me trying to make me feel guilty with a camcorder'''i just saw a girl and they acted like I was some there in your mind'''know it'''all stalkers are in your mind' with me the whole town in in myr mind..what else is happening to you? I've been dealing with false allegations for a long to time. I know most mind controllers know of me' as someone who may have thought of a way to actually time travel' so I may be able to help---understand they are powerful and mmean and will never give in' but I fight them. Its not the most healthy but u may gain some respect for yourself know you are much more than them. They get Off on hurting you. Anyone suffering is strong' they couldn't do it and are not doing it. Its admirable to feel pain when no one else is you'll grow strong. I know our I innocent. Be strong.
Edward I believe what Jimoe Schmoe said. I live in a house, that has sheet metal roofing. Sometimes after I went to sleep, I was hearing clearly that somebody was walking on the roof. However on winter, I checked the roof, and there were no any footprints on snow on the roof.
Similarly as perps are very good morphing voice so that we recognize it as somebody we know - as well they can fool the ear on noise that seem to come somewhere, when in reality it is produced electronically on our head.