talk to ur handlers like people
and express your want to communicate and see what the greater good of mind control is//were all human
be funny be human..
know not all know even why thjere there preciceley
and all the higherups have done..
use this.
we all inside have goodness
we all want to do good somehow..
discuss the reasons there there
i know human is always human.
but some beleive differently but beleifs are that
if u can help the perps become more spiritual and can show them
that money and power are nothing compared to a enlightened beeing where true happiness or the pursuit becomes the only reason to show thru ur thooughts a deep desire to help the human them other victims show them other gov coverups other cia killings...
work on a world problem with them..
use it positiveley if u can
take control in ur rights
they i feel may be differrenrt so different
that their beleifs are them...human instict and human goodness
start with the fact that a human is good until you give him reason to go against or in confusion blindly use his instincts...
i know that this is something that will be known soon
i know they are paranoid and are comfortable in their power
i beleive people are good innateley.
I feel sad where my thoughts cant express
as its not known or beleived
until we proof good nature
which is innate.
violence wont stop
if we know innate goodness anc instinct is innate
i trust in it'
in kindness to others
in listening'
humility in matters that involve us all
self importance is keeping a world from beeing here
if we trust man
figure out who is untrusting or not having good thoughts towarc others
alters could be families
could bring us closer
make us all happy in trust
if leafde3rs are forcved to be good natured
peace is possible
than we can unite
build spa eships
and use stars
get resource from a star
i know we all are moving forward
but we ti's have more power to question
to proove to see how humans are
to bring change to be strong
to be leaders
if controllers change spiritually
become knowledgeable to change
tto trust good nature
one gov man can have it all
if he use goodnature to proove
the end of mindcontrol