Dear Prime Minister of Canada:
Fax and email
Topic: Disclosure of the evidence to the Prime Minister of Canada Re. a torture case
through the use of non-lethal weapons, gang-stalking, and acts of serious
violation of human right.
I am now providing you with some pieces of evidence regarding how 41 police division fabricated my information in their report and memo and how 41 division internationally delivered the wrong information to the third involved party, and how some involved parties tried to their best to stop me from standing up for my human right.
After consulting my family doctor several times, I reported to 41 police division about my up-stairs first gang-stalker with my family doctor’s judgement and advice. From Mr. Alan ‘s memo of 41 division, only one involved police officer, he stated: “ Other than the rays, he seemed quite normal.” However, in his report to his supervision unit, he stated: “The subject appeared to be quite disturbed.” One is his memo. One is his report afterwards. Obviously, he was fabricating.
After I reported to 41 police division about my up-stairs first gang-stalker, Mr. Alan delivered the wrong information to The Scarborough Hospital about the first gang-stalker. He told TSH that my up-stairs single neighbour was female. Actually, my up neighbour was a singled male. In addition, My wife and I fond that this gang-stalker wearing a full face of faked beard in the early morning of winter. Except his lips, nose and eyes, his whole face was covered by this faked beard. Moreover, the superintendent, of this apartment, Mr. Rob, said to me: “ I also felt he is strange.”
My request for the access to the my entire information kept by Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services was denied by the following strange excuse:
“ Section 65(6) states that the Act does not apply to records, collected, prepared,
maintained or used by or on behalf of a ministry or agency…..
There are so many lies, conflicts in the evidence I colleted from the involved parties with 4 year. From the evidence, I, as a civilian, even can find that every statement they made is a lie. Another example from The Scarborough Hospital, due to the inducement from 41 police division, TSH refused to provide me with my entire medical record and even stated: Destroying the original part of my medial record is its regular and legal practices. TSH even fabricated and falsified my medical report regardless of the fact like that: He was examined at our campus by the professionals of Mobile Crisis. Each person with basic knowledge must understand what Mobile Crisis means. More seriously, TSH had a social worker conduct mental status exam, assessment, and make an official diagnose in my home without “informed consent” from me. Please see the literature from authorized mental health organization of Canada, CAMH:
General practitioners, psychiatrists and psychologists are the only health care providers
who can give an official diagnosis.
The above is only a very, very small fraction of the evidence I collected from the involved parties. Thank you for taking time to read it.
Best regards,
Robin Yan
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