i have researched both the government and the millitary but does anyone think that this technology can be used by the public on people for revenge or paybacks or even entertainment? i am from denver colorado and i am being harassed daily but i dont feel its the gov./mil. the people harassing me seem to be civillians, has anyone heard of something like this or believe it to be true? its been going on for five years and at times it is like new people every so often. but definatly a group of people. they constantly put me down and judge me and awlways hate me, even to the point of wanting me to die. its a 24/7 thing. any help or advice would be helpful.
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no, the things that they are saying is and always planning, i dont go anywhere to notice people, but i have learned about v2k and all that but these people do not sound like millitary or government. i want to start writing everything down but then i get caught up with everything im trying to learn how to record it, maybe some kind of digital recorder.
Nori Laver said:
Do you think they're civilians because you've noticed people hanging around you or something?
Maybe it would be helpful to just repeat what you hear into an MP3 or tape recorder until you can get something else set up. Faster than writing it down, for sure.
they use civilians. friends, family and allies. groups associated with law enforcement/govt. like AA, Narcotics Anonymous, Neighborhood Watch, and many security companies just to name a few. Also many people are socially engineered. Real people are frightened off (or otherwise driven away by lies and partial truths).
Nori Laver said:
Yep, lots of people keep a diary or a log.
Maybe it would be helpful to just repeat what you hear into an MP3 or tape recorder until you can get something else set up. Faster than writing it down, for sure.